待辦事項 #42056

Certain midi files cant be played?

啟用日期: 2021-04-22 15:24 最後更新: 2021-06-05 12:18

5 - 中
5 - 中


Some midi files can't be played with Miditrail on ios/macos. The error message is: "The file is not a standard MIDI file".

Same files can be played with other players like Timidity. Are these types of files unsupported by Miditrail?

Screenshots: https://imgur.com/a/W2Xs8pW

These midi files are also available here: http://www.karlsitretro.com/midi/SimCity%202000%20(1993).zip

Ticket History (3/7 Histories)

2021-04-22 15:24 Updated by: janih
  • New Ticket "Certain midi files cant be played?" created
2021-04-25 22:58 Updated by: yknk

Thank you for your message. I checked the files in your screenshots.

SimCity 2000 (1993).zip

The error message is "File read error". MIDITrail's bug was causing this error. I will fix the bug in next relesase.

UFO - Enemy Unknown (1994).zip, Transport Tycoon Deluxe (1995).zip

The error message is "The file is not a standard MIDI file". This files is RIFF(Resource Interchange File Format), not a SMF(Standard MIDI File). MIDITrail does not support RIFF. So, MIDITrail could not read these files.

Workaround: I opened the file by binary editor, and deleted the 20 bytes at the beginning of the file. Then MIDITrail was able to read the file.

2021-04-25 23:08 Updated by: yknk

Workaround: I opened the file by binary editor, and deleted the 20 bytes at the beginning of the file. Then MIDITrail was able to read the file.

I found a tool called rmi2mid, which may help you.

2021-05-12 05:46 Updated by: janih

Thank you! I converted the files with rmi2mid. Only issue is with Simcity 2000 etc., but that is expected at the moment.

2021-06-02 08:45 Updated by: yknk
  • SimCity 2000 (1993).zip
  • UFO - Enemy Unknown (1994).zip
  • Transport Tycoon Deluxe (1995).zip

MIDITrail can read those files.

  • MIDITrail Ver.1.3.3 for Windows
  • MIDITrail Ver.1.3.3 for macOS
  • MIDITrail Ver.1.3.4 for iOS

Please try it.

2021-06-05 05:16 Updated by: janih

I tried the new MacOs and iOS versions and all the files can be played now :) It works perfectly. Thank you for your work!

2021-06-05 12:18 Updated by: yknk
  • 狀態 Update from 開啟 to 關閉
  • 處理結果 Update from to 修正

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