待辦事項 #26338

Guitar AUTO lanes (And maybe Drum AUTO lanes)

啟用日期: 2011-09-18 13:13 最後更新: 2011-11-17 01:33

開啟 [Owner assigned]
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I think it would be useful if each Guitar (Guitar & Bass) had an own AUTO lane associated with it.

Then it could be possible to mute the playable Guitar sounds when an AUTO sound is played.
For example in a lower difficulty DTX, where at some points only every second sound is actually playable.

Right now, if the AUTO sounds are placed in SE1 or any other of those. Sounds may play at the same time, which can sound really poor.
(Especially if one of the sounds is far longer than the distance between the notes.
(Which isn't a problem if all sounds are playable, since they get muted at the next Chip.))

The same goes for Drum sounds, although probably only the Hi-hat.
Example, a Hi-hat open sound that could be muted with a Hi-hat pedal sound on AUTO would be useful in some situations.
(I know that it can be done with a combined soundfile, but then the timing when it gets muted is not at the exact moment,
and it would require a new soundfile for each duration. (e.g. mute after 16th note, after 8th note.))

But mainly my request is for the Guitar AUTO lanes.

I know that this would require a change to the DTX format itself, so it might not be done so willingly,
but this is a suggestion I had on my mind for a long time.

Ticket History (3/9 Histories)

2011-09-18 13:13 Updated by: beatme
  • New Ticket "Guitar AUTO lanes (And maybe Drum AUTO lanes)" created
2011-09-21 02:04 Updated by: yyagi
  • 類型 Update from 問題回報 to 新規機能リクエスト
  • 元件 Update from (無) to DTXMania
  • 里程碑 Update from (無) to 新機能の追加

Okay, I got what you're saying.

Is my understanding correct?

  • One "override sound" lane for Guitar (8 lanes (R, G, RG,..) are associated with 1 "override sound" lane)
  • One "override sound" lane for Bass (8 lanes (R, G, RG,..) are associated with 1 "override sound" lane)
  • One "override sound" lane for HH (2 lanes (HC, HO) are associated with 1 "override sound" lane
  • "override lane" is one of the auto sound lane (like SE1, SE2...)
  • When the chip sound is playbacked on "override sound" lane, the sound in the associated lane are muted. For example, in case the sound "override sound" for the Guitar is playbacked, the all guitar sounds are muted at once.
  • The "override lane" is very useful for DTX manipulaters because he doesn't have to generate "short sound" like "8th note HO", "16th note HO",... etc.

I agree with it. Thank you for your suggestion!

However, I'm very busy with my business now. Though I'd like to try to make test version for you, but I can do it in November or December (maybe).

2011-09-21 13:28 Updated by: None

I recommend 2 more override lanes to muted left/right cymbal (cymbal choked)

2011-09-21 13:30 Updated by: maokejackson

The above message is from me, I forgot to login.

2011-09-21 17:57 Updated by: beatme

thank you for your response.
I think your understanding is correct, but to be a little bit more clear, I prepared a DTX:

Assuming SE1 is the "Bass AUTO lane", the "ext.dtx" should sound the exact same as the "bas.dtx".
That means, soundchips in the AUTO lane should override the sounds of the associated lane (in this case: Bass), but should also be overridden by soundchips in that lane.
(That is, the sounds from the AUTO lane should also be overridden by soundchips in the associated lane (Bass), as if they were in the same lane.)

2011-09-22 02:30 Updated by: yyagi

Thanks. I added summary;

  • Not only HH, but also LC and CY, have their own override sound lane.
  • "override sound lane" and its target lane overrides chips sounds each other. (oh, I'm not aware of it. thx)

And thanks for your sample DTX, beatme.

2011-11-11 02:08 Updated by: yyagi
  • 負責人 Update from (無) to yyagi

Here is a test version; tp://yyagi.com/DTXManiaGR_test_overrwritesound.zip

Notes: TEMPORALLY I assigned "override sound lane"s like 0x84=HH, 0x85=CY, 0x86=RD, 0x87=LC, 0x88=Gt, 0x89=Bs because these lanes are editable as S24, S25, ... and S29 in DTXC025. (see tools-options-lanes and enable SE6_32 in DTXC025)

In the official version, I'll assign another lane number and it means I should modify DTXC to be able to edit these lanes.

2011-11-13 16:37 Updated by: maokejackson

I've tested HH, CY and LC so far. They work as expected.

For DTXCreator UI modification, I think the override lane can merge with normal lane, because the chips in normal lane are mutually exclusive with override lane. Then assign Shift/Alt + click to put an override chip. That will be better for overview.

2011-11-17 01:33 Updated by: yyagi

Okay. In DTXC, you want to add third related lane in HH/CY/LC/Gt/Bs ..... front chip lane, back chip lane and override chip lane.

And I should also support #23676 (Add mono/poly flag lane in HH/CY/LC/Gt/Bs/SE...) at a time. Let me think it over before I implement it to DTXC.

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