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發布 2006-11-02 00:41
xoopscube2_1 XOOPSCube_2_1_Beta_3 (7 files 隱藏)


We would like to first thank you all for the tests, reviews, and reports so far. The XOOPS Cube project team is proud to announce the release of the XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1 beta3.

This is the beta version so that it may have some bugs. Please use this version for evaluation purpose. We appreciate your feedbacks and bug reports of the beta.

For features of the XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1 beta version, please refer to this article.

*For test users*

In this release, there are big changes on module installer, uninstaller and updater. So, please install and uninstall many modules for evaluation.
Many of changelogs in this release are related to adjustment of specs. We are continue to working on bug fixes which is reported by you guys.
When we update modules, blocks (including block access rights) would be initialized. We will fix this bug in next release (in next week).

The followings are the changelog from the Beta2.


From Beta1 / Beta2
1) Overwrite all the files of previous release with all files included in the beta2 release.
2) Go to the module administration section, update the Legacy, the user and the legacyRender modules.

*Other cases (Alpha4-e or prior)*
Please refer to this article to upgrade.

This is beta release which may include some serious bugs. Please use it at your own risk.

We appreciate your experiments use and feedbacks. At this time, your comments and report really help us for future development.

Best regards,
The XOOPS Cube Project Team


- Fix a bug about page_title of Legacy_RenderSystem.
- Fix the bug that theme templates can't get $xoops_xxxxx correctly.
- Fix the bug "VIEWEMAIL checkbox" of useredit didn't display under the specific condition.
- Implement postFilter().
- Exchange Legacy_ModuleUpdater with Legacy_PhasedUpgrader.
- Fetch functions about user control event to Legacy_Utils.
- Move stylesheets about Legacy, from global css to module css.
- Adjust stylesheets of help.
- Adjust XOOPS Cube Legacy 2.1 KICK START GUIDE (Special thx daddystu!)
- Adjust SQL scanner for Cube Style.
- Fix Bug & Typo in Shade_SoapClient lib.
- Fix TYPO in Legacy_Utils::createBlockProcedure()
- Add the custom-installer spec.
- Add Legacy_ModuleInstallUtils for the custom-installer.
- Change Legacy_ModuleInstaller & Legacy_ModuleInstall action for the custom-installer
- Change Legacy_ModuleUninstaller & Legacy_ModuleUninstallAction for the custom-uninstaller
- Remove wizard type module installer on a temporary basis.