[xoops-cvslog 2355] CVS update: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class

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Minahito minah****@users*****
2006年 2月 21日 (火) 20:50:46 JST

Index: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/Legacy_AdminRenderSystem.class.php
diff -u xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/Legacy_AdminRenderSystem.class.php: xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/Legacy_AdminRenderSystem.class.php:removed
--- xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/Legacy_AdminRenderSystem.class.php:	Sun Jan 29 14:58:16 2006
+++ xoops2jp/html/modules/base/class/Legacy_AdminRenderSystem.class.php	Tue Feb 21 20:50:46 2006
@@ -1,270 +0,0 @@
-// TODO
-require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/legacyRender/kernel/Legacy_RenderSystem.class.php";
-define('LEGACY_ADMIN_RENDER_FALLBACK_URL', XOOPS_MODULE_URL . "/base/admin/theme");
-require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/class/smarty/Smarty.class.php";
- * This class extends Smarty to mediate the collision compiled file name.
- */
-class Legacy_AdminSmarty extends Smarty
-	var $mModulePrefix = null;
-	//
-	// If you don't hope to override for theme, set false.
-	//
-	var $overrideMode = true;
-	function Legacy_AdminSmarty()
-	{
-		parent::Smarty();
-		$this->compile_id = null;
-		$this->_canUpdateFromFile = true;
-		$this->compile_check = true;
-		$this->compile_dir = XOOPS_COMPILE_PATH;
-		$this->left_delimiter = "<{";
-		$this->right_delimiter = "}>";
-		$this->register_modifier("theme", "Legacy_modifier_theme");
-		$this->register_function("stylesheet", "Legacy_function_stylesheet");
-		//
-		// [TODO]
-		//  If we don't set true to the following flag, a user can not recover
-		// with deleting additional theme. But, a user should to select true or
-		// false by site_custom.ini.php.
-		//
-		$this->force_compile = false;
-	}
-	function setModulePrefix($prefix)
-	{
-		$this->mModulePrefix = $prefix;
-	}
-	function _get_auto_filename($autoBase, $autoSource = null, $auotId = null)
-	{
-		$autoSource = $this->mModulePrefix . "_admin_" . $autoSource;
-		return parent::_get_auto_filename($autoBase, $autoSource, $auotId);
-	}
-	function _fetch_resource_info(&$params)
-	{
-		$_return = false;
-		$root =& XCube_Root::getSingleton();
-		$theme = $root->mSiteConfig['Legacy']['Theme'];
-		$dirname = $this->mModulePrefix;
-		if ($dirname != null) {
-			$params['resource_base_path'] = XOOPS_THEME_PATH . "/" . $theme . "/modules/" . $dirname;
-			$params['quiet'] = true;
-			$_return = parent::_fetch_resource_info($params);
-		}
-		if (!$_return) {
-			unset ($params['resource_base_path']);
-			$params['quiet'] = false;
-			$_return = parent::_fetch_resource_info($params);
-		}
-		return $_return;
-	}
- * [TODO]
- * We depends on Legacy_RenderSystem that a add-in module defines. We must stop
- * this situation.
- */
-class Legacy_AdminRenderSystem extends Legacy_RenderSystem
-	var $mController;
-	var $mSmarty;
-	function prepare(&$controller)
-	{
-		$this->mController =& $controller;
-		$this->mSmarty=new Legacy_AdminSmarty();
-		$this->mSmarty->assign(array("xoops_url"=>XOOPS_URL,
-		                              "xoops_rootpath"=>XOOPS_ROOT_PATH,
-		                              "xoops_langcode"=>_LANGCODE,
-		                              "xoops_charset"=>_CHARSET,
-		                              "xoops_version"=>XOOPS_VERSION,
-		                              "xoops_upload_url"=>XOOPS_UPLOAD_URL));
-	}
-	function renderBlock(&$target)
-	{
-		$this->mSmarty->template_dir=XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/modules/base/admin/templates";
-		foreach($target->getAttributes() as $key=>$value) {
-			$this->mSmarty->assign($key,$value);
-		}
-		$this->mSmarty->setModulePrefix("base");
-		$result=&$this->mSmarty->fetch("blocks/".$target->getTemplateName());
-		$target->setResult($result);
-		//
-		// Reset
-		//
-		foreach($target->getAttributes() as $key=>$value) {
-			$this->mSmarty->clear_assign($key);
-		}
-	}
-	function renderTheme(&$target)
-	{
-		$this->mController->mDebugger->displayLog();
-		//
-		// Assign from attributes of the render-target.
-		//
-		foreach($target->getAttributes() as $key=>$value) {
-			$this->mSmarty->assign($key,$value);
-		}
-		$this->mSmarty->assign("currentModule",$this->mController->mModuleController->mModuleObject);
-		//
-		// Theme rendering
-		//
-		foreach($this->mBlockContents[0] as $result) {
-			$this->mSmarty->append('xoops_lblocks',$result);
-		}
-		//
-		// Check Theme or Fallback
-		//
-		$root =& XCube_Root::getSingleton();
-		$theme = $root->mSiteConfig['Legacy']['Theme'];
-		if (file_exists(XOOPS_ROOT_PATH."/themes/".$theme."/admin_theme.html")) {
-			$this->mSmarty->template_dir=XOOPS_THEME_PATH."/".$theme;
-		}
-		else {
-			$this->mSmarty->template_dir=LEGACY_ADMIN_RENDER_FALLBACK_PATH;
-		}
-		$this->mSmarty->setModulePrefix('');
-		$result=$this->mSmarty->fetch("file:admin_theme.html");
-		$target->setResult($result);
-	}
-	function renderMain(&$target)
-	{
-		//
-		// Assign from attributes of the render-target.
-		//
-		foreach($target->getAttributes() as $key=>$value) {
-			$this->mSmarty->assign($key,$value);
-		}
-		$result=null;
-		if($target->getTemplateName()) {
-			if ($target->getModuleName()) {
-				$this->mSmarty->setModulePrefix($target->getModuleName());
-				$this->mSmarty->template_dir = XOOPS_MODULE_PATH . "/" . $target->getModuleName() . "/admin/". LEGACY_ADMIN_RENDER_TEMPLATE_DIRNAME;
-			}
-			$result=$this->mSmarty->fetch("file:".$target->getTemplateName());
-		}
-		else {
-			$result=$target->getAttribute("stdout_buffer");
-		}
-		$target->setResult($result);
-	}
- * Return URL string by "overriding" rule.
- * (Now, test implement)
- * 1) Search file in specified theme directory.
- * 2) Search file in current module template directory.
- * 3) Search file in fallback theme directory.
- */
-function Legacy_modifier_theme($string)
-	$root =& XCube_Root::getSingleton();
-	$modController =& $root->mController->getModuleController();
-	$moduleObject =& $modController->getXoopsModule();
-	$theme = $root->mSiteConfig['Legacy']['Theme'];
-	if (!is_object($moduleObject)) {
-		// TODO We must remove Hard-Coding
-		$themePath = XOOPS_THEME_PATH . "/" . $theme . "/" . $string;
-		if (file_exists($themePath)) {
-			return XOOPS_THEME_URL . "/" . $theme . "/" . $string;
-		}
-		return LEGACY_ADMIN_RENDER_FALLBACK_URL . "/" . $string;
-	}
-	else {
-		$dirname = $moduleObject->getVar('dirname');
-		// TODO We must remove Hard-Coding
-		$themePath = XOOPS_THEME_PATH . "/" . $theme . "/modules/" . $dirname . "/" . $string;
-		if (file_exists($themePath)) {
-			return XOOPS_THEME_URL . "/" . $theme . "/modules/" . $dirname . "/" . $string;
-		}
-		$themePath = XOOPS_THEME_PATH . "/" . $theme . "/" . $string;
-		if (file_exists($themePath)) {
-			return XOOPS_THEME_URL . "/" . $theme . "/" . $string;
-		}
-		$modulePath = XOOPS_MODULE_PATH . "/" . $dirname . "/admin/templates/" . $string;
-		if (file_exists($modulePath)) {
-			return XOOPS_MODULE_URL . "/" . $dirname . "/admin/templates/" . $string;
-		}
-		return LEGACY_ADMIN_RENDER_FALLBACK_URL . "/" . $string;
-	}
-function Legacy_function_stylesheet($params, &$smarty)
-	$file = $params['file'];
-	$root =& XCube_Root::getSingleton();
-	$theme = $root->mSiteConfig['Legacy']['Theme'];
-	// TODO We must remove Hard-Coding
-	$themePath = XOOPS_THEME_PATH . "/" . $theme . "/" . $file;
-	if (file_exists($themePath)) {
-		$url = XOOPS_MODULE_URL . "/base/admin/css.php?theme=${theme}&amp;file=${file}";
-	}
-	else {
-		$url = XOOPS_MODULE_URL . "/base/admin/css.php?file=${file}";
-	}
-	// TEMP
-	// TODO We must return FALLBACK_URL here.
-	print '<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" media="all" href="' . $url . '" />';
\ No newline at end of file

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