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This is XeroLinux - an Arch-based Distro .
Apersonal project I am working on that I thought I would share, in case someone out there shares my passion for building Linux.
It Comes in 3 flavors, "Main/KDE Edition", "XFCE Edition" and "GNOME edition".
So if you have a beast Rig and want to experience my vision to its fullest then you can't go wrong with the "Main Edition".
If you have nVidia and want to benefit from Wayland, and you love GNOME, also you have a powerful enough config to run it, then this is the edition for you. Minimal tweaking for stability, and looks great.
On the other hand, if performance is more important to you or your rig isn't powerful enough and you still want to give XeroLinux a try, then "XFCE Edition" is the answer for you.
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-> Official site :

-> Video guide :

System Requirements

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Main (1 items )

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