討論區: 公開討論 (Thread #33863)

No more ESMol ? (2013-04-13 00:25 by dvhh #68283)


I was interested in looking at the ESMol sources, more as code reading material.
I was surprised to only see the source for NDKMol.

Is ESMol no longer developed in favor of NDKMol ? And if one is interested in looking at ESMol sources where would iit be downloadable.

Best regards


RE: No more ESMol ? (2013-09-03 17:51 by biochem_fan #70162)

Sorry, I didn't notice your message.

From http://sourceforge.jp/projects/webglmol/releases/?package_id=12638 ,
you can download source codes of ESmol 0.73.

回覆: #68283