Completion of Disclosure of Development Process for Some Projects
2023-06-28 11:58 (by maroujin)

The source code for Univalent and related projects was previously available on GitHub, but will soon be closed.

Update 29/06/2023: We won't delete the GitHub repository, but we will make the development more closed by setting protection rules.

The target repositories are:

  • calamares-settings-univalent
  • univalent
  • univalent-keyring
  • univalent-logo
  • univalent-pkgbuild
  • univalent-tools
  • uve-skel
  • wine-desktop-entries

Note that this means the development processes will become private, not the source code. In addition, you can now download the stable source code in tar.gz format from the "sources" directory of SourceForge and OSDN file storage.

Univalent Versatile Environment 專案新聞存檔