[Ultrapossum-cvs 939] demo/uml 1.16,1.17,README

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Masato Taruishi taru****@users*****
2004年 10月 19日 (火) 18:31:51 JST

RCS file: demo/uml/README,v
retrieving revision 1.16
retrieving revision 1.17
diff -u -r1.16 -r1.17
--- demo/uml/README	2004/10/19 08:51:46	1.16
+++ demo/uml/README	2004/10/19 09:31:51	1.17
@@ -18,10 +18,9 @@
-The following steps make a virtual linux which has same packages as
-your host machine.
+ The following steps make a virtual linux whose hostname is 'uml0'.
- 1) Install ultrapossum-uml package
+  1) Install ultrapossum-uml package
       ~# apt-get install user-mode-linux=2.4.20-4um-1 ultrapossum-uml
@@ -33,41 +32,33 @@
 	    deb http://snapshot.debian.net/archive pool user-mode-linux
- 2) Register a new virtual linux 'uml0' to the configuration file
+  2) Register a new virtual linux 'uml0' to the configuration file
       ~# ultrapossum-config set uml UML_HOSTS="uml0"
          ( UML_HOSTS lists the name of the hostname separated by spaces )
- 3) Create template files for host 'uml0'
+    If you want to install same packages on your host, you can set it
+    here. See 'Installing arbitary packages' section below.
-      ~# /usr/sbin/update-ultrapossum configure
+  3) Create the root file system of host 'uml' and boot it
-         If you see the following error
+      ~# dpkg-reconfigure ultrapossum-uml
+	 If you see the following error
            'E: No read permission to /dev/net/tun for daemon'
          then you need to setup tun device. See 'About tun device'
          section below.
- 4) Overwrite the template file in order to install packages on your host
-      ~# dpkg --get-selections > /etc/ultrapossum/uml/uml0/selections
- 5) Register this information to the system
-      ~# /usr/sbin/update-ultrapossum configure
- 6) Create the root file system of host 'uml' and boot it
-      ~# dpkg-reconfigure ultraopssum-uml
        You can do this manually as follows:
+         ~# /usr/sbin/update-ultrapossum configure
          ~# /usr/share/ultrapossum/module.d/uml/createrootfs.sh uml0
          ~# /usr/share/ultrapossum/module.d/uml/boot uml0
- 7) Attach the console of host 'uml0'
+  4) Attach the console of host 'uml0'
      ~# screen -r ultrapossum-uml0
@@ -98,23 +89,34 @@
        So you can login uml0 from a remote if you install telnet or
        ssh etc on the virtual host.
-  8) Stop the virtual linux
+  5) Stop the virtual linux
       ~# /etc/init.d/ultrapossum-uml stop
-************************ About tun device *********************************
+About tun device
-You need to give user 'daemon' the read/write permission of /dev/net/tun.
-This is automatically mananged if you use devfs.
+ You need to give user 'daemon' the read/write permission of /dev/net/tun.
+ This is automatically mananged if you use devfs.
-If you need to this manually, do as follows:
+ If you need to this manually, do as follows:
   ~# modprobe tun
   ~# chown daemon /dev/net/tun
+Installing arbitary packages
+ ultrapossum-uml suppports --get-selections style package selection.
+ If you want to install them, do as follows just after setting the
+ hostname into UML_HOSTS variable.
+ 1) Create template files for host 'uml0'
+      ~# /usr/sbin/update-ultrapossum configure
+ 2) Overwrite the template file in order to install packages on your host
+      ~# dpkg --get-selections > /etc/ultrapossum/uml/uml0/selections
 Have fun!

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