討論區: 公開討論 (Thread #8833)

swami (2005-09-26 21:26 by 匿名 #16721)


I have two questions:
1) What is "swami"
2) Does the timidity windows driver work on w2k?
(I have an installation error)

Thank you very much for you nice work!

回覆 #16721×

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RE: swami (2005-09-26 22:24 by skeishi #16724)

Swami is soundfont editor see following URL

If you say about the driver at https://sourceforge.jp/projects/timiditypdll/files/
, I tested with win2k. Error occur but work. Check timidity.cfg which must placed windows directory.
回覆: #16721

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RE: swami (2005-09-27 04:00 by 匿名 #16741)

Hello sKeishi!

Thank you very much for your help!
I understand now what swami is.

About the driver:
I try to right-click the "oemsetup.inf" file then choose "install". Not possible. It says "installation not possible" (translated from german). I do'nt know where the problem is. I have timidity.cfg in Windows directory. Timdity is working perfect (commandline + Win32 GUI). Any idea why the driver does not install?

Thank you!

回覆: #16721

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RE: swami (2005-09-27 10:47 by skeishi #16744)

"right-click" install is not work yet.
The driver interface of TiMidity++ driver is imported from mt32emu source.
The authoer of the mt32emu discribed as follows.
The driver is for 2000/XP only.To install the driver, use the Add Hardware Wizard in the Control Panel and add it manually. Select Sound, Video and Game controls and then manually point Windows in the directory where you extracted the zip file. Windows 2000 produces an error saying that it doesn't match your hardware, just ignore this message and point it straight at the oemsetup.inf file. Setup should continue. Windows will suggest a reboot but this isn't necessary.

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driver (2005-09-28 03:48 by 匿名 #16764)

Thank you very much! It works now :-)

Thank you very much too for your work on Timidity++. It is great!

Please can we have optional Gauss rendering in the driver?

And I noticed that the beat in my sequenzer with the driver is not stable and a little behind (slow). Will this improve in the future?

Thank you!

回覆: #16721

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RE: driver (2005-09-28 04:37 by skeishi #16765)

>Please can we have optional Gauss rendering in the driver?
You can any TiMidity++ options in timidity.cfg as follows
#extension opt -U --EFresamp=g

>Will this improve in the future?
Latency time will be changed in the "driver setup dialog" in the future.

The realtime engine reads soundfont at new note on. This needs very long time. Then beat line will be disturbed. this is a ffundamental problem will not be improved in the future.
回覆: #16764

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Gauss (2005-09-28 16:21 by 匿名 #16775)


Thank you very much for your answer!

The new driver version seems to be a little bit better regarding latency and slowlynes :-)
I understand this is a fundamental problem.

Regarding Gauss: the option you say (#extension opt -U --EFresamp=g): if I include this in my timdity.cfg, then it would be ignored, because of the "#". Am I right? I use the windows version, so maybe the sytax is different? I know the parameter for the commandline version, but not how to include it in the timidity.cfg. The only line I have now in the timidity.cfg is: "Source d:\Music\SF\SNDFONT.CFG"
How can I adjust Gauss in the Windows timidity.cfg?

Thank you for your help!


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RE: Gauss (2005-09-28 18:18 by skeishi #16779)

>if I include this in my timdity.cfg, then it would be ignored, because of the "#".

This confusional line '#extention opt' can works fine, even if which have the charactor '#'.

If you introduce bugs in this line like follows.
'#extension opt abcd'
TiMidity++ can't read timidity.cfg.

Driver version uses the same command line parser as that of commandline version, so this must work.
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extension opt (2005-09-28 23:50 by 匿名 #16794)


Thank you very much! Now I was able to include the line in the cfg file. But I added only "#extension opt -EFresamp=g".
Please note that there is only one "-", not two! It does not work with two "--" on my machine. And it does not work with -U too. It does only work, if I put each parameter on a single line, like this:
#extension opt -EFresamp=g
#extension opt -U

or if i put the "-U" after the -EFresample=g, like this:
#extension opt -EFresamp=g -U

And now timidity sounds even better! I also added "#extension opt -N 34", which makes even better sound. :-)

Thank you very much! Keep on the good work!

回覆: #16721

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new option (2005-10-04 01:59 by 匿名 #16968)


Thank you for the new option! -but:

#extension opt --rtsyn-latency=0.5
does not work for me, and
#extension opt -rtsyn-latency=0.5
does not work too.

Windows, version, timidity does not start at all.

Any help, please?

回覆: #16721

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