[Ttssh2-commit] [5849] チケット #35047 SSH サーバホスト公開鍵の自動更新

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svnno****@sourc***** svnno****@sourc*****
2015年 5月 6日 (水) 03:08:25 JST

Revision: 5849
Author:   yutakapon
Date:     2015-05-06 03:08:23 +0900 (Wed, 06 May 2015)
Log Message:
チケット #35047 SSH サーバホスト公開鍵の自動更新

・UpdateHostkeys エントリに"2"(ASK)を追加した。
・known_hosts ファイルの更新処理を追加した。

Ticket Links:

Modified Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Modified: trunk/installer/release/TERATERM.INI
--- trunk/installer/release/TERATERM.INI	2015-05-04 17:46:30 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ trunk/installer/release/TERATERM.INI	2015-05-05 18:08:23 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -833,6 +833,7 @@
 ; Host key rotation support (derived from OpenSSH 6.8)
 ;  0 ... Disabled
 ;  1 ... Enabled
+;  2 ... Enabled with User's confirmation

Modified: trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/hosts.c
--- trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/hosts.c	2015-05-04 17:46:30 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/hosts.c	2015-05-05 18:08:23 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -1231,6 +1231,103 @@
 	return result;
+static char FAR *format_specified_host_key(Key *key, char *hostname, unsigned short tcpport)
+	int host_len = strlen(hostname);
+	char *result = NULL;
+	int index;
+	ssh_keytype type = key->type;
+	switch (type) {
+	case KEY_RSA1:
+	{
+		int result_len = host_len + 50 + 8 +
+			get_ushort16_MSBfirst(key->exp) / 3 +
+			get_ushort16_MSBfirst(key->mod) / 3;
+		result = (char FAR *) malloc(result_len);
+		if (tcpport == 22) {
+			strncpy_s(result, result_len, hostname, _TRUNCATE);
+			index = host_len;
+		}
+		else {
+			_snprintf_s(result, result_len, _TRUNCATE, "[%s]:%d",
+				hostname,
+				tcpport);
+			index = strlen(result);
+		}
+		_snprintf_s(result + index, result_len - host_len, _TRUNCATE,
+			" %d ", key->bits);
+		index += strlen(result + index);
+		index += print_mp_int(result + index, key->exp);
+		result[index] = ' ';
+		index++;
+		index += print_mp_int(result + index, key->mod);
+		strncpy_s(result + index, result_len - index, " \r\n", _TRUNCATE);
+		break;
+	}
+	case KEY_RSA:
+	case KEY_DSA:
+	case KEY_ECDSA256:
+	case KEY_ECDSA384:
+	case KEY_ECDSA521:
+	case KEY_ED25519:
+	{
+		//Key *key = &pvar->hosts_state.hostkey;
+		char *blob = NULL;
+		int blen, uulen, msize;
+		char *uu = NULL;
+		int n;
+		key_to_blob(key, &blob, &blen);
+		uulen = 2 * blen;
+		uu = malloc(uulen);
+		if (uu == NULL) {
+			goto error;
+		}
+		n = uuencode(blob, blen, uu, uulen);
+		if (n > 0) {
+			msize = host_len + 50 + uulen;
+			result = malloc(msize);
+			if (result == NULL) {
+				goto error;
+			}
+			// setup
+			if (tcpport == 22) {
+				_snprintf_s(result, msize, _TRUNCATE, "%s %s %s\r\n",
+					hostname,
+					get_sshname_from_key(key),
+					uu);
+			}
+			else {
+				_snprintf_s(result, msize, _TRUNCATE, "[%s]:%d %s %s\r\n",
+					hostname,
+					tcpport,
+					get_sshname_from_key(key),
+					uu);
+			}
+		}
+	error:
+		if (blob != NULL)
+			free(blob);
+		if (uu != NULL)
+			free(uu);
+		break;
+	}
+	default:
+		return NULL;
+	}
+	return result;
 static void add_host_key(PTInstVar pvar)
 	char FAR *name = NULL;
@@ -1283,6 +1380,66 @@
+// \x8Ew\x92肵\x82\xBD\x83L\x81[\x82\xF0 known_hosts \x82ɒlj\xC1\x82\xB7\x82\xE9\x81B
+void HOSTS_add_host_key(PTInstVar pvar, Key *key)
+	char FAR *name = NULL;
+	char *hostname;
+	unsigned short tcpport;
+	hostname = pvar->ssh_state.hostname;
+	tcpport = pvar->ssh_state.tcpport;
+	if (pvar->hosts_state.file_names != NULL)
+		name = pvar->hosts_state.file_names[0];
+	if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0) {
+		UTIL_get_lang_msg("MSG_HOSTS_FILE_UNSPECIFY_ERROR", pvar,
+			"The host and its key cannot be added, because no known-hosts file has been specified.\n"
+			"Restart Tera Term and specify a read/write known-hosts file in the TTSSH Setup dialog box.");
+		notify_nonfatal_error(pvar, pvar->ts->UIMsg);
+	}
+	else {
+		char FAR *keydata = format_specified_host_key(key, hostname, tcpport);
+		int length = strlen(keydata);
+		int fd;
+		int amount_written;
+		int close_result;
+		char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
+		get_teraterm_dir_relative_name(buf, sizeof(buf), name);
+		fd = _open(buf,
+			_S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
+		if (fd == -1) {
+			if (errno == EACCES) {
+				UTIL_get_lang_msg("MSG_HOSTS_WRITE_EACCES_ERROR", pvar,
+					"An error occurred while trying to write the host key.\n"
+					"You do not have permission to write to the known-hosts file.");
+				notify_nonfatal_error(pvar, pvar->ts->UIMsg);
+			}
+			else {
+				UTIL_get_lang_msg("MSG_HOSTS_WRITE_ERROR", pvar,
+					"An error occurred while trying to write the host key.\n"
+					"The host key could not be written.");
+				notify_nonfatal_error(pvar, pvar->ts->UIMsg);
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		amount_written = _write(fd, keydata, length);
+		free(keydata);
+		close_result = _close(fd);
+		if (amount_written != length || close_result == -1) {
+			UTIL_get_lang_msg("MSG_HOSTS_WRITE_ERROR", pvar,
+				"An error occurred while trying to write the host key.\n"
+				"The host key could not be written.");
+			notify_nonfatal_error(pvar, pvar->ts->UIMsg);
+		}
+	}
 static char FAR *copy_mp_int(char FAR * num)
 	int len = (get_ushort16_MSBfirst(num) + 7) / 8 + 2;
@@ -1513,6 +1670,225 @@
+void HOSTS_delete_all_hostkeys(PTInstVar pvar)
+	char FAR *name = pvar->hosts_state.file_names[0];
+	char *hostname;
+	unsigned short tcpport;
+	hostname = pvar->ssh_state.hostname;
+	tcpport = pvar->ssh_state.tcpport;
+	if (name == NULL || name[0] == 0) {
+		UTIL_get_lang_msg("MSG_HOSTS_FILE_UNSPECIFY_ERROR", pvar,
+			"The host and its key cannot be added, because no known-hosts file has been specified.\n"
+			"Restart Tera Term and specify a read/write known-hosts file in the TTSSH Setup dialog box.");
+		notify_nonfatal_error(pvar, pvar->ts->UIMsg);
+	}
+	else {
+		Key key; // \x90ڑ\xB1\x92\x86\x82̃z\x83X\x83g\x82̃L\x81[
+		Key *key_freed;
+		int length;
+		char filename[MAX_PATH];
+		char tmp[L_tmpnam];
+		int fd;
+		int amount_written = 0;
+		int close_result;
+		int data_index = 0;
+		char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
+		// \x8F\x91\x82\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82݈ꎞ\x83t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x82\xF0\x8AJ\x82\xAD
+		_getcwd(filename, sizeof(filename));
+		tmpnam_s(tmp, sizeof(tmp));
+		strcat_s(filename, sizeof(filename), tmp);
+		fd = _open(filename,
+			_S_IREAD | _S_IWRITE);
+		if (fd == -1) {
+			if (errno == EACCES) {
+				UTIL_get_lang_msg("MSG_HOSTS_WRITE_EACCES_ERROR", pvar,
+					"An error occurred while trying to write the host key.\n"
+					"You do not have permission to write to the known-hosts file.");
+				notify_nonfatal_error(pvar, pvar->ts->UIMsg);
+			}
+			else {
+				UTIL_get_lang_msg("MSG_HOSTS_WRITE_ERROR", pvar,
+					"An error occurred while trying to write the host key.\n"
+					"The host key could not be written.");
+				notify_nonfatal_error(pvar, pvar->ts->UIMsg);
+			}
+			return;
+		}
+		// \x90ڑ\xB1\x92\x86\x82̃T\x81[\x83o\x82̃L\x81[\x82\xF0\x93ǂݍ\x9E\x82\xDE
+		memset(&key, 0, sizeof(key));
+		switch (pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.type) {
+		case KEY_RSA1: // SSH1
+			key.type = KEY_RSA1;
+			key.bits = pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.bits;
+			key.exp = copy_mp_int(pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.exp);
+			key.mod = copy_mp_int(pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.mod);
+			break;
+		case KEY_RSA: // SSH2 RSA
+			key.type = KEY_RSA;
+			key.rsa = duplicate_RSA(pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.rsa);
+			break;
+		case KEY_DSA: // SSH2 DSA
+			key.type = KEY_DSA;
+			key.dsa = duplicate_DSA(pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.dsa);
+			break;
+		case KEY_ECDSA256:
+		case KEY_ECDSA384:
+		case KEY_ECDSA521:
+			key.type = pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.type;
+			key.ecdsa = EC_KEY_dup(pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.ecdsa);
+			break;
+		case KEY_ED25519:
+			key.type = pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.type;
+			key.ed25519_pk = duplicate_ED25519_PK(pvar->hosts_state.hostkey.ed25519_pk);
+			break;
+		}
+		// \x83t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x82\xA9\x82\xE7\x93ǂݍ\x9E\x82\xDE
+		begin_read_host_files(pvar, 0);
+		do {
+			int host_index = 0;
+			int matched = 0;
+			int keybits = 0;
+			char FAR *data;
+			int do_write = 0;
+			length = amount_written = 0;
+			if (!read_host_key(pvar, pvar->ssh_state.hostname, pvar->ssh_state.tcpport, 0, 1)) {
+				break;
+			}
+			if (data_index == pvar->hosts_state.file_data_index) {
+				// index \x82\xAA\x90i\x82܂Ȃ\xA2 == \x8DŌ\xE3\x82܂œǂ\xF1\x82\xBE
+				break;
+			}
+			data = pvar->hosts_state.file_data + data_index;
+			host_index = eat_spaces(data);
+			if (data[host_index] == '#') {
+				do_write = 1;
+			}
+			else {
+				// \x83z\x83X\x83g\x82̏ƍ\x87
+				host_index--;
+				do {
+					int negated;
+					int bracketed;
+					char *end_bracket;
+					int host_matched = 0;
+					unsigned short keyfile_port = 22;
+					host_index++;
+					negated = data[host_index] == '!';
+					if (negated) {
+						host_index++;
+						bracketed = data[host_index] == '[';
+						if (bracketed) {
+							end_bracket = strstr(data + host_index + 1, "]:");
+							if (end_bracket != NULL) {
+								*end_bracket = ' ';
+								host_index++;
+							}
+						}
+						host_matched = match_pattern(data + host_index, pvar->ssh_state.hostname);
+						if (bracketed && end_bracket != NULL) {
+							*end_bracket = ']';
+							keyfile_port = atoi(end_bracket + 2);
+						}
+						if (host_matched && keyfile_port == pvar->ssh_state.tcpport) {
+							matched = 0;
+							// \x90ڑ\xB1\x83o\x81[\x83W\x83\x87\x83\x93\x83`\x83F\x83b\x83N\x82̂\xBD\x82߂\xC9 host_index \x82\xF0\x90i\x82߂Ă\xA9\x82甲\x82\xAF\x82\xE9
+							host_index--;
+							do {
+								host_index++;
+								host_index += eat_to_end_of_pattern(data + host_index);
+							} while (data[host_index] == ',');
+							break;
+						}
+					}
+					else {
+						bracketed = data[host_index] == '[';
+						if (bracketed) {
+							end_bracket = strstr(data + host_index + 1, "]:");
+							if (end_bracket != NULL) {
+								*end_bracket = ' ';
+								host_index++;
+							}
+						}
+						host_matched = match_pattern(data + host_index, pvar->ssh_state.hostname);
+						if (bracketed && end_bracket != NULL) {
+							*end_bracket = ']';
+							keyfile_port = atoi(end_bracket + 2);
+						}
+						if (host_matched && keyfile_port == pvar->ssh_state.tcpport) {
+							matched = 1;
+						}
+					}
+					host_index += eat_to_end_of_pattern(data + host_index);
+				} while (data[host_index] == ',');
+				// \x83z\x83X\x83g\x82\xAA\x93\x99\x82\xB5\x82\xAD\x82Ȃ\xA2
+				if (!matched) {
+					do_write = 1;
+				}
+				// \x83z\x83X\x83g\x82\xAA\x93\x99\x82\xB5\x82\xA2
+				else {
+					// \x88\xEA\x90؏\x91\x82\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82݂\xF0\x82\xB5\x82Ȃ\xA2\x81B
+				}
+			}
+			// \x8F\x91\x82\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82ݏ\x88\x97\x9D
+			if (do_write) {
+				length = pvar->hosts_state.file_data_index - data_index;
+				amount_written =
+					_write(fd, pvar->hosts_state.file_data + data_index,
+					length);
+				if (amount_written != length) {
+					goto error1;
+				}
+			}
+			data_index = pvar->hosts_state.file_data_index;
+		} while (1); // \x8DŌ\xE3\x82܂œǂ\xDE
+	error1:
+		close_result = _close(fd);
+		if (amount_written != length || close_result == -1) {
+			UTIL_get_lang_msg("MSG_HOSTS_WRITE_ERROR", pvar,
+				"An error occurred while trying to write the host key.\n"
+				"The host key could not be written.");
+			notify_nonfatal_error(pvar, pvar->ts->UIMsg);
+			goto error2;
+		}
+		// \x8F\x91\x82\xAB\x8D\x9E\x82݈ꎞ\x83t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x82\xA9\x82烊\x83l\x81[\x83\x80
+		get_teraterm_dir_relative_name(buf, sizeof(buf), name);
+		_unlink(buf);
+		rename(filename, buf);
+	error2:
+		_unlink(filename);
+		finish_read_host_files(pvar, 0);
+		// \x8DŌ\xE3\x82Ƀ\x81\x83\x82\x83\x8A\x82\xF0\x89\xF0\x95\xFA\x82\xB5\x82Ă\xA8\x82\xAD\x81B
+		key_freed = key_new(KEY_UNSPEC);
+		memcpy(key_freed, &key, sizeof(Key));
+		key_free(key_freed);
+	}
 // Unknown host\x82̃z\x83X\x83g\x8C\xF6\x8AJ\x8C\xAE\x82\xF0 known_hosts \x83t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x82֕ۑ\xB6\x82\xB7\x82邩\x82ǂ\xA4\x82\xA9\x82\xF0
 // \x83\x86\x81[\x83U\x82Ɋm\x94F\x82\xB3\x82\xB9\x82\xE9\x81B

Modified: trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/hosts.h
--- trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/hosts.h	2015-05-04 17:46:30 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/hosts.h	2015-05-05 18:08:23 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -75,5 +75,7 @@
 int HOSTS_compare_public_key(Key *src, Key *key);
 int HOSTS_hostkey_foreach(PTInstVar pvar, hostkeys_foreach_fn *callback, void *ctx);
+void HOSTS_add_host_key(PTInstVar pvar, Key *key);
+void HOSTS_delete_all_hostkeys(PTInstVar pvar);

Modified: trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/key.c
--- trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/key.c	2015-05-04 17:46:30 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/key.c	2015-05-05 18:08:23 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -1912,6 +1912,44 @@
 	return (ret);
+static void update_known_hosts(PTInstVar pvar, struct hostkeys_update_ctx *ctx)
+	size_t i;
+	char msg[128];
+	int dlgresult;
+	// "/nosecuritywarning"\x82\xAA\x8Ew\x92肳\x82\xEA\x82Ă\xA2\x82\xE9\x8Fꍇ\x81A\x8DX\x90V\x82͈\xEA\x90؍s\x82\xED\x82Ȃ\xA2\x81B
+	if (pvar->nocheck_known_hosts) {
+		_snprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg), _TRUNCATE, "Hostkey was not updated because `/nosecuritywarning' option was specified.");
+		notify_verbose_message(pvar, msg, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
+		goto error;
+	}
+	// known_hosts\x83t\x83@\x83C\x83\x8B\x82̍X\x90V\x82\xF0\x8Ds\x82\xA4\x82\xBD\x82߁A\x83\x86\x81[\x83U\x82ɖ₢\x8D\x87\x82킹\x82\xF0\x8Ds\x82\xA4\x81B
+	if (pvar->settings.UpdateHostkeys == SSH_UPDATE_HOSTKEYS_ASK) {
+		_snprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg), _TRUNCATE, "Accept updated hostkeys? (yes/no)");
+		dlgresult = MessageBox(NULL, msg, "TTSSH: confirm", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONWARNING);
+		if (dlgresult != IDYES) {
+			_snprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg), _TRUNCATE, "Hostkey was not updated because a user cancelled.");
+			notify_verbose_message(pvar, msg, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
+			goto error;
+		}
+	}
+	// \x8CÂ\xA2\x83L\x81[\x82\xF0\x82\xB7\x82ׂč폜\x82\xB7\x82\xE9\x81B
+	HOSTS_delete_all_hostkeys(pvar);
+	// \x90V\x82\xB5\x82\xA2\x83L\x81[\x82\xF0\x82\xB7\x82ׂēo\x98^\x82\xB7\x82\xE9\x81B
+	for (i = 0; i < ctx->nkeys; i++) {
+		HOSTS_add_host_key(pvar, ctx->keys[i]);
+	}
+	_snprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg), _TRUNCATE, "Hostkey was successfully updated to known_hosts file.");
+	notify_verbose_message(pvar, msg, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
+	return;
 // SSH\x83T\x81[\x83o\x83z\x83X\x83g\x8C\xAE(known_hosts)\x82̎\xA9\x93\xAE\x8DX\x90V(OpenSSH 6.8 or later: host key rotation support)
@@ -1932,7 +1970,7 @@
 	Key *key = NULL, **tmp;
 	// Tera Term\x82̐ݒ\xE8\x82ŁA\x93\x96\x8AY\x8B@\x94\\x82̃I\x83\x93\x83I\x83t\x82𐧌\xE4\x82ł\xAB\x82\xE9\x82悤\x82ɂ\xB7\x82\xE9\x81B
-	if (pvar->settings.UpdateHostkeys == 0) {
+	if (pvar->settings.UpdateHostkeys == SSH_UPDATE_HOSTKEYS_NO) {
 		_snprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg), _TRUNCATE, "Hostkey was not updated because ts.UpdateHostkeys is disabled.");
 		notify_verbose_message(pvar, msg, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
 		return 1;
@@ -2008,32 +2046,33 @@
 		goto error;
-	if ((ctx->keys_seen = calloc(ctx->nkeys, sizeof(*ctx->keys_seen))) == NULL) {
+	if ((ctx->keys_seen = calloc(ctx->nkeys, sizeof(*ctx->keys_seen))) == NULL) {
 		_snprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg), _TRUNCATE, "Not memory: calloc ctx->keys %d",
 		notify_verbose_message(pvar, msg, LOG_LEVEL_FATAL);
 		goto error;
-	}
+	}
 	HOSTS_hostkey_foreach(pvar, hostkeys_find, ctx);
 	// \x83T\x81[\x83o\x82\xAA\x91\x97\x82\xC1\x82Ă\xAB\x82\xBD\x8C\xAE\x8C\xF3\x95\xE2\x8CQ\x82\xA9\x82\xE7\x81A\x82\xA2\x82\xAD\x82‚̌\xAE\x82\xF0\x90V\x8BK\x92lj\xC1\x82\xB7\x82\xE9\x82̂\xA9\x82𐔂\xA6\x82\xE9\x81B
-	ctx->nnew = 0;
-	for (i = 0; i < ctx->nkeys; i++) {
-		if (!ctx->keys_seen[i])
-			ctx->nnew++;
+	ctx->nnew = 0;
+	for (i = 0; i < ctx->nkeys; i++) {
+		if (!ctx->keys_seen[i])
+			ctx->nnew++;
-	_snprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg), _TRUNCATE, "%u keys from server: %u new, %u retained. %u to remove",
-		ctx->nkeys, ctx->nnew, ctx->nkeys - ctx->nnew, ctx->nold);
+	_snprintf_s(msg, sizeof(msg), _TRUNCATE, "%u keys from server: %u new, %u retained. %u to remove",
+		ctx->nkeys, ctx->nnew, ctx->nkeys - ctx->nnew, ctx->nold);
 	notify_verbose_message(pvar, msg, LOG_LEVEL_VERBOSE);
 	// \x90V\x8BK\x92lj\xC1\x82\xB7\x82錮\x82̓[\x83\x8D\x82\xBE\x82\xAA\x81Adeprecated\x82Ȍ\xAE\x82\xAA\x91\xB6\x8D݂\xB7\x82\xE9\x81B
 	if (ctx->nnew == 0 && ctx->nold != 0) {
-		// TODO:
+		update_known_hosts(pvar, ctx);
 	else if (ctx->nnew != 0) { // \x90V\x8BK\x92lj\xC1\x82\xB7\x82\xE9\x82ׂ\xAB\x8C\xAE\x82\xAA\x91\xB6\x8D݂\xB7\x82\xE9\x81B
 		// TODO:
+		update_known_hosts(pvar, ctx);

Modified: trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/ttxssh.c
--- trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/ttxssh.c	2015-05-04 17:46:30 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/ttxssh.c	2015-05-05 18:08:23 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -475,7 +475,7 @@
-	settings->UpdateHostkeys = read_BOOL_option(fileName, "UpdateHostkeys", FALSE);
+	settings->UpdateHostkeys = GetPrivateProfileInt("TTSSH", "UpdateHostkeys", 0, fileName);
@@ -583,8 +583,9 @@
 	WritePrivateProfileString("TTSSH", "X11Display", settings->X11Display, fileName);
-	WritePrivateProfileString("TTSSH", "UpdateHostkeys",
-		settings->UpdateHostkeys ? "1" : "0", fileName);
+	_snprintf_s(buf, sizeof(buf), _TRUNCATE,
+		"%d", settings->UpdateHostkeys);
+	WritePrivateProfileString("TTSSH", "UpdateHostkeys", buf, fileName);

Modified: trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/ttxssh.h
--- trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/ttxssh.h	2015-05-04 17:46:30 UTC (rev 5848)
+++ trunk/ttssh2/ttxssh/ttxssh.h	2015-05-05 18:08:23 UTC (rev 5849)
@@ -102,7 +102,16 @@
 #define POPUP_MSG_default			0
 #define POPUP_MSG_FWD_received_data	(1 << 0)
+ * Host key rotation 
+ */
 These are the fields that WOULD go in Tera Term's 'ts' structure, if
 we could put them there.

Ttssh2-commit メーリングリストの案内
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