[Ttssh2-commit] [6206] ・擬似乱数生成器として SFMT [1] を利用するようにした

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2015年 12月 10日 (木) 01:36:28 JST

Revision: 6206
Author:   doda
Date:     2015-12-10 01:36:28 +0900 (Thu, 10 Dec 2015)
Log Message:
・擬似乱数生成器として SFMT [1] を利用するようにした
・乱数が偏る問題を修正 [2][3][4]

1: http://www.math.sci.hiroshima-u.ac.jp/~m-mat/MT/SFMT/index-jp.html
2: https://osdn.jp/ticket/browse.php?group_id=1412&tid=35822
3: https://osdn.jp/ticket/browse.php?group_id=1412&tid=35823
4: https://osdn.jp/ticket/browse.php?group_id=1412&tid=35824

Modified Paths:

Added Paths:

-------------- next part --------------
Added: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-common.h
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-common.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-common.h	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+#pragma once
+ * @file SFMT-common.h
+ *
+ * @brief SIMD oriented Fast Mersenne Twister(SFMT) pseudorandom
+ * number generator with jump function. This file includes common functions
+ * used in random number generation and jump.
+ *
+ * @author Mutsuo Saito (Hiroshima University)
+ * @author Makoto Matsumoto (The University of Tokyo)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto and Hiroshima
+ * University.
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto, Hiroshima
+ * University and The University of Tokyo.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * The 3-clause BSD License is applied to this software, see
+ * LICENSE.txt
+ */
+#ifndef SFMT_COMMON_H
+#define SFMT_COMMON_H
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+#include "SFMT.h"
+inline static void do_recursion(w128_t * r, w128_t * a, w128_t * b,
+				w128_t * c, w128_t * d);
+inline static void rshift128(w128_t *out,  w128_t const *in, int shift);
+inline static void lshift128(w128_t *out,  w128_t const *in, int shift);
+ * This function simulates SIMD 128-bit right shift by the standard C.
+ * The 128-bit integer given in in is shifted by (shift * 8) bits.
+ * This function simulates the LITTLE ENDIAN SIMD.
+ * @param out the output of this function
+ * @param in the 128-bit data to be shifted
+ * @param shift the shift value
+ */
+#ifdef ONLY64
+inline static void rshift128(w128_t *out, w128_t const *in, int shift) {
+    uint64_t th, tl, oh, ol;
+    th = ((uint64_t)in->u[2] << 32) | ((uint64_t)in->u[3]);
+    tl = ((uint64_t)in->u[0] << 32) | ((uint64_t)in->u[1]);
+    oh = th >> (shift * 8);
+    ol = tl >> (shift * 8);
+    ol |= th << (64 - shift * 8);
+    out->u[0] = (uint32_t)(ol >> 32);
+    out->u[1] = (uint32_t)ol;
+    out->u[2] = (uint32_t)(oh >> 32);
+    out->u[3] = (uint32_t)oh;
+inline static void rshift128(w128_t *out, w128_t const *in, int shift)
+    uint64_t th, tl, oh, ol;
+    th = ((uint64_t)in->u[3] << 32) | ((uint64_t)in->u[2]);
+    tl = ((uint64_t)in->u[1] << 32) | ((uint64_t)in->u[0]);
+    oh = th >> (shift * 8);
+    ol = tl >> (shift * 8);
+    ol |= th << (64 - shift * 8);
+    out->u[1] = (uint32_t)(ol >> 32);
+    out->u[0] = (uint32_t)ol;
+    out->u[3] = (uint32_t)(oh >> 32);
+    out->u[2] = (uint32_t)oh;
+ * This function simulates SIMD 128-bit left shift by the standard C.
+ * The 128-bit integer given in in is shifted by (shift * 8) bits.
+ * This function simulates the LITTLE ENDIAN SIMD.
+ * @param out the output of this function
+ * @param in the 128-bit data to be shifted
+ * @param shift the shift value
+ */
+#ifdef ONLY64
+inline static void lshift128(w128_t *out, w128_t const *in, int shift) {
+    uint64_t th, tl, oh, ol;
+    th = ((uint64_t)in->u[2] << 32) | ((uint64_t)in->u[3]);
+    tl = ((uint64_t)in->u[0] << 32) | ((uint64_t)in->u[1]);
+    oh = th << (shift * 8);
+    ol = tl << (shift * 8);
+    oh |= tl >> (64 - shift * 8);
+    out->u[0] = (uint32_t)(ol >> 32);
+    out->u[1] = (uint32_t)ol;
+    out->u[2] = (uint32_t)(oh >> 32);
+    out->u[3] = (uint32_t)oh;
+inline static void lshift128(w128_t *out, w128_t const *in, int shift)
+    uint64_t th, tl, oh, ol;
+    th = ((uint64_t)in->u[3] << 32) | ((uint64_t)in->u[2]);
+    tl = ((uint64_t)in->u[1] << 32) | ((uint64_t)in->u[0]);
+    oh = th << (shift * 8);
+    ol = tl << (shift * 8);
+    oh |= tl >> (64 - shift * 8);
+    out->u[1] = (uint32_t)(ol >> 32);
+    out->u[0] = (uint32_t)ol;
+    out->u[3] = (uint32_t)(oh >> 32);
+    out->u[2] = (uint32_t)oh;
+ * This function represents the recursion formula.
+ * @param r output
+ * @param a a 128-bit part of the internal state array
+ * @param b a 128-bit part of the internal state array
+ * @param c a 128-bit part of the internal state array
+ * @param d a 128-bit part of the internal state array
+ */
+#ifdef ONLY64
+inline static void do_recursion(w128_t *r, w128_t *a, w128_t *b, w128_t *c,
+				w128_t *d) {
+    w128_t x;
+    w128_t y;
+    lshift128(&x, a, SFMT_SL2);
+    rshift128(&y, c, SFMT_SR2);
+    r->u[0] = a->u[0] ^ x.u[0] ^ ((b->u[0] >> SFMT_SR1) & SFMT_MSK2) ^ y.u[0]
+	^ (d->u[0] << SFMT_SL1);
+    r->u[1] = a->u[1] ^ x.u[1] ^ ((b->u[1] >> SFMT_SR1) & SFMT_MSK1) ^ y.u[1]
+	^ (d->u[1] << SFMT_SL1);
+    r->u[2] = a->u[2] ^ x.u[2] ^ ((b->u[2] >> SFMT_SR1) & SFMT_MSK4) ^ y.u[2]
+	^ (d->u[2] << SFMT_SL1);
+    r->u[3] = a->u[3] ^ x.u[3] ^ ((b->u[3] >> SFMT_SR1) & SFMT_MSK3) ^ y.u[3]
+	^ (d->u[3] << SFMT_SL1);
+inline static void do_recursion(w128_t *r, w128_t *a, w128_t *b,
+				w128_t *c, w128_t *d)
+    w128_t x;
+    w128_t y;
+    lshift128(&x, a, SFMT_SL2);
+    rshift128(&y, c, SFMT_SR2);
+    r->u[0] = a->u[0] ^ x.u[0] ^ ((b->u[0] >> SFMT_SR1) & SFMT_MSK1)
+	^ y.u[0] ^ (d->u[0] << SFMT_SL1);
+    r->u[1] = a->u[1] ^ x.u[1] ^ ((b->u[1] >> SFMT_SR1) & SFMT_MSK2)
+	^ y.u[1] ^ (d->u[1] << SFMT_SL1);
+    r->u[2] = a->u[2] ^ x.u[2] ^ ((b->u[2] >> SFMT_SR1) & SFMT_MSK3)
+	^ y.u[2] ^ (d->u[2] << SFMT_SL1);
+    r->u[3] = a->u[3] ^ x.u[3] ^ ((b->u[3] >> SFMT_SR1) & SFMT_MSK4)
+	^ y.u[3] ^ (d->u[3] << SFMT_SL1);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)

Property changes on: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-common.h
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-params.h
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-params.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-params.h	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -0,0 +1,98 @@
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SFMT_PARAMS_H
+#define SFMT_PARAMS_H
+#if !defined(SFMT_MEXP)
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__ICC)
+  #warning "SFMT_MEXP is not defined. I assume MEXP is 19937."
+  #define SFMT_MEXP 19937
+  -----------------*/
+/** Mersenne Exponent. The period of the sequence
+ *  is a multiple of 2^MEXP-1.
+ * #define SFMT_MEXP 19937 */
+/** SFMT generator has an internal state array of 128-bit integers,
+ * and N is its size. */
+#define SFMT_N (SFMT_MEXP / 128 + 1)
+/** N32 is the size of internal state array when regarded as an array
+ * of 32-bit integers.*/
+#define SFMT_N32 (SFMT_N * 4)
+/** N64 is the size of internal state array when regarded as an array
+ * of 64-bit integers.*/
+#define SFMT_N64 (SFMT_N * 2)
+  the parameters of SFMT
+  following definitions are in paramsXXXX.h file.
+  ----------------------*/
+/** the pick up position of the array.
+#define SFMT_POS1 122
+/** the parameter of shift left as four 32-bit registers.
+#define SFMT_SL1 18
+ */
+/** the parameter of shift left as one 128-bit register.
+ * The 128-bit integer is shifted by (SFMT_SL2 * 8) bits.
+#define SFMT_SL2 1
+/** the parameter of shift right as four 32-bit registers.
+#define SFMT_SR1 11
+/** the parameter of shift right as one 128-bit register.
+ * The 128-bit integer is shifted by (SFMT_SL2 * 8) bits.
+#define SFMT_SR21 1
+/** A bitmask, used in the recursion.  These parameters are introduced
+ * to break symmetry of SIMD.
+#define SFMT_MSK1 0xdfffffefU
+#define SFMT_MSK2 0xddfecb7fU
+#define SFMT_MSK3 0xbffaffffU
+#define SFMT_MSK4 0xbffffff6U
+/** These definitions are part of a 128-bit period certification vector.
+#define SFMT_PARITY1	0x00000001U
+#define SFMT_PARITY2	0x00000000U
+#define SFMT_PARITY3	0x00000000U
+#define SFMT_PARITY4	0xc98e126aU
+#if SFMT_MEXP == 607
+  #include "SFMT-params607.h"
+#elif SFMT_MEXP == 1279
+  #include "SFMT-params1279.h"
+#elif SFMT_MEXP == 2281
+  #include "SFMT-params2281.h"
+#elif SFMT_MEXP == 4253
+  #include "SFMT-params4253.h"
+#elif SFMT_MEXP == 11213
+  #include "SFMT-params11213.h"
+#elif SFMT_MEXP == 19937
+  #include "SFMT-params19937.h"
+#elif SFMT_MEXP == 44497
+  #include "SFMT-params44497.h"
+#elif SFMT_MEXP == 86243
+  #include "SFMT-params86243.h"
+#elif SFMT_MEXP == 132049
+  #include "SFMT-params132049.h"
+#elif SFMT_MEXP == 216091
+  #include "SFMT-params216091.h"
+#if defined(__GNUC__) && !defined(__ICC)
+  #error "SFMT_MEXP is not valid."
+  #undef SFMT_MEXP
+  #undef SFMT_MEXP
+#endif /* SFMT_PARAMS_H */

Property changes on: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-params.h
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-params19937.h
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-params19937.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-params19937.h	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
+#pragma once
+#ifndef SFMT_PARAMS19937_H
+#define SFMT_PARAMS19937_H
+#define SFMT_POS1	122
+#define SFMT_SL1	18
+#define SFMT_SL2	1
+#define SFMT_SR1	11
+#define SFMT_SR2	1
+#define SFMT_MSK1	0xdfffffefU
+#define SFMT_MSK2	0xddfecb7fU
+#define SFMT_MSK3	0xbffaffffU
+#define SFMT_MSK4	0xbffffff6U
+#define SFMT_PARITY1	0x00000001U
+#define SFMT_PARITY2	0x00000000U
+#define SFMT_PARITY3	0x00000000U
+#define SFMT_PARITY4	0x13c9e684U
+#if defined(__APPLE__)	/* For OSX */
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SL1 \
+	(vector unsigned int)(SFMT_SL1, SFMT_SL1, SFMT_SL1, SFMT_SL1)
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SR1 \
+	(vector unsigned int)(SFMT_SR1, SFMT_SR1, SFMT_SR1, SFMT_SR1)
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_MSK \
+	(vector unsigned int)(SFMT_MSK1, SFMT_MSK2, SFMT_MSK3, SFMT_MSK4)
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_MSK64 \
+	(vector unsigned int)(SFMT_MSK2, SFMT_MSK1, SFMT_MSK4, SFMT_MSK3)
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SL2_PERM \
+	(vector unsigned char)(1,2,3,23,5,6,7,0,9,10,11,4,13,14,15,8)
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SL2_PERM64 \
+	(vector unsigned char)(1,2,3,4,5,6,7,31,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,0)
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SR2_PERM \
+	(vector unsigned char)(7,0,1,2,11,4,5,6,15,8,9,10,17,12,13,14)
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SR2_PERM64 \
+	(vector unsigned char)(15,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,17,8,9,10,11,12,13,14)
+#else	/* For OTHER OSs(Linux?) */
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SL2_PERM	{1,2,3,23,5,6,7,0,9,10,11,4,13,14,15,8}
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SL2_PERM64 {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,31,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,0}
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SR2_PERM	{7,0,1,2,11,4,5,6,15,8,9,10,17,12,13,14}
+    #define SFMT_ALTI_SR2_PERM64 {15,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,17,8,9,10,11,12,13,14}
+#endif	/* For OSX */
+#define SFMT_IDSTR	"SFMT-19937:122-18-1-11-1:dfffffef-ddfecb7f-bffaffff-bffffff6"
+#endif /* SFMT_PARAMS19937_H */

Property changes on: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT-params19937.h
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT.c
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT.c	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT.c	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -0,0 +1,433 @@
+ * @file  SFMT.c
+ * @brief SIMD oriented Fast Mersenne Twister(SFMT)
+ *
+ * @author Mutsuo Saito (Hiroshima University)
+ * @author Makoto Matsumoto (Hiroshima University)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto and Hiroshima
+ * University.
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto, Hiroshima
+ * University and The University of Tokyo.
+ * Copyright (C) 2013 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto and Hiroshima
+ * University.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * The 3-clause BSD License is applied to this software, see
+ * LICENSE.txt
+ */
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+#include <string.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include "SFMT.h"
+#include "SFMT-params.h"
+#include "SFMT-common.h"
+#if defined(__BIG_ENDIAN__) && !defined(__amd64) && !defined(BIG_ENDIAN64)
+#define BIG_ENDIAN64 1
+#if defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC) && !defined(BIG_ENDIAN64)
+#define BIG_ENDIAN64 1
+#if defined(ONLY64) && !defined(BIG_ENDIAN64)
+  #if defined(__GNUC__)
+    #error "-DONLY64 must be specified with -DBIG_ENDIAN64"
+  #endif
+#undef ONLY64
+ * parameters used by sse2.
+ */
+static const w128_t sse2_param_mask = {{SFMT_MSK1, SFMT_MSK2,
+                                        SFMT_MSK3, SFMT_MSK4}};
+  ----------------*/
+inline static int idxof(int i);
+inline static void gen_rand_array(sfmt_t * sfmt, w128_t *array, int size);
+inline static uint32_t func1(uint32_t x);
+inline static uint32_t func2(uint32_t x);
+static void period_certification(sfmt_t * sfmt);
+#if defined(BIG_ENDIAN64) && !defined(ONLY64)
+inline static void swap(w128_t *array, int size);
+#if defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)
+  #include "SFMT-alti.h"
+#elif defined(HAVE_SSE2)
+  #if defined(_MSC_VER)
+    #include "SFMT-sse2-msc.h"
+  #else
+    #include "SFMT-sse2.h"
+  #endif
+ * This function simulate a 64-bit index of LITTLE ENDIAN
+ * in BIG ENDIAN machine.
+ */
+#ifdef ONLY64
+inline static int idxof(int i) {
+    return i ^ 1;
+inline static int idxof(int i) {
+    return i;
+#if (!defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)) && (!defined(HAVE_SSE2))
+ * This function fills the user-specified array with pseudorandom
+ * integers.
+ *
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @param array an 128-bit array to be filled by pseudorandom numbers.
+ * @param size number of 128-bit pseudorandom numbers to be generated.
+ */
+inline static void gen_rand_array(sfmt_t * sfmt, w128_t *array, int size) {
+    int i, j;
+    w128_t *r1, *r2;
+    r1 = &sfmt->state[SFMT_N - 2];
+    r2 = &sfmt->state[SFMT_N - 1];
+    for (i = 0; i < SFMT_N - SFMT_POS1; i++) {
+        do_recursion(&array[i], &sfmt->state[i], &sfmt->state[i + SFMT_POS1], r1, r2);
+        r1 = r2;
+        r2 = &array[i];
+    }
+    for (; i < SFMT_N; i++) {
+        do_recursion(&array[i], &sfmt->state[i],
+                     &array[i + SFMT_POS1 - SFMT_N], r1, r2);
+        r1 = r2;
+        r2 = &array[i];
+    }
+    for (; i < size - SFMT_N; i++) {
+        do_recursion(&array[i], &array[i - SFMT_N],
+                     &array[i + SFMT_POS1 - SFMT_N], r1, r2);
+        r1 = r2;
+        r2 = &array[i];
+    }
+    for (j = 0; j < 2 * SFMT_N - size; j++) {
+        sfmt->state[j] = array[j + size - SFMT_N];
+    }
+    for (; i < size; i++, j++) {
+        do_recursion(&array[i], &array[i - SFMT_N],
+                     &array[i + SFMT_POS1 - SFMT_N], r1, r2);
+        r1 = r2;
+        r2 = &array[i];
+        sfmt->state[j] = array[i];
+    }
+#if defined(BIG_ENDIAN64) && !defined(ONLY64) && !defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)
+inline static void swap(w128_t *array, int size) {
+    int i;
+    uint32_t x, y;
+    for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {
+        x = array[i].u[0];
+        y = array[i].u[2];
+        array[i].u[0] = array[i].u[1];
+        array[i].u[2] = array[i].u[3];
+        array[i].u[1] = x;
+        array[i].u[3] = y;
+    }
+ * This function represents a function used in the initialization
+ * by init_by_array
+ * @param x 32-bit integer
+ * @return 32-bit integer
+ */
+static uint32_t func1(uint32_t x) {
+    return (x ^ (x >> 27)) * (uint32_t)1664525UL;
+ * This function represents a function used in the initialization
+ * by init_by_array
+ * @param x 32-bit integer
+ * @return 32-bit integer
+ */
+static uint32_t func2(uint32_t x) {
+    return (x ^ (x >> 27)) * (uint32_t)1566083941UL;
+ * This function certificate the period of 2^{MEXP}
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ */
+static void period_certification(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
+    int inner = 0;
+    int i, j;
+    uint32_t work;
+    uint32_t *psfmt32 = &sfmt->state[0].u[0];
+    const uint32_t parity[4] = {SFMT_PARITY1, SFMT_PARITY2,
+                                SFMT_PARITY3, SFMT_PARITY4};
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++)
+        inner ^= psfmt32[idxof(i)] & parity[i];
+    for (i = 16; i > 0; i >>= 1)
+        inner ^= inner >> i;
+    inner &= 1;
+    /* check OK */
+    if (inner == 1) {
+        return;
+    }
+    /* check NG, and modification */
+    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
+        work = 1;
+        for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) {
+            if ((work & parity[i]) != 0) {
+                psfmt32[idxof(i)] ^= work;
+                return;
+            }
+            work = work << 1;
+        }
+    }
+  ----------------*/
+#define UNUSED_VARIABLE(x) (void)(x)
+ * This function returns the identification string.
+ * The string shows the word size, the Mersenne exponent,
+ * and all parameters of this generator.
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ */
+const char *sfmt_get_idstring(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
+    return SFMT_IDSTR;
+ * This function returns the minimum size of array used for \b
+ * fill_array32() function.
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @return minimum size of array used for fill_array32() function.
+ */
+int sfmt_get_min_array_size32(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
+    return SFMT_N32;
+ * This function returns the minimum size of array used for \b
+ * fill_array64() function.
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @return minimum size of array used for fill_array64() function.
+ */
+int sfmt_get_min_array_size64(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
+    return SFMT_N64;
+#if !defined(HAVE_SSE2) && !defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)
+ * This function fills the internal state array with pseudorandom
+ * integers.
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ */
+void sfmt_gen_rand_all(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
+    int i;
+    w128_t *r1, *r2;
+    r1 = &sfmt->state[SFMT_N - 2];
+    r2 = &sfmt->state[SFMT_N - 1];
+    for (i = 0; i < SFMT_N - SFMT_POS1; i++) {
+        do_recursion(&sfmt->state[i], &sfmt->state[i],
+                     &sfmt->state[i + SFMT_POS1], r1, r2);
+        r1 = r2;
+        r2 = &sfmt->state[i];
+    }
+    for (; i < SFMT_N; i++) {
+        do_recursion(&sfmt->state[i], &sfmt->state[i],
+                     &sfmt->state[i + SFMT_POS1 - SFMT_N], r1, r2);
+        r1 = r2;
+        r2 = &sfmt->state[i];
+    }
+#ifndef ONLY64
+ * This function generates pseudorandom 32-bit integers in the
+ * specified array[] by one call. The number of pseudorandom integers
+ * is specified by the argument size, which must be at least 624 and a
+ * multiple of four.  The generation by this function is much faster
+ * than the following gen_rand function.
+ *
+ * For initialization, init_gen_rand or init_by_array must be called
+ * before the first call of this function. This function can not be
+ * used after calling gen_rand function, without initialization.
+ *
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @param array an array where pseudorandom 32-bit integers are filled
+ * by this function.  The pointer to the array must be \b "aligned"
+ * (namely, must be a multiple of 16) in the SIMD version, since it
+ * refers to the address of a 128-bit integer.  In the standard C
+ * version, the pointer is arbitrary.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of 32-bit pseudorandom integers to be
+ * generated.  size must be a multiple of 4, and greater than or equal
+ * to (MEXP / 128 + 1) * 4.
+ *
+ * @note \b memalign or \b posix_memalign is available to get aligned
+ * memory. Mac OSX doesn't have these functions, but \b malloc of OSX
+ * returns the pointer to the aligned memory block.
+ */
+void sfmt_fill_array32(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint32_t *array, int size) {
+    assert(sfmt->idx == SFMT_N32);
+    assert(size % 4 == 0);
+    assert(size >= SFMT_N32);
+    gen_rand_array(sfmt, (w128_t *)array, size / 4);
+    sfmt->idx = SFMT_N32;
+ * This function generates pseudorandom 64-bit integers in the
+ * specified array[] by one call. The number of pseudorandom integers
+ * is specified by the argument size, which must be at least 312 and a
+ * multiple of two.  The generation by this function is much faster
+ * than the following gen_rand function.
+ *
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * For initialization, init_gen_rand or init_by_array must be called
+ * before the first call of this function. This function can not be
+ * used after calling gen_rand function, without initialization.
+ *
+ * @param array an array where pseudorandom 64-bit integers are filled
+ * by this function.  The pointer to the array must be "aligned"
+ * (namely, must be a multiple of 16) in the SIMD version, since it
+ * refers to the address of a 128-bit integer.  In the standard C
+ * version, the pointer is arbitrary.
+ *
+ * @param size the number of 64-bit pseudorandom integers to be
+ * generated.  size must be a multiple of 2, and greater than or equal
+ * to (MEXP / 128 + 1) * 2
+ *
+ * @note \b memalign or \b posix_memalign is available to get aligned
+ * memory. Mac OSX doesn't have these functions, but \b malloc of OSX
+ * returns the pointer to the aligned memory block.
+ */
+void sfmt_fill_array64(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint64_t *array, int size) {
+    assert(sfmt->idx == SFMT_N32);
+    assert(size % 2 == 0);
+    assert(size >= SFMT_N64);
+    gen_rand_array(sfmt, (w128_t *)array, size / 2);
+    sfmt->idx = SFMT_N32;
+#if defined(BIG_ENDIAN64) && !defined(ONLY64)
+    swap((w128_t *)array, size /2);
+ * This function initializes the internal state array with a 32-bit
+ * integer seed.
+ *
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @param seed a 32-bit integer used as the seed.
+ */
+void sfmt_init_gen_rand(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint32_t seed) {
+    int i;
+    uint32_t *psfmt32 = &sfmt->state[0].u[0];
+    psfmt32[idxof(0)] = seed;
+    for (i = 1; i < SFMT_N32; i++) {
+        psfmt32[idxof(i)] = 1812433253UL * (psfmt32[idxof(i - 1)]
+                                            ^ (psfmt32[idxof(i - 1)] >> 30))
+            + i;
+    }
+    sfmt->idx = SFMT_N32;
+    period_certification(sfmt);
+ * This function initializes the internal state array,
+ * with an array of 32-bit integers used as the seeds
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @param init_key the array of 32-bit integers, used as a seed.
+ * @param key_length the length of init_key.
+ */
+void sfmt_init_by_array(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint32_t *init_key, int key_length) {
+    int i, j, count;
+    uint32_t r;
+    int lag;
+    int mid;
+    int size = SFMT_N * 4;
+    uint32_t *psfmt32 = &sfmt->state[0].u[0];
+    if (size >= 623) {
+        lag = 11;
+    } else if (size >= 68) {
+        lag = 7;
+    } else if (size >= 39) {
+        lag = 5;
+    } else {
+        lag = 3;
+    }
+    mid = (size - lag) / 2;
+    memset(sfmt, 0x8b, sizeof(sfmt_t));
+    if (key_length + 1 > SFMT_N32) {
+        count = key_length + 1;
+    } else {
+        count = SFMT_N32;
+    }
+    r = func1(psfmt32[idxof(0)] ^ psfmt32[idxof(mid)]
+              ^ psfmt32[idxof(SFMT_N32 - 1)]);
+    psfmt32[idxof(mid)] += r;
+    r += key_length;
+    psfmt32[idxof(mid + lag)] += r;
+    psfmt32[idxof(0)] = r;
+    count--;
+    for (i = 1, j = 0; (j < count) && (j < key_length); j++) {
+        r = func1(psfmt32[idxof(i)] ^ psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)]
+                  ^ psfmt32[idxof((i + SFMT_N32 - 1) % SFMT_N32)]);
+        psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)] += r;
+        r += init_key[j] + i;
+        psfmt32[idxof((i + mid + lag) % SFMT_N32)] += r;
+        psfmt32[idxof(i)] = r;
+        i = (i + 1) % SFMT_N32;
+    }
+    for (; j < count; j++) {
+        r = func1(psfmt32[idxof(i)] ^ psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)]
+                  ^ psfmt32[idxof((i + SFMT_N32 - 1) % SFMT_N32)]);
+        psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)] += r;
+        r += i;
+        psfmt32[idxof((i + mid + lag) % SFMT_N32)] += r;
+        psfmt32[idxof(i)] = r;
+        i = (i + 1) % SFMT_N32;
+    }
+    for (j = 0; j < SFMT_N32; j++) {
+        r = func2(psfmt32[idxof(i)] + psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)]
+                  + psfmt32[idxof((i + SFMT_N32 - 1) % SFMT_N32)]);
+        psfmt32[idxof((i + mid) % SFMT_N32)] ^= r;
+        r -= i;
+        psfmt32[idxof((i + mid + lag) % SFMT_N32)] ^= r;
+        psfmt32[idxof(i)] = r;
+        i = (i + 1) % SFMT_N32;
+    }
+    sfmt->idx = SFMT_N32;
+    period_certification(sfmt);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)

Property changes on: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT.c
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Added: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT.h
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT.h	                        (rev 0)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT.h	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -0,0 +1,295 @@
+#pragma once
+ * @file SFMT.h
+ *
+ * @brief SIMD oriented Fast Mersenne Twister(SFMT) pseudorandom
+ * number generator using C structure.
+ *
+ * @author Mutsuo Saito (Hiroshima University)
+ * @author Makoto Matsumoto (The University of Tokyo)
+ *
+ * Copyright (C) 2006, 2007 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto and Hiroshima
+ * University.
+ * Copyright (C) 2012 Mutsuo Saito, Makoto Matsumoto, Hiroshima
+ * University and The University of Tokyo.
+ * All rights reserved.
+ *
+ * The 3-clause BSD License is applied to this software, see
+ * LICENSE.txt
+ *
+ * @note We assume that your system has inttypes.h.  If your system
+ * doesn't have inttypes.h, you have to typedef uint32_t and uint64_t,
+ * and you have to define PRIu64 and PRIx64 in this file as follows:
+ * @verbatim
+ typedef unsigned int uint32_t
+ typedef unsigned long long uint64_t
+ #define PRIu64 "llu"
+ #define PRIx64 "llx"
+ @ endverbatim
+ * uint32_t must be exactly 32-bit unsigned integer type (no more, no
+ * less), and uint64_t must be exactly 64-bit unsigned integer type.
+ * PRIu64 and PRIx64 are used for printf function to print 64-bit
+ * unsigned int and 64-bit unsigned int in hexadecimal format.
+ */
+#ifndef SFMTST_H
+#define SFMTST_H
+#if defined(__cplusplus)
+extern "C" {
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#if defined(__STDC_VERSION__) && (__STDC_VERSION__ >= 199901L)
+  #include <inttypes.h>
+#elif defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+  typedef unsigned int uint32_t;
+  typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
+  #define inline __inline
+  #include <inttypes.h>
+  #if defined(__GNUC__)
+    #define inline __inline__
+  #endif
+#ifndef PRIu64
+  #if defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+    #define PRIu64 "I64u"
+    #define PRIx64 "I64x"
+  #else
+    #define PRIu64 "llu"
+    #define PRIx64 "llx"
+  #endif
+#include "SFMT-params.h"
+  128-bit SIMD like data type for standard C
+  ------------------------------------------*/
+#if defined(HAVE_ALTIVEC)
+  #if !defined(__APPLE__)
+    #include <altivec.h>
+  #endif
+/** 128-bit data structure */
+union W128_T {
+    vector unsigned int s;
+    uint32_t u[4];
+    uint64_t u64[2];
+#elif defined(HAVE_SSE2)
+  #include <emmintrin.h>
+/** 128-bit data structure */
+union W128_T {
+    uint32_t u[4];
+    uint64_t u64[2];
+    __m128i si;
+/** 128-bit data structure */
+union W128_T {
+    uint32_t u[4];
+    uint64_t u64[2];
+/** 128-bit data type */
+typedef union W128_T w128_t;
+ * SFMT internal state
+ */
+struct SFMT_T {
+    /** the 128-bit internal state array */
+    w128_t state[SFMT_N];
+    /** index counter to the 32-bit internal state array */
+    int idx;
+typedef struct SFMT_T sfmt_t;
+void sfmt_fill_array32(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint32_t * array, int size);
+void sfmt_fill_array64(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint64_t * array, int size);
+void sfmt_init_gen_rand(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint32_t seed);
+void sfmt_init_by_array(sfmt_t * sfmt, uint32_t * init_key, int key_length);
+const char * sfmt_get_idstring(sfmt_t * sfmt);
+int sfmt_get_min_array_size32(sfmt_t * sfmt);
+int sfmt_get_min_array_size64(sfmt_t * sfmt);
+void sfmt_gen_rand_all(sfmt_t * sfmt);
+#ifndef ONLY64
+ * This function generates and returns 32-bit pseudorandom number.
+ * init_gen_rand or init_by_array must be called before this function.
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @return 32-bit pseudorandom number
+ */
+inline static uint32_t sfmt_genrand_uint32(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
+    uint32_t r;
+    uint32_t * psfmt32 = &sfmt->state[0].u[0];
+    if (sfmt->idx >= SFMT_N32) {
+        sfmt_gen_rand_all(sfmt);
+        sfmt->idx = 0;
+    }
+    r = psfmt32[sfmt->idx++];
+    return r;
+ * This function generates and returns 64-bit pseudorandom number.
+ * init_gen_rand or init_by_array must be called before this function.
+ * The function gen_rand64 should not be called after gen_rand32,
+ * unless an initialization is again executed.
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @return 64-bit pseudorandom number
+ */
+inline static uint64_t sfmt_genrand_uint64(sfmt_t * sfmt) {
+#if defined(BIG_ENDIAN64) && !defined(ONLY64)
+    uint32_t * psfmt32 = &sfmt->state[0].u[0];
+    uint32_t r1, r2;
+    uint64_t r;
+    uint64_t * psfmt64 = &sfmt->state[0].u64[0];
+    assert(sfmt->idx % 2 == 0);
+    if (sfmt->idx >= SFMT_N32) {
+        sfmt_gen_rand_all(sfmt);
+        sfmt->idx = 0;
+    }
+#if defined(BIG_ENDIAN64) && !defined(ONLY64)
+    r1 = psfmt32[sfmt->idx];
+    r2 = psfmt32[sfmt->idx + 1];
+    sfmt->idx += 2;
+    return ((uint64_t)r2 << 32) | r1;
+    r = psfmt64[sfmt->idx / 2];
+    sfmt->idx += 2;
+    return r;
+/* =================================================
+   The following real versions are due to Isaku Wada
+   ================================================= */
+ * converts an unsigned 32-bit number to a double on [0,1]-real-interval.
+ * @param v 32-bit unsigned integer
+ * @return double on [0,1]-real-interval
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_to_real1(uint32_t v)
+    return v * (1.0/4294967295.0);
+    /* divided by 2^32-1 */
+ * generates a random number on [0,1]-real-interval
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @return double on [0,1]-real-interval
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_genrand_real1(sfmt_t * sfmt)
+    return sfmt_to_real1(sfmt_genrand_uint32(sfmt));
+ * converts an unsigned 32-bit integer to a double on [0,1)-real-interval.
+ * @param v 32-bit unsigned integer
+ * @return double on [0,1)-real-interval
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_to_real2(uint32_t v)
+    return v * (1.0/4294967296.0);
+    /* divided by 2^32 */
+ * generates a random number on [0,1)-real-interval
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @return double on [0,1)-real-interval
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_genrand_real2(sfmt_t * sfmt)
+    return sfmt_to_real2(sfmt_genrand_uint32(sfmt));
+ * converts an unsigned 32-bit integer to a double on (0,1)-real-interval.
+ * @param v 32-bit unsigned integer
+ * @return double on (0,1)-real-interval
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_to_real3(uint32_t v)
+    return (((double)v) + 0.5)*(1.0/4294967296.0);
+    /* divided by 2^32 */
+ * generates a random number on (0,1)-real-interval
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @return double on (0,1)-real-interval
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_genrand_real3(sfmt_t * sfmt)
+    return sfmt_to_real3(sfmt_genrand_uint32(sfmt));
+ * converts an unsigned 32-bit integer to double on [0,1)
+ * with 53-bit resolution.
+ * @param v 32-bit unsigned integer
+ * @return double on [0,1)-real-interval with 53-bit resolution.
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_to_res53(uint64_t v)
+    return v * (1.0/18446744073709551616.0);
+ * generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @return double on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_genrand_res53(sfmt_t * sfmt)
+    return sfmt_to_res53(sfmt_genrand_uint64(sfmt));
+/* =================================================
+   The following function are added by Saito.
+   ================================================= */
+ * generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution from two
+ * 32 bit integers
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_to_res53_mix(uint32_t x, uint32_t y)
+    return sfmt_to_res53(x | ((uint64_t)y << 32));
+ * generates a random number on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution
+ * using two 32bit integers.
+ * @param sfmt SFMT internal state
+ * @return double on [0,1) with 53-bit resolution
+ */
+inline static double sfmt_genrand_res53_mix(sfmt_t * sfmt)
+    uint32_t x, y;
+    x = sfmt_genrand_uint32(sfmt);
+    y = sfmt_genrand_uint32(sfmt);
+    return sfmt_to_res53_mix(x, y);
+#if defined(__cplusplus)

Property changes on: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/SFMT.h
Added: svn:executable
   + *

Modified: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttl.c
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttl.c	2015-12-09 15:56:56 UTC (rev 6205)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttl.c	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
 #include <mbctype.h>
 #include "ttl.h"
+#include "SFMT.h"
 #include <winsock2.h>
 #include <ws2tcpip.h>
@@ -3544,13 +3545,14 @@
 // This command generates the random value from 0 to <value> and
 // stores the value to <intvar>.
 // (2006.2.11 yutaka)
-WORD TTLRecvRandom()
+WORD TTLRandom()
-	static int srand_init = 0;
+	static int init_done = 0;
+	static sfmt_t sfmt;
 	TVarId VarId;
 	WORD Err;
-	int MaxNum, Num;
-	//double d;
+	int MaxNum;
+	unsigned int Num, RandMin;
 	Err = 0;
@@ -3560,24 +3562,25 @@
 		Err = ErrSyntax;
 	if (Err!=0) return Err;
-	// \x97\x90\x90\x94 0 \x81` <intvar> \x82𐶐\xAC\x82\xB7\x82\xE9
-	if (srand_init == 0) {
-		srand_init = 1;
-		// VS2005\x82ł\xCD time_t \x82\xAA64\x83r\x83b\x83g\x89\xBB\x82\xB3\x82ꂽ\x82̂ŁA\x83L\x83\x83\x83X\x83g\x82\xF0\x92lj\xC1\x81B(2006.2.18 yutaka)
-		srand((unsigned int)time(NULL));
+	MaxNum++;
+	/* 2**32 % x == (2**32 - x) % x */
+	RandMin = (unsigned int) -MaxNum % MaxNum;
+	if (!init_done) {
+		init_done = 1;
+		sfmt_init_gen_rand(&sfmt, (unsigned int)time(NULL));
-	//d = (1.0 / (RAND_MAX + 1.0)) * (rand() + 0.5);
-	//d = rand();
-	//d = (rand() / (double)RAND_MAX) * MaxNum;
-	//Num = (int)d;
-	Num = (int)(rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0) * (MaxNum + 1));
-	SetIntVal(VarId,Num);
+	do {
+		Num = sfmt_genrand_uint32(&sfmt);
+	} while (Num < RandMin);
+	SetIntVal(VarId, (int)(Num % MaxNum));
 	return Err;
 	TStrVal Str;
@@ -6139,7 +6142,7 @@
 		case RsvQuickVANSend:
 			Err = TTLCommCmdFile(CmdQVSend,IdTTLWaitCmndResult); break;
 		case RsvRandom:
-			Err = TTLRecvRandom(); break;   // add 'random'
+			Err = TTLRandom(); break;
 		case RsvRecvLn:
 			Err = TTLRecvLn(); break;
 		case RsvRegexOption:

Modified: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v10.vcxproj
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v10.vcxproj	2015-12-09 15:56:56 UTC (rev 6205)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v10.vcxproj	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
     <ClCompile Include="ttmmain.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="ttmparse.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="wait4all.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="SFMT.c" />
     <ClInclude Include="errdlg.h" />
@@ -162,6 +163,10 @@
     <ClInclude Include="ttmmain.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="ttmmsg.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="ttmparse.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-common.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-params.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-params19937.h" />
     <None Include="Ttmacro.ico" />
@@ -188,4 +193,4 @@
       <UserProperties RESOURCE_FILE="ttpmacro.rc" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v11.vcxproj
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v11.vcxproj	2015-12-09 15:56:56 UTC (rev 6205)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v11.vcxproj	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -142,6 +142,7 @@
     <ClCompile Include="ttmmain.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="ttmparse.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="wait4all.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="SFMT.c" />
     <ClInclude Include="errdlg.h" />
@@ -162,6 +163,10 @@
     <ClInclude Include="ttmmain.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="ttmmsg.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="ttmparse.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-common.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-params.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-params19937.h" />
     <Image Include="Ttmacro.ico" />
@@ -186,4 +191,4 @@
       <UserProperties RESOURCE_FILE="ttpmacro.rc" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v12.vcxproj
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v12.vcxproj	2015-12-09 15:56:56 UTC (rev 6205)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v12.vcxproj	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
     <ClCompile Include="ttmmain.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="ttmparse.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="wait4all.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="SFMT.c" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\common\ttlib.h" />
@@ -164,6 +165,10 @@
     <ClInclude Include="ttmmsg.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="ttmparse.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="ttm_res.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-common.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-params.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-params19937.h" />
     <Image Include="Ttmacro.ico" />
@@ -188,4 +193,4 @@
       <UserProperties RESOURCE_FILE="ttpmacro.rc" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v14.vcxproj
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v14.vcxproj	2015-12-09 15:56:56 UTC (rev 6205)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v14.vcxproj	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -144,6 +144,7 @@
     <ClCompile Include="ttmmain.cpp" />
     <ClCompile Include="ttmparse.c" />
     <ClCompile Include="wait4all.c" />
+    <ClCompile Include="SFMT.c" />
     <ClInclude Include="..\common\ttlib.h" />
@@ -164,6 +165,10 @@
     <ClInclude Include="ttmmsg.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="ttmparse.h" />
     <ClInclude Include="ttm_res.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-common.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-params.h" />
+    <ClInclude Include="SFMT-params19937.h" />
     <Image Include="Ttmacro.ico" />
@@ -188,4 +193,4 @@
       <UserProperties RESOURCE_FILE="ttpmacro.rc" />
\ No newline at end of file

Modified: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v9.vcproj
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v9.vcproj	2015-12-09 15:56:56 UTC (rev 6205)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.v9.vcproj	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -311,6 +311,22 @@
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT-common.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT-params.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT-params19937.h"
+				>
+			</File>
 			Name="Resource Files"
@@ -387,6 +403,10 @@
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT.c"
+				>
+			</File>

Modified: trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.vcproj
--- trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.vcproj	2015-12-09 15:56:56 UTC (rev 6205)
+++ trunk/teraterm/ttpmacro/ttpmacro.vcproj	2015-12-09 16:36:28 UTC (rev 6206)
@@ -312,6 +312,22 @@
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT-common.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT-params.h"
+				>
+			</File>
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT-params19937.h"
+				>
+			</File>
 			Name="Resource Files"
@@ -388,6 +404,10 @@
+			<File
+				RelativePath="SFMT.c"
+				>
+			</File>

Ttssh2-commit メーリングリストの案内
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