待辦事項 #32426

Menu grayed out issue (From Forum Message #70721)

啟用日期: 2013-11-10 19:51 最後更新: 2013-11-10 19:51

開啟 [Owner assigned]
5 - 中
5 - 中


From Forum Help [#70721]

[forum: 70721]

I started doing some testing of Tfb 24.0.1b this afternoon and the results have mostly been positive. Tfb 24.0.1b feels more snappy to me than 17.0.10. I just ran across an issue, however. Focus was in a new message window and I noticed that all of the items in the Edit dropdown menu were grayed out, then realized that this was also the case for the Edit, View, Options, Tools and Window menus. The Tenfourbird and Help menus appeared to be normal. The CMD-R keyboard shortcut still worked and I presume this would have been the case for other shortcuts. When I changed the focus to the mailbox window, the menus returned to normal. When I changed focus back to the message window, however, all of the items were once again grayed out. Quitting and restarting Tfb 24.0.1b seems to have resolved the issue. Now the menus are working normally even when focus is in a message window.

Ticket History (2/2 Histories)

2013-11-10 19:51 Updated by: t_mrc-ct
  • New Ticket "Menu grayed out issue (From Forum Message #70721)" created
2013-11-10 19:51 Updated by: t_mrc-ct
  • 負責人 Update from (無) to t_mrc-ct

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