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Syuhitu is the text editor for Solaris. It aims simple user interface and ease of use. It made by Motif, and high compatibility with CDE.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

syuhitu source (7 items 隱藏)

發布 2007-12-06 23:00
19 (1 files 隱藏)

發布 2007-03-31 16:46
18 (1 files 隱藏)

發布 2007-01-03 20:24
17 (1 files 隱藏)

發布 2007-01-03 20:23
16 (1 files 隱藏)

發布 2007-01-03 20:23
15 (1 files 隱藏)

發布 2007-01-03 20:22
14 (1 files 隱藏)

發布 2007-01-03 20:22
13 (1 files 隱藏)