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2023-08-01 03:54
Hi Mateusz, I think, I found an incompatibility between SvarCOM and Volkov Commander. When returning to VC from a pro...
2022-10-03 01:55
Reported by Fritz Mueller: several fdos files are outdated: a) format (0.91v-->0.91w) b) label (1.4b --> 1.4c - NLS s...
2022-08-26 04:25
Reported by Fritz Mueller: (...) I think I got the problem: It has to do with rebooting the 2,8 MB diskette. I worked...
2022-04-12 18:09
MS-DOS DIR command preloads arguments set in %DIRCMD% before parsing the arguments of the command itself. This is a v...
2022-04-12 18:02
this is about adding the CTTY internal command to SvarCOM.


