[Skkime-devel] I had a heavy sum to pay. It was on t

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Eakles Yontz barbs****@amraa*****
2010年 3月 31日 (水) 12:32:54 JST

Ood-will, the empire had been already indebted in periods of faction
and foreign hostility; and to whom it was to be indebted still more in
coming periods of still wilder faction, and of hostility which brought
the world in arms against his crown. As I glanced around
for a moment, to see the effect on the house, which

was then thundering with applause, I observed a slight confusion, like
a personal quarrel, in the pit; and in the next instant saw a hand
raised above the crowd, and a pistol fired full in the direction of the
box. The King started back a pace or two, and the
general apprehension that he had been struck, produced a loud cry of
horror. He evidently understood the public feeling, and instantly came
forward, and by a bow, with his hand on his heart, at once assured them
of his gratitude
and his safety. This was acknowledged by a shout of universal
congratulation; and many a bright eye, and many a manly one, too,
streamed with tears. In the midst of
all, the Queen and the royal family rushed into the box, flung
themselves round the king, and all was embracing, fainting, and terror.
Cries for the seizure of the assassin now resounded

on every side. He was
grasped by a hundred hands, and torn out of the house. Then the
universal voice demanded
"God save the Ki
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