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MIDE is an IDE for working with UML Class Diagram model. It extends the Eclipse UML2 Editor and provides *carrying out complex tasks in one click *query gui engine * and a pattern-matching engine for detecting design errors as soon as they are made

System Requirements

操作系統: Windows XP

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Latest 5 files
名稱 大小 日期 下載總數
swfobject.js 6.7 KB 2010-09-14 19:17 144
player.swf 89.2 KB 2010-09-14 19:16 1367
mide-Wizard.flv 47.5 MB 2010-08-28 23:26 11
outline.txt 0.5 KB 2010-08-22 06:15 6
WFW-usage-example.ogv 1.2 MB 2010-08-22 06:15 16
All Files
swfobject.js6.7 KB2010-09-14 19:17144
player.swf89.2 KB2010-09-14 19:161367
mide-Wizard.flv47.5 MB2010-08-28 23:2611
Prototype Presentation
outline.txt0.5 KB2010-08-22 06:156
WFW-usage-example.ogv1.2 MB2010-08-22 06:1516
WFW-usage.png76.2 KB2010-08-22 06:155
gensets.ogv1.4 MB2010-08-22 06:1327
WFW-hello-world.png85.7 KB2010-08-22 06:139
PM-Example.ogv2.7 MB2010-08-22 06:1121
outline.txt0.4 KB2010-08-22 06:101
PM-conf.png44.2 KB2010-08-22 06:093
eclipse-help-install.png112.2 KB2010-08-22 06:089
eclipse-install.png72.0 KB2010-08-22 06:085
NoSuperClassFilter.png22.0 KB2010-08-22 06:086
MIDE-Prototype-Presentation.ppt2.0 MB2010-08-22 06:0811
2Do.txt0.8 KB2010-08-22 06:052
SE Class Presentation
Figures.odp286.6 KB2010-08-22 06:056
Figures.pdf220.2 KB2010-08-22 06:0519
client_accept.doc28.0 KB2010-08-22 06:043
Testing Document
Testing Document.docx28.5 KB2010-08-22 06:047
MIDE - Testing Document.pdf85.9 KB2010-08-22 06:0418
Etai Group - Testing Document.docx286.9 KB2010-08-22 06:045
Etai Group - Testing Document.doc320.0 KB2010-08-22 06:038
Testing Template.pdf80.5 KB2010-08-22 06:0326
MIDE-Poster.pdf4.5 MB2010-08-22 02:2624
MIDE-Poster.pptx1.5 MB2010-08-22 02:234
Projects Day Presentation
MIDE - Project Day Presentation.pdf10.4 MB2010-08-22 00:2220
MIDE - Project Day Presentation.pptx1.0 MB2010-08-22 00:122
Introduction Slides
MD_IDE.pdf112.9 KB2010-08-22 00:0823
MD_IDE.ppt235.0 KB2010-08-22 00:082
Final Report + Manual
Frontal Matter
Frontal Matter.lyx5.9 KB2010-08-22 00:075
Reference.lyx21.8 KB2010-08-22 00:075
training.odt13.9 KB2010-08-22 00:073
final-report.pdf63.6 KB2010-08-22 00:0728
Work Plan.txt0.5 KB2010-08-22 00:074
MIDE-ARD-Presentation.pdf2.0 MB2010-08-21 23:5414
MIDE-ARD-Presentation.pptx590.9 KB2010-08-21 23:546
ARD-backup.pdf611.4 KB2010-08-21 23:5127
ARD.pdf423.5 KB2010-08-21 23:5125
ARD.lyx7.5 KB2010-08-21 23:500
mayer_ard.pdf127.0 KB2010-08-21 23:5013
Diamond-Pattern.png8.9 KB2010-08-21 23:5028
cdw.vpp40.0 KB2010-08-21 23:485
Sequence Diagram1.png13.9 KB2010-08-21 23:485
WFW-ADD.lyx27.0 KB2010-08-21 23:485
CDW-dataobjects.png9.7 KB2010-08-21 23:480
CDW-relationships.png10.8 KB2010-08-21 23:481
CDW-classdiagram.png50.6 KB2010-08-21 23:484
CDW-UI01.png14.6 KB2010-08-21 23:483
Templatess-SD2.PNG20.6 KB2010-08-21 23:479
Templates-UI.PNG122.1 KB2010-08-21 23:477
Templatess-SD1.PNG30.4 KB2010-08-21 23:475
Templates-DataObjects.PNG6.3 KB2010-08-21 23:471
Templates-Relationship.PNG6.9 KB2010-08-21 23:472
SD for ARD and ADD.vpp360.9 KB2010-08-21 23:472
Templates-ClassDiagram.PNG10.1 KB2010-08-21 23:472
Templates-ADD.lyx28.7 KB2010-08-21 23:478
PM - overview
Slide1.PNG36.6 KB2010-08-21 23:451
Slide4.PNG9.9 KB2010-08-21 23:452
Slide2.PNG94.9 KB2010-08-21 23:451
Slide3.PNG103.3 KB2010-08-21 23:452
schema-editor.png16.5 KB2010-08-21 23:454
pm.vpp61.3 KB2010-08-21 23:456
PM-ADD.pdf443.1 KB2010-08-21 23:4518
Sequence Diagram1.png30.4 KB2010-08-21 23:444
PM - overview.pptx259.9 KB2010-08-21 23:4416
PM-ADD.lyx114.1 KB2010-08-21 23:444
Impl Problems.JPG56.4 KB2010-08-21 23:442
GPM.png20.1 KB2010-08-21 23:442
GPM-tools.png68.6 KB2010-08-21 23:436
GPM-schemaGraph.png22.8 KB2010-08-21 23:431
GPM-labeledGraph.png16.5 KB2010-08-21 23:431
GPM-constraints.png30.0 KB2010-08-21 23:431
Feedback01.PNG51.6 KB2010-08-21 23:432
Algorithm.txt0.9 KB2010-08-21 23:433
Slide1.png14.5 KB2010-08-21 23:424
MQV-uiexample.png143.0 KB2010-08-21 23:424
PackagesDiagram.png18.6 KB2010-08-21 23:421
MQ-ADD.lyx56.1 KB2010-08-21 23:422
MQ-relationships.png34.0 KB2010-08-21 23:424
MQ-dataobjects.png14.1 KB2010-08-21 23:421
MQ-classdiagram.png54.5 KB2010-08-21 23:423
MQ-Sequence Diagram2.png31.6 KB2010-08-21 23:4214
MQ-Sequence Diagram1.png32.7 KB2010-08-21 23:4111
MQ-ADD.pdf413.5 KB2010-08-21 23:4114
pasted8.emf2.5 MB2010-08-21 23:383
pasted9.emf831.8 KB2010-08-21 23:353
pasted7.emf1.7 MB2010-08-21 23:343
pasted6.emf940.0 KB2010-08-21 23:330
pasted5.emf965.8 KB2010-08-21 23:311
pasted4.emf929.3 KB2010-08-21 23:310
pasted3.emf763.1 KB2010-08-21 23:2921
pasted2.emf1.0 MB2010-08-21 23:299
pasted10.emf831.8 KB2010-08-21 23:274
pasted1.png85.5 KB2010-08-21 23:265
pasted1.emf233.3 KB2010-08-21 23:2613
output.JPG65.1 KB2010-08-21 23:266
input2.JPG21.4 KB2010-08-21 23:264
GenSet-ADD.lyx18.9 KB2010-08-21 23:269
input1.JPG77.0 KB2010-08-21 23:266
MIDE-ADD-Presentation.ppt2.5 MB2010-08-21 23:255
template.pdf200.8 KB2010-08-21 23:2222
arch.png12.2 KB2010-08-21 23:224
MIDE-ADD.pdf1.4 MB2010-08-21 23:2210
MIDE-ADD.lyx5.4 KB2010-08-21 23:209
Pattern Recognition
PR - draft 2.lyx29.9 KB2010-08-21 23:175
HierarchyCycle01.png15.9 KB2010-08-21 23:176
diamond-data.png2.6 KB2010-08-21 23:175
diamond-schema.png2.9 KB2010-08-21 23:162
Diamond01.png9.9 KB2010-08-21 23:163
PR - draft 2.pdf172.2 KB2010-08-21 23:1626
samples KB2010-08-21 20:485
update-sites.xml0.4 KB2010-08-21 20:218