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Using the CUDA API this project modifies the AutoDock software to run in parallel on NVIDIA GPUs. Users will be able to download and compile the code and use AutoDock on CUDA capable Graphics Cards. Autodock is located at

System Requirements

操作系統: POSIX (Linux,BSD,Solaris etc..), BSD

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Latest 5 files
名稱 大小 日期 下載總數
generated_concepts.pdf 153.6 KB 2009-05-08 11:28 84
final_prototype_report.pdf 435.9 KB 2009-05-08 11:28 93
experimental_validation.pdf 112.8 KB 2009-05-08 11:28 55
customer_needs_and_target_specifications.pdf 111.9 KB 2009-05-08 11:27 51
e51-logo.JPG 16.2 KB 2009-05-08 11:27 47
All Files
generated_concepts.pdf153.6 KB2009-05-08 11:2884
final_prototype_report.pdf435.9 KB2009-05-08 11:2893
experimental_validation.pdf112.8 KB2009-05-08 11:2855
customer_needs_and_target_specifications.pdf111.9 KB2009-05-08 11:2751
e51-logo.JPG16.2 KB2009-05-08 11:2747
gpuautodock.tar.gz34.5 MB2009-05-08 11:2657