討論區: 幫助論壇 (Thread #15984)

Compiling SAGCAD (2007-08-30 22:40 by ekumbay #31868)

Is there any file that describes compiling sagcad in windows operating system?

I am using GTK+2.0 and MSYS, MinGW. Sagcad requires gtk+1.2 as it says during the ./configure. Could anyone describe me how to install gtk+1.2?

RE: Compiling SAGCAD (2007-10-11 23:49 by kappa #32728)

sagcad is during change in GTK2.

This is unfinished.

I am using GTK2.10.11 and MSYS, MinGW

Not Autotool

>cd src


回覆: #31868