[Rubycocoa-devel 575] Cocoa rdoc

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Eloy Duran eloy.****@gmail*****
Sat Jan 6 12:51:33 JST 2007

Hi guys,

Here's a script I started on that parses an reference.html file from
the apple docs.
There's still lot's of work to be done, but the first results look promising.
So I decided to mail it to the list, because together we might be able to
fix the bugs faster..... :)

At the moment it only tries to parse methods,
so any notification etc will be tried to be handled as a method
which should of course still be fixed.
Also there's no difference between a class and a instance method.
But these should be simple to fix...

One thing I was unable to figure out on this waaaaay to late hour of the day,
is a problem with some of the "Availability" sections.
As you can see in the output of the script, some of the methods
get the correct availability but some give some problems.
E.g. if you parse the NSView ref (which is the one it tries by default),
in the allocateGState method the text in the availability section isn't correct.
The text is part of the discussion, but this happens because the discussion
section contains multiple paragraphs ('p' tags).

And probably lots of more stuff that I forgot about right now....



$ruby parse_docs.rb > output.rb
$rdoc output.rb


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