[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-dancr-rbcatut

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2013年 3月 23日 (土) 15:23:01 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-dancr-rbcatut
@@ -117,16 +117,16 @@
      $: << '~/work/HikiLib'
      require 'hiki2-gtk-w-cairo.rb'
      include HikiGtk
-     class MyCairoCodeClass < CairoWindow		# Your own CairoWindow class
-     	def draw(cr, drawing_area)			# Override the draw method
-     	  width, height = drawing_area.window.size	# You will likely need w, h
-     	  # Your code comes here:			#
-     	  # ---------------------			#
-     	        o o o					# Your code comes here.
-     	end						#					
-     end						#
-     window=MyCairoCodeClass.new	# Replace 'CairoWindow' with your new class name.
-     					# Optionally, supply the your name to the constructor. 
+     class MyCairoCodeClass < CairoWindow            # Your own CairoWindow class
+       def draw(cr, drawing_area)                    # Override the draw method
+         width, height = drawing_area.window.size    # You will likely need w, h
+         # Your code comes here:                     #
+         # ---------------------                     #
+               o o o                                 # Your code comes here.
+       end                                           #					
+     end                                             #
+     window=MyCairoCodeClass.new        # Replace 'CairoWindow' with your new class name.
+                                        # Optionally, supply the your name to the constructor. 

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