[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-treev-parts

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 9月 19日 (水) 11:01:14 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-treev-parts
@@ -53,7 +53,7 @@
-For example, a tree column may display a text string that has foreground colour defined by a model column that is not visible to the user as data but simply is displayed as a colour of the text. In the figure here the left table contains two pieces of information: (1) a text string and (2) a Gdk-colour value, hence  each row within a model contains the data to display in view along with the colour parameter for the program, with which to control the colour rendering. The table on the right in the figure represents the tree view, i.e. how the user sees this data. In other words, the two model columns are used to "colour" the corresponding string (colour name) in the ((*tree view*)) column. This example may not make much sense on your first reading, and it is confusing to every starting up GTK+ programmer, until he/she is faced with the task of rendering different rows of a tree view in different styles and colours. We will learn how to implement this later in this tutorial.  
 For now you should just remember that columns in a model do not necessarily map to columns in its corresponding view!
+For example, a tree column may display a text string that has foreground colour defined by a model column that is not visible to the user as data but simply is displayed as a colour of the text. In the figure here the left table contains two pieces of information: (1) a text string and (2) a RGB colour value, hence  each row within a model contains the data to display in view along with the colour parameter for the program, with which to control the colour rendering. The table on the right in the figure represents the tree view, i.e. how the user sees this data. In other words, the two model columns are used to "colour" the corresponding string (colour name) in the ((*tree view*)) column. This example may not make much sense on your first reading, and it is confusing to every starting up GTK+ programmer, until he/she is faced with the task of rendering different rows of a tree view in different styles and colours. We will learn how to implement this later in this tutorial.  
 For now you should just remember that columns in a model do not necessarily map to columns in its corresponding view!

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