[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-mnstbs-mnui

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 10月 30日 (火) 04:07:32 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-mnstbs-mnui
@@ -9,7 +9,82 @@
 Submenus in GTK+ are not created by separate type of menu item widget but by calling Gtk::MenuItem#submenu= method. This method calls Gtk::Menu#attach_to_widget to attach the submenu to the menu item and places an arrow beside the menu item to show that it now has a submenu. If the menu item already has a submenu, it will be replaced with the given Gtk::Menu widget.
-Submenus are useful if you have a list of very specific items that would clutter an otherwise organized menu structure. When using a submenu, you can use the ((*active-item*)) signal provided by the Gtk::MenuItem widget, which will be emitted when the menu item displays its submenu.
+Submenus are useful if you have a list of very specific items that would clutter an otherwise organized menu structure. When using a submenu, you can use the((*active-item*))signal provided by the Gtk::MenuItem widget, which will be emitted when the menu item displays its submenu.
+ #!/usr/bin/env ruby
+ require 'gtk2'
+ def mk_submenu(*menuitems, tearoff)
+   submenu = Gtk::Menu.new
+   if tearoff
+     menuitem = Gtk::TearoffMenuItem.new
+     submenu.append(menuitem)
+     menuitem.show
+   end
+   menuitems.each do |mi|
+     if mi.is_a? String
+       menuitem = Gtk::RadioMenuItem.new(mi)
+       submenu.append(menuitem)
+     elsif mi.is_a? Gtk::Menu
+       puts "creating sub-sub menu: [#{mi.name}]"
+       menuitem = Gtk::RadioMenuItem.new(mi.name)
+       submenu.append(menuitem)
+       menuitem.submenu = mi
+     else
+       puts "an unexpected submenu type: #{mi.class}"
+     end
+     menuitem.show
+   end
+   submenu.show
+   return submenu
+ end
+ menu = Gtk::Menu.new
+ menutearoff = Gtk::TearoffMenuItem.new
+ menu.append(menutearoff)
+ menu.append(mitem1 = Gtk::MenuItem.new("Test1"))
+ menu.append(mitem2 = Gtk::MenuItem.new("Test2"))
+ sub_submenu1 = mk_submenu("sub-sub1:item-1", "sub-sub1:item-2", true)
+ sub_submenu1.name = "sub-sub menu1"
+ mitem2.submenu = mk_submenu(sub_submenu1, "t1-test1", "t2-test2", true)
+ menu.show_all
+ mitem1.signal_connect('activate') { |w, e| puts "#{w.class} - Test1" }
+ window = Gtk::Window.new("Context Menu w/submenus (1)")
+ # Make window sensitive to Right-mouse-click, to open the pop-up menu.
+ window.add_events(Gdk::Event::BUTTON_PRESS_MASK)
+ window.signal_connect("button_press_event") do |widget, event|
+   menu.popup(nil, nil, event.button, event.time) if (event.button == 3)
+ end
+ # Make window sensitive to <Shift+F10> accelerator keys. These
+ # accelerator keys generate the 'popup-menu' signal for window,
+ # which opens the popup-menu.
+ window.signal_connect("popup_menu") do |w|
+   menu.popup(nil, nil, 0, Gdk::Event::CURRENT_TIME)
+ end
+ window.set_default_size(320, 100).show_all
+ window.signal_connect('destroy') { Gtk.main_quit }
+ window.add(Gtk::Label.new("Hello World\n" +
+                           "You may 'right-click' me\n\n" +
+                           "or use <Shift+F10>"))
+ window.show_all
+ Gtk.main
 === Image Menu Items

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