[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-treev-cbbr

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2012年 10月 11日 (木) 07:28:01 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-treev-cbbr
@@ -6,9 +6,9 @@
-Gtk::CellRendererCombo renders text in a cell like Gtk::CellRendererText from which it is derived. But while Gtk::CellRendererText offers a simple entry to edit the text, Gtk::CellRendererCombo offers a Gtk::ComboBox or Gtk::Entry widget to edit the text. The values to display in the combo box are either entered or taken from the tree model specified in the combo cell renderer's model property. 
+Gtk::CellRendererCombo renders text in a cell like Gtk::CellRendererText from which it is derived. But while Gtk::CellRendererText offers a simple entry to edit the text, Gtk::CellRendererCombo offers a Gtk::ComboBox or Gtk::Entry widget to edit the text. The values to display in the combo box are either entered via the Gtk::Entry widget or taken from the tree model specified in the combo cell renderer's model property. 
-The combo cell renderer displays the column identified by its((*text_column*))property. Note tat this column is from module specified in the Gtk::CellRendererCombo#model=, not from the model associated with the tree view. With Gtk::CellRendererCombo render you can use either from Gtk::CellRendererText inherited 'edited' signal or'editing-started' signal inherited from Gtk::CellRenderer.
+The combo cell renderer displays the column identified by its((*text_column*))property. Note that this column is from module specified in the Gtk::CellRendererCombo#model=, not from the model associated with the tree view. With Gtk::CellRendererCombo render you can use either from Gtk::CellRendererText inherited 'edited' signal or'editing-started' signal inherited from Gtk::CellRenderer.

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