[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Ruby-GNOME2 Project Website] update - tut-gtk2-dynui-bui

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2009年 3月 4日 (水) 05:51:28 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-gtk2-dynui-bui
@@ -80,7 +80,7 @@
-This window has three parts left (current item list), right (current item properties) and the bottom (current item signal handling). Every time you press the Add button on the left you add a new item to the list. When an item is selected it is highlighted and you can change its properties on the right side of the window and signal handling part at the bottom. Looking at our list of nine items the name (black) is the first thing you will enter. For this item you will change the "Type" to "Menu".  The next entry "Image Type" should stay as is (Stock), and in Stock Item you should select the image called "Back". This concludes the right side (specification of current item's properties). We would normally continue to the bottom part now and enter the relevant info for the callback. However you can discontinue entering at any time by clicking "Close" button in the ((*toolbar editor.*)) If you do so, do not forget to also click "Save" on the main menu of Glade application window. To continue with the "toolbar editor" you need to highlight (select) the toolbar item in the widget tree and click "Edit". You can continue adding additional items ignoring the signals for now, since changes and additions can be done at any time.
+This window has three parts left (current item list), right (current item properties) and the bottom (current item signal handling). Every time you press the Add button on the left you add a new item to the list. When an item is selected it is highlighted and you can change its properties on the right side of the window and signal handling part at the bottom. Looking at our list of nine items the name (black) is the first thing you will enter. For this item you will change the "Type" to "Menu".  The next entry "Image Type" should stay as is (Stock), and in Stock Item you should select the image called "Back". This concludes the right side (specification of current item's properties). We would normally continue to the bottom part now and enter the relevant info for the callback. However you can discontinue entering at any time by clicking "Close" button in the ((*toolbar editor.*)) If you do so, do not forget to also click "Save" on the main menu of Glade application window. To continue with the "toolbar editor" you need to highlight (select) the toolbar item in the widget tree and click "Edit". You can continue adding additional items ignoring the signals for now, since changes and additions can be made at any time.
 But we still need to learn how to enter the signal handler part. Actually Glade helps us here too, it suggests the name for the callback. The name it suggests is built from  three parts: "on_" + "item-name" + "_signal". So for buttons we create the suggested names will be:

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