[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Gnome::PrintUnitSelector

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2005年 6月 10日 (金) 22:46:28 JST

REMOTE_USER = ruby-gnome2-hiki        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/cgi-bin/hiki/hiki.cgi?Gnome%3A%3APrintUnitSelector
TITLE       = Gnome::PrintUnitSelector
KEYWORD     = 
= class Gnome::PrintUnitSelector

== Object Hierarchy
* Object
  * GLib::Instantiatable
    * GLib::Object
      * Gtk::Object
        * Gtk::Widget
          * Gtk::Container
            * Gtk::Box
              * Gtk::HBox
                * Gnome::PrintUnitSelector

== Class Methods
--- Gnome::PrintUnitSelector.new(bases)
     * bases: Gnome::PrintUnit::UNIT_*
     * Returns: A new Gnome::PrintUnitSelector object

== Instance Methods
--- add_adjustment(adjustment)

     * adjustment: A Gtk::Adjustment object
     * Returns: (({nil}))

--- bases=(basis)
--- set_bases(basis)
     * basis: Gnome::PrintUnit::UNIT_*
     * Returns: (({nil}))

--- remove_adjustment(adjustment)
     * adjustment: A Gtk::Adjustment object
     * Returns: (({nil}))

--- unit
     * Returns: A Gnome::PrintUnit

--- unit=(unit)
--- set_unit(unit)
     * unit: A Gnome::PrintUnit
     * Returns: (({nil}))

== Signals
--- modified: self
     * self: Gnome::PrintUnitSelector

== See Also

== ChangeLog

* 2005-06-10 ((<kou>)): added

- ((<kou>))

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