[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - News_20040314_1

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 3月 15日 (月) 00:33:57 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?News_20040314_1
  = News (2004-03-14)
  == Ruby-GNOME2-0.9.1 is out!
  ((*Posted by Masao on 2004-03-14 (Sun) 15:33:09*))
- Ruby-GNOME2-0.9.1 has been released. 
- This is a bugfix release of Ruby-GNOME2-0.9.0.
- Enjoy!
- == Highlights
- * Improved to support Win32. 
-    * Binary version is also available for ((<Ruby Installer For Windows|URL:http://rubyinstaller.sourceforge.net/>)).
-    * Ruby/Libgda: Support libgda-1.0.3(stable branch).
-    * Ruby/GTK: Fix a bug of Gtk::Combo. 
-    * Ruby/GConf: Fix some bugs.
- == Downloads
- ((<Downloads from here.|URL:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=53614>))
- :ruby-gtk2
-   The minimum package which includes Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/ATK, Ruby/GdkPixbuf, Ruby/Pango, Ruby/GTK2.
- :ruby-gstreamer
-   The minimum package for Ruby/GStreamer. (Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/GStreamer)
- :ruby-gnome2
-   All of Ruby-GNOME2 libraries.
- == Resources
- ((<Mailing lists|URL:http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=53614>))
- ((<IRC|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?irc>))
- === Project website
- * (English)  ((<URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/>))
- * (French)   ((<URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/fr/>))
- * (Italian)  ((<URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/it/>)) 
- * (Japanese) ((<URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/>))
- === Documents
- * ((<Ruby-GNOME2 API Reference|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?Ruby-GNOME2+API+Reference>))
- * Tutorials
-    * ((<English|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tutorials>))
-       * ((<"Ruby/Libgda Tutorial"|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-libgda>))
-       * ((<"Ruby/GTK2 TreeView Tutorial"|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-treeview>))
-       * ((<"Compile Guide for MS Windows(mswin32,mingw32)"|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?compile_mingw>)) [NEW]
-    * ((<French|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/fr/hiki.cgi?tutoriels>))
-    * ((<Italian|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/it/hiki.cgi?tutorials>))
-    * ((<Japanese|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/hiki.cgi?tutorials>))
-       * ((<"Compile Guide for MS Windows(mswin32,mingw32)"|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/hiki.cgi?compile_mingw>)) [NEW]
- === Other resources
- * ((<Samples|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?Samples>))
- * ((<gtk+-2.2 binary package for cygwin|URL:http://web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~s01397ms/cygwin/index.html.en>))
- * ((<GTK+ for Windows|URL:http://www.dropline.net/gtk/>))
- * ((<Links|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?Links>))
- == Changes since version 0.9.1
- * Ruby/GLib [Masao Mutoh]
-     * Fix a compilation problem on MinGW.
- * Ruby/ATK [Masao Mutoh]
-     * Fix a compilation problem on MinGW.
-     * Improved extconf.rb
- * Ruby/Pango [Masao Mutoh]
-     * Improved extconf.rb
- * Ruby/GTK [Masao Mutoh]
-     * Fix a compilation problem on MinGW.
-     * Fix a bug of Gtk::Combo.
-     * Improved extconf.rb
- * Ruby/GConf [Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA]
-     * Fix bugs.
- * Ruby/Libgda [Laurent Sansonetti]
+ Ruby-GNOME2-0.9.1 has been released. 
+ This is a bugfix release of Ruby-GNOME2-0.9.0.
+ Enjoy!
+ == Highlights
+ * Improved to support Win32. 
+ * Binary version is also available for ((<Ruby Installer For Windows|URL:http://rubyinstaller.sourceforge.net/>)).
+ * Ruby/Libgda: Support libgda-1.0.3(stable branch).
+ * Ruby/GTK: Fix a bug of Gtk::Combo. 
+ * Ruby/GConf: Fix some bugs.
+ == Downloads
+ ((<Downloads from here.|URL:http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=53614>))
+ :ruby-gtk2
+   The minimum package which includes Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/ATK, Ruby/GdkPixbuf, Ruby/Pango, Ruby/GTK2.
+ :ruby-gstreamer
+   The minimum package for Ruby/GStreamer. (Ruby/GLib2, Ruby/GStreamer)
+ :ruby-gnome2
+   All of Ruby-GNOME2 libraries.
+ == Resources
+ ((<Mailing lists|URL:http://sourceforge.net/mail/?group_id=53614>))
+ ((<IRC|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?irc>))
+ === Project website
+ * (English)  ((<URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/>))
+ * (French)   ((<URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/fr/>))
+ * (Italian)  ((<URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/it/>)) 
+ * (Japanese) ((<URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/>))
+ === Documents
+ * ((<Ruby-GNOME2 API Reference|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?Ruby-GNOME2+API+Reference>))
+ * Tutorials
+    * ((<English|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tutorials>))
+       * ((<"Ruby/Libgda Tutorial"|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-libgda>))
+       * ((<"Ruby/GTK2 TreeView Tutorial"|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?tut-treeview>))
+       * ((<"Compile Guide for MS Windows(mswin32,mingw32)"|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?compile_mingw>)) [NEW]
+    * ((<French|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/fr/hiki.cgi?tutoriels>))
+    * ((<Italian|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/it/hiki.cgi?tutorials>))
+    * ((<Japanese|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/hiki.cgi?tutorials>))
+       * ((<"Compile Guide for MS Windows(mswin32,mingw32)"|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/ja/hiki.cgi?compile_mingw>)) [NEW]
+ === Other resources
+ * ((<Samples|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?Samples>))
+ * ((<gtk+-2.2 binary package for cygwin|URL:http://web.sfc.keio.ac.jp/~s01397ms/cygwin/index.html.en>))
+ * ((<GTK+ for Windows|URL:http://www.dropline.net/gtk/>))
+ * ((<Links|URL:http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/hiki.cgi?Links>))
+ == Changes since version 0.9.1
+ * Ruby/GLib [Masao Mutoh]
+     * Fix a compilation problem on MinGW.
+ * Ruby/ATK [Masao Mutoh]
+     * Fix a compilation problem on MinGW.
+     * Improved extconf.rb
+ * Ruby/Pango [Masao Mutoh]
+     * Improved extconf.rb
+ * Ruby/GTK [Masao Mutoh]
+     * Fix a compilation problem on MinGW.
+     * Fix a bug of Gtk::Combo.
+     * Improved extconf.rb
+ * Ruby/GConf [Kazuhiro NISHIYAMA]
+     * Fix bugs.
+ * Ruby/Libgda [Laurent Sansonetti]
      * Support libgda-1.0.3(stable branch).

ruby-gnome2-cvs メーリングリストの案内
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