[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gst::Bin

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 8月 6日 (金) 03:47:21 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp//?Gst%3A%3ABin
  = class Gst::Bin
  Base container element.
  == Object Hierarchy
  * Object
    * GLib::Instantiatable
      * GLib::Object
        * Gst::Object
          * Gst::Element
            * Gst::Bin
  == Class Methods
  --- Gst::Bin.new(name=nil)
      Constructs a new Gst::Bin object.
      If element name is ommited (or nil), then the bin will receive a guaranteed
      unique name, consisting of the "bin" string and a number.
      If name is given, it will be given the name supplied.
      * name: a name for the bin.  
      * Returns: a newly allocated Gst::Bin object.
  == Instance Methods
  --- [](name)
      Synonym for Gst::Bin#get_by_name.
      * name: a name.  
      * Returns: a Gst::Element reference, or nil if the bin does not contain an element with the given name.
  --- add(*elements)
      Adds one or more Gst::Element objects to the bin.
      * elements: a list of Gst::Element objects.  
      * Returns: an array of all Gst::Element objects in the container.
  --- auto_clock
      Let the bin select a clock automatically.
      * Returns: self.
+ --- child_state_change(oldstate, newstate, child)
+     An internal method to inform the parent bin about a state change of
+     a child.
+     * oldstate: the old child state (see ((<GstElementState|Gst::Element#GstElementState>))). 
+     * child: a Gst::Element that signaled a changed state.  
+     * newstate: the new child state (see ((<GstElementState|Gst::Element#GstElementState>))). 
+     * Returns: self.
  --- clear
      Synonym for Gst::Bin#remove_all.
      * Returns: an empty array.
  --- clock
      Gets the current clock of the (scheduler of the) bin,
      as a Gst::Clock object.
      This method overrides Gst::Element#get_clock.
      * Returns: a Gst::Clock object, or nil.
+ --- each_by_interface(interface)
+     Calls the block for each element inside the bin that implements the
+     given interface, passing a reference to the Gst::Element as parameter.
+     This method recurses bins inside bins.
+     * interface: an interface (Ruby class).  
+     * Returns: always nil.
  --- each_element { |element| ... }
      Calls the block for each element in the bin, passing a reference to
      the Gst::Element as parameter.
      * Returns: always  nil.
  --- elements
      This method returns an array of all Gst::Element objects in the container.
      * Returns: an array of all Gst::Element objects in the container.
+ --- get_all_by_interface(interface)
+     Looks for all elements inside the bin that implements the given
+     interface.  The method recurses bins inside bins.
+     * interface: an interface (Ruby class).  
+     * Returns: a list of elements inside the bin implementing the interface, as an Array of Gst::Element objects.
+ --- get_by_interface(interface)
+     Looks for the first element inside the bin that implements the 
+     given interface. If such an element is found, it returns the element.
+     If you want all elements that implement the interface, use 
+     Gst::Bin#get_all_by_interface. The method recurses bins inside bins.
+     * interface: an interface (Ruby class).  
+     * Returns: An element inside the bin implementing the interface, as a Gst::Element object.
  --- get_by_name(name)
      Gets the element with the given name from the bin, as a reference to 
      a Gst::Element object.
      * name: a name.  
      * Returns: a Gst::Element reference, or nil if the bin does not contain an element with the given name.
  --- get_by_name_recurse_up(name)
      Gets the element with the given name from the bin, as a reference to 
      a Gst::Element object. If the element is not found, a recursion is 
      performed on the parent bin.
      * name: a name.  
      * Returns: a Gst::Element reference, or nil if no element with the given name is found.
  --- iterate
      Iterates over the elements in this bin.
      * Returns: true if the bin did something useful, or false (this value can be used to determine if the bin is in EOS ("end of stream")).
  --- length
      This method returns the number of elements in the container.
      * Returns: the number of elements in the container.
- --- on_post_iterate { |bin| ... }
-     Attaches a callback which will be executed after every iteration 
-     of the bin.
-     * Returns: always nil.
- --- on_pre_iterate { |bin| ... }
-     Attaches a block code which will be executed before every iteration 
-     of the bin.
-     * Returns: always nil.
  --- remove(*elements)
      Removes one or more Gst::Element objects from the bin, unparenting 
      as well.
      * elements: a list of Gst::Element objects.  
      * Returns: an array of all Gst::Element objects in the container.
  --- remove_all
      Removes all Gst::Element objects in the bin.
      * Returns: an empty array.
  --- size
      Synonym for Gst::Bin#length.
      * Returns: the number of elements in the container.
+ --- sync_children_state
+     Tries to set the state of the children of this bin to the same state of 
+     the bin by calling Gst::Element#set_state for each child not already having
+     a synchronized state.
+     * Returns: the worst return value of any Gst::Element#set_state (see ((<GstElementState|Gst::Element#GstElementState>))).
  --- use_clock(clock)
      Forces the bin to use the given clock.  Use nil to force it 
      to use no clock at all.
      * clock: a Gst::Clock.  
      * Returns: self.
+ == Constants
+ === GstBinFlags
+ == Signals
+ --- element-added
+ --- element-removed
+ --- iterate
  == See Also
- ((<Gst::Pipeline>)), ((<Gst::Thread>)), ((<Gst>)).
+ ((<Gst::Pipeline>)), ((<Gst>)).
  - ((<lrz>))

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