[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - About Hiki/RD+

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2004年 4月 3日 (土) 02:05:08 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/de/?About+Hiki%2FRD%2B
= About Hiki/RD+
((<Hiki>)) is a WikiClone by TAKEUCHI Hitoshi.
It's a lightweight and simple but cool WikiClone with ((<Ruby>)), ((<Amrita|URL:http://www.brain-tokyo.jp/research/amrita/>)).

Hiki/RD+ is a Hiki base WikiClone but the syntax is ((<RD>)).
And it's also some improvement for reading/writing API reference.

Since Hiki-0.5, Hiki/RD+ has been merged to Hiki as a style.

=== Features
--- ModuleNames
    ModuleNames is a module list for the link extension. The module entried ModuleNames create the links properly.

--- Images
    Image URL(suffix = png, jpg, jpeg, gif) extend as image.

--- InterWiki+(InterWiki extention)
    InterWiki is a mechanism to generate links automatically. You can make links to other sites easily.
    InterWiki+ is a InterWiki extention. It's easier to make links.

See ((<How to write this site>)) for more details.

== Version Informations
* ruby {{ruby_version_info}}
* Hiki {{hiki_version_info}}

- ((<Masao>))

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