[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - tut-gtk-events

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2003年 10月 20日 (月) 19:46:00 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/it?tut-gtk-events
- = Eventi
+ = Events
- In aggiunta al meccanismo di segnali sopra, gli eventi dal X Window Server rispecchiano anche quelli in GTK.
+ In addition to the above signal mechanism, events from the X Window Server are also reflected in GTK.
- Sotto una lista completa degli eventi intercettati:
+ Here is an exhaustive list of catchable events:
  * event
  * button_press_event
  * button_release_event
  * scroll_event
  * motion_notify_event
  * delete_event
  * destroy_event
  * expose_event
  * key_press_event
  * key_release_event
  * enter_notify_event
  * leave_notify_event
  * configure_event
  * focus_in_event
  * focus_out_event
  * map_event
  * unmap_event
  * property_notify_event
  * selection_clear_event
  * selection_request_event
  * selection_notify_event
  * proximity_in_event
  * proximity_out_event
  * visibility_notify_event
  * client_event
  * no_expose_event
  * window_state_event
- Si pucollegare del codice a uno specifico evento X11 esattamente nello stesso modo come si visto con i segnali GTK; basta fornire un "nome evento" visto sopra, invece di "nome segnale":
+ You can connect some code to a specific X11 event exactly in the same way as we saw previously with 
+ GTK signals.  Just provide one of the above mentioned "event name" instead of "signal name":
    GLib::Instantiatable#signal_connect("event name") do
- 		# Codice da eseguire per la ricezione di "nome evento".
+       # Code to execute upon reception of "event name".
- Il codice callback puaccettare 2 parametri, come i seguenti:
+ The callback code can accept 2 parameters, as follows:
    GLib::Instantiatable#signal_connect("event name") do |w, e|
        # ...
- (in questo caso, 'w' si riferisce al widget e 'e' all'evento).
+ (in this case, w will refer the widget, and e the event).
- In base al valore restituito dal codice blocco, GTK deciderse l'evento dovrpropagarsi o no:
+ Depending of the return value of the block code, GTK will decide if the event should be spread or not:
- * se vero, GTK fermerl'esecuzione dell'evento;
- * se falso, GTK continuera propagare l'evento [xxx significa pi
+ * if true, GTK will stop the event processing here;
+ * if false, GTK will continue to propagate the event [xxx explain more]
- Anche le selezioni GDK e molti eventi drag-and-drop, ma questi sono riferiti ai segnali GTK: 
+ Also, GDK selections and drag-and-drop issue several events, but these are reflected by GTK signals:
  * selection_received
  * selection_get
  * drag_begin_event
  * drag_end_event
  * drag_data_delete
  * drag_motion
  * drag_drop
  * drag_data_get
  * drag_data_received

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