[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::TextTag

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2003年 8月 25日 (月) 10:39:36 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gtk%3A%3ATextTag
- = class Gtk::TextTagTable
+ = class Gtk::TextTag
  Collection of tags that can be used together.
- == Super Class
- * GLib::Object
- == Class Methods
- --- Gtk::TextTagTable.new
-     Creates a new Gtk::TextTagTable. The table contains no tags by default.
-     * Returns: a new Gtk::TextTagTable 
- == Instance Methods
- --- add(tag)
-     Add a tag to the table. The tag is assigned the highest priority in the table.
-     tag must not be in a tag table already, and may not have the same name as an already-added tag.
-     * tag: a Gtk::TextTag 
-     * Returns: self
- --- remove(tag)
-     Remove a tag from the table.
-     * tag: a Gtk::TextTag 
-     * Returns: self
- --- lookup(name)
-     Look up a named tag.
-     * name: name of a tag(String)
-     * Returns: The tag, or nil if none by that name is in the table. 
- --- each{|tag| ... }
-     Calls the block on each tag in table.
-     * {|tag| ... }: a block to call on each tag 
-       * tag: a Gtk::TextTag
-     * Returns: self
- --- size
-     Returns the size of the table (number of tags)
-     * Returns: number of tags in the Gtk::TagTable
- == Signals
- --- tag-added: self, tag
-      * self: Gtk::TextTagTable
-      * tag: Gtk::TextTag
- --- tag-changed: self, tag, flag
-      * self: Gtk::TextTagTable
-      * tag: Gtk::TextTag
-      * flag: true or false
- --- tag-removed: self, tag
-      * self: Gtk::TextTagTable
-      * tag: Gtk::TextTag
+ == Object Hierarchy
+ * Object
+   * GLib::Instantiatable
+     * GLib::Object
+       * Gtk::TextTag
  - ((<Masao>))

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