[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] create - Gst::Type

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ruby-****@sourc***** ruby-****@sourc*****
2003年 8月 24日 (日) 02:15:02 JST

        URL = http://ruby-gnome2.sourceforge.jp/?Gst%3A%3AType
= class Gst::Type
Identifies the data.

== Class Methods
--- Gst::Type.each { |aTypeObject| block } 
    Calls the block for each registred types, passing a reference to
    the Gst::Type as parameter.
    Always returns nil.

--- Gst::Type.find_by_id(aFixnum) 
    Searches for a registered type of the given ID.  
    If found, returns a Gst::Type object. Otherwise, returns nil.

--- Gst::Type.find_by_mime(aString) 
    Searches for a registered type of the given MIME type.  
    If found, returns a Gst::Type object.  Otherwise, returns nil.

--- Gst::Type.types 
    Returns a list of all registered types, in an array 
    of Gst::Type objects.

== Instance Methods
--- == aTypeObject 
    Checks if two Gst::Type objects are refered under the same ID number.

--- exts 
    Gets files extentions handled by the type, if there
    are any, as a String.  This method may otherwise return nil.

--- id 
    Gets the ID number of the type, as a Fixnum.

--- mime 
    Gets the MIME type of the type, as a String.

- ((<lrz>))

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