[ruby-gnome2-doc-cvs] [Hiki] update - Gtk::FontSelection

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ruby-****@lists***** ruby-****@lists*****
2003年 4月 2日 (水) 10:35:31 JST


= class Gtk::FontSelection
The Gtk::FontSelection widget lists the available fonts, styles and sizes, allowing the user to select a font. It is used in the Gtk::FontSelectionDialog widget to provide a dialog box for selecting fonts. 
To set the font which is initially selected, use Gtk::FontSelection#font_name=. 
To get the selected font use Gtk::FontSelection#font_name. 
To change the text which is shown in the preview area, use Gtk::FontSelection#preview_text=. 

Filters can be used to limit the fonts shown. There are 2 filters in the Gtk::FontSelection - a base filter and a user filter. The base filter can not be changed by the user, so this can be used when the user must choose from the restricted set of fonts (e.g. for a terminal-type application you may want to force the user to select a fixed-width font). The user filter can be changed or reset by the user, by using the 'Reset Filter' button or changing the options on the 'Filter' page of the widget. 

== super class
* Gtk::VBox

== class methods
--- Gtk::FontSelection.new
    Creates a new Gtk::FontSelection. 
    * Returns: a new Gtk::FontSelection.  

== public instance methods
--- font_name
    Gets the currently-selected font name. 
    * Returns: the font name.

--- font_name=(name)
    Sets the currently-selected font. 
    * name : a fontname.  
    * Returns: name
--- set_font_name
    Same as font_name=.
    * name : a fontname.  
    * Returns: self

--- preview_text
    Gets the text displayed in the preview area. 
    * Returns: the text displayed in the preview area. 
--- preview_text=(text)
    Sets the text displayed in the preview area. 
    * text: the text to display in the preview area.  
--- set_preview_text(text)
    Same as preview_text=.
    * text: the text to display in the preview area.  

== See Also
Gtk::FontSelectionDialog a dialog box which uses Gtk::FontSelection.

- ((<Masao>))

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