This project has been moved to GitHub.
A base library, base team, and related tools for The RoboCup Soccer Simulation.
* soccerwindow2に含まれていたfeditの上位互換として最初のリリース.
2010-08-31 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
- Initial release 0.0.0.
* mingw:
* mingw/
* src/fedit2.ico:
* src/fedit2.rc:
* src/
* src/
- MinGW環境でのビルド設定を追加.
2010-08-30 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
- cppunitのチェックを削除
2010-08-27 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
- initial release candidate.
* m4/ax_boost_base.m4:
- 最新のマクロに更新
* src/main_window.cpp:
- 実装されていないメニューを消去
* tool/average_formation.cpp:
- fixed typo
2010-06-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
- バックグラウンドデータの三角形分割を参照しべきところを,通常デー
2010-06-02 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* tool/
* tool/average_formation.cpp:
* src/
- 2つのフォーメーション設定ファイルから,平均値を取るフォーメーショ
* src/edit_data.cpp:
- バックアップファイルの命名方法を変更し,タイムスタンプを末尾につ
2010-01-29 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* m4/qt.m4:
- qt.m4を更新
- ibrcscのサーチパスを追加
2009-09-14 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/main.cpp:
- added keepaway field (not enabled by default)
- fixed copiright message.
2009-08-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/main.cpp:
- コピーライト出力を追加
2009-06-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
- 古いcdtライブラリのヘッダインクルードを削除
2009-05-19 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
- 三角形分割を新しいTriangulationライブラリを使って作り直した.
2009-05-04 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_canvas.h:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/options.cpp:
* src/options.h:
- implemented background data painting mode.
* src/
* src/constraint_delegate.cpp:
* src/constraint_delegate.h:
* src/constraint_delegate.h:
* src/constraint_view.cpp:
* src/constraint_view.h:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
- added ConstraintDelegate class.
- implemented an action to replace constraints.
2009-05-03 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/constraint_edit_dialog.cpp:
* src/constraint_view.cpp:
* src/coordinate_delegate.cpp:
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_dialog.cpp:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/sample_view.cpp:
- removed debug messages.
- added an action to invoke a constraint edit dialog.
* src/
* src/constraint_view.cpp:
* src/constraint_view.h:
* src/model_view_test.cpp:
* src/constraint_view.cpp:
* src/constraint_view.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/model_view_test.cpp:
- added ConstraintView class.
- implemented an action to delete constraints.
* src/sample_view.cpp:
- fixed the incorrect slot name.
* src/
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/sample_view.cpp:
* src/sample_view.h:
- renamed TreeView to SampleView.
- removed the unnecessary root item.
* src/
* src/constraint_edit_dialog.cpp:
* src/constraint_edit_dialog.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
* src/constraint_edit_dialog.cpp:
* src/constraint_edit_dialog.h:
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_canvas.h:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/edit_dialog.cpp:
* src/edit_dialog.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/tree_view.cpp:
* src/tree_view.h:
- implemented constraint edge operations, not completed yet.
2009-05-01 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/options.cpp:
* src/options.h:
- added constraint edit mode.
- implement selected vertex and candidate constraind edge
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
- replaced DelaunayTriangulation with cdt::Triangulation.
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
- added M_half_edges to store the final half edges.
* rcsc/
* rcsc/formation/
* rcsc/formation/formation_cdt.cpp:
* rcsc/formation/formation_cdt.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
* src/
* src/main_window.cpp:
- added FormationCDT class.
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/edit_dialog.cpp:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/tree_view.cpp:
- followed the changes of librcsc.
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/tree_view.cpp:
- supported changes of librcsc.
2009-04-28 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/coordinate_delegate.cpp:
- added value difference checking.
* src/coordinate_delegate.h:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/tree_view.cpp:
* src/tree_view.h:
- implemented coordinates value delegate operations.
* src/
* src/coordinate_delegate.cpp:
* src/coordinate_delegate.h:
* src/coordinate_delegate.cpp:
* src/tree_view.cpp:
* src/tree_view.h:
- added CoordinateDelegate class.
* src/tree_view.cpp:
* src/tree_view.h:
- improved drag & drop operations.
- changed the policy of double click handling.
2009-04-27 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/tree_view.cpp:
* src/tree_view.h:
- implemented drag & drop item move action.
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_canvas.h:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/options.cpp:
* src/options.h:
* src/tree_view.cpp:
* src/tree_view.h:
- added 'Show Triangulation' switch.
- added 'Show Circumcircle' switch.
- implemented containd area painting.
- implemented circumcircle painting.
- implemneted vertex index change as a context menu action.
- implemneted deletion as a context menu action.
* src/
* src/tree_view.cpp:
* src/tree_view.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
- disabled basic Model/View.
- added TreeView class as a subclass of TreeWidget.
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
- disabled TableView and ListView.
2009-04-24 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
- added QItemSelectionModel variable.
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_canvas.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
- added index spin box.
- implemented actions to select index.
- added list view and tree view for testing.
- added '--enable-gl' option.
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* qt4/player_item.cpp:
- fixed rectangle size for setClipRect
- added USE_GLWIDGET support.
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
- implemented move data operation.
- added right click event handler for table view.
2009-04-23 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
- implemented a data exchange operation.
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
- implemented data selection events.
* qt4/
- renamed build target.
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
- implemented toggle actions for tool bar and status bar.
- implemented splitter window.
- added QTableView and QStandardItemModel.
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
- implemented data insert/replace/delete operations.
- implemented vertex select operation.
2009-04-22 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* qt4/
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/player_item.cpp:
* qt4/triangulation_item.cpp:
* qt4/triangulation_item.h:
- enabled GraphicsView version again.
- renamed build target.
- added QPainter::setClipRect.
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/options.cpp:
- fixed selected player painting.
- disabled antialiasing by default.
* src/
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_canvas.h:
* src/edit_data.cpp:
* src/edit_data.h:
* src/edit_dialog.cpp:
* src/edit_dialog.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/mouse_state.h:
* src/options.cpp:
* src/options.h:
- added EditData class.
- implemented several data operatoins.
* src/
* src/mouse_state.h:
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_canvas.h:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/mouse_state.h:
- implemented mouse events.
- implemented zoom operations
2009-04-21 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* src/
* src/command.cpp:
* src/command.h:
* src/edit_canvas.cpp:
* src/edit_canvas.h:
* src/edit_dialog.cpp:
* src/edit_dialog.h:
* src/main.cpp:
* src/main_window.cpp:
* src/main_window.h:
* src/options.cpp:
* src/options.h:
- started to reimplement a painter based editor.
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
- changed a viewport widget to QGLWidget.
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/ball_item.h:
* qt4/player_item.cpp:
* qt4/player_item.h:
- reimplemented PlayerItem as a custum item.
* qt4/
- renamed a built binary.
2009-04-20 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
- added antialiasing switching.
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* qt4/edit_view.h:
- reimplemented background painting without graphics items.
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/ball_item.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
- reimplemented BallItem as a custum shape item.
* qt4/
* qt4/triangulation_item.cpp:
* qt4/triangulation_item.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
- added TriangulationItem.
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/ball_item.h:
* qt4/command.cpp:
* qt4/edit_dialog.cpp:
* qt4/edit_dialog.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
* qt4/options.cpp:
* qt4/options.h:
* qt4/player_item.cpp:
- implemented file open operations.
2009-04-17 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/ball_item.h:
* qt4/edit_dialog.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
- added open actions, but not implemented yet.
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* qt4/edit_view.h:
* qt4/player_item.cpp:
- enabled all items to fix a mouse wheel scroll.
2009-04-16 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/options.h:
* qt4/player_item.cpp:
* qt4/player_item.h:
- implemented a background player mode.
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/edit_dialog.cpp:
* qt4/edit_dialog.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/player_item.cpp:
- implemented a dialog reset button.
- implemented a right click action.
* qt4/player_item.cpp:
* qt4/
* qt4/player_item.h:
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/ball_item.h:
* qt4/command.cpp:
* qt4/command.h:
* qt4/edit_dialog.cpp:
* qt4/edit_dialog.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
- added PlayerItem class.
- implemented a simple dialog update mechanism.
* qt4/
* qt4/edit_dialog.cpp:
* qt4/edit_dialog.h:
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/ball_item.h:
* qt4/command.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
- added EditDialog class.
- added ball item moving signals/slots.
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/ball_item.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
* qt4/options.h:
- added default z values for each object type.
- reimplemented moving object handling.
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* qt4/edit_view.h:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
- changed a signal sender for updating mouse position label from
EditScene to EditView.
2009-04-15 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* qt4/
* qt4/command.cpp:
* qt4/command.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
- started to use Qt4's undo framewrok.
* qt4/
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/ball_item.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* qt4/edit_view.h:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
- implemented a hand scroll mode switch.
* qt4/
* qt4/ball_item.cpp:
* qt4/ball_item.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* qt4/edit_view.h:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
* qt4/options.cpp:
* qt4/options.h:
- added BallItem class.
- implemented enlarge mode.
* qt4/
* qt4/edit_view.cpp:
* qt4/edit_view.h:
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
- added EditView class as a main graphics view object.
* qt4/
* qt4/edit_scene.cpp:
* qt4/edit_scene.h:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
* qt4/options.cpp:
* qt4/options.h:
- added EditScene class as a main graphics scene object.
2009-04-14 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* qt4/
* qt4/main.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.cpp:
* qt4/main_window.h:
* qt4/options.cpp:
* qt4/options.h:
- started to implement a Qt4 version.
* m4/qt.m4:
- improved AX_QT4.
2009-04-13 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
- added checking of librcsc_net and librcsc_time.
* qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_canvas.h:
* qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_dialog.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_dialog.h:
* qt3/formation_cdt.cpp:
- fixed typos.
2009-04-10 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
- replaced Vector2D::operator==() with Vector2D::equalsWeakly().
2009-04-09 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
- added Triangulation::existIntersectionWithConstraint()
- cleaned up.
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
- cleaned up.
- improved performance. changed some set containers to a vector
- change the policy of HalfEdge constructor.
* rcsc/geom/cdt/
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
- replaced Line class with Segment2D class.
- removed line.{h,cpp} and test_line.cpp.
2009-04-08 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* qt3/formation_cdt.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
- improved Triangulation::findTriangleContains().
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
- reimplemented DelaunayTree::findTriangleContains().
* rcsc/geom/cdt/
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
- cleaned up.
- fixed doxygen comments.
* rcsc/geom/cdt/
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/test_triangulation.cpp:
- moved test code from 'test' to 'rcsc/geom/cdt'.
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* test/triangle_test.cpp:
- changed arguments of HalfEdge constructor.
- renamed HalfEdge::line() to HalfEdge::segment().
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* test/line_test.cpp:
- removed Line::M_direction.
- added HalfEdge::direction().
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
* test/line_test.cpp:
* test/line_test.h:
* test/triangle_test.cpp:
- reimplemented some methods in Line class.
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* test/line_test.cpp:
* test/triangle_test.cpp:
- swapped argument order from Line(terminal,origin) to
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
- cleaned up.
2009-04-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
* test/
* test/delaunay_triangulation_test.cpp:
* test/line_test.cpp:
* test/line_test.h:
* test/triangle_test.cpp:
- fixed coding style.
- replacing Line class with rcsc::Segment2D.
2009-04-06 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.h:
- added projection(Vector2D).
* qt3/cdt-normal-formation-2.conf:
* qt3/cdt-normal-formation-2.dat:
* qt3/cdt-normal-formation.conf:
* qt3/cdt-normal-formation.dat:
* qt3/normal-formation.conf:
* qt3/normal-formation.dat:
- added test data.
- removed checking of boost.test.
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/half_edge.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/line.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/vertex.h:
* test/delaunay_tree_test.cpp:
* test/delaunay_triangulation_test.cpp:
* test/line_test.cpp:
* test/triangle_test.cpp:
- cleaned up.
- fixed coding style.
2009-04-03 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangulation.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/constrained_delaunay_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/constrained_delaunay_triangulation.h:
* qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_data.h:
* qt3/formation_cdt.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/
* test/delaunay_triangulation_test.cpp:
* test/delaunay_triangulation_test.h:
- renamed CDT to Triangulation.
- supported the changes of librcsc.
2009-03-16 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* m4/cppunit.m4:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/constrained_delaunay_triangulation.cpp:
* test/
* test/delaunay_tree_test.cpp:
* test/delaunay_tree_test.h:
* test/delaunay_triangulation_test.cpp:
* test/delaunay_triangulation_test.h:
* test/line_test.cpp:
* test/line_test.h:
* test/main.cpp:
* test/point_test.cpp:
* test/point_test.h:
* test/triangle_test.cpp:
* test/triangle_test.h:
- reimplemented test code using cppunit.
2009-03-13 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* rcsc/geom/cdt/constrained_delaunay_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/constrained_delaunay_triangulation.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.h:
- fixed coding style.
2009-03-10 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_data.h:
* qt3/formation_cdt.cpp:
* qt3/formation_cdt.h:
* qt3/main_window.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/constrained_delaunay_triangulation.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/constrained_delaunay_triangulation.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/delaunay_tree.h:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.cpp:
* rcsc/geom/cdt/triangle.h:
- simple working version.
2009-03-07 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
* m4/qt.m4:
* qt3:
* qt3/
* qt3/fedit_canvas.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_canvas.h:
* qt3/fedit_config.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_config.h:
* qt3/fedit_data.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_data.h:
* qt3/fedit_dialog.cpp:
* qt3/fedit_dialog.h:
* qt3/main.cpp:
* qt3/main_window.cpp:
* qt3/main_window.h:
* qt3/mouse_state.h:
* xpm:
* xpm/chase.xpm:
* xpm/delete.xpm:
* xpm/hand.xpm:
* xpm/insert.xpm:
* xpm/new.xpm:
* xpm/open.xpm:
* xpm/record.xpm:
* xpm/replace.xpm:
* xpm/reverse.xpm:
* xpm/save.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2-nostr.xpm:
* xpm/soccerwindow2.xpm:
* xpm/symmetry.xpm:
* xpm/train.xpm:
- added fedit-qt3 sources.
2009-03-05 Hidehisa Akiyama <>
- created new source package.