2012年 10月 13日 (土) 11:48:46 JST
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/locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/2.0.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/2.1.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/2.2.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/2.3.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/2.4.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/2.5.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/2.6.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/2.7.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/3.0.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/3.1.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/3.2.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/3.3.po /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/whatsnew/index.po /reference/compound_stmts.rst /reference/datamodel.rst /reference/expressions.rst /reference/index.rst /reference/simple_stmts.rst /tools/sphinxext/ /tools/sphinxext/susp-ignored.csv /tutorial/controlflow.rst /tutorial/datastructures.rst /tutorial/inputoutput.rst /tutorial/introduction.rst /tutorial/modules.rst /using/cmdline.rst /using/scripts.rst /using/unix.rst /using/windows.rst /whatsnew/2.0.rst /whatsnew/2.1.rst /whatsnew/2.2.rst /whatsnew/2.3.rst /whatsnew/2.4.rst /whatsnew/2.5.rst /whatsnew/2.6.rst /whatsnew/2.7.rst /whatsnew/3.0.rst /whatsnew/3.3.rst ======================================= --- /dev/null +++ /library/binary.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -0,0 +1,23 @@ +.. _binaryservices: + +******************** +Binary Data Services +******************** + +The modules described in this chapter provide some basic services operations +for manipulation of binary data. Other operations on binary data, specifically +in relation to file formats and network protocols, are described in the +relevant sections. + +Some libraries described under :ref:`textservices` also work with either +ASCII-compatible binary formats (for example, :mod:`re`) or all binary data +(for example, :mod:`difflib`). + +In addition, see the documentation for Python's built-in binary data types in +:ref:`binaryseq`. + +.. toctree:: + + struct.rst + codecs.rst + ======================================= --- /dev/null +++ /library/concurrency.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -0,0 +1,31 @@ +.. _concurrency: + +******************** +Concurrent Execution +******************** + +The modules described in this chapter provide support for concurrent +execution of code. The appropriate choice of tool will depend on the +task to be executed (CPU bound vs IO bound) and preferred style of +development (event driven cooperative multitasking vs preemptive +multitasking) Here's an overview: + + +.. toctree:: + + threading.rst + multiprocessing.rst + concurrent.futures.rst + subprocess.rst + sched.rst + queue.rst + select.rst + + +The following are support modules for some of the above services: + +.. toctree:: + + dummy_threading.rst + _thread.rst + _dummy_thread.rst ======================================= --- /dev/null +++ /library/text.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +.. _stringservices: +.. _textservices: + +************************ +Text Processing Services +************************ + +The modules described in this chapter provide a wide range of string +manipulation operations and other text processing services. + +The :mod:`codecs` module described under :ref:`binaryservices` is also +highly relevant to text processing. In addition, see the documentation for +Python's built-in string type in :ref:`textseq`. + + +.. toctree:: + + string.rst + re.rst + difflib.rst + textwrap.rst + unicodedata.rst + stringprep.rst + readline.rst + rlcompleter.rst + ======================================= --- /dev/null +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/library/binary.po Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -0,0 +1,44 @@ +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-12 14:20+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" +"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: ja\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" + +# baf76429bf224717b42a97eab1498b50 +#: ../../library/binary.rst:5 +msgid "Binary Data Services" +msgstr "" + +# a26a3524d56e405a9f2b47582678dae4 +#: ../../library/binary.rst:7 +msgid "" +"The modules described in this chapter provide some basic services operations" +" for manipulation of binary data. Other operations on binary data, " +"specifically in relation to file formats and network protocols, are " +"described in the relevant sections." +msgstr "" + +# c2a0a5b726be414fb6f7f50a77a9b681 +#: ../../library/binary.rst:12 +msgid "" +"Some libraries described under :ref:`textservices` also work with either " +"ASCII-compatible binary formats (for example, :mod:`re`) or all binary data " +"(for example, :mod:`difflib`)." +msgstr "" + +# 8b10f4f197f64066b8495d3c031355f3 +#: ../../library/binary.rst:16 +msgid "" +"In addition, see the documentation for Python's built-in binary data types " +"in :ref:`binaryseq`." +msgstr "" ======================================= --- /dev/null +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/library/concurrency.po Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-12 14:21+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" +"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: ja\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" + +# fabf2a51ca774c2db880bd346db18ff2 +#: ../../library/concurrency.rst:5 +msgid "Concurrent Execution" +msgstr "" + +# 9d7a3ab0ad7e4c8089d88f4c227e536b +#: ../../library/concurrency.rst:7 +msgid "" +"The modules described in this chapter provide support for concurrent " +"execution of code. The appropriate choice of tool will depend on the task to" +" be executed (CPU bound vs IO bound) and preferred style of development " +"(event driven cooperative multitasking vs preemptive multitasking) Here's an" +" overview:" +msgstr "" + +# e79d54fb93eb43c5aaf253eb73a5db8f +#: ../../library/concurrency.rst:25 +msgid "The following are support modules for some of the above services:" +msgstr "" ======================================= --- /dev/null +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/library/text.po Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -0,0 +1,35 @@ +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-12 14:33+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" +"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: ja\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" + +# c6315c46e1554b41898957dadd9eb975 +#: ../../library/text.rst:6 +msgid "Text Processing Services" +msgstr "" + +# 96e304f15e14415aab5e0dd33e8df367 +#: ../../library/text.rst:8 +msgid "" +"The modules described in this chapter provide a wide range of string " +"manipulation operations and other text processing services." +msgstr "" + +# 40c309b585714b13b397ffb53c7a83df +#: ../../library/text.rst:11 +msgid "" +"The :mod:`codecs` module described under :ref:`binaryservices` is also " +"highly relevant to text processing. In addition, see the documentation for " +"Python's built-in string type in :ref:`textseq`." +msgstr "" ======================================= --- /dev/null +++ /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/reference/import.po Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -0,0 +1,1058 @@ +# +# Translators: +msgid "" +msgstr "" +"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" +"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" +"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-10-12 22:50\n" +"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-10-12 14:37+0000\n" +"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" +"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" +"Language: ja\n" +"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n" + +# d8c23712f76a41d7a938251129f525bb +#: ../../reference/import.rst:6 +msgid "The import system" +msgstr "" + +# 06e4d1a319c449e2b0bcd6bbea0e7ae2 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:10 +msgid "" +"Python code in one :term:`module` gains access to the code in another module" +" by the process of :term:`importing` it. The :keyword:`import` statement is" +" the most common way of invoking the import machinery, but it is not the " +"only way. Functions such as :func:`importlib.import_module` and built-in " +":func:`__import__` can also be used to invoke the import machinery." +msgstr "" + +# cf86934985f247c2a7ddafa0126ba609 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:16 +msgid "" +"The :keyword:`import` statement combines two operations; it searches for the" +" named module, then it binds the results of that search to a name in the " +"local scope. The search operation of the :keyword:`import` statement is " +"defined as a call to the :func:`__import__` function, with the appropriate " +"arguments. The return value of :func:`__import__` is used to perform the " +"name binding operation of the :keyword:`import` statement. See the " +":keyword:`import` statement for the exact details of that name binding " +"operation." +msgstr "" + +# 6feec2854fea4b3fa3bdc7dde921ea71 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:25 +msgid "" +"A direct call to :func:`__import__` performs only the module search and, if " +"found, the module creation operation. While certain side-effects may occur," +" such as the importing of parent packages, and the updating of various " +"caches (including :data:`sys.modules`), only the :keyword:`import` statement" +" performs a name binding operation." +msgstr "" + +# db517b7e7de14636ae6400f1ed84ca2b +#: ../../reference/import.rst:31 +msgid "" +"When calling :func:`__import__` as part of an import statement, the import " +"system first checks the module global namespace for a function by that name." +" If it is not found, then the standard builtin :func:`__import__` is called." +" Other mechanisms for invoking the import system (such as " +":func:`importlib.import_module`) do not perform this check and will always " +"use the standard import system." +msgstr "" + +# 144b05ee9f1d4befa005aaf09bbef37c +#: ../../reference/import.rst:38 +msgid "" +"When a module is first imported, Python searches for the module and if " +"found, it creates a module object [#fnmo]_, initializing it. If the named " +"module cannot be found, an :exc:`ImportError` is raised. Python implements " +"various strategies to search for the named module when the import machinery " +"is invoked. These strategies can be modified and extended by using various " +"hooks described in the sections below." +msgstr "" + +# fe8e5ae2bf6b42978f141c6fa59bd2d7 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:53 +msgid ":mod:`importlib`" +msgstr "" + +# 7069e4cfb03f41fb92671c6de9918f21 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:55 +msgid "" +"The :mod:`importlib` module provides a rich API for interacting with the " +"import system. For example :func:`importlib.import_module` provides a " +"recommended, simpler API than built-in :func:`__import__` for invoking the " +"import machinery. Refer to the :mod:`importlib` library documentation for " +"additional detail." +msgstr "" + +# ad15d405cad7479188a3ea8b7f67072c +#: ../../reference/import.rst:64 +msgid "Packages" +msgstr "パッケージ" + +# a156f946f93341b2925fb3faf6c2f421 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:69 +msgid "" +"Python has only one type of module object, and all modules are of this type," +" regardless of whether the module is implemented in Python, C, or something " +"else. To help organize modules and provide a naming hierarchy, Python has a" +" concept of :term:`packages <package>`." +msgstr "" + +# b9c1727db2294740a21fc0837f220d61 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:74 +msgid "" +"You can think of packages as the directories on a file system and modules as" +" files within directories, but don't take this analogy too literally since " +"packages and modules need not originate from the file system. For the " +"purposes of this documentation, we'll use this convenient analogy of " +"directories and files. Like file system directories, packages are organized" +" hierarchically, and packages may themselves contain subpackages, as well as" +" regular modules." +msgstr "" + +# c454cc4e00d84483adf9644f3f400a8a +#: ../../reference/import.rst:82 +msgid "" +"It's important to keep in mind that all packages are modules, but not all " +"modules are packages. Or put another way, packages are just a special kind " +"of module. Specifically, any module that contains a ``__path__`` attribute " +"is considered a package." +msgstr "" + +# 05daa8ae40c74448992ea56e24e44a4d +#: ../../reference/import.rst:87 +msgid "" +"All modules have a name. Subpackage names are separated from their parent " +"package name by dots, akin to Python's standard attribute access syntax. " +"Thus you might have a module called :mod:`sys` and a package called " +":mod:`email`, which in turn has a subpackage called :mod:`email.mime` and a " +"module within that subpackage called :mod:`email.mime.text`." +msgstr "" + +# 707d3c84c490451fb648cc697c33e353 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:95 +msgid "Regular packages" +msgstr "" + +# bde8c57d08ea448798aa45412a1c7f76 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:100 +msgid "" +"Python defines two types of packages, :term:`regular packages <regular " +"package>` and :term:`namespace packages <namespace package>`. Regular " +"packages are traditional packages as they existed in Python 3.2 and earlier." +" A regular package is typically implemented as a directory containing an " +"```` file. When a regular package is imported, this " +"```` file is implicitly executed, and the objects it defines are " +"bound to names in the package's namespace. The ```` file can " +"contain the same Python code that any other module can contain, and Python " +"will add some additional attributes to the module when it is imported." +msgstr "" + +# 41b788386a7d4128ada7f30c84dc6169 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:110 +msgid "" +"For example, the following file system layout defines a top level ``parent``" +" package with three subpackages::" +msgstr "" + +# e028dfee2a6649dab529f9022853fbe2 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:122 +msgid "" +"Importing ```` will implicitly execute ``parent/`` and " +"``parent/one/``. Subsequent imports of ``parent.two`` or " +"``parent.three`` will execute ``parent/two/`` and " +"``parent/three/`` respectively." +msgstr "" + +# b91d5379948a4c59b9ee4ddefbae8b8c +#: ../../reference/import.rst:129 +msgid "Namespace packages" +msgstr "" + +# 792fb8a93f6b426386c0a8a6f7f8fd6b +#: ../../reference/import.rst:135 +msgid "" +"A namespace package is a composite of various :term:`portions <portion>`, " +"where each portion contributes a subpackage to the parent package. Portions" +" may reside in different locations on the file system. Portions may also be" +" found in zip files, on the network, or anywhere else that Python searches " +"during import. Namespace packages may or may not correspond directly to " +"objects on the file system; they may be virtual modules that have no " +"concrete representation." +msgstr "" + +# 5818ccdf974d47ffb8b742ca83b113d0 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:143 +msgid "" +"Namespace packages do not use an ordinary list for their ``__path__`` " +"attribute. They instead use a custom iterable type which will automatically " +"perform a new search for package portions on the next import attempt within " +"that package if the path of their parent package (or :data:`sys.path` for a " +"top level package) changes." +msgstr "" + +# c7e64ab3f0da43cea32e9fa894d40967 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:149 +msgid "" +"With namespace packages, there is no ``parent/`` file. In fact, " +"there may be multiple ``parent`` directories found during import search, " +"where each one is provided by a different portion. Thus ``parent/one`` may " +"not be physically located next to ``parent/two``. In this case, Python will" +" create a namespace package for the top-level ``parent`` package whenever it" +" or one of its subpackages is imported." +msgstr "" + +# 837e1cbee5c2452bbb39b44adfb0715b +#: ../../reference/import.rst:156 +msgid "See also :pep:`420` for the namespace package specification." +msgstr "" + +# 3e6f34874229442fa7b8545f76dcc80d +#: ../../reference/import.rst:160 +msgid "Searching" +msgstr "" + +# 9db0496bb700440ab4299e8ead0ccc01 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:162 +msgid "" +"To begin the search, Python needs the :term:`fully qualified <qualified " +"name>` name of the module (or package, but for the purposes of this " +"discussion, the difference is immaterial) being imported. This name may " +"come from various arguments to the :keyword:`import` statement, or from the " +"parameters to the :func:`importlib.import_module` or :func:`__import__` " +"functions." +msgstr "" + +# 1d06a62b9eba44989c1af8836f4a9c6d +#: ../../reference/import.rst:168 +msgid "" +"This name will be used in various phases of the import search, and it may be" +" the dotted path to a submodule, e.g. ````. In this case, Python" +" first tries to import ``foo``, then ````, and finally " +"````. If any of the intermediate imports fail, an " +":exc:`ImportError` is raised." +msgstr "" + +# 5c2051b1a38247f296563b294b9d25d0 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:175 +msgid "The module cache" +msgstr "" + +# 7110a8ba24b9409ebacdfffc5fc20944 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:180 +msgid "" +"The first place checked during import search is :data:`sys.modules`. This " +"mapping serves as a cache of all modules that have been previously imported," +" including the intermediate paths. So if ```` was previously " +"imported, :data:`sys.modules` will contain entries for ``foo``, ````," +" and ````. Each key will have as its value the corresponding " +"module object." +msgstr "" + +# 99db3d8e35e84a80b30c797dfc08ce41 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:187 +msgid "" +"During import, the module name is looked up in :data:`sys.modules` and if " +"present, the associated value is the module satisfying the import, and the " +"process completes. However, if the value is ``None``, then an " +":exc:`ImportError` is raised. If the module name is missing, Python will " +"continue searching for the module." +msgstr "" + +# 26be53638c8c415cb01035699adbd230 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:193 +msgid "" +":data:`sys.modules` is writable. Deleting a key may not destroy the " +"associated module (as other modules may hold references to it), but it will " +"invalidate the cache entry for the named module, causing Python to search " +"anew for the named module upon its next import. The key can also be assigned" +" to ``None``, forcing the next import of the module to result in an " +":exc:`ImportError`." +msgstr "" + +# 007ddba1c90a4452ab134ec60cf61a6c +#: ../../reference/import.rst:200 +msgid "" +"Beware though, as if you keep a reference to the module object, invalidate " +"its cache entry in :data:`sys.modules`, and then re-import the named module," +" the two module objects will *not* be the same. By contrast, " +":func:`imp.reload` will reuse the *same* module object, and simply " +"reinitialise the module contents by rerunning the module's code." +msgstr "" + +# af639f1663914e74bd86bb7338c1886c +#: ../../reference/import.rst:208 +msgid "Finders and loaders" +msgstr "" + +# e2be5727707a4564a67bf2465324f0f4 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:214 +msgid "" +"If the named module is not found in :data:`sys.modules`, then Python's " +"import protocol is invoked to find and load the module. This protocol " +"consists of two conceptual objects, :term:`finders <finder>` and " +":term:`loaders <loader>`. A finder's job is to determine whether it can find" +" the named module using whatever strategy it knows about. Objects that " +"implement both of these interfaces are referred to as :term:`importers " +"<importer>` - they return themselves when they find that they can load the " +"requested module." +msgstr "" + +# 443ff0ec433b4b1892a4777f8dcc21e5 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:222 +msgid "" +"Python includes a number of default finders and importers. One knows how to" +" locate frozen modules, and another knows how to locate built-in modules. A" +" third default finder searches an :term:`import path` for modules. The " +":term:`import path` is a list of locations that may name file system paths " +"or zip files. It can also be extended to search for any locatable resource," +" such as those identified by URLs." +msgstr "" + +# d79b8b7b5c9e41bfa0b6aebab95cd478 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:229 +msgid "" +"The import machinery is extensible, so new finders can be added to extend " +"the range and scope of module searching." +msgstr "" + +# e535f059b2c144ad8e48f4b4a2e2b570 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:232 +msgid "" +"Finders do not actually load modules. If they can find the named module, " +"they return a :term:`loader`, which the import machinery then invokes to " +"load the module and create the corresponding module object." +msgstr "" + +# eca76c6ef98142679fd986e70049f1df +#: ../../reference/import.rst:236 +msgid "" +"The following sections describe the protocol for finders and loaders in more" +" detail, including how you can create and register new ones to extend the " +"import machinery." +msgstr "" + +# ca20cb0232494b319172070ea61099a8 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:242 +msgid "Import hooks" +msgstr "" + +# 240c072d96b74213b168ccd4818602fd +#: ../../reference/import.rst:252 +msgid "" +"The import machinery is designed to be extensible; the primary mechanism for" +" this are the *import hooks*. There are two types of import hooks: *meta " +"hooks* and *import path hooks*." +msgstr "" + +# 4f75bb2481c745449c1b6cb0da173769 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:256 +msgid "" +"Meta hooks are called at the start of import processing, before any other " +"import processing has occurred, other than :data:`sys.modules` cache look " +"up. This allows meta hooks to override :data:`sys.path` processing, frozen " +"modules, or even built-in modules. Meta hooks are registered by adding new " +"finder objects to :data:`sys.meta_path`, as described below." +msgstr "" + +# a7a694eae8ff4065b32851468d6b1d56 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:262 +msgid "" +"Import path hooks are called as part of :data:`sys.path` (or " +"``package.__path__``) processing, at the point where their associated path " +"item is encountered. Import path hooks are registered by adding new " +"callables to :data:`sys.path_hooks` as described below." +msgstr "" + +# ff8b19e547de4c0eafa6dae6c33f93cc +#: ../../reference/import.rst:269 +msgid "The meta path" +msgstr "" + +# ea95757f18704ddb9bba4d55069f5d39 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:276 +msgid "" +"When the named module is not found in :data:`sys.modules`, Python next " +"searches :data:`sys.meta_path`, which contains a list of meta path finder " +"objects. These finders are queried in order to see if they know how to " +"handle the named module. Meta path finders must implement a method called " +":meth:`find_module()` which takes two arguments, a name and an import path. " +"The meta path finder can use any strategy it wants to determine whether it " +"can handle the named module or not." +msgstr "" + +# 812789ec65ce4274847cb5510383cff6 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:284 +msgid "" +"If the meta path finder knows how to handle the named module, it returns a " +"loader object. If it cannot handle the named module, it returns ``None``. " +"If :data:`sys.meta_path` processing reaches the end of its list without " +"returning a loader, then an :exc:`ImportError` is raised. Any other " +"exceptions raised are simply propagated up, aborting the import process." +msgstr "" + +# 9548450b3553476b8b83dca4974fa704 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:290 +msgid "" +"The :meth:`find_module()` method of meta path finders is called with two " +"arguments. The first is the fully qualified name of the module being " +"imported, for example ````. The second argument is the path " +"entries to use for the module search. For top-level modules, the second " +"argument is ``None``, but for submodules or subpackages, the second argument" +" is the value of the parent package's ``__path__`` attribute. If the " +"appropriate ``__path__`` attribute cannot be accessed, an :exc:`ImportError`" +" is raised." +msgstr "" + +# ad44ba482abf4417bc71cd177fa55590 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:299 +msgid "" +"The meta path may be traversed multiple times for a single import request. " +"For example, assuming none of the modules involved has already been cached, " +"importing ```` will first perform a top level import, calling " +"``mpf.find_module(\"foo\", None)`` on each meta path finder (``mpf``). After" +" ``foo`` has been imported, ```` will be imported by traversing the " +"meta path a second time, calling ``mpf.find_module(\"\", " +"foo.__path__)``. Once ```` has been imported, the final traversal " +"will call ``mpf.find_module(\"\",``." +msgstr "" + +# d8a50733b4974b03acf95c3e7b93de5a +#: ../../reference/import.rst:309 +msgid "" +"Some meta path finders only support top level imports. These importers will " +"always return ``None`` when anything other than ``None`` is passed as the " +"second argument." +msgstr "" + +# de56a98d0b4d40d9af560b81ac16a4a2 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:313 +msgid "" +"Python's default :data:`sys.meta_path` has three meta path finders, one that" +" knows how to import built-in modules, one that knows how to import frozen " +"modules, and one that knows how to import modules from an :term:`import " +"path` (i.e. the :term:`path based finder`)." +msgstr "" + +# 7ced803e7a38465cb6f5059376b58b79 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:320 +msgid "Loaders" +msgstr "" + +# 3e912c7d52194385a1ad7141fe514bb8 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:322 +msgid "" +"If and when a module loader is found its " +":meth:`` method is called, with a single " +"argument, the fully qualified name of the module being imported. This " +"method has several responsibilities, and should return the module object it " +"has loaded [#fnlo]_. If it cannot load the module, it should raise an " +":exc:`ImportError`, although any other exception raised during " +":meth:`load_module()` will be propagated." +msgstr "" + +# 2d85e92b6f08488c992043106c1b3c27 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:330 +msgid "" +"In many cases, the finder and loader can be the same object; in such cases " +"the :meth:`finder.find_module()` would just return ``self``." +msgstr "" + +# 4a4a7aecef6d443591d084446d30b7f6 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:333 +msgid "Loaders must satisfy the following requirements:" +msgstr "" + +# 9b9ea9a2dace433f80bebf2cec5fb6d0 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:335 +msgid "" +"If there is an existing module object with the given name in " +":data:`sys.modules`, the loader must use that existing module. (Otherwise, " +":func:`imp.reload` will not work correctly.) If the named module does not " +"exist in :data:`sys.modules`, the loader must create a new module object and" +" add it to :data:`sys.modules`." +msgstr "" + +# 3281fbe67a744f4b96473aaff396b7a0 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:341 +msgid "" +"Note that the module *must* exist in :data:`sys.modules` before the loader " +"executes the module code. This is crucial because the module code may " +"(directly or indirectly) import itself; adding it to :data:`sys.modules` " +"beforehand prevents unbounded recursion in the worst case and multiple " +"loading in the best." +msgstr "" + +# b2b47cfbcd8b4d098bf1986b8258c12f +#: ../../reference/import.rst:347 +msgid "" +"If loading fails, the loader must remove any modules it has inserted into " +":data:`sys.modules`, but it must remove **only** the failing module, and " +"only if the loader itself has loaded it explicitly. Any module already in " +"the :data:`sys.modules` cache, and any module that was successfully loaded " +"as a side-effect, must remain in the cache." +msgstr "" + +# 0738bf33fb2349e4828b01afa8ec9042 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:353 +msgid "" +"The loader may set the ``__file__`` attribute of the module. If set, this " +"attribute's value must be a string. The loader may opt to leave " +"``__file__`` unset if it has no semantic meaning (e.g. a module loaded from " +"a database)." +msgstr "" + +# dd864bcde8844413b2581154335ee0c6 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:358 +msgid "" +"The loader may set the ``__name__`` attribute of the module. While not " +"required, setting this attribute is highly recommended so that the " +":meth:`repr()` of the module is more informative." +msgstr "" + +# 512d09f2d3b54ffc8ece061be635d85b +#: ../../reference/import.rst:362 +msgid "" +"If the module is a package (either regular or namespace), the loader must " +"set the module object's ``__path__`` attribute. The value must be iterable," +" but may be empty if ``__path__`` has no further significance to the loader." +" If ``__path__`` is not empty, it must produce strings when iterated over. " +"More details on the semantics of ``__path__`` are given :ref:`below " +"<package-path-rules>`." +msgstr "" + +# 85e526958a154d649e1fbb06a104d908 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:369 +msgid "" +"The ``__loader__`` attribute must be set to the loader object that loaded " +"the module. This is mostly for introspection and reloading, but can be used" +" for additional loader-specific functionality, for example getting data " +"associated with a loader." +msgstr "" + +# 47aad23d1b9345caa92dcb07b757e6a2 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:374 +msgid "" +"The module's ``__package__`` attribute should be set. Its value must be a " +"string, but it can be the same value as its ``__name__``. If the attribute " +"is set to ``None`` or is missing, the import system will fill it in with a " +"more appropriate value. When the module is a package, its ``__package__`` " +"value should be set to its ``__name__``. When the module is not a package, " +"``__package__`` should be set to the empty string for top-level modules, or " +"for submodules, to the parent package's name. See :pep:`366` for further " +"details." +msgstr "" + +# df5209d2aed240eab4a14037005dac7c +#: ../../reference/import.rst:383 +msgid "" +"This attribute is used instead of ``__name__`` to calculate explicit " +"relative imports for main modules, as defined in :pep:`366`." +msgstr "" + +# d02a8a798c0840c894281a41d76d45f0 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:386 +msgid "" +"If the module is a Python module (as opposed to a built-in module or a " +"dynamically loaded extension), the loader should execute the module's code " +"in the module's global name space (``module.__dict__``)." +msgstr "" + +# f7b06b700e534940ba5e5f2f18c19319 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:392 +msgid "Module reprs" +msgstr "" + +# f0072841122645ed8d722656209a9290 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:394 +msgid "" +"By default, all modules have a usable repr, however depending on the " +"attributes set above, and hooks in the loader, you can more explicitly " +"control the repr of module objects." +msgstr "" + +# 6b5cbfd2df8a4b279a57d266212ca6d2 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:398 +msgid "" +"Loaders may implement a :meth:`module_repr()` method which takes a single " +"argument, the module object. When ``repr(module)`` is called for a module " +"with a loader supporting this protocol, whatever is returned from " +"``module.__loader__.module_repr(module)`` is returned as the module's repr " +"without further processing. This return value must be a string." +msgstr "" + +# e24e7abcc4b2488aa5461481882566aa +#: ../../reference/import.rst:404 +msgid "" +"If the module has no ``__loader__`` attribute, or the loader has no " +":meth:`module_repr()` method, then the module object implementation itself " +"will craft a default repr using whatever information is available. It will " +"try to use the ``module.__name__``, ``module.__file__``, and " +"``module.__loader__`` as input into the repr, with defaults for whatever " +"information is missing." +msgstr "" + +# 1747ca2893de4683bbde2f7efd9e162e +#: ../../reference/import.rst:411 +msgid "Here are the exact rules used:" +msgstr "" + +# 1726462429264528b0b9f2a32f8d2d2a +#: ../../reference/import.rst:413 +msgid "" +"If the module has a ``__loader__`` and that loader has a " +":meth:`module_repr()` method, call it with a single argument, which is the " +"module object. The value returned is used as the module's repr." +msgstr "" + +# 74e3ce76ca8c4fc9b0ae77aeb4c0efaa +#: ../../reference/import.rst:417 +msgid "" +"If an exception occurs in :meth:`module_repr()`, the exception is caught and" +" discarded, and the calculation of the module's repr continues as if " +":meth:`module_repr()` did not exist." +msgstr "" + +# e84a0bcf80064b4699b3f63849f6fac1 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:421 +msgid "" +"If the module has a ``__file__`` attribute, this is used as part of the " +"module's repr." +msgstr "" + +# 7505abace4b74651b7bbc77cf0645aa0 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:424 +msgid "" +"If the module has no ``__file__`` but does have a ``__loader__``, then the " +"loader's repr is used as part of the module's repr." +msgstr "" + +# 2e6ccb9da1294ed59173270abad77f15 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:427 +msgid "Otherwise, just use the module's ``__name__`` in the repr." +msgstr "" + +# 37fae7a151c947bd9e2e81dc5e784619 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:429 +msgid "" +"This example, from :pep:`420` shows how a loader can craft its own module " +"repr::" +msgstr "" + +# d6ddcbb76afe4a9f9030490124f05c22 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:441 +msgid "module.__path__" +msgstr "" + +# 4fedc44ef10945b5a863e3fd5aee8f96 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:443 +msgid "" +"By definition, if a module has an ``__path__`` attribute, it is a package, " +"regardless of its value." +msgstr "" + +# daea633072fb4102b12105696ed16da4 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:446 +msgid "" +"A package's ``__path__`` attribute is used during imports of its " +"subpackages. Within the import machinery, it functions much the same as " +":data:`sys.path`, i.e. providing a list of locations to search for modules " +"during import. However, ``__path__`` is typically much more constrained than" +" :data:`sys.path`." +msgstr "" + +# 644414ce7cb4415984f01c34a1f46a6c +#: ../../reference/import.rst:452 +msgid "" +"``__path__`` must be an iterable of strings, but it may be empty. The same " +"rules used for :data:`sys.path` also apply to a package's ``__path__``, and " +":data:`sys.path_hooks` (described below) are consulted when traversing a " +"package's ``__path__``." +msgstr "" + +# e69a5401389d42f7a92c8bc86108b576 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:457 +msgid "" +"A package's ```` file may set or alter the package's ``__path__``" +" attribute, and this was typically the way namespace packages were " +"implemented prior to :pep:`420`. With the adoption of :pep:`420`, namespace" +" packages no longer need to supply ```` files containing only " +"``__path__`` manipulation code; the namespace loader automatically sets " +"``__path__`` correctly for the namespace package." +msgstr "" + +# aacca239cd5e42cda991aa2f31022824 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:466 +msgid "The Path Based Finder" +msgstr "" + +# d8870de4c3a14e24a4b149e1d88eea18 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:471 +msgid "" +"As mentioned previously, Python comes with several default meta path " +"finders. One of these, called the :term:`path based finder`, searches an " +":term:`import path`, which contains a list of :term:`path entries <path " +"entry>`. Each path entry names a location to search for modules." +msgstr "" + +# 6931ac3c3de64364b53413c03701a3de +#: ../../reference/import.rst:476 +msgid "" +"The path based finder itself doesn't know how to import anything. Instead, " +"it traverses the individual path entries, associating each of them with a " +"path entry finder that knows how to handle that particular kind of path." +msgstr "" + +# a7196adf280f4517a126993290c912ed +#: ../../reference/import.rst:480 +msgid "" +"The default set of path entry finders implement all the semantics for " +"finding modules on the file system, handling special file types such as " +"Python source code (``.py`` files), Python byte code (``.pyc`` and ``.pyo`` " +"files) and shared libraries (e.g. ``.so`` files). When supported by the " +":mod:`zipimport` module in the standard library, the default path entry " +"finders also handle loading all of these file types (other than shared " +"libraries) from zipfiles." +msgstr "" + +# e3b8013534884835bc346c6bc30d2ea6 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:487 +msgid "" +"Path entries need not be limited to file system locations. They can refer " +"to URLs, database queries, or any other location that can be specified as a " +"string." +msgstr "" + +# c77ee3bde7024637b6a6e5e65920bffe +#: ../../reference/import.rst:491 +msgid "" +"The path based finder provides additional hooks and protocols so that you " +"can extend and customize the types of searchable path entries. For example," +" if you wanted to support path entries as network URLs, you could write a " +"hook that implements HTTP semantics to find modules on the web. This hook " +"(a callable) would return a :term:`path entry finder` supporting the " +"protocol described below, which was then used to get a loader for the module" +" from the web." +msgstr "" + +# 06033aa855bd4fe1b5592d190fae9f92 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:499 +msgid "" +"A word of warning: this section and the previous both use the term *finder*," +" distinguishing between them by using the terms :term:`meta path finder` and" +" :term:`path entry finder`. These two types of finders are very similar, " +"support similar protocols, and function in similar ways during the import " +"process, but it's important to keep in mind that they are subtly different. " +"In particular, meta path finders operate at the beginning of the import " +"process, as keyed off the :data:`sys.meta_path` traversal." +msgstr "" + +# 8464a60f3dc1456890fd6502d0322764 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:507 +msgid "" +"By contrast, path entry finders are in a sense an implementation detail of " +"the path based finder, and in fact, if the path based finder were to be " +"removed from :data:`sys.meta_path`, none of the path entry finder semantics " +"would be invoked." +msgstr "" + +# baa3aa375bf34a7da92fdccb6830e789 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:514 +msgid "Path entry finders" +msgstr "" + +# 5dfba323ed464e56b2f8d537dae48ab3 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:522 +msgid "" +"The :term:`path based finder` is responsible for finding and loading Python " +"modules and packages whose location is specified with a string :term:`path " +"entry`. Most path entries name locations in the file system, but they need " +"not be limited to this." +msgstr "" + +# e6861c1d4c5849e7ae2f4939be29bff7 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:527 +msgid "" +"As a meta path finder, the :term:`path based finder` implements the " +":meth:`find_module()` protocol previously described, however it exposes " +"additional hooks that can be used to customize how modules are found and " +"loaded from the :term:`import path`." +msgstr "" + +# 0f2e175c2aa74ba4a934fab335804189 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:532 +msgid "" +"Three variables are used by the :term:`path based finder`, :data:`sys.path`," +" :data:`sys.path_hooks` and :data:`sys.path_importer_cache`. The " +"``__path__`` attributes on package objects are also used. These provide " +"additional ways that the import machinery can be customized." +msgstr "" + +# 0d1c82b8e77a418b8b6f26d29e8909eb +#: ../../reference/import.rst:537 +msgid "" +":data:`sys.path` contains a list of strings providing search locations for " +"modules and packages. It is initialized from the :data:`PYTHONPATH` " +"environment variable and various other installation- and implementation-" +"specific defaults. Entries in :data:`sys.path` can name directories on the " +"file system, zip files, and potentially other \"locations\" (see the " +":mod:`site` module) that should be searched for modules, such as URLs, or " +"database queries." +msgstr "" + +# d82e2a5f477749c090a21e885c45a6b9 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:545 +msgid "" +"The :term:`path based finder` is a :term:`meta path finder`, so the import " +"machinery begins the :term:`import path` search by calling the path based " +"finder's :meth:`find_module()` method as described previously. When the " +"``path`` argument to :meth:`find_module()` is given, it will be a list of " +"string paths to traverse - typically a package's ``__path__`` attribute for " +"an import within that package. If the ``path`` argument is ``None``, this " +"indicates a top level import and :data:`sys.path` is used." +msgstr "" + +# e6bafdc8fd73489a962d73048f969553 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:553 +msgid "" +"The path based finder iterates over every entry in the search path, and for " +"each of these, looks for an appropriate :term:`path entry finder` for the " +"path entry. Because this can be an expensive operation (e.g. there may be " +"`stat()` call overheads for this search), the path based finder maintains a " +"cache mapping path entries to path entry finders. This cache is maintained " +"in :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` (despite the name, this cache actually " +"stores finder objects rather than being limited to :term:`importer` " +"objects). In this way, the expensive search for a particular :term:`path " +"entry` location's :term:`path entry finder` need only be done once. User " +"code is free to remove cache entries from :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` " +"forcing the path based finder to perform the path entry search again " +"[#fnpic]_." +msgstr "" + +# bdde5def05a54d5586e82d94cba25f44 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:565 +msgid "" +"If the path entry is not present in the cache, the path based finder " +"iterates over every callable in :data:`sys.path_hooks`. Each of the " +":term:`path entry hooks <path entry hook>` in this list is called with a " +"single argument, the path entry to be searched. This callable may either " +"return a :term:`path entry finder` that can handle the path entry, or it may" +" raise :exc:`ImportError`. An :exc:`ImportError` is used by the path based " +"finder to signal that the hook cannot find a :term:`path entry finder` for " +"that :term:`path entry`. The exception is ignored and :term:`import path` " +"iteration continues." +msgstr "" + +# 2a14295e679c42f5ab1e838af1e25a54 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:575 +msgid "" +"If :data:`sys.path_hooks` iteration ends with no :term:`path entry finder` " +"being returned, then the path based finder's :meth:`find_module()` method " +"will store ``None`` in :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` (to indicate that " +"there is no finder for this path entry) and return ``None``, indicating that" +" this :term:`meta path finder` could not find the module." +msgstr "" + +# f545056cb0174ce08141c37881afcaed +#: ../../reference/import.rst:581 +msgid "" +"If a :term:`path entry finder` *is* returned by one of the :term:`path entry" +" hook` callables on :data:`sys.path_hooks`, then the following protocol is " +"used to ask the finder for a module loader, which is then used to load the " +"module." +msgstr "" + +# 95033e1f59b74068840f02d5087255ea +#: ../../reference/import.rst:587 +msgid "Path entry finder protocol" +msgstr "" + +# e934add0e952450c9055a720729d3201 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:589 +msgid "" +"In order to support imports of modules and initialized packages and also to " +"contribute portions to namespace packages, path entry finders must implement" +" the :meth:`find_loader()` method." +msgstr "" + +# b645de34d4c94132b0749762dac282bc +#: ../../reference/import.rst:593 +msgid "" +":meth:`find_loader()` takes one argument, the fully qualified name of the " +"module being imported. :meth:`find_loader()` returns a 2-tuple where the " +"first item is the loader and the second item is a namespace :term:`portion`." +" When the first item (i.e. the loader) is ``None``, this means that while " +"the path entry finder does not have a loader for the named module, it knows " +"that the path entry contributes to a namespace portion for the named module." +" This will almost always be the case where Python is asked to import a " +"namespace package that has no physical presence on the file system. When a " +"path entry finder returns ``None`` for the loader, the second item of the " +"2-tuple return value must be a sequence, although it can be empty." +msgstr "" + +# ce69937417524b6fad8143c52b775487 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:604 +msgid "" +"If :meth:`find_loader()` returns a non-``None`` loader value, the portion is" +" ignored and the loader is returned from the path based finder, terminating " +"the search through the path entries." +msgstr "" + +# 0b832ab4cbab472e9a1d378017c527d1 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:608 +msgid "" +"For backwards compatibility with other implementations of the import " +"protocol, many path entry finders also support the same, traditional " +":meth:`find_module()` method that meta path finders support. However path " +"entry finder :meth:`find_module()` methods are never called with a ``path`` " +"argument (they are expected to record the appropriate path information from " +"the initial call to the path hook)." +msgstr "" + +# e2cad1bc058d49cd88b64408e598e329 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:615 +msgid "" +"The :meth:`find_module()` method on path entry finders is deprecated, as it " +"does not allow the path entry finder to contribute portions to namespace " +"packages. Instead path entry finders should implement the " +":meth:`find_loader()` method as described above. If it exists on the path " +"entry finder, the import system will always call :meth:`find_loader()` in " +"preference to :meth:`find_module()`." +msgstr "" + +# 7be22e20066847c18bf11eeeff759718 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:624 +msgid "Replacing the standard import system" +msgstr "" + +# 4597d83202ff46dbb1e698cf955e7703 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:626 +msgid "" +"The most reliable mechanism for replacing the entire import system is to " +"delete the default contents of :data:`sys.meta_path`, replacing them " +"entirely with a custom meta path hook." +msgstr "" + +# aa95d4c8952243f9803d65aeec67382d +#: ../../reference/import.rst:630 +msgid "" +"If it is acceptable to only alter the behaviour of import statements without" +" affecting other APIs that access the import system, then replacing the " +"builtin :func:`__import__` function may be sufficient. This technique may " +"also be employed at the module level to only alter the behaviour of import " +"statements within that module." +msgstr "" + +# e180e82c666440ac946fcfb3349bd960 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:636 +msgid "" +"To selectively prevent import of some modules from a hook early on the meta " +"path (rather than disabling the standard import system entirely), it is " +"sufficient to raise :exc:`ImportError` directly from :meth:`find_module` " +"instead of returning ``None``. The latter indicates that the meta path " +"search should continue. while raising an exception terminates it " +"immediately." +msgstr "" + +# bcbb7c83b0bf445e8025637a31ff7799 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:645 +msgid "Open issues" +msgstr "" + +# 4d19aa32c1cc4e0fb1fd2b1e9fb8cffe +#: ../../reference/import.rst:647 +msgid "XXX It would be really nice to have a diagram." +msgstr "" + +# 27964dbea9d84de3b26ffbdd6d4fbfe8 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:649 +msgid "" +"XXX * (import_machinery.rst) how about a section devoted just to the " +"attributes of modules and packages, perhaps expanding upon or supplanting " +"the related entries in the data model reference page?" +msgstr "" + +# 51b18491c30d4e6cbf5b4d315551d8f4 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:653 +msgid "" +"XXX runpy, pkgutil, et al in the library manual should all get \"See Also\" " +"links at the top pointing to the new import system section." +msgstr "" + +# 7cba309f47784d76b905d7b109ec622e +#: ../../reference/import.rst:658 +msgid "References" +msgstr "参照資料" + +# 2e5b9cf6991a43f5a0698d896c915ff6 +#: ../../reference/import.rst:660 +msgid "" +"The import machinery has evolved considerably since Python's early days. " +"The original `specification for packages " +"<>`_ is still available to " +"read, although some details have changed since the writing of that document." ***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.*** ======================================= --- /dev/null +++ /reference/import.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -0,0 +1,697 @@ + +.. _importsystem: + +***************** +The import system +***************** + +.. index:: single: import machinery + +Python code in one :term:`module` gains access to the code in another module +by the process of :term:`importing` it. The :keyword:`import` statement is +the most common way of invoking the import machinery, but it is not the only +way. Functions such as :func:`importlib.import_module` and built-in +:func:`__import__` can also be used to invoke the import machinery. + +The :keyword:`import` statement combines two operations; it searches for the +named module, then it binds the results of that search to a name in the local +scope. The search operation of the :keyword:`import` statement is defined as +a call to the :func:`__import__` function, with the appropriate arguments. +The return value of :func:`__import__` is used to perform the name +binding operation of the :keyword:`import` statement. See the +:keyword:`import` statement for the exact details of that name binding +operation. + +A direct call to :func:`__import__` performs only the module search and, if +found, the module creation operation. While certain side-effects may occur, +such as the importing of parent packages, and the updating of various caches +(including :data:`sys.modules`), only the :keyword:`import` statement performs +a name binding operation. + +When calling :func:`__import__` as part of an import statement, the +import system first checks the module global namespace for a function by +that name. If it is not found, then the standard builtin :func:`__import__` +is called. Other mechanisms for invoking the import system (such as +:func:`importlib.import_module`) do not perform this check and will always +use the standard import system. + +When a module is first imported, Python searches for the module and if found, +it creates a module object [#fnmo]_, initializing it. If the named module +cannot be found, an :exc:`ImportError` is raised. Python implements various +strategies to search for the named module when the import machinery is +invoked. These strategies can be modified and extended by using various hooks +described in the sections below. + +.. versionchanged:: 3.3 + The import system has been updated to fully implement the second phase + of PEP 302. There is no longer any implicit import machinery - the full + import system is exposed through :data:`sys.meta_path`. In addition, + native namespace package support has been implemented (see PEP 420). + + +:mod:`importlib` +================ + +The :mod:`importlib` module provides a rich API for interacting with the +import system. For example :func:`importlib.import_module` provides a +recommended, simpler API than built-in :func:`__import__` for invoking the +import machinery. Refer to the :mod:`importlib` library documentation for +additional detail. + + + +Packages +======== + +.. index:: + single: package + +Python has only one type of module object, and all modules are of this type, +regardless of whether the module is implemented in Python, C, or something +else. To help organize modules and provide a naming hierarchy, Python has a +concept of :term:`packages <package>`. + +You can think of packages as the directories on a file system and modules as +files within directories, but don't take this analogy too literally since +packages and modules need not originate from the file system. For the +purposes of this documentation, we'll use this convenient analogy of +directories and files. Like file system directories, packages are organized +hierarchically, and packages may themselves contain subpackages, as well as +regular modules. + +It's important to keep in mind that all packages are modules, but not all +modules are packages. Or put another way, packages are just a special kind of +module. Specifically, any module that contains a ``__path__`` attribute is +considered a package. + +All modules have a name. Subpackage names are separated from their parent +package name by dots, akin to Python's standard attribute access syntax. Thus +you might have a module called :mod:`sys` and a package called :mod:`email`, +which in turn has a subpackage called :mod:`email.mime` and a module within +that subpackage called :mod:`email.mime.text`. + + +Regular packages +---------------- + +.. index:: + pair: package; regular + +Python defines two types of packages, :term:`regular packages <regular +package>` and :term:`namespace packages <namespace package>`. Regular +packages are traditional packages as they existed in Python 3.2 and earlier. +A regular package is typically implemented as a directory containing an +```` file. When a regular package is imported, this +```` file is implicitly executed, and the objects it defines are +bound to names in the package's namespace. The ```` file can +contain the same Python code that any other module can contain, and Python +will add some additional attributes to the module when it is imported. + +For example, the following file system layout defines a top level ``parent`` +package with three subpackages:: + + parent/ + + one/ + + two/ + + three/ + + +Importing ```` will implicitly execute ``parent/`` and +``parent/one/``. Subsequent imports of ``parent.two`` or +``parent.three`` will execute ``parent/two/`` and +``parent/three/`` respectively. + + +Namespace packages +------------------ + +.. index:: + pair:: package; namespace + pair:: package; portion + +A namespace package is a composite of various :term:`portions <portion>`, +where each portion contributes a subpackage to the parent package. Portions +may reside in different locations on the file system. Portions may also be +found in zip files, on the network, or anywhere else that Python searches +during import. Namespace packages may or may not correspond directly to +objects on the file system; they may be virtual modules that have no concrete +representation. + +Namespace packages do not use an ordinary list for their ``__path__`` +attribute. They instead use a custom iterable type which will automatically +perform a new search for package portions on the next import attempt within +that package if the path of their parent package (or :data:`sys.path` for a +top level package) changes. + +With namespace packages, there is no ``parent/`` file. In fact, +there may be multiple ``parent`` directories found during import search, where +each one is provided by a different portion. Thus ``parent/one`` may not be +physically located next to ``parent/two``. In this case, Python will create a +namespace package for the top-level ``parent`` package whenever it or one of +its subpackages is imported. + +See also :pep:`420` for the namespace package specification. + + +Searching +========= + +To begin the search, Python needs the :term:`fully qualified <qualified name>` +name of the module (or package, but for the purposes of this discussion, the +difference is immaterial) being imported. This name may come from various +arguments to the :keyword:`import` statement, or from the parameters to the +:func:`importlib.import_module` or :func:`__import__` functions. + +This name will be used in various phases of the import search, and it may be +the dotted path to a submodule, e.g. ````. In this case, Python +first tries to import ``foo``, then ````, and finally ````. +If any of the intermediate imports fail, an :exc:`ImportError` is raised. + + +The module cache +---------------- + +.. index:: + single: sys.modules + +The first place checked during import search is :data:`sys.modules`. This +mapping serves as a cache of all modules that have been previously imported, +including the intermediate paths. So if ```` was previously +imported, :data:`sys.modules` will contain entries for ``foo``, ````, +and ````. Each key will have as its value the corresponding module +object. + +During import, the module name is looked up in :data:`sys.modules` and if +present, the associated value is the module satisfying the import, and the +process completes. However, if the value is ``None``, then an +:exc:`ImportError` is raised. If the module name is missing, Python will +continue searching for the module. + +:data:`sys.modules` is writable. Deleting a key may not destroy the +associated module (as other modules may hold references to it), +but it will invalidate the cache entry for the named module, causing +Python to search anew for the named module upon its next +import. The key can also be assigned to ``None``, forcing the next import +of the module to result in an :exc:`ImportError`. + +Beware though, as if you keep a reference to the module object, +invalidate its cache entry in :data:`sys.modules`, and then re-import the +named module, the two module objects will *not* be the same. By contrast, +:func:`imp.reload` will reuse the *same* module object, and simply +reinitialise the module contents by rerunning the module's code. + + +Finders and loaders +------------------- + +.. index:: + single: finder + single: loader + +If the named module is not found in :data:`sys.modules`, then Python's import +protocol is invoked to find and load the module. This protocol consists of +two conceptual objects, :term:`finders <finder>` and :term:`loaders <loader>`. +A finder's job is to determine whether it can find the named module using +whatever strategy it knows about. Objects that implement both of these +interfaces are referred to as :term:`importers <importer>` - they return +themselves when they find that they can load the requested module. + +Python includes a number of default finders and importers. One +knows how to locate frozen modules, and another knows how to locate +built-in modules. A third default finder searches an :term:`import path` +for modules. The :term:`import path` is a list of locations that may +name file system paths or zip files. It can also be extended to search +for any locatable resource, such as those identified by URLs. + +The import machinery is extensible, so new finders can be added to extend the +range and scope of module searching. + +Finders do not actually load modules. If they can find the named module, they +return a :term:`loader`, which the import machinery then invokes to load the +module and create the corresponding module object. + +The following sections describe the protocol for finders and loaders in more +detail, including how you can create and register new ones to extend the +import machinery. + + +Import hooks +------------ + +.. index:: + single: import hooks + single: meta hooks + single: path hooks + pair: hooks; import + pair: hooks; meta + pair: hooks; path + +The import machinery is designed to be extensible; the primary mechanism for +this are the *import hooks*. There are two types of import hooks: *meta +hooks* and *import path hooks*. + +Meta hooks are called at the start of import processing, before any other +import processing has occurred, other than :data:`sys.modules` cache look up. +This allows meta hooks to override :data:`sys.path` processing, frozen +modules, or even built-in modules. Meta hooks are registered by adding new +finder objects to :data:`sys.meta_path`, as described below. + +Import path hooks are called as part of :data:`sys.path` (or +``package.__path__``) processing, at the point where their associated path +item is encountered. Import path hooks are registered by adding new callables +to :data:`sys.path_hooks` as described below. + + +The meta path +------------- + +.. index:: + single: sys.meta_path + pair: finder; find_module + pair: finder; find_loader + +When the named module is not found in :data:`sys.modules`, Python next +searches :data:`sys.meta_path`, which contains a list of meta path finder +objects. These finders are queried in order to see if they know how to handle +the named module. Meta path finders must implement a method called +:meth:`find_module()` which takes two arguments, a name and an import path. +The meta path finder can use any strategy it wants to determine whether it can +handle the named module or not. + +If the meta path finder knows how to handle the named module, it returns a +loader object. If it cannot handle the named module, it returns ``None``. If +:data:`sys.meta_path` processing reaches the end of its list without returning +a loader, then an :exc:`ImportError` is raised. Any other exceptions raised +are simply propagated up, aborting the import process. + +The :meth:`find_module()` method of meta path finders is called with two +arguments. The first is the fully qualified name of the module being +imported, for example ````. The second argument is the path +entries to use for the module search. For top-level modules, the second +argument is ``None``, but for submodules or subpackages, the second +argument is the value of the parent package's ``__path__`` attribute. If +the appropriate ``__path__`` attribute cannot be accessed, an +:exc:`ImportError` is raised. + +The meta path may be traversed multiple times for a single import request. +For example, assuming none of the modules involved has already been cached, +importing ```` will first perform a top level import, calling +``mpf.find_module("foo", None)`` on each meta path finder (``mpf``). After +``foo`` has been imported, ```` will be imported by traversing the +meta path a second time, calling +``mpf.find_module("", foo.__path__)``. Once ```` has been +imported, the final traversal will call +``mpf.find_module("",``. + +Some meta path finders only support top level imports. These importers will +always return ``None`` when anything other than ``None`` is passed as the +second argument. + +Python's default :data:`sys.meta_path` has three meta path finders, one that +knows how to import built-in modules, one that knows how to import frozen +modules, and one that knows how to import modules from an :term:`import path` +(i.e. the :term:`path based finder`). + + +Loaders +======= + +If and when a module loader is found its +:meth:`` method is called, with a single +argument, the fully qualified name of the module being imported. This method +has several responsibilities, and should return the module object it has +loaded [#fnlo]_. If it cannot load the module, it should raise an +:exc:`ImportError`, although any other exception raised during +:meth:`load_module()` will be propagated. + +In many cases, the finder and loader can be the same object; in such cases the +:meth:`finder.find_module()` would just return ``self``. + +Loaders must satisfy the following requirements: + + * If there is an existing module object with the given name in + :data:`sys.modules`, the loader must use that existing module. (Otherwise, + :func:`imp.reload` will not work correctly.) If the named module does + not exist in :data:`sys.modules`, the loader must create a new module + object and add it to :data:`sys.modules`. + + Note that the module *must* exist in :data:`sys.modules` before the loader + executes the module code. This is crucial because the module code may + (directly or indirectly) import itself; adding it to :data:`sys.modules` + beforehand prevents unbounded recursion in the worst case and multiple + loading in the best. + + If loading fails, the loader must remove any modules it has inserted into + :data:`sys.modules`, but it must remove **only** the failing module, and + only if the loader itself has loaded it explicitly. Any module already in + the :data:`sys.modules` cache, and any module that was successfully loaded + as a side-effect, must remain in the cache. + + * The loader may set the ``__file__`` attribute of the module. If set, this + attribute's value must be a string. The loader may opt to leave + ``__file__`` unset if it has no semantic meaning (e.g. a module loaded from + a database). + + * The loader may set the ``__name__`` attribute of the module. While not + required, setting this attribute is highly recommended so that the + :meth:`repr()` of the module is more informative. + + * If the module is a package (either regular or namespace), the loader must + set the module object's ``__path__`` attribute. The value must be + iterable, but may be empty if ``__path__`` has no further significance + to the loader. If ``__path__`` is not empty, it must produce strings + when iterated over. More details on the semantics of ``__path__`` are + given :ref:`below <package-path-rules>`. + + * The ``__loader__`` attribute must be set to the loader object that loaded + the module. This is mostly for introspection and reloading, but can be + used for additional loader-specific functionality, for example getting + data associated with a loader. + + * The module's ``__package__`` attribute should be set. Its value must be a + string, but it can be the same value as its ``__name__``. If the attribute + is set to ``None`` or is missing, the import system will fill it in with a + more appropriate value. When the module is a package, its ``__package__`` + value should be set to its ``__name__``. When the module is not a package, + ``__package__`` should be set to the empty string for top-level modules, or + for submodules, to the parent package's name. See :pep:`366` for further + details. + + This attribute is used instead of ``__name__`` to calculate explicit + relative imports for main modules, as defined in :pep:`366`. + + * If the module is a Python module (as opposed to a built-in module or a + dynamically loaded extension), the loader should execute the module's code + in the module's global name space (``module.__dict__``). + + +Module reprs +------------ + +By default, all modules have a usable repr, however depending on the +attributes set above, and hooks in the loader, you can more explicitly control +the repr of module objects. + +Loaders may implement a :meth:`module_repr()` method which takes a single +argument, the module object. When ``repr(module)`` is called for a module +with a loader supporting this protocol, whatever is returned from +``module.__loader__.module_repr(module)`` is returned as the module's repr +without further processing. This return value must be a string. + +If the module has no ``__loader__`` attribute, or the loader has no +:meth:`module_repr()` method, then the module object implementation itself +will craft a default repr using whatever information is available. It will +try to use the ``module.__name__``, ``module.__file__``, and +``module.__loader__`` as input into the repr, with defaults for whatever +information is missing. + +Here are the exact rules used: + + * If the module has a ``__loader__`` and that loader has a + :meth:`module_repr()` method, call it with a single argument, which is the + module object. The value returned is used as the module's repr. + + * If an exception occurs in :meth:`module_repr()`, the exception is caught + and discarded, and the calculation of the module's repr continues as if + :meth:`module_repr()` did not exist. + + * If the module has a ``__file__`` attribute, this is used as part of the + module's repr. + + * If the module has no ``__file__`` but does have a ``__loader__``, then the + loader's repr is used as part of the module's repr. + + * Otherwise, just use the module's ``__name__`` in the repr. + +This example, from :pep:`420` shows how a loader can craft its own module +repr:: + + class NamespaceLoader: + @classmethod + def module_repr(cls, module): + return "<module '{}' (namespace)>".format(module.__name__) + + +.. _package-path-rules: + +module.__path__ +--------------- + +By definition, if a module has an ``__path__`` attribute, it is a package, +regardless of its value. + +A package's ``__path__`` attribute is used during imports of its subpackages. +Within the import machinery, it functions much the same as :data:`sys.path`, +i.e. providing a list of locations to search for modules during import. +However, ``__path__`` is typically much more constrained than +:data:`sys.path`. + +``__path__`` must be an iterable of strings, but it may be empty. +The same rules used for :data:`sys.path` also apply to a package's +``__path__``, and :data:`sys.path_hooks` (described below) are +consulted when traversing a package's ``__path__``. + +A package's ```` file may set or alter the package's ``__path__`` +attribute, and this was typically the way namespace packages were implemented +prior to :pep:`420`. With the adoption of :pep:`420`, namespace packages no +longer need to supply ```` files containing only ``__path__`` +manipulation code; the namespace loader automatically sets ``__path__`` +correctly for the namespace package. + + +The Path Based Finder +===================== + +.. index:: + single: path based finder + +As mentioned previously, Python comes with several default meta path finders. +One of these, called the :term:`path based finder`, searches an :term:`import +path`, which contains a list of :term:`path entries <path entry>`. Each path +entry names a location to search for modules. + +The path based finder itself doesn't know how to import anything. Instead, it +traverses the individual path entries, associating each of them with a +path entry finder that knows how to handle that particular kind of path. + +The default set of path entry finders implement all the semantics for finding +modules on the file system, handling special file types such as Python source +code (``.py`` files), Python byte code (``.pyc`` and ``.pyo`` files) and +shared libraries (e.g. ``.so`` files). When supported by the :mod:`zipimport` +module in the standard library, the default path entry finders also handle +loading all of these file types (other than shared libraries) from zipfiles. + +Path entries need not be limited to file system locations. They can refer to +URLs, database queries, or any other location that can be specified as a +string. + +The path based finder provides additional hooks and protocols so that you +can extend and customize the types of searchable path entries. For example, +if you wanted to support path entries as network URLs, you could write a hook +that implements HTTP semantics to find modules on the web. This hook (a +callable) would return a :term:`path entry finder` supporting the protocol +described below, which was then used to get a loader for the module from the +web. + +A word of warning: this section and the previous both use the term *finder*, +distinguishing between them by using the terms :term:`meta path finder` and +:term:`path entry finder`. These two types of finders are very similar, +support similar protocols, and function in similar ways during the import +process, but it's important to keep in mind that they are subtly different. +In particular, meta path finders operate at the beginning of the import +process, as keyed off the :data:`sys.meta_path` traversal. + +By contrast, path entry finders are in a sense an implementation detail +of the path based finder, and in fact, if the path based finder were to be +removed from :data:`sys.meta_path`, none of the path entry finder semantics +would be invoked. + + +Path entry finders +------------------ + +.. index:: + single: sys.path + single: sys.path_hooks + single: sys.path_importer_cache + single: PYTHONPATH + +The :term:`path based finder` is responsible for finding and loading Python +modules and packages whose location is specified with a string :term:`path +entry`. Most path entries name locations in the file system, but they need +not be limited to this. + +As a meta path finder, the :term:`path based finder` implements the +:meth:`find_module()` protocol previously described, however it exposes +additional hooks that can be used to customize how modules are found and +loaded from the :term:`import path`. + +Three variables are used by the :term:`path based finder`, :data:`sys.path`, +:data:`sys.path_hooks` and :data:`sys.path_importer_cache`. The ``__path__`` +attributes on package objects are also used. These provide additional ways +that the import machinery can be customized. + +:data:`sys.path` contains a list of strings providing search locations for +modules and packages. It is initialized from the :data:`PYTHONPATH` +environment variable and various other installation- and +implementation-specific defaults. Entries in :data:`sys.path` can name +directories on the file system, zip files, and potentially other "locations" +(see the :mod:`site` module) that should be searched for modules, such as +URLs, or database queries. + +The :term:`path based finder` is a :term:`meta path finder`, so the import +machinery begins the :term:`import path` search by calling the path +based finder's :meth:`find_module()` method as described previously. When +the ``path`` argument to :meth:`find_module()` is given, it will be a +list of string paths to traverse - typically a package's ``__path__`` +attribute for an import within that package. If the ``path`` argument +is ``None``, this indicates a top level import and :data:`sys.path` is used. + +The path based finder iterates over every entry in the search path, and +for each of these, looks for an appropriate :term:`path entry finder` for the +path entry. Because this can be an expensive operation (e.g. there may be +`stat()` call overheads for this search), the path based finder maintains +a cache mapping path entries to path entry finders. This cache is maintained +in :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` (despite the name, this cache actually +stores finder objects rather than being limited to :term:`importer` objects). +In this way, the expensive search for a particular :term:`path entry` +location's :term:`path entry finder` need only be done once. User code is +free to remove cache entries from :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` forcing +the path based finder to perform the path entry search again [#fnpic]_. + +If the path entry is not present in the cache, the path based finder iterates +over every callable in :data:`sys.path_hooks`. Each of the +:term:`path entry hooks <path entry hook>` in this list is called with a +single argument, the path entry to be searched. This callable may either +return a :term:`path entry finder` that can handle the path entry, or it may +raise :exc:`ImportError`. +An :exc:`ImportError` is used by the path based finder to signal that the hook +cannot find a :term:`path entry finder` for that :term:`path entry`. The +exception is ignored and :term:`import path` iteration continues. + +If :data:`sys.path_hooks` iteration ends with no :term:`path entry finder` +being returned, then the path based finder's :meth:`find_module()` method +will store ``None`` in :data:`sys.path_importer_cache` (to indicate that +there is no finder for this path entry) and return ``None``, indicating that +this :term:`meta path finder` could not find the module. + +If a :term:`path entry finder` *is* returned by one of the :term:`path entry +hook` callables on :data:`sys.path_hooks`, then the following protocol is used +to ask the finder for a module loader, which is then used to load the module. + + +Path entry finder protocol +-------------------------- + +In order to support imports of modules and initialized packages and also to +contribute portions to namespace packages, path entry finders must implement +the :meth:`find_loader()` method. + +:meth:`find_loader()` takes one argument, the fully qualified name of the +module being imported. :meth:`find_loader()` returns a 2-tuple where the +first item is the loader and the second item is a namespace :term:`portion`. +When the first item (i.e. the loader) is ``None``, this means that while the +path entry finder does not have a loader for the named module, it knows that the +path entry contributes to a namespace portion for the named module. This will +almost always be the case where Python is asked to import a namespace package +that has no physical presence on the file system. When a path entry finder +returns ``None`` for the loader, the second item of the 2-tuple return value +must be a sequence, although it can be empty. + +If :meth:`find_loader()` returns a non-``None`` loader value, the portion is +ignored and the loader is returned from the path based finder, terminating +the search through the path entries. + +For backwards compatibility with other implementations of the import +protocol, many path entry finders also support the same, +traditional :meth:`find_module()` method that meta path finders support. +However path entry finder :meth:`find_module()` methods are never called +with a ``path`` argument (they are expected to record the appropriate +path information from the initial call to the path hook). + +The :meth:`find_module()` method on path entry finders is deprecated, +as it does not allow the path entry finder to contribute portions to +namespace packages. Instead path entry finders should implement the +:meth:`find_loader()` method as described above. If it exists on the path +entry finder, the import system will always call :meth:`find_loader()` +in preference to :meth:`find_module()`. + + +Replacing the standard import system +==================================== + +The most reliable mechanism for replacing the entire import system is to +delete the default contents of :data:`sys.meta_path`, replacing them +entirely with a custom meta path hook. + +If it is acceptable to only alter the behaviour of import statements +without affecting other APIs that access the import system, then replacing +the builtin :func:`__import__` function may be sufficient. This technique +may also be employed at the module level to only alter the behaviour of +import statements within that module. + +To selectively prevent import of some modules from a hook early on the +meta path (rather than disabling the standard import system entirely), +it is sufficient to raise :exc:`ImportError` directly from +:meth:`find_module` instead of returning ``None``. The latter indicates +that the meta path search should continue. while raising an exception +terminates it immediately. + + +Open issues +=========== + +XXX It would be really nice to have a diagram. + +XXX * (import_machinery.rst) how about a section devoted just to the +attributes of modules and packages, perhaps expanding upon or supplanting the +related entries in the data model reference page? + +XXX runpy, pkgutil, et al in the library manual should all get "See Also" +links at the top pointing to the new import system section. + + +References +========== + +The import machinery has evolved considerably since Python's early days. The +original `specification for packages +<>`_ is still available to read, +although some details have changed since the writing of that document. + +The original specification for :data:`sys.meta_path` was :pep:`302`, with +subsequent extension in :pep:`420`. + +:pep:`420` introduced :term:`namespace packages <namespace package>` for +Python 3.3. :pep:`420` also introduced the :meth:`find_loader` protocol as an +alternative to :meth:`find_module`. + +:pep:`366` describes the addition of the ``__package__`` attribute for +explicit relative imports in main modules. + +:pep:`328` introduced absolute and explicit relative imports and initially +proposed ``__name__`` for semantics :pep:`366` would eventually specify for +``__package__``. + +:pep:`338` defines executing modules as scripts. + + +Footnotes +========= + +.. [#fnmo] See :class:`types.ModuleType`. + +.. [#fnlo] The importlib implementation avoids using the return value + directly. Instead, it gets the module object by looking the module name up + in :data:`sys.modules`. The indirect effect of this is that an imported + module may replace itself in :data:`sys.modules`. This is + implementation-specific behavior that is not guaranteed to work in other + Python implementations. + +.. [#fnpic] In legacy code, it is possible to find instances of + :class:`imp.NullImporter` in the :data:`sys.path_importer_cache`. It + is recommended that code be changed to use ``None`` instead. See + :ref:`portingpythoncode` for more details. ======================================= --- /library/someos.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,24 +0,0 @@ -.. _someos: - -********************************** -Optional Operating System Services -********************************** - -The modules described in this chapter provide interfaces to operating system -features that are available on selected operating systems only. The interfaces -are generally modeled after the Unix or C interfaces but they are available on -some other systems as well (e.g. Windows). Here's an overview: - - -.. toctree:: - - select.rst - threading.rst - multiprocessing.rst - concurrent.futures.rst - mmap.rst - readline.rst - rlcompleter.rst - dummy_threading.rst - _thread.rst - _dummy_thread.rst ======================================= --- /library/strings.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,27 +0,0 @@ -.. _stringservices: - -*************** -String Services -*************** - -The modules described in this chapter provide a wide range of string -manipulation operations. - -In addition, Python's built-in string classes support the sequence type methods -described in the :ref:`typesseq` section, and also the string-specific methods -described in the :ref:`string-methods` section. To output formatted strings, -see the :ref:`string-formatting` section. Also, see the :mod:`re` module for -string functions based on regular expressions. - - -.. toctree:: - - string.rst - re.rst - struct.rst - difflib.rst - textwrap.rst - codecs.rst - unicodedata.rst - stringprep.rst - ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/library/someos.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,30 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:37+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# a9e4f87748b84244beee83175f6e345c -#: ../../library/someos.rst:5 -msgid "Optional Operating System Services" -msgstr "オプションのオペレーティングシステムサービス" - -# a7f3e47caf5a46bfb32e1699216c95ff -#: ../../library/someos.rst:7 -msgid "" -"The modules described in this chapter provide interfaces to operating system" -" features that are available on selected operating systems only. The " -"interfaces are generally modeled after the Unix or C interfaces but they are" -" available on some other systems as well (e.g. Windows). Here's an " -"overview:" -msgstr "この章で説明するモジュールでは、 特定のオペレーティングシステムでだ け利用できるオペレーティングシステム機能へのインタフェースを提供します。 こ のインタフェースは、おおむね Unix や C のインタフェースにならってモデル化し てありますが、 他のシステム上(Windowsなど)でも利用できることがあります。 次に概要を示します。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/library/strings.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,37 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:38+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# 4dd434d3d7c24c02ab7b4ef3d88aa5e3 -#: ../../library/strings.rst:5 -msgid "String Services" -msgstr "文字列処理" - -# 6679c0b191dc4798a183a28098c84ae6 -#: ../../library/strings.rst:7 -msgid "" -"The modules described in this chapter provide a wide range of string " -"manipulation operations." -msgstr "この章で解説されているモジュールは文字列を操作するさまざまな処理を 提供します。" - -# 5fde6841ee5d48ba9d46125321cac156 -#: ../../library/strings.rst:10 -msgid "" -"In addition, Python's built-in string classes support the sequence type " -"methods described in the :ref:`typesseq` section, and also the string-" -"specific methods described in the :ref:`string-methods` section. To output " -"formatted strings, see the :ref:`string-formatting` section. Also, see the " -":mod:`re` module for string functions based on regular expressions." -msgstr "それに加えて、Python の組み込み文字列クラスたちは :ref:`typesseq` で説明されたシーケンス型のメソッドをサポートし、また :ref:`string-methods` で説明された文字列固有のメソッドもサポートします。 フォーマットされた文字列 の出力は :ref:`string-formatting` を参照してください。 また、正規表現に基づ いた文字列関数については :mod:`re` モジュールを参照してください。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/builtdist.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,566 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:47+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# 645fa0e4de0e4019a91c19c44766a021 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:5 -msgid "Creating Built Distributions" -msgstr "ビルド済み配布物を作成する" - -# 5f933260cece469ba163ca84e64badad -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:7 -msgid "" -"A \"built distribution\" is what you're probably used to thinking of either " -"as a \"binary package\" or an \"installer\" (depending on your background)." -" It's not necessarily binary, though, because it might contain only Python " -"source code and/or byte-code; and we don't call it a package, because that " -"word is already spoken for in Python. (And \"installer\" is a term specific" -" to the world of mainstream desktop systems.)" -msgstr "\"ビルド済み配布物\" とは、おそらく皆さんが通常 \"バイナリパッケー ジ\" とか \"インストーラ\" (背景にしている知識によって違います) と考えて い るものです。とはいえ、配布物が必然的にバイナリ形式になるわけではありません。 配布物には、 Python ソースコード、かつ/またはバイトコード が入るからです; ま た、我々はパッケージという呼び方もしません。すでに Python の用語として使って いるからです (また、 \"インストーラ\" という言葉は主流のデスクトップシステム 特有の用語です)" - -# e2f071df22d248aa99bf65d6372aa9d1 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:14 -msgid "" -"A built distribution is how you make life as easy as possible for installers" -" of your module distribution: for users of RPM-based Linux systems, it's a " -"binary RPM; for Windows users, it's an executable installer; for Debian-" -"based Linux users, it's a Debian package; and so forth. Obviously, no one " -"person will be able to create built distributions for every platform under " -"the sun, so the Distutils are designed to enable module developers to " -"concentrate on their specialty---writing code and creating source " -"distributions---while an intermediary species called *packagers* springs up " -"to turn source distributions into built distributions for as many platforms " -"as there are packagers." -msgstr "ビルド済み配布物は、モジュール配布物をインストール作業者にとってで きるだけ簡単な状況にする方法です: ビルド済み配布物は、RPM ベースの Linux シ ステムユーザにとってはバイナリ RPM 、Windows ユーザにとっては実行可能なイン ストーラ、 Debian ベースの Linux システムでは Debian パッケージ、などといっ た具合です。当然のことながら、一人の人間が世の中にある全てのプラットフォーム 用 にビルド済み配布物を作成できるわけではありません。そこで、 Distutils の設 計は。開発者が自分の専門分野 --- コードを書き、ソース配布物を作成する --- に 集中できる一方で、 *パッケージ作成者 (packager)* と呼ばれる、開発者とエンド ユーザとの中間に位置する人々が ソースコード配布物を多くのプラットフォームに おけるビルド済み配布物に変換できるようになっています。" - -# a050efcf415f4b0eb24d2d7ed53f4cfd -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:24 -msgid "" -"Of course, the module developer could be his own packager; or the packager " -"could be a volunteer \"out there\" somewhere who has access to a platform " -"which the original developer does not; or it could be software periodically " -"grabbing new source distributions and turning them into built distributions " -"for as many platforms as the software has access to. Regardless of who they" -" are, a packager uses the setup script and the :command:`bdist` command " -"family to generate built distributions." -msgstr "もちろん、モジュール開発者自身がパッケージ作成者かもしれません; ま た、パッケージを作成するのはオリジナルの作成者が利用できないプラットフォーム に アクセスできるような \"外部の\" ボランティアかもしれませんし、ソース配布 物を定期的に取り込んで、アクセスできるかぎりの プラットフォーム向けにビルド 済み配布物を生成するソフトウェアかもしれません。作業を行うのが誰であれ、パッ ケージ作成者は setup スクリプトを利用し、 :command:`bdist` コマンドファミリ を使ってビルド済み配布物を作成します。" - -# 143d604c2e6e4030b6e8f319231c7d1f -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:32 -msgid "" -"As a simple example, if I run the following command in the Distutils source " -"tree::" -msgstr "単純な例として、Distutils ソースツリーから以下のコマンドを実行した とします::" - -# 6495d0abff4745a5b694c6d7c50de7a6 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:37 -msgid "" -"then the Distutils builds my module distribution (the Distutils itself in " -"this case), does a \"fake\" installation (also in the :file:`build` " -"directory), and creates the default type of built distribution for my " -"platform. The default format for built distributions is a \"dumb\" tar file" -" on Unix, and a simple executable installer on Windows. (That tar file is " -"considered \"dumb\" because it has to be unpacked in a specific location to " -"work.)" -msgstr "すると、Distutils はモジュール配布物 (ここでは Distutils 自体) をビ ルドし、\"偽の (fake)\" インストールを (:file:`build` ディレクトリで) 行いま す。そして現在のプラットフォームにおける標準の形式でビルド済み 配布物を生成 します。デフォルトのビルド済み形式とは、Unixでは \"ダム (dumb)\" の tar ファ イルで、 Windows ではシンプルな実行形式の インストーラになります。(tar ファ イルは、特定の場所に手作業で解凍しないと動作しないので、 \"ダム: 賢くない\" 形式とみなします。)" - -# 7b42a34bf847482ab28ab41bde0d74b6 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:44 -msgid "" -"Thus, the above command on a Unix system creates " -":file:`Distutils-1.0.{plat}.tar.gz`; unpacking this tarball from the right " -"place installs the Distutils just as though you had downloaded the source " -"distribution and run ``python install``. (The \"right place\" is " -"either the root of the filesystem or Python's :file:`{prefix}` directory, " -"depending on the options given to the :command:`bdist_dumb` command; the " -"default is to make dumb distributions relative to :file:`{prefix}`.)" -msgstr "従って、 Unix システムで上記のコマンドを実行する と、 :file:`Distutils-1.0.{plat}.tar.gz` を作成します; この tarball を正し い場所で解凍すると、ちょうどソース配布物をダウンロードして ``python install`` を実行したのと 同じように、正しい場所に Distutils がイン ストールされます。 (\"正しい場所 (right place)\" とは、ファイルシステムの ルート下か、 Python の :file:`{prefix}` ディレクトリ下で、これ は :command:`bdist_dumb` に指定するコマンドで変わります; デフォルトの設定で は、 :file:`{prefix}` からの相対パスにインストールされるダム配布物が得られま す。)" - -# 9f43a2f0bc5b41c8bdb963fbda971825 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:52 -msgid "" -"Obviously, for pure Python distributions, this isn't any simpler than just " -"running ``python install``\\ ---but for non-pure distributions, " -"which include extensions that would need to be compiled, it can mean the " -"difference between someone being able to use your extensions or not. And " -"creating \"smart\" built distributions, such as an executable installer for " -"Windows, is far more convenient for users even if your distribution doesn't " -"include any extensions." -msgstr "言うまでもなく、 pure Python 配布物の場合なら、 ``python install`` するのに比べて大して簡単になったとは 言えません---しかし、非 pure 配布物で、コンパイルの必要な拡張モジュールを含む場合、拡張モジュールを利用で きるか否かという大きな違いになりえます。 また、Windows 用の実行形式インス トーラのような \"スマートな\" ビルド済み配布物を作成しておけば、たとえ拡張モ ジュール が一切入っていなくてもユーザにとっては便利になります。" - -# 1a1e5edd96b948e4b7257db45cbee671 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:60 -msgid "" -"The :command:`bdist` command has a :option:`--formats` option, similar to " -"the :command:`sdist` command, which you can use to select the types of built" -" distribution to generate: for example, ::" -msgstr ":command:`bdist` コマンドには、 :option:`--formats` オプションがあ ります。これは :command:`sdist` コマンドの場合に似ていて、生成したいビルド済 み配布物の形式を選択できます: 例えば、 ::" - -# 14a755ca3b5846a0b9bfd32d9f442732 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:66 -msgid "" -"would, when run on a Unix system, create :file:`Distutils-1.0.{plat}.zip`\\ " -"---again, this archive would be unpacked from the root directory to install " -"the Distutils." -msgstr "とすると、Unix システムでは、 :file:`Distutils-1.0.{plat}.zip` を作 成します--- 先にも述べたように、Distutils をインストールするには、このアーカ イブ形式をルートディレクトリ下で展開します。" - -# e42e9c569f494ce8a872567b0dbae590 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:70 -msgid "The available formats for built distributions are:" -msgstr "ビルド済み配布物として利用できる形式を以下に示します:" - -# 4705e0bb09d64487b96d0cd1fba090ec -# 988af9066be245c3bf168b93ab5bb639 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:73 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:25 -msgid "Format" -msgstr "フォーマット" - -# 91f6b67a86994b21b4d8a8d9c7db5105 -# b2bdeb56da254e2ab0b40224d1153a20 -# ef1225781a6e48cfae4b81579f77fbe3 -# fd964aca0f1647a38c457e2e6528573f -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:73 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:560 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:25 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:236 -msgid "Description" -msgstr "説明" - -# 3d427d24ce454514ae7e00ddb3a88cb8 -# 0656fbe038714d229c51a137db40c731 -# 2d7f585db2314800945708739753a2fe -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:73 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:560 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:25 -msgid "Notes" -msgstr "Notes" - -# df2cc72dfebb431cbbea28cdf7459049 -# 7cc165cd2b364d348665e9003183277d -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:75 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:29 -msgid "``gztar``" -msgstr "``gztar``" - -# 10abd5a57f3f46a7b6ba93cdd8fcafcd -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:75 -msgid "gzipped tar file (:file:`.tar.gz`)" -msgstr "gzip 圧縮された tar ファイル (:file:`.tar.gz`)" - -# 2bcbb2736f604c8498a466b7f57e2cd8 -# 3fe83158ecb8412bac898a4aa0d65db0 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:75 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:27 -msgid "(1),(3)" -msgstr "" - -# ef44f7a1b18f4d92a4637c33d2eac5f2 -# 36b6dc6be2024b9b99a079a228fdf304 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:78 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:35 -msgid "``tar``" -msgstr "``tar``" - -# 6e3d58ff19484fbf8fb4ee7f70dc829f -# cdfbaef1887f4b229b2b56dc30da0442 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:78 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:35 -msgid "tar file (:file:`.tar`)" -msgstr "tar ファイル (:file:`.tar`)" - -# 3dae56ca48fd434c8767bf377e4c9ae9 -# 04b710c22e81483299f77a260751e35a -# 84c15e87429b4466ac48a6b232ac1def -# a638d2af95e04847928a4da42269bfc9 -# a4327e31a80e407f8ece93e9f25cccc0 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:78 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:566 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:568 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:571 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:573 -msgid "\\(3)" -msgstr "\\(3)" - -# 727e25f935fd48f8ba1c2bc64e862f03 -# 44c04904a3f74140ab58209292983e0b -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:80 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:27 -msgid "``zip``" -msgstr "``zip``" - -# dcd024eeec8f4ece9847885852b42f5a -# 4f0adf032bb5481d9b069c4ff6be810a -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:80 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:27 -msgid "zip file (:file:`.zip`)" -msgstr "zip ファイル (:file:`.zip`)" - -# e1b14184bd604c6daf7e5f95e9e3ce0b -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:80 -msgid "(2),(4)" -msgstr "" - -# 2b1d5160a5a648c08c7696ea52152dff -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:82 -msgid "``wininst``" -msgstr "``wininst``" - -# 9c9a8a219b4e44b5b32e3220f112bb11 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:82 -msgid "self-extracting ZIP file for Windows" -msgstr "Windows 用の自己展開形式 ZIP ファイル" - -# 37a8522cef0a418190e574491a85821a -# b5300e8dd7674f888837161667a5a085 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:82 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:587 -msgid "\\(4)" -msgstr "\\(4)" - -# a62fe35b364c4e3bb964756c89529116 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:85 -msgid "``msi``" -msgstr "``msi``" - -# 94ff74537e2b47a9886fa92c0bd2277a -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:85 -msgid "Microsoft Installer." -msgstr "マイクロソフト・インストーラー" - -# baa9b695bad14c31a92990c23a8e88fb -# 0585768f7fcb4836a4216c9782feee7d -# 04455a6c835246a298b854bd35b5a245 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:89 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:594 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:38 -msgid "Notes:" -msgstr "注釈:" - -# 9dd9c2b3442f4501b5a734cc707bd31a -# 32de126714a44e8095602f35b8636d09 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:92 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:44 -msgid "default on Unix" -msgstr "Unixでのデフォルト形式です" - -# b5643c5525db4dd8b29661c4b48d1311 -# 6b6d2763a6a749b6a7a3b913eb1e0c16 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:95 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:41 -msgid "default on Windows" -msgstr "Windows でのデフォルト形式です" - -# 6242331044a04b87893021e50422b40b -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:98 -msgid "" -"requires external utilities: :program:`tar` and possibly one of " -":program:`gzip` or :program:`bzip2`" -msgstr "外部ユーティリティが必要です: :program:`tar` と、 :program:`gzip` または :program:`bzip2` のいずれか" - -# ce6392e9a3d74fbcb8730304491ab23b -# a182253f66874851b150752b9fd66ba3 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:102 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:47 -msgid "" -"requires either external :program:`zip` utility or :mod:`zipfile` module " -"(part of the standard Python library since Python 1.6)" -msgstr "外部ユーティリティの :program:`zip` か、 :mod:`zipfile` モジュー ル (Python 1.6 からは標準 Python ライブラリの一部になっています) が必要です" - -# fe8ca4d62d4f4747931ac39efdfaf6dc -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:105 -msgid "" -"You don't have to use the :command:`bdist` command with the " -":option:`--formats` option; you can also use the command that directly " -"implements the format you're interested in. Some of these :command:`bdist` " -"\"sub-commands\" actually generate several similar formats; for instance, " -"the :command:`bdist_dumb` command generates all the \"dumb\" archive formats" -" (``tar``, ``gztar``, and ``zip``). The :command:`bdist` sub-commands, and " -"the formats generated by each, are:" -msgstr ":command:`bdist` コマンドを使うとき、必ず :option:`--formats` オプ ションを使わなければならないわけではありません; 自分の使いたい形式をダイレク トに実装しているコマンドも使えます。こうした :command:`bdist` \"サブコマン ド (sub-command)\" は、 実際には類似のいくつかの形式を生成できます; 例え ば、 :command:`bdist_dumb` コマンドは、全ての \"ダム\" アーカイブ形式 (``tar``, ``gztar``, および ``zip``) を作成できます。 :command:`bdist` サブ コマンドと、それぞれが生成する形式を以下に示します:" - -# 481ae612aa2e4550803e8d3f20af2df9 -# 9808790514cb4074a8cafc73efecff52 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:114 ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:236 -msgid "Command" -msgstr "コマンド" - -# db86bdaa54c84d659225609cd9143a47 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:114 -msgid "Formats" -msgstr "Formats" - -# 18af4f705592455d94c2cb440b80e61e -# ed42519d21da43859edfab26776db019 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:116 ../../packaging/commandref.rst:192 -msgid ":command:`bdist_dumb`" -msgstr ":command:`bdist_dumb`" - -# 49d20ac885774cecae38b1b3e452c15b -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:116 -msgid "tar, gztar, zip" -msgstr "tar, gztar, zip" - -# 2ebf87b690984e2dbd6184779d591bd6 -# a2138fb701b14ea3ad0d12ffa8d730f5 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:118 ../../packaging/commandref.rst:199 -msgid ":command:`bdist_wininst`" -msgstr ":command:`bdist_wininst`" - -# 4e00f92c958f4cbb9f35eea04d51b117 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:118 -msgid "wininst" -msgstr "wininst" - -# db79890ea5e04d45b03640d4ac5f3f91 -# 753eda61f80e4c64b68032cadb3724c1 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:120 ../../packaging/commandref.rst:205 -msgid ":command:`bdist_msi`" -msgstr ":command:`bdist_msi`" - -# 69e32b0b1dce46699ef4d5d6d4678f5e -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:120 -msgid "msi" -msgstr "msi" - -# ecd12e2034c24c06898890cdbea3d120 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:123 -msgid "" -"The following sections give details on the individual :command:`bdist_\\*` " -"commands." -msgstr ":command:`bdist_\\*` コマンドについては、以下の節で詳しく述べま す。" - -# 0fabc4f42b8744bc8dcac5d3fb825259 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:130 -msgid "Creating dumb built distributions" -msgstr "ダム形式のビルド済み配布物を作成する" - -# 5568ffe2883e493c80205c4825a979f8 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:139 -msgid "Creating Windows Installers" -msgstr "Windows インストーラを作成する" - -# d66a2439aea54ee5aa2445d9fd05ca12 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:141 -msgid "" -"Executable installers are the natural format for binary distributions on " -"Windows. They display a nice graphical user interface, display some " -"information about the module distribution to be installed taken from the " -"metadata in the setup script, let the user select a few options, and start " -"or cancel the installation." -msgstr "実行可能なインストーラは、Windows 環境ではごく自然なバイナリ配布形 式です。インストーラは結構なグラフィカルユーザインタフェースを表示して、 モ ジュール配布物に関するいくつかの情報を setup スクリプト内のメタデータから取 り出して示し、ユーザがいくつかのオプションを選んだり、インストール を決行す るか取りやめるか選んだりできるようにします。" - -# 36469361e7de42ddbfb88b46195250dd -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:147 -msgid "" -"Since the metadata is taken from the setup script, creating Windows " -"installers is usually as easy as running::" -msgstr "メタデータは setup スクリプトから取り出されるので、Windows インス トーラの作成は至って簡単で、以下を実行するだけです::" - -# cad6429b7027401fa82b2c82683ad29a -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:152 -msgid "or the :command:`bdist` command with the :option:`--formats` option::" -msgstr "あるいは、 :command:`bdist` コマンドを :option:`--formats` オプシ ョン付きで実行します::" - -# d2c0e572aa8e4238ab1d63768e395f5b -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:156 -msgid "" -"If you have a pure module distribution (only containing pure Python modules " -"and packages), the resulting installer will be version independent and have " -"a name like :file:`foo-1.0.win32.exe`. These installers can even be created" -" on Unix platforms or Mac OS X." -msgstr "(pure Python モジュールとパッケージだけの入った) pure モジュール配 布物の場合、作成されるインストーラは実行バージョンに依存しない 形式にな り、 :file:`foo-1.0.win32.exe` のような名前になります。 pure モジュールの Windows インストーラは Unix や Mac OS X でも作成できます。" - -# aed364cfd12e41ac9730558f68b0cda9 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:161 -msgid "" -"If you have a non-pure distribution, the extensions can only be created on a" -" Windows platform, and will be Python version dependent. The installer " -"filename will reflect this and now has the form " -":file:`foo-1.0.win32-py2.0.exe`. You have to create a separate installer " -"for every Python version you want to support." -msgstr "非 pure 配布物の場合、拡張モジュールは Windows プラットフォーム上だ けで作成でき、Python のバージョンに依存したインストーラになります。 インス トーラのファイル名もバージョン依存性を反映し て、 :file:`foo-1.0.win32-py2.0.exe` のような形式になります。 従って、サポー トしたい全てのバージョンの Python に対して、別々のインストーラを作成しなけれ ばなりません。" - -# 42fe1c8756e046fda372a3e48cd96655 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:167 -msgid "" -"The installer will try to compile pure modules into :term:`bytecode` after " -"installation on the target system in normal and optimizing mode. If you " -"don't want this to happen for some reason, you can run the " -":command:`bdist_wininst` command with the :option:`--no-target-compile` " -"and/or the :option:`--no-target-optimize` option." -msgstr "インストーラは、ターゲットとなるシステムにインストールを実行した 後、 pure モジュールを通常 (normal) モードと最適化 (optimizing) モードでバイ トコード(:term:`bytecode`)にコンパイルしようと試みます。 何らかの理由があっ てコンパイルさせたくなければ、 :command:`bdist_wininst` コマンド を :option:`--no-target-compile` かつ/または :option:`--no-target-optimize` オプション付きで実行します。" - -# 0b989a845a5c40b0a95d346ad2f79834 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:173 -msgid "" -"By default the installer will display the cool \"Python Powered\" logo when " -"it is run, but you can also supply your own 152x261 bitmap which must be a " -"Windows :file:`.bmp` file with the :option:`--bitmap` option." -msgstr "デフォルトでは、インストーラは実行時にクールな \"Python Powered\" ロゴを表示しますが、 自作の152x261ビットマップ画像も指定できます。 画像は Windows の :file:`.bmp` ファイル形式でなくてはならず、 :option:`--bitmap` オ プションで指定します。" - -# 1e8a564ee4ba4c0f9d716733eabc1ceb -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:177 -msgid "" -"The installer will also display a large title on the desktop background " -"window when it is run, which is constructed from the name of your " -"distribution and the version number. This can be changed to another text by" -" using the :option:`--title` option." -msgstr "インストーラを起動すると、デスクトップの背景ウィンドウ上にでっかい タイトルも表示します。タイトルは配布物の名前とバージョン番号から 作成しま す。 :option:`--title` オプションを使えば、タイトルを別のテキストに変更でき ます。" - -# 79f3e9b2ae014adbb3f1c06a19857b27 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:182 -msgid "" -"The installer file will be written to the \"distribution directory\" --- " -"normally :file:`dist/`, but customizable with the :option:`--dist-dir` " -"option." -msgstr "インストーラファイルは \"配布物ディレクトリ (distribution directory)\" --- 通常は :file:`dist/` に作成されます が、 :option:`--dist-dir` オプションで指定することもできます。" - -# 807ac32c92f14ce9a4fd1c8e8af85a4d -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:188 -msgid "Cross-compiling on Windows" -msgstr "" - -# 3112e06d3e7444ad9a32880eb15038df -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:190 -msgid "" -"Starting with Python 2.6, packaging is capable of cross-compiling between " -"Windows platforms. In practice, this means that with the correct tools " -"installed, you can use a 32bit version of Windows to create 64bit extensions" -" and vice-versa." -msgstr "Python 2.6 から、 packaging は Windows プラットフォーム間でのクロス コンパイルに対応しました。 これによって、必要なツールがインストールされてい れば、 32bit 版の Windows で 64bit 版の 拡張を作成したり、その逆が可能になり ました。" - -# 0c45e73880894d83a623c04eb166de78 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:195 -msgid "" -"To build for an alternate platform, specify the :option:`--plat-name` option" -" to the build command. Valid values are currently 'win32', 'win-amd64' and " -"'win-ia64'. For example, on a 32bit version of Windows, you could execute::" -msgstr "別のプラットフォーム用にビルドするには、 build コマンド の :option:`--plat-name` オプションを指定します。有効な値は、現在のとこ ろ、 'win32', 'win-amd64', 'win-ia64' です。 例えば、次のようにして 32bit 版 の Windows で 64bit 版の拡張をビルドできます。 ::" - -# 4a06857a68d94c9dbc77e68c077ee6f1 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:201 -msgid "" -"to build a 64bit version of your extension. The Windows Installers also " -"support this option, so the command::" -msgstr "Windows インストーラもこのオプションをサポートしています。なので次 のコマンドを実行すると::" - -# 6a7901ca0e624f94b0e38dc384f16083 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:206 -msgid "" -"would create a 64bit installation executable on your 32bit version of " -"Windows." -msgstr "64bit のインストーラを32bitのWindowsで作成できます。" - -# b48b8f2df8c14209b746da1de620fe29 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:208 -msgid "" -"To cross-compile, you must download the Python source code and cross-compile" -" Python itself for the platform you are targetting - it is not possible from" -" a binary installtion of Python (as the .lib etc file for other platforms " -"are not included.) In practice, this means the user of a 32 bit operating " -"system will need to use Visual Studio 2008 to open the " -":file:`PCBuild/PCbuild.sln` solution in the Python source tree and build the" -" \"x64\" configuration of the 'pythoncore' project before cross-compiling " -"extensions is possible." -msgstr "クロスコンパイルするためには、Python のソースコードをダウンロードし て Python 自体をターゲットのプラットフォーム用にクロスコンパイルしなければな りません。 Python のバイナリインストールからではクロスコンパイルできません。 (他のプラット フォーム用の .lib などのファイルが含まれないからです。) 具体的 に言えば、拡張のクロスコンパイルができるようになるには、 32bit OS のユーザー は Visual Studio 2008 を使って Python ソースツリー内 の :file:`PCBuild/PCbuild.sln` ソリューションファイルを開き、 \"x64\" コンフ ィギュレーションで 'pythoncore' プロジェクトをビルドしなければなりません。" - -# b49e2f73348f48899d4a54bc3e4ccd86 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:217 -msgid "" -"Note that by default, Visual Studio 2008 does not install 64bit compilers or" -" tools. You may need to reexecute the Visual Studio setup process and " -"select these tools (using Control Panel->[Add/Remove] Programs is a " -"convenient way to check or modify your existing install.)" -msgstr "デフォルトでは、 Visual Studio 2008 は 64bit のコンパイラーなどの ツールを インストールしないことに注意してください。 Visual Studio セットアッ ププロセスを再実行して、それらのツールを選択する 必要があるでしょう。(コント ロールパネル -> [追加と削除] から簡単に既存の インストールをチェック、修正で きます。)" - -# f9675b17a02a40e5abc692879a875349 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:225 -msgid "The Postinstallation script" -msgstr "インストール後実行スクリプト (postinstallation script)" - -# ead90df2893c4c3397455f07207a0cd8 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:227 -msgid "" -"Starting with Python 2.3, a postinstallation script can be specified with " -"the :option:`--install-script` option. The basename of the script must be " -"specified, and the script filename must also be listed in the scripts " -"argument to the setup function." -msgstr "Python 2.3 からは、インストール実行後スクリプト を :option:`--install-script` オプションで指定できるように なりました。スク リプトはディレクトリを含まないベースネーム (basename) で指定しなければなら ず、スクリプトファイル名は setup 関数の scripts 引数中に挙げられていなければ なりません。" - -# 2e79a08d08c04d35be84875ca88f95bc -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:232 -msgid "" -"This script will be run at installation time on the target system after all " -"the files have been copied, with ``argv[1]`` set to :option:`-install`, and " -"again at uninstallation time before the files are removed with ``argv[1]`` " -"set to :option:`-remove`." -msgstr "指定したスクリプトは、インストール時、ターゲットとなるシステム上で 全てのファイルがコピーされた後に実行されます。このとき ``argv[1]`` を :option:`-install` に設定します。また、アンインストール時には、ファイルを 削除する前に ``argv[1]`` を :option:`-remove` に設定して実行します。" - -# 3630e38c379241c0b3e40da091bca54f -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:237 -msgid "" -"The installation script runs embedded in the windows installer, every output" -" (``sys.stdout``, ``sys.stderr``) is redirected into a buffer and will be " -"displayed in the GUI after the script has finished." -msgstr "Windows インストーラでは、インストールスクリプトは埋め込みで実行さ れ、全ての出力 (``sys.stdout`` 、 ``sys.stderr``) はバッファにリダイレクトさ れ、スクリプトの終了後に GUI 上に表示されます。" - -# 33a5b5c8afdc4d33822dce824efe2e6b -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:241 -msgid "" -"Some functions especially useful in this context are available as additional" -" built-in functions in the installation script." -msgstr "インストールスクリプトでは、インストール/アンインストールのコンテキ ストで特に有用ないくつかの機能を、追加の組み込み関数として利用することができ ます。" - -# 408aa7745afa41d0828c71c0dd9019a6 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:249 -msgid "" -"These functions should be called when a directory or file is created by the " -"postinstall script at installation time. It will register *path* with the " -"uninstaller, so that it will be removed when the distribution is " -"uninstalled. To be safe, directories are only removed if they are empty." -msgstr "これらの関数は、インストール後実行スクリプトがディレクトリやファイ ルを作成した際に呼び出さなければなりません。この関数はアンインストーラ に作 成された *path* を登録し、配布物をアンインストールする際にファイルが消される ようにします。安全を期すために、ディレクトリは空の時にのみ削除されます。" - -# 4016dac87fb547f18b1ce8cd8ecfcdfb -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:257 -msgid "" -"This function can be used to retrieve special folder locations on Windows " -"like the Start Menu or the Desktop. It returns the full path to the folder." -" *csidl_string* must be one of the following strings::" -msgstr "この関数は、「スタートメニュー」や「デスクトップ」といった、 Windows における特殊なフォルダ位置を取得する際に使えます。 この関数はフォル ダのフルパスを返します。 *csidl_string* は以下の文字列のいずれかでなければな りません::" - -# 783d675f8ad04842ae7bbfccc9a1afad -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:277 -msgid "If the folder cannot be retrieved, :exc:`OSError` is raised." -msgstr "該当するフォルダを取得できなかった場合、 :exc:`OSError` が送出され ます。" - -# f617553636dd4e28981667ddaa875cf0 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:279 -msgid "" -"Which folders are available depends on the exact Windows version, and " -"probably also the configuration. For details refer to Microsoft's " -"documentation of the :c:func:`SHGetSpecialFolderPath` function." -msgstr "どの種類のフォルダを取得できるかは、特定の Windows のバージョンごと に異なります。また、おそらく設定によっても異なるでしょう。詳細について は、 :c:func:`SHGetSpecialFolderPath` 関数に関する Microsoft のドキュメント を参照してください。" - -# 47185057bbc6413fbfda473e24622777 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:286 -msgid "" -"This function creates a shortcut. *target* is the path to the program to be " -"started by the shortcut. *description* is the description of the shortcut. " -"*filename* is the title of the shortcut that the user will see. *arguments* " -"specifies the command-line arguments, if any. *workdir* is the working " -"directory for the program. *iconpath* is the file containing the icon for " -"the shortcut, and *iconindex* is the index of the icon in the file " -"*iconpath*. Again, for details consult the Microsoft documentation for the " -":class:`IShellLink` interface." -msgstr "この関数はショートカットを作成します。 *target* はショートカットに よって起動されるプログラムへのパスです。 *description* はショートカットに対 する説明です。 *filename* はユーザから見えるショートカットの名前です。コマン ドライン引数があれば、 *arguments* に指定します。 *workdir* はプログラムの作 業ディレクトリです。 *iconpath* はショートカットのためのアイコンが入ったファ イルで、 *iconindex* はファイル *iconpath* 中のアイコンへのインデクスです。 これについても、詳しくは :class:`IShellLink` インタフェースに関する Microsoft のドキュメントを参照してください。" - -# 34a772afa0204b588f87a9a80b8a2594 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:297 -msgid "Vista User Access Control (UAC)" -msgstr "Vista User Access Control (UAC)" - -# 7c126795dd5442b1a225f56af4501571 -#: ../../packaging/builtdist.rst:299 -msgid "" -"Starting with Python 2.6, bdist_wininst supports a :option:`--user-access-" -"control` option. The default is 'none' (meaning no UAC handling is done), " -"and other valid values are 'auto' (meaning prompt for UAC elevation if " -"Python was installed for all users) and 'force' (meaning always prompt for " -"elevation)." -msgstr "Python 2.6 から、 bdist_wininst は :option:`--user-access-control` オプションをサポートしています。 デフォルトは 'none' (UAC制御をしないことを 意味します) で、それ以外の有効な値は 'auto' (Python が全ユーザー用にインス トールされていれば UAC 昇格を行う)、 'force' (常に昇格を行う) です。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/commandhooks.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,71 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:47+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# 10b66c17381f4037921bdfc2fd6d87a0 -#: ../../packaging/commandhooks.rst:7 -msgid "Command hooks" -msgstr "" - -# a10d66b99bbf48628b9e12697d7def06 -#: ../../packaging/commandhooks.rst:9 -msgid "" -"Packaging provides a way of extending its commands by the use of pre- and " -"post-command hooks. Hooks are Python functions (or any callable object) " -"that take a command object as argument. They're specified in :ref:`config " -"files <packaging-config-filenames>` using their fully qualified names. " -"After a command is finalized (its options are processed), the pre-command " -"hooks are executed, then the command itself is run, and finally the post-" -"command hooks are executed." -msgstr "" - -# 93db4f26844747908f7ea9478d77ab56 -#: ../../packaging/commandhooks.rst:17 -msgid "See also global setup hooks in :ref:`setupcfg-spec`." -msgstr "" - -# 0f0675c0616f48c2994d53055055679b -#: ../../packaging/commandhooks.rst:23 -msgid "Finding hooks" -msgstr "" - -# e752fe4e0fa24d9aa4aa3aea0626a2f3 -#: ../../packaging/commandhooks.rst:25 -msgid "" -"As a hook is configured with a Python dotted name, it must either be defined" -" in a module installed on the system, or in a module present in the project " -"directory, where the :file:`setup.cfg` file lives::" -msgstr "" - -# e869c5ce9d8b4bbb864bf917a7daac18 -#: ../../packaging/commandhooks.rst:36 -msgid "Then you need to configure it in :file:`setup.cfg`::" -msgstr "" - -# 1e379b35e9664a51b0eaf64c4b0e064e -#: ../../packaging/commandhooks.rst:41 -msgid "" -"Packaging will add the project directory to :data:`sys.path` and find the " -"``_setuphooks`` module." -msgstr "" - -# 25d8639166294106b9372f27f5dfd918 -#: ../../packaging/commandhooks.rst:44 -msgid "" -"Hooks defined in different config files (system-wide, user-wide and project-" -"wide) do not override each other as long as they are specified with " -"different aliases (additional names after the dot). The alias in the " -"example above is ``a``." -msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/commandref.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,524 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:47+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# 18e57a966ca54230b36662ad3fed91fd -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:5 -msgid "Command Reference" -msgstr "コマンドリファレンス" - -# b3def1c4f4fe4bbbb63e416089a2d00f -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:7 -msgid "" -"This reference briefly documents all standard Packaging commands and some of" -" their options." -msgstr "" - -# cfada23ffa92476db25175a52140a85c -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:23 -msgid "Preparing distributions" -msgstr "" - -# d3eb3a6e5ba54d31a9e3cbbfe04bbf81 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:26 -msgid ":command:`check`" -msgstr ":command:`check`" - -# ceda2783c47e462eb3946f0afbd8419f -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:28 -msgid "Perform some tests on the metadata of a distribution." -msgstr "" - -# 04d06d665ed94842bd94fe7193ee0981 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:30 -msgid "" -"For example, it verifies that all required metadata fields are provided in " -"the :file:`setup.cfg` file." -msgstr "" - -# 1f5d4acb910e400ba5ca158d12c9696e -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:37 -msgid ":command:`test`" -msgstr ":command:`test`" - -# 7dfe26b82ce74645ab0f295b6e923836 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:39 -msgid "Run a test suite." -msgstr "" - -# 75fb14a1ffb84b61986177ce0a9fdb31 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:41 -msgid "" -"When doing test-driven development, or running automated builds that need " -"testing before they are installed for downloading or use, it's often useful " -"to be able to run a project's unit tests without actually installing the " -"project anywhere. The :command:`test` command runs project's unit tests " -"without actually installing it, by temporarily putting the project's source " -"on :data:`sys.path`, after first running :command:`build_ext -i` to ensure " -"that any C extensions are built." -msgstr "" - -# 6f0da710ebd94d6ba5644dc843346f74 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:49 -msgid "" -"You can use this command in one of two ways: either by specifying a " -"unittest-compatible test suite for your project (or any callable that " -"returns it) or by passing a test runner function that will run your tests " -"and display results in the console. Both options take a Python dotted name " -"in the form ``package.module.callable`` to specify the object to use." -msgstr "" - -# 8ddf8e14f78841e0abfccb09c362f8e0 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:55 -msgid "" -"If none of these options are specified, Packaging will try to perform test " -"discovery using either unittest (for Python 3.2 and higher) or unittest2 " -"(for older versions, if installed)." -msgstr "" - -# ef7230dafcc041b3a71d3e8548a2657d -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:65 -msgid "" -"Specify the test suite (or module, class, or method) to be run. The default" -" for this option can be set by in the project's :file:`setup.cfg` file:" -msgstr "" - -# a1562cf8a9c741d7bcda4e9608f5e121 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:75 -msgid "Specify the test runner to be called." -msgstr "" - -# da41a690f79a4646b79d0abb2067c002 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:79 -msgid ":command:`config`" -msgstr ":command:`config`" - -# 0e6924061979436ea2161cab2f8b2e72 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:81 -msgid "Perform distribution configuration." -msgstr "" - -# a3daa3ddb6ed48ffa1aa0ece0b11fa96 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:85 -msgid "The build step" -msgstr "" - -# 0b19a42bd5f04f86b6d775c385fcd1f8 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:87 -msgid "" -"This step is mainly useful to compile C/C++ libraries or extension modules." -" The build commands can be run manually to check for syntax errors or " -"packaging issues (for example if the addition of a new source file was " -"forgotten in the :file:`setup.cfg` file), and is also run automatically by " -"commands which need it. Packaging checks the mtime of source and built " -"files to avoid re-building if it's not necessary." -msgstr "" - -# 9a1eeea752904476ba41c3019688a36a -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:96 -msgid ":command:`build`" -msgstr ":command:`build`" - -# 4e828a2d382d4810b5fb836a537740a0 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:98 -msgid "" -"Build all files of a distribution, delegating to the other " -":command:`build_*` commands to do the work." -msgstr "" - -# dbc625d18b9048ad840756fb2405f941 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:103 -msgid ":command:`build_clib`" -msgstr ":command:`build_clib`" - -# 4d56f933f53a4d5aaef5202b66c0dc51 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:105 -msgid "Build C libraries." -msgstr "" - -# e10cc2bee44440f5a19f5cda86ecfc3e -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:109 -msgid ":command:`build_ext`" -msgstr ":command:`build_ext`" - -# f0588ffd5fda4dc789ab9a65da08df03 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:111 -msgid "Build C/C++ extension modules." -msgstr "" - -# 4a98238eb03347a5b88ada1e3e0483b2 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:115 -msgid ":command:`build_py`" -msgstr ":command:`build_py`" - -# 861cbee0e9804e9b88ddabe579f09dad -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:117 -msgid "" -"Build the Python modules (just copy them to the build directory) and :term" -":`byte-compile <bytecode>` them to :file:`.pyc` and/or :file:`.pyo` files." -msgstr "" - -# 88d2e0ce07744a98b311fbd8b67493d4 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:120 -msgid "The byte compilation is controlled by two sets of options:" -msgstr "" - -# 8d7fdd9b8d454674ad6c3ed462883619 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:122 -msgid "" -"``--compile`` and ``--no-compile`` are used to control the creation of " -":file:`.pyc` files; the default is ``--no-compile``." -msgstr "" - -# b80d94b6555a4654a82f09285be03493 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:125 -msgid "" -"``--optimize N`` (or ``-ON``) is used to control the creation of " -":file:`.pyo` files: ``-O1`` turns on basic optimizations, ``-O2`` also " -"discards docstrings, ``-O0`` does not create :file:`.pyo` files; the default" -" is ``-O0``." -msgstr "" - -# 3fe07b0fea534ee8875b3b6a520165de -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:129 -msgid "" -"You can mix and match these options: for example, ``--no-compile --optimize " -"2`` will create :file:`.pyo` files but no :file:`.pyc` files." -msgstr "" - -# ec4675db15de47c3bf1183da98fb16fc -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:134 -msgid "" -"Calling Python with :option:`-O` or :option:`-B` does not control the " -"creation of bytecode files, only the options described above do." -msgstr "" - -# 46f166078beb437fb579d3456fd7237d -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:139 -msgid ":command:`build_scripts`" -msgstr ":command:`build_scripts`" - -# 84744f3742054971b642a9d7f6b9eb25 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:140 -msgid "" -"Build the scripts (just copy them to the build directory and adjust their " -"shebang if they're Python scripts)." -msgstr "" - -# 27b1b786d8ee436ca2f0354eb715ad22 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:145 -msgid ":command:`clean`" -msgstr ":command:`clean`" - -# 7c69c5cc2e894f5a843afa65a578702a -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:147 -msgid "Clean the build tree of the release." -msgstr "" - -# 0255a84486994b2a82dd6f57a2487c04 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:153 -msgid "" -"Remove build directories for modules, scripts, etc., not only temporary " -"build by-products." -msgstr "" - -# ba77b7e76a8d47b1b0327c3be7cac686 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:158 -msgid "Creating source and built distributions" -msgstr "" - -# e6c596697db44f3dbf364910d4379ea3 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:161 -msgid ":command:`sdist`" -msgstr ":command:`sdist`" - -# 6822b10d52484b84bd5516ccbf140a6f -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:163 -msgid "Build a source distribution for a release." -msgstr "" - -# a31a91c89cfd4202b0a233ea49856f07 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:165 -msgid "" -"It is recommended that you always build and upload a source distribution. " -"Users of OSes with easy access to compilers and users of advanced packaging " -"tools will prefer to compile from source rather than using pre-built " -"distributions. For Windows users, providing a binary installer is also " -"recommended practice." -msgstr "" - -# 42a1094b0d1f4a9596aab202bc7d7aad -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:172 -msgid ":command:`bdist`" -msgstr ":command:`bdist`" - -# 4ccacf13ddcd41968946e22d2bac35c7 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:174 -msgid "Build a binary distribution for a release." -msgstr "" - -# f01a2433237c44568d7e9b91b91fdea8 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:176 -msgid "" -"This command will call other :command:`bdist_*` commands to create one or " -"more distributions depending on the options given. The default is to create" -" a .tar.gz archive on Unix and a zip archive on Windows or OS/2." -msgstr "" - -# 86682db1f7ec43cdadc249c230e98b68 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:184 -msgid "Binary formats to build (comma-separated list)." -msgstr "" - -# 8501fea686b5458c90293ce7c58d9130 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:188 -msgid "Dump list of available formats." -msgstr "" - -# 583456ed06434b2e859e9c0a530c9f8f -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:194 -msgid "" -"Build a \"dumb\" installer, a simple archive of files that could be unpacked" -" under ``$prefix`` or ``$exec_prefix``." -msgstr "" - -# e89ea4e092e7413a8ea7b99be2e70860 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:201 -msgid "Build a Windows installer." -msgstr "" - -# 4bd934c68819463d80b471bbef626df7 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:207 -msgid "Build a `Microsoft Installer`_ (.msi) file." -msgstr "" - -# 6c450714600e4a9b88e13ec87746b3ce -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:211 -msgid "" -"In most cases, the :command:`bdist_msi` installer is a better choice than " -"the :command:`bdist_wininst` installer, because it provides better support " -"for Win64 platforms, allows administrators to perform non-interactive " -"installations, and allows installation through group policies." -msgstr "" - -# f0b2ba968cb94f099f789208f37f0ec8 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:218 -msgid "Publishing distributions" -msgstr "" - -# 79da65e2d259485184c891311b8dfa00 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:221 -msgid ":command:`register`" -msgstr ":command:`register`" - -# 06322ef2c60242b0ad16729c5b243fa6 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:223 -msgid "" -"This command registers the current release with the Python Package Index. " -"This is described in more detail in :PEP:`301`." -msgstr "" - -# ddcb6217b02f420796c829a19b0805e5 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:230 -msgid ":command:`upload`" -msgstr ":command:`upload`" - -# 350555462dd548ec90287cdd05297b8e -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:232 -msgid "Upload source and/or binary distributions to PyPI." -msgstr "" - -# 7c6e31ba14e64e1aa89f90ebe0437f1a -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:234 -msgid "" -"The distributions have to be built on the same command line as the " -":command:`upload` command; see :ref:`packaging-package-upload` for more " -"info." -msgstr "" - -# d74f8fbbabf34f558712530d5c8a6492 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:241 -msgid "" -"Sign each uploaded file using GPG (GNU Privacy Guard). The ``gpg`` program " -"must be available for execution on the system ``PATH``." -msgstr "" - -# a6fd830197d342659e4eeb5b4215bd64 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:246 -msgid "" -"Specify the identity or key name for GPG to use when signing. The value of " -"this option will be passed through the ``--local-user`` option of the " -"``gpg`` program." -msgstr "" - -# 8a891bc63c2f4ddea7e43f7d9e8d4274 -# 18b358a6bc8a4caea759d787556cf16b -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:252 ../../packaging/commandref.rst:314 -msgid "" -"Display the full response text from server; this is useful for debugging " -"PyPI problems." -msgstr "" - -# 6b5d71f5ca674968aeb6cd9526d89fba -# 13ef41fa57df4ff9baf1515ceb90198d -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:257 ../../packaging/commandref.rst:319 -msgid "" -"The URL of the repository to upload to. Defaults to " -" (i.e., the main PyPI installation)." -msgstr "" - -# 6683955bb09b4a96842fea931987954d -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:262 -msgid "" -"Also run :command:`upload_docs`. Mainly useful as a default value in " -":file:`setup.cfg` (on the command line, it's shorter to just type both " -"commands)." -msgstr "" - -# 55fc841d8e484b8db9caafd57b0db51a -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:268 -msgid ":command:`upload_docs`" -msgstr ":command:`upload_docs`" - -# 463b0b5b83564a9bbb73149c4d513d7d -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:270 -msgid "Upload HTML documentation to PyPI." -msgstr "" - -# a3f702fbc87642d1bc0e6e8125250a0c -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:272 -msgid "" -"PyPI now supports publishing project documentation at a URI of the form " -"``<project>``. :command:`upload_docs` will " -"create the necessary zip file out of a documentation directory and will post" -" to the repository." -msgstr "" - -# 8e581ced9839499183d0d37acbb875fa -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:277 -msgid "" -"Note that to upload the documentation of a project, the corresponding " -"version must already be registered with PyPI, using the :command:`register` " -"command --- just like with :command:`upload`." -msgstr "" - -# 814837193ce44cf58c4c179858022f9b -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:281 -msgid "" -"Assuming there is an ``Example`` project with documentation in the " -"subdirectory :file:`docs`, for example::" -msgstr "" - -# 300d6cd6857643169ae269b4156889b5 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:296 -msgid "" -"You can simply specify the directory with the HTML files in your " -":file:`setup.cfg` file:" -msgstr "" - -# 5b24238260e148c29427e09f293e2c45 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:309 -msgid "" -"The directory to be uploaded to the repository. By default documentation is " -"searched for in ``docs`` (or ``doc``) directory in project root." -msgstr "" - -# 4a0ffbb6725740c795d76b6a5a0575d4 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:324 -msgid "The install step" -msgstr "" - -# 913ee307400b46369603e6f660a8f584 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:326 -msgid "" -"These commands are used by end-users of a project using :program:`pysetup` " -"or another compatible installer. Each command will run the corresponding " -":command:`build_*` command and then move the built files to their " -"destination on the target system." -msgstr "" - -# ea8b42bd376c48bda2add60be05232b6 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:333 -msgid ":command:`install_dist`" -msgstr ":command:`install_dist`" - -# a074a91a9d7744a18c8c30393e462d5c -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:335 -msgid "" -"Install a distribution, delegating to the other :command:`install_*` " -"commands to do the work. See :ref:`packaging-how-install-works` for " -"complete usage instructions." -msgstr "" - -# 1f9bf3fc38104c9da1e4e76e33168623 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:341 -msgid ":command:`install_data`" -msgstr ":command:`install_data`" - -# 07703fb54c364a9880d770b0447f867d -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:343 -msgid "Install data files." -msgstr "" - -# 173d120d816d4464b7d1d69776acb5df -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:347 -msgid ":command:`install_distinfo`" -msgstr ":command:`install_distinfo`" - -# 260f0c87ca364992b5b620af518259eb -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:349 -msgid "" -"Install files recording details of the installation as specified in " -":PEP:`376`." -msgstr "" - -# 03eec4748d5b431395c2c8df02c48d9a -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:353 -msgid ":command:`install_headers`" -msgstr ":command:`install_headers`" - -# 76f23f659dd84d2da4e7189b8d2029dd -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:355 -msgid "Install C/C++ header files." -msgstr "" - -# f5744cd4cdd1424eb5da36d9329a755b -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:359 -msgid ":command:`install_lib`" -msgstr ":command:`install_lib`" - -# c68f9142f26745b1871ecfa58ed63aa3 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:361 -msgid "Install all modules (extensions and pure Python)." -msgstr "" - -# b9049ef9e7e94c16b107bec4b0c38dfd -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:365 -msgid "" -"Similarly to ``build_py``, there are options to control the compilation of " -"Python code to :term:`bytecode` files (see above). By default, :file:`.pyc`" -" files will be created (``--compile``) and :file:`.pyo` files will not " -"(``--optimize 0``)." -msgstr "" - -# c04dfb18a2744f048cc6a8abf0aba358 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:372 -msgid ":command:`install_scripts`" -msgstr ":command:`install_scripts`" - -# e668897162fc4ff4af7fca1f9ffba5b9 -#: ../../packaging/commandref.rst:374 -msgid "Install scripts." -msgstr "スクリプトをインストールします。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/configfile.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,164 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:47+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# 6ab4c07621cb40e1a20b984458878155 -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:5 -msgid "Writing the Setup Configuration File" -msgstr "setup 設定ファイル (setup configuration file) を書く" - -# f0ff8d4b35214c6fbc5022338c04949b -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:7 -msgid "" -"Often, it's not possible to write down everything needed to build a " -"distribution *a priori*: you may need to get some information from the user," -" or from the user's system, in order to proceed. As long as that " -"information is fairly simple---a list of directories to search for C header " -"files or libraries, for example---then providing a configuration file, " -":file:`setup.cfg`, for users to edit is a cheap and easy way to solicit it." -" Configuration files also let you provide default values for any command " -"option, which the installer can then override either on the command line or " -"by editing the config file." -msgstr "時に、配布物をビルドする際に必要な全ての設定を *あらかじめ* 書きき れない状況が起きます: 例えば、ビルドを進めるために、ユーザに関する 情報や、 ユーザのシステムに関する情報を必要とするかもしれません。こうした情報が単純 --- C ヘッダファイルやライブラリを検索する ディレクトリのリストのように --- であるかぎり、ユーザに設定ファイル (configuration file) :file:`setup.cfg` を 提供して編集してもらうのが、安上がりで簡単な特定方法になります。設定ファイル はまた、あらゆるコマンドにおけるオプションにデフォルト値 を与えておき、イン ストール作業者がコマンドライン上や設定ファイルの編集でデフォルト設定を上書き できるようにします。" - -# fd824a58d4da402a83eb1cff515fd8b2 -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:16 -msgid "" -"The setup configuration file is a useful middle-ground between the setup " -"script ---which, ideally, would be opaque to installers [#]_---and the " -"command line to the setup script, which is outside of your control and " -"entirely up to the installer. In fact, :file:`setup.cfg` (and any other " -"Distutils configuration files present on the target system) are processed " -"after the contents of the setup script, but before the command line. This " -"has several useful consequences:" -msgstr "setup 設定ファイルは setup スクリプト ---理想的にはインストール作業 者から見えないもの [#]_ ---と、作者の手を離れて、全てインストール作業者次第 となる setup スクリプトのコマンドライン引数との間を橋渡しする中間層として有 効です。 実際、 :file:`setup.cfg` (と、ターゲットシステム上にある、その他の Distutils 設定ファイル) は、 setup スクリプトの内容より後で、かつコマンドラ インで上書きする前に処理されます。この仕様の結果、いくつかの利点が生まれま す:" - -# 54d72a910d714ba489262ad82ec5cd3e -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:30 -msgid "" -"installers can override some of what you put in :file:`` by editing " -":file:`setup.cfg`" -msgstr "インストール作業者は、作者が :file:`` に設定した項目のいく つかを :file:`setup.cfg` を変更して上書きできます。" - -# 7e6d054a41fd4f809c6359bf2e5d436a -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:33 -msgid "" -"you can provide non-standard defaults for options that are not easily set in" -" :file:``" -msgstr ":file:`` では簡単に設定できないような、標準でないオプション のデフォルト値を設定できます。" - -# 0db7e0285f4f4a4a9c53bcda47e1de3f -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:36 -msgid "" -"installers can override anything in :file:`setup.cfg` using the command-line" -" options to :file:``" -msgstr "インストール作業者は、 :file:`setup.cfg` に書かれたどんな設定 も :file:`` のコマンドラインオプションで上書きできます。" - -# 3554b31d06e3417591901012e5f1a49d -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:39 -msgid "The basic syntax of the configuration file is simple::" -msgstr "設定ファイルの基本的な構文は簡単なものです::" - -# 47c1fdb9505d4563a881b91f8d574dea -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:45 -msgid "" -"where *command* is one of the Distutils commands (e.g. :command:`build_py`, " -":command:`install_dist`), and *option* is one of the options that command " -"supports. Any number of options can be supplied for each command, and any " -"number of command sections can be included in the file. Blank lines are " -"ignored, as are comments, which run from a ``'#'`` character until the end " -"of the line. Long option values can be split across multiple lines simply " -"by indenting the continuation lines." -msgstr "ここで、 *command* は Distutils コマンドのうちの一つ (例え ば :command:`build_py`, :command:`install_dist`) で、 *option* はそのコマン ドでサポートされているオプションのうちの一つです。 各コマンドには任意の数の オプションを設定でき、一つの設定ファイル中には任意の数のコマンドセクションを 収められます。空白行は無視されます、 ``'#'`` 文字で開始して行末まで続くコメ ントも同様に無視されます。長いオプション設定値は、継続行をインデントするだけ で複数行にわたって記述できます。" - -# dcab4ca1563142ad8cab0c295e8be244 -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:53 -msgid "" -"You can find out the list of options supported by a particular command with " -"the universal :option:`--help` option, e.g. ::" -msgstr "あるコマンドがサポートしているオプションのリスト は、 :option:`--help` オプションで調べられます。例えば以下のように。 ::" - -# e813f6ec22ff4af7a0e3b4b359a300d7 -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:71 -msgid "" -"Note that an option spelled :option:`--foo-bar` on the command line is " -"spelled :option:`foo_bar` in configuration files." -msgstr "コマンドライン上で :option:`--foo-bar` と綴るオプションは、設定ファ イル上では :option:`foo_bar` と綴るので注意してください。" - -# a39f27b840154e3384d5d8d1b1065f14 -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:74 -msgid "" -"For example, say you want your extensions to be built \"in-place\"---that " -"is, you have an extension :mod:`pkg.ext`, and you want the compiled " -"extension file (:file:`` on Unix, say) to be put in the same source " -"directory as your pure Python modules :mod:`pkg.mod1` and :mod:`pkg.mod2`. " -"You can always use the :option:`--inplace` option on the command line to " -"ensure this::" -msgstr "例えば、拡張モジュールを \"インプレース (in-place)\" でビルドしたい とします --- すなわち、 :mod:`pkg.ext` という拡張モジュールを持っていて、コ ンパイル済みの拡張モジュールファイル (例えば Unix では :file:``) を pure Python モジュール :mod:`pkg.mod1` および :mod:`pkg.mod2` と同じソースデ ィレクトリに置きたいとします。 こんなときには、 :option:`--inplace` を使え ば、確実にビルドを行えます。 ::" - -# 33f159fdb4c441ceb0d4c5d8dc4aede8 -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:82 -msgid "" -"But this requires that you always specify the :command:`build_ext` command " -"explicitly, and remember to provide :option:`--inplace`. An easier way is to" -" \"set and forget\" this option, by encoding it in :file:`setup.cfg`, the " -"configuration file for this distribution::" -msgstr "しかし、この操作では、常に :command:`build_ext` を明示的に指定しな ければならず、 :option:`--inplace` オプションを忘れずに与えなければなりませ ん。こうした設定を \"設定しっ放しにする\" 簡単な方法は、 :file:`setup.cfg` に書いておくやり方で、設定ファイルは以下のようになります::" - -# aed50b778d294821a9f38710a5d089f9 -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:90 -msgid "" -"This will affect all builds of this module distribution, whether or not you " -"explicitly specify :command:`build_ext`. If you include :file:`setup.cfg` " -"in your source distribution, it will also affect end-user builds---which is " -"probably a bad idea for this option, since always building extensions in-" -"place would break installation of the module distribution. In certain " -"peculiar cases, though, modules are built right in their installation " -"directory, so this is conceivably a useful ability. (Distributing " -"extensions that expect to be built in their installation directory is almost" -" always a bad idea, though.)" -msgstr "この設定は、明示的に :command:`build_ext` を指定するかどうかに関わ らず、モジュール配布物の全てのビルドに影響します。ソース配布物 に :file:`setup.cfg` を含めると、エンドユーザの手で行われるビルドにも影響し ます --- このオプションの例に関しては :file:`setup.cfg` を含めるのはおそらく よくないアイデアでしょう。というのは、拡張モジュールをインプレースでビルドす ると常に インストールしたモジュール配布物を壊してしまうからです。とはいえ、 ある特定の状況では、モジュールをインストールディレクトリ の下に正しく構築で きるので、機能としては有用だと考えられます。 (ただ、インストールディレクトリ 上でのビルドを想定するような 拡張モジュールの配布は、ほとんどの場合よくない 考え方です。)" - -# fbc176577ecd44e59a2fe23823caf30f -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:99 -msgid "" -"Another example: certain commands take options that vary from project to " -"project but not depending on the installation system, for example, " -":command:`test` needs to know where your test suite is located and what test" -" runner to use; likewise, :command:`upload_docs` can find HTML documentation" -" in a :file:`doc` or :file:`docs` directory, but needs an option to find " -"files in :file:`docs/build/html`. Instead of having to type out these " -"options each time you want to run the command, you can put them in the " -"project's :file:`setup.cfg`::" -msgstr "" - -# 10c1d7c088a04ae5a4ec5c8c0dfae29a -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:118 -msgid "" -"More information on the configuration files is available in the manual for " -"system administrators." -msgstr "設定ファイルに関する詳細情報は、システム管理者向けのこのマニュアル にあります。" - -# de230f99a63640b0b87aa84e889780df -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:123 -msgid "Footnotes" -msgstr "Footnotes" - -# 544d0f10fa1e459985436f13c5c51985 -#: ../../packaging/configfile.rst:124 -msgid "" -"This ideal probably won't be achieved until auto-configuration is fully " -"supported by the Distutils." -msgstr "Distutils が自動設定機能 (auto-configuration) をサポートするまで、 おそらくこの理想状態を達成することはないでしょう" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/examples.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,323 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:47+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# b9a7da629ea84082808f9846e50dc3ec -# 569eb9b3fb9c4d63ae548a398aff7045 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:5 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:646 -msgid "Examples" -msgstr "例" - -# b48167e7c9514c9580ecac81a2556435 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:7 -msgid "" -"This chapter provides a number of basic examples to help get started with " -"Packaging." -msgstr "この章は Packaging を使い始めるのに役立つ幾つかの基本的な例を提供し ます。" - -# 046de8cb72544faeae327bc773cbb42e -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:14 -msgid "Pure Python distribution (by module)" -msgstr "pure Python 配布物 (モジュール形式)" - -# 37a592c9ab3644edb4fb24a43bbc21e9 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:16 -msgid "" -"If you're just distributing a couple of modules, especially if they don't " -"live in a particular package, you can specify them individually using the " -":option:`py_modules` option in the setup script." -msgstr "単に二つのモジュール、特定のパッケージに属しないモジュールを配布す るだけなら、setup スクリプト中で :option:`py_modules` オプションを使って個別 に指定できます。" - -# 699b0426ec334d1a8f60ab69202a2eb4 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:20 -msgid "" -"In the simplest case, you'll have two files to worry about: a setup script " -"and the single module you're distributing, :file:`` in this example::" -msgstr "もっとも単純なケースでは、二つのファイル: setup スクリプト自体と、 配布したい単一のモジュール、この例では :file:`` について 考えなければ なりません::" - -# 76a546f1155d41c18dfed81f0450e207 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:27 -msgid "" -"(In all diagrams in this section, *<root>* will refer to the distribution " -"root directory.) A minimal setup script to describe this situation would " -"be::" -msgstr "(この節の全ての図において、 *<root>* は配布物ルートディレクトリを参 照します。) この状況を扱うための最小の setup スクリプトは 以下のようになりま す::" - -# cd863cf54d814bfa87b85be3cfaa74ca -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:35 -msgid "" -"Note that the name of the distribution is specified independently with the " -":option:`name` option, and there's no rule that says it has to be the same " -"as the name of the sole module in the distribution (although that's probably" -" a good convention to follow). However, the distribution name is used to " -"generate filenames, so you should stick to letters, digits, underscores, and" -" hyphens." -msgstr "配布物の名前は :option:`name` オプションで個々に指定し、配布される モジュールの一つと配布物を同じ名前にする必要はないことに注意してください (と はいえ、この命名方法はよいならわしでしょう)。ただし、配布物名はファイル名を 作成するときに使われるので、 文字、数字、アンダースコア、ハイフンだけで構成 しなければなりません。" - -# b494c05283f643139d3fb6e26c4d17dc -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:41 -msgid "" -"Since :option:`py_modules` is a list, you can of course specify multiple " -"modules, e.g. if you're distributing modules :mod:`foo` and :mod:`bar`, your" -" setup might look like this::" -msgstr ":option:`py_modules` はリストなので、もちろん複数のモジュールを指定 できます。例えば、モジュール :mod:`foo` と :mod:`bar` を配布しようとしている のなら、 setup スクリプトは以下のようになります::" - -# 428185f55ea14be987d3178c01ed6bab -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:50 -msgid "and the setup script might be ::" -msgstr "また、セットアップスクリプトは以下のようになります. ::" - -# b967a24a0762449c87efc1febe5a49de -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:57 -msgid "" -"You can put module source files into another directory, but if you have " -"enough modules to do that, it's probably easier to specify modules by " -"package rather than listing them individually." -msgstr "モジュールのソースファイルは他のディレクトリに置けますが、そうしな ければならないようなモジュールを沢山持っているのなら、 モジュールを個別に列 挙するよりもパッケージを指定した方が簡単でしょう。" - -# 5329cab226384f849733c8a68403a6e8 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:65 -msgid "Pure Python distribution (by package)" -msgstr "pure Python 配布物 (パッケージ形式)" - -# d9b75fa5503047e8a8340bbc16be85e4 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:67 -msgid "" -"If you have more than a couple of modules to distribute, especially if they " -"are in multiple packages, it's probably easier to specify whole packages " -"rather than individual modules. This works even if your modules are not in " -"a package; you can just tell the Distutils to process modules from the root " -"package, and that works the same as any other package (except that you don't" -" have to have an :file:`` file)." -msgstr "二つ以上のモジュールを配布する場合、とりわけ二つのパッケージに分か れている場合、おそらく個々のモジュールよりもパッケージ全体を 指定する方が簡 単です。たとえモジュールがパッケージ内に入っていなくても状況は同じで、その場 合はルートパッケージにモジュールが入っていると Distutils に教えることがで き、他のパッケージと同様にうまく処理されます (ただし、 :file:`` があってはなりません)。" - -# 15c57178297d46ada6934b0f28543e5b -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:74 -msgid "The setup script from the last example could also be written as ::" -msgstr "最後の例で挙げた setup スクリプトは、 ::" - -# 3ea888817b2d44fba81d100023d0c91d -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:81 -msgid "(The empty string stands for the root package.)" -msgstr "のようにも書けます (空文字はルートパッケージを意味します)" - -# 18354b6cf10448318475f35c7b28b95d -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:83 -msgid "" -"If those two files are moved into a subdirectory, but remain in the root " -"package, e.g.::" -msgstr "これら二つのファイルをサブディレクトリ下に移動しておいて、インス トール先はルートパッケージのままにしておきたい、例えば::" - -# 030beb4c75e3435abbcedd68dadc82f8 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:92 -msgid "" -"then you would still specify the root package, but you have to tell the " -"Distutils where source files in the root package live::" -msgstr "のような場合には、パッケージ名にはルートパッケージをそのまま指定し ておきますが、ルートパッケージに置くソースファイルがどこにあるかを Distutils に教えなければなりません:" - -# 535e231199ae487d954356c7dbb5ab75 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:101 -msgid "" -"More typically, though, you will want to distribute multiple modules in the " -"same package (or in sub-packages). For example, if the :mod:`foo` and " -":mod:`bar` modules belong in package :mod:`foobar`, one way to lay out your " -"source tree is" -msgstr "もっと典型的なケースでは、複数のモジュールを同じパッケージ (または サブパッケージ) に入れて配布しようと思うでしょう。例えば、 :mod:`foo` と :mod:`bar` モジュールがパッケージ :mod:`foobar` に属する場合、ソースツ リーをレイアウトする一案として、以下が考えられます" - -# 18c52950013e484a9f64cf14a10ea36b -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:114 -msgid "" -"This is in fact the default layout expected by the Distutils, and the one " -"that requires the least work to describe in your setup script::" -msgstr "実際、 Distutils ではこれをデフォルトのレイアウトとして想定してい て、setup スクリプトを書く際にも最小限の作業しか必要ありません::" - -# fe3fc7b3c85842e581b7ff49354d10cc -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:122 -msgid "" -"If you want to put modules in directories not named for their package, then " -"you need to use the :option:`package_dir` option again. For example, if the" -" :file:`src` directory holds modules in the :mod:`foobar` package::" -msgstr "モジュールを入れるディレクトリをパッケージの名前にしたくない場合、 ここでも :option:`package_dir` オプションを使う必要があります。 例えば、パッ ケージ :mod:`foobar` のモジュールが :file:`src` に入っているとします::" - -# 49dbf96e680647729273b4fe03414e4f -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:133 -msgid "an appropriate setup script would be ::" -msgstr "適切な setup スクリプトは、以下のようになるでしょう。 ::" - -# 7ff15f549d7f4c54b83831c9ca934e3a -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:141 -msgid "" -"Or, you might put modules from your main package right in the distribution " -"root::" -msgstr "また、メインパッケージ内のモジュールを配布物ルート下に置くことがあ るかもしれません::" - -# 450656845b7946b88e38c134a943f3ef -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:150 -msgid "in which case your setup script would be ::" -msgstr "この場合、 setup スクリプトは ::" - -# 6a59e54ba8ae407791e009d79bcd09d0 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:158 -msgid "(The empty string also stands for the current directory.)" -msgstr "のようになるでしょう。 (空文字列も現在のディレクトリを表します。)" - -# c0fcf528ff6441b58fc61c83000d7d1e -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:160 -msgid "" -"If you have sub-packages, they must be explicitly listed in " -":option:`packages`, but any entries in :option:`package_dir` automatically " -"extend to sub-packages. (In other words, the Distutils does *not* scan your " -"source tree, trying to figure out which directories correspond to Python " -"packages by looking for :file:`` files.) Thus, if the default " -"layout grows a sub-package::" -msgstr "サブパッケージがある場合、 :option:`packages` で明示的に列挙しなけ ればなりませんが、 :option:`package_dir` はサブパッケージへのパスを自動的に 展開します。 (別の言い方をすれば、 Distutils はソースツリーを *走査せず* 、 どのディレクトリが Python パッケージに相当するのかを :file:`` files. を探して調べようとします。) このようにして、デフォルトのレイアウトは サブパッケージ形式に展開されます::" - -# 55e8b56a599d43b3a4a698754f071109 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:176 -msgid "then the corresponding setup script would be ::" -msgstr "対応する setup スクリプトは以下のようになります。 ::" - -# ef71fbe2bb6d479c989d25b1ebcad709 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:183 -msgid "" -"(Again, the empty string in :option:`package_dir` stands for the current " -"directory.)" -msgstr "(ここでも、 :option:`package_dir` を空文字列にすると現在のディレク トリを表します。)" - -# a2a48261eba04dbba3b0c9ade48e9c6a -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:190 -msgid "Single extension module" -msgstr "単体の拡張モジュール" - -# 7bf2a58b157741158de9b4032112b3cb -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:192 -msgid "" -"Extension modules are specified using the :option:`ext_modules` option. " -":option:`package_dir` has no effect on where extension source files are " -"found; it only affects the source for pure Python modules. The simplest " -"case, a single extension module in a single C source file, is::" -msgstr "拡張モジュールは、 :option:`ext_modules` オプションを使って指定しま す。 :option:`package_dir` は、拡張モジュールのソースファイルをどこで探すか には影響しません; pure Python モジュールのソースのみに影響します。 もっとも 単純なケースでは、単一の C ソースファイルで書かれた単一の拡張モジュールは以 下のようになります。 ::" - -# faecbc7667df4e97b9aec07fcd9d86e2 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:201 -msgid "" -"If the :mod:`foo` extension belongs in the root package, the setup script " -"for this could be ::" -msgstr "If the :mod:`foo` extension belongs in the root package, the setup script for this could be ::" - -# 178dc569ef394714a6cf6589425f79fc -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:209 -msgid "" -"If the extension actually belongs in a package, say :mod:`foopkg`, then" -msgstr "同じソースツリーレイアウトで、この拡張モジュールを :mod:`foopkg` の 下に置き、拡張モジュールの名前を変えるには::" - -# 03e8acb00c2a4171a10270664e57cf74 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:211 -msgid "" -"With exactly the same source tree layout, this extension can be put in the " -":mod:`foopkg` package simply by changing the name of the extension::" -msgstr ":mod:`foo` 拡張をルートパッケージ下に所属させたい場合、 setup スク リプトは以下のようにします。 ::" - -# 91c5b96964cd4102b61dd2135cf3011d -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:222 -msgid "Checking metadata" -msgstr "" - -# 2504d58f6ab645b895ff9799a471600a -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:224 -msgid "" -"The ``check`` command allows you to verify if your project's metadata meets " -"the minimum requirements to build a distribution." -msgstr "" - -# 517f197b61414155b7b00e0328d23942 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:227 -msgid "" -"To run it, just call it using your :file:`` script. If something is " -"missing, ``check`` will display a warning." -msgstr "" - -# fbe91371a19545138d2aa74f1e9a645d -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:230 -msgid "Let's take an example with a simple script::" -msgstr "" - -# 37aa63ea15d14fa5874cf8e356abd80c -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:238 -msgid "Running the ``check`` command will display some warnings::" -msgstr "" - -# c97572ba651a48f3ba099c0b24c9f3d6 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:247 -msgid "" -"If you use the reStructuredText syntax in the ``long_description`` field and" -" `Docutils <>`_ is installed you can check " -"if the syntax is fine with the ``check`` command, using the " -"``restructuredtext`` option." -msgstr "" - -# 4e3758aacbda42c48738300d488460c3 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:252 -msgid "For example, if the :file:`` script is changed like this::" -msgstr "" - -# 13f001edf4734c1bbda569cda94c10be -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:271 -msgid "" -"Where the long description is broken, ``check`` will be able to detect it by" -" using the :mod:`docutils` parser::" -msgstr "" - -# 8f5d0bddf22b4f95b4ef678b741ecfd8 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:283 -msgid "Reading the metadata" -msgstr "" - -# ad9944cb7d564d84aea7733fa1b9f56a -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:285 -msgid "" -"The :func:`packaging.core.setup` function provides a command-line interface " -"that allows you to query the metadata fields of a project through the " -":file:`` script of a given project::" -msgstr "" - -# c66fa954e66f4acd82d9114aeac32bfc -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:292 -msgid "" -"This call reads the ``name`` metadata by running the " -":func:`packaging.core.setup` function. When a source or binary distribution" -" is created with Distutils, the metadata fields are written in a static file" -" called :file:`PKG-INFO`. When a Distutils-based project is installed in " -"Python, the :file:`PKG-INFO` file is copied alongside the modules and " -"packages of the distribution under :file:`NAME-VERSION-pyX.X.egg-info`, " -"where ``NAME`` is the name of the project, ``VERSION`` its version as " -"defined in the Metadata, and ``pyX.X`` the major and minor version of Python" -" like ``2.7`` or ``3.2``." -msgstr "" - -# 4ed951a6a9b14a8b83183e6f8d58a716 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:302 -msgid "" -"You can read back this static file, by using the " -":class:`packaging.dist.Metadata` class and its :func:`read_pkg_file` " -"method::" -msgstr "" - -# 71b2f8e582b54fe1ab05bc09aa1e53c7 -#: ../../packaging/examples.rst:316 -msgid "" -"Notice that the class can also be instantiated with a metadata file path to " -"loads its values::" -msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/extending.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,132 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:47+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# ba5184599bb847d6a4a842c3a585e391 -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:5 -msgid "Extending Distutils" -msgstr "Distutilsの拡張" - -# 77ca5da1b5ea44c7905713bb3b13729f -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:7 -msgid "" -"Distutils can be extended in various ways. Most extensions take the form of" -" new commands or replacements for existing commands. New commands may be " -"written to support new types of platform-specific packaging, for example, " -"while replacements for existing commands may be made to modify details of " -"how the command operates on a package." -msgstr "Distutilsは様々な方法で拡張できます。ほとんどの拡張は存在するコマン ド を新しいコマンドで置換する形でおこなわれます。新しいコマンドはたとえば 存 在するコマンドを置換して、そのコマンドでパッケージをどう処理するかの 細部を 変更することでプラットフォーム特有のパッケージ形式をサポートする ために書か れているかもしれません" - -# a83ae74f6bca4521afbbee09a8e490b7 -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:13 -msgid "" -"Most extensions of the packaging are made within :file:`` scripts " -"that want to modify existing commands; many simply add a few file extensions" -" that should be copied into packages in addition to :file:`.py` files as a " -"convenience." -msgstr "ほとんどのpackagingの拡張は存在するコマンドを変更した い :file:`` スクリプト中で行われます。ほとんどはパッケージにコピーさ れるファイル拡 張子を :file:`.py` の他に、いくつか追加するものです。" - -# 2ef5373069aa4ee3aef948b3080a11ee -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:18 -msgid "" -"Most packaging command implementations are subclasses of the " -":class:`packaging.cmd.Command` class. New commands may directly inherit " -"from :class:`Command`, while replacements often derive from :class:`Command`" -" indirectly, directly subclassing the command they are replacing. Commands " -"are required to derive from :class:`Command`." -msgstr "ほとんどのpackagingのコマンド実装は :mod:`packaging.cmd` の :class:`packaging.cmd.Command` クラスのサブクラスとして実装されていま す。 新しいコマンドは :class:`Command` を直接継承し、置換するコマンドでは 置 換対象のコマンドのサブクラスにすることで :class:`Command` を間接的に 継承し ます。 コマンドは :class:`Command` から派生したものである必要があります。" - -# f071517a238c44f9aef65d8d7a44e3c1 -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:35 -msgid "Integrating new commands" -msgstr "新しいコマンドの統合" - -# fe2c8de0b45d466a89937251c857a4ae -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:37 -msgid "" -"There are different ways to integrate new command implementations into " -"packaging. The most difficult is to lobby for the inclusion of the new " -"features in packaging itself, and wait for (and require) a version of Python" -" that provides that support. This is really hard for many reasons." -msgstr "新しいコマンド実装を統合するにはいくつかの方法があります。一番難し いものは新機能をpackaging本体に取り込み、それのサポートを提供するPythonの バージョンが出ることを待つ(そして使う)ことです。これは様々な理由で本当に難し いことです。" - -# 2da19613c54a43c084e4fd23cc78b411 -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:42 -msgid "" -"The most common, and possibly the most reasonable for most needs, is to " -"include the new implementations with your :file:`` script, and cause" -" the :func:`packaging.core.setup` function use them::" -msgstr "もっとも一般的な、そしておそらくほとんどの場合にもっとも妥当な方法 は、新しい実装をあなたの :file:`` スクリプトに取り込 み、 :func:`packaging.core.setup` 関数でそれらを使うようにすることです。 ::" - -# bc7788cc19f94aa5b363d00f800ceeee -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:56 -msgid "" -"This approach is most valuable if the new implementations must be used to " -"use a particular package, as everyone interested in the package will need to" -" have the new command implementation." -msgstr "このアプローチは新実装をある特定のパッケージで利用したい時、 そのパ ッケージに興味をもつ人全員がコマンドの新実装を必要とする時 にもっとも価値が あります。" - -# 8cf0da28288847efbf30dc04d56df313 -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:60 -msgid "" -"Beginning with Python 2.4, a third option is available, intended to allow " -"new commands to be added which can support existing :file:`` scripts" -" without requiring modifications to the Python installation. This is " -"expected to allow third-party extensions to provide support for additional " -"packaging systems, but the commands can be used for anything packaging " -"commands can be used for. A new configuration option, " -":option:`command_packages` (command-line option :option:`--command-" -"packages`), can be used to specify additional packages to be searched for " -"modules implementing commands. Like all packaging options, this can be " -"specified on the command line or in a configuration file. This option can " -"only be set in the ``[global]`` section of a configuration file, or before " -"any commands on the command line. If set in a configuration file, it can be" -" overridden from the command line; setting it to an empty string on the " -"command line causes the default to be used. This should never be set in a " -"configuration file provided with a package." -msgstr "Python 2.4から、インストールされたPythonを変更せずに、既存 の :file:`` スクリプトをサポートするための3つめの選択肢が利用 できる ようになりました。 これは追加のパッケージングシステムのサポートを追加する サードパーティ拡 張を提供することを想定していますが、これらのコマンドは packagingが利用 されている何にでも利用可能です。新しい設定オプショ ン :option:`command_packages` (コマンドラインオプショ ン :option:`--command-packages`) は、 コマンド実装モジュールを検索する追加の パッケージを指定するために利用できます。 packagingの全てのオプショ ンと同様 に、このオプションもコマンドラインまたは設定ファイルで指定できます。このオプ ションは設定ファイル中では ``[global]`` セクションか、コマン ドラインのコマ ンドより前でだけ設定できます。設定ファイル中で指定する場合、コマンドラインで 上書きすることができます。 空文字列を指定するとデフォルト値が使われます。こ れはパッケージと一緒に提供する設定ファイルでは指定しないでください。" - -# 45c3b50f997f431a8dd7904f7a51839d -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:75 -msgid "" -"This new option can be used to add any number of packages to the list of " -"packages searched for command implementations; multiple package names should" -" be separated by commas. When not specified, the search is only performed " -"in the :mod:`packaging.command` package. When :file:`` is run with " -"the option :option:`--command-packages` :option:`distcmds,buildcmds`, " -"however, the packages :mod:`packaging.command`, :mod:`distcmds`, and " -":mod:`buildcmds` will be searched in that order. New commands are expected " -"to be implemented in modules of the same name as the command by classes " -"sharing the same name. Given the example command-line option above, the " -"command :command:`bdist_openpkg` could be implemented by the class " -":class:`distcmds.bdist_openpkg.bdist_openpkg` or " -":class:`buildcmds.bdist_openpkg.bdist_openpkg`." -msgstr "この新オプションによってコマンド実装を探すためのパッケージをいくつ でも追加することができます。複数のパッケージ名はコンマで区切って指定しま す。 指定がなければ、検索は :mod:`packaging.command` パッケージのみで行われ ます。ただし :file:`` がオプショ ン :option:`--command-packages` :option:`distcmds,buildcmds` で実行されてい る場合には、パッケージは :mod:`packaging.command` 、 :mod:`distcmds` 、そし て :mod:`buildcmds` を、この順番で検索します。 新コマンドはコマンドと同じ名 前のモジュールに、コマンドと同じ名前のクラスで実装されていると想定していま す。上のコマドラインオプションの例では、コマンド :command:`bdist_openpkg` は、 :class:`distcmds.bdist_openpkg.bdist_openpkg` か、 :class:`buildcmds.bdist_openpkg.bdist_openpkg` で実装されるかもしれませ ん。" - -# 989066a719a1422a8f01a534e64f2cb1 -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:89 -msgid "Adding new distribution types" -msgstr "配布物の種類を追加する" - -# b9bb5e71de41482aa3440f647f0af2b2 -#: ../../packaging/extending.rst:91 -msgid "" -"Commands that create distributions (files in the :file:`dist/` directory) " -"need to add ``(command, filename)`` pairs to " -"``self.distribution.dist_files`` so that :command:`upload` can upload it to " -"PyPI. The *filename* in the pair contains no path information, only the " -"name of the file itself. In dry-run mode, pairs should still be added to " -"represent what would have been created." -msgstr "配布物 (:file:`dist/` ディレクトリの中のファイル) を作成するコマン ドは、 :command:`upload` がその配布物をPyPIにアップロードできるように、 ``(command, filename)`` のペアを ``self.distributions.dist_files`` に追加す る必要があります。ペア中の *filename* はパスに関する情報を持たず、単にファイ ル名だけを持ちます。 dry-run モードでも、何が作成されたかを示すために、同じ ペアが必要になります。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/index.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,65 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:47+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# fed77b8ba3a24dfab02f4db55a8aabb9 -#: ../../packaging/index.rst:5 -msgid "Distributing Python Projects" -msgstr "Python プロジェクトの配布" - -# 7683668afcec4add90f4268aa8be6e45 -#: ../../packaging/index.rst:7 -msgid "The Fellowship of the Packaging" -msgstr "" - -# f275b28c660445f1bdadab85eb722ae1 -#: ../../packaging/index.rst:8 -msgid "distu****@pytho*****" -msgstr "" - -# 7e8ad799d700436181d0a2438818a8c6 -#: ../../packaging/index.rst:9 -msgid "|version|" -msgstr "|version|" - -# 59895b2a0dc04ea0ab082d5c70ddd149 -#: ../../packaging/index.rst:10 -msgid "|today|" -msgstr "|today|" - -# bc882bbbadaf40bd8dbfd15b912a1119 -#: ../../packaging/index.rst:12 -msgid "" -"This document describes Packaging for Python authors, describing how to use " -"the module to make Python applications, packages or modules easily available" -" to a wider audience with very little overhead for build/release/install " -"mechanics." -msgstr "このドキュメントでは、Packaging について、 Python 著者のために、多 くの人々がビルド/リリース/インストール の手間をほとんどかけずに Python アプ リケーション、パッケージ、モジュールを入手できるようにする方法について述べま す。" - -# 0fea89a7e3f248729bc237875a2da967 -#: ../../packaging/index.rst:38 -msgid "" -"A user-centered manual which includes information on adding projects into an" -" existing Python installation. You do not need to be a Python programmer to" -" read this manual." -msgstr "" - -# 382e133354944f70a4e7f0d33d2baac0 -#: ../../packaging/index.rst:43 -msgid "" -"A library reference for developers of packaging tools wanting to use " -"standalone building blocks like :mod:`~packaging.version` or " -":mod:`~packaging.metadata`, or extend Packaging itself." -msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/introduction.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,316 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:47+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# e34e5e67b04e4c1baadbeb229af383d6 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:5 -msgid "An Introduction to Packaging" -msgstr "Packagingの紹介" - -# ee6beb042a5b4be4a678c2e97e19e52f -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:7 -msgid "" -"This document covers using Packaging to distribute your Python modules, " -"concentrating on the role of developer/distributor. If you're looking for " -"information on installing Python modules you should refer to the :ref" -":`packaging-install-index` chapter." -msgstr "このドキュメントで扱っている内容は、 Packaging を使った Python モ ジュールの配布で、とりわけ開発者/配布者の役割に重点を置いています: Python モ ジュールのインストールに関する情報を探しているのな ら、 :ref:`packaging-install-index` を参照してください。" - -# 002ed03d68814e60a3ebce801850f3d6 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:12 -msgid "" -"Throughout this documentation, the terms \"Distutils\", \"the Distutils\" " -"and \"Packaging\" will be used interchangeably." -msgstr "" - -# 9cae10da67ab4fd0ab44052b8c40c3b5 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:18 -msgid "Concepts & Terminology" -msgstr "概念と用語" - -# 180b5b5ccd064e6d945c199715cd2882 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:20 -msgid "" -"Using Distutils is quite simple both for module developers and for " -"users/administrators installing third-party modules. As a developer, your " -"responsibilities (apart from writing solid, well-documented and well-tested " -"code, of course!) are:" -msgstr "Distutils の使い方は、モジュール開発者とサードパーティ製のモジュー ルをインストールするユーザ/管理者のどちらにとってもきわめて単純です。 開発者 側のやるべきことは (もちろん、しっかりした実装で、詳しく文書化され、よくテス トされたコードを書くことは別として!) 以下の項目になります:" - -# 5772f7517ceb4d9796612bdc7ab669f3 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:25 -msgid "writing a setup script (:file:`` by convention)" -msgstr "" - -# 124d3b7fe66943de9161bb6fdedbd1b2 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:27 -msgid "(optional) writing a setup configuration file" -msgstr "" - -# ba6a279abc424a7ea2b9ee8aba993833 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:29 -msgid "creating a source distribution" -msgstr "" - -# 6099a8ab07e1476ea691065cba552cd1 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:31 -msgid "" -"(optional) creating one or more \"built\" (binary) distributions of your " -"project" -msgstr "" - -# 80dc937bf8724c6ba87a2049bed188da -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:34 -msgid "All of these tasks are covered in this document." -msgstr "" - -# 53445782014541e7a0be79b7499c6d4d -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:36 -msgid "" -"Not all module developers have access to multiple platforms, so one cannot " -"expect them to create buildt distributions for every platform. To remedy " -"this, it is hoped that intermediaries called *packagers* will arise to " -"address this need. Packagers take source distributions released by module " -"developers, build them on one or more platforms and release the resulting " -"built distributions. Thus, users on a greater range of platforms will be " -"able to install the most popular Python modules in the most natural way for " -"their platform without having to run a setup script or compile a single line" -" of code." -msgstr "" - -# df55cd8d14944c9b99ef34675e07220e -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:49 -msgid "A Simple Example" -msgstr "簡単な例" - -# 708cc2d203984adf99d33dbd5727979f -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:51 -msgid "" -"A setup script is usually quite simple, although since it's written in " -"Python there are no arbitrary limits to what you can do with it, though you " -"should be careful about putting expensive operations in your setup script. " -"Unlike, say, Autoconf-style configure scripts the setup script may be run " -"multiple times in the course of building and installing a module " -"distribution." -msgstr "setup スクリプトは通常単純なものですが、Python で書かれているため、 スクリプト中で何かを処理しようと考えたとき特に制限はありません。とはいえ、 setup スクリプト中に何かコストの大きな処理を行うときは十分注意してくださ い。 autoconf 形式の設定スクリプトとは違い、 setup スクリプトはモジュール配 布物をビルドしてインストールする中で複数回実行されることがあります。" - -# 723df86e15f84d52888d4d10ab4629a8 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:58 -msgid "" -"If all you want to do is distribute a module called :mod:`foo`, contained in" -" a file :file:``, then your setup script can be as simple as::" -msgstr ":file:`` という名前のファイルに収められている :mod:`foo` とい う名前のモジュールを配布したいだけなら、setup スクリプトは以下のような単純な ものになります::" - -# f3a459d773714bae9b69f5e6ac2a7b9a -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:66 -msgid "Some observations:" -msgstr "以下のことに注意してください:" - -# 251a057d4ca0458997ddcc6f729cb37c -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:68 -msgid "" -"most information that you supply to the Distutils is supplied as keyword " -"arguments to the :func:`setup` function" -msgstr "Distutils に与えなければならない情報のほとんどは、 :func:`setup` 関数のキーワード引数として与えます。" - -# b86ac651da3945cf9a5860eece63b617 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:71 -msgid "" -"those keyword arguments fall into two categories: package metadata (name, " -"version number, etc.) and information about what's in the package (a list of" -" pure Python modules in this case)" -msgstr "キーワード引数は二つのカテゴリ: パッケージのメタデータ (パッケージ 名、バージョン番号、等) 、パッケージに何が収められているかの情報 (上の場合 は pure Python モジュールのリスト)、に行き着きます。" - -# 68ac90c47ebf44a5851e99d37add2609 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:75 -msgid "" -"modules are specified by module name, not filename (the same will hold true " -"for packages and extensions)" -msgstr "モジュールはファイル名ではなく、モジュール名で指定します (パッケー ジと拡張モジュールについても同じです)" - -# f5cb874ed7ad455380f1333729f41be6 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:78 -msgid "" -"it's recommended that you supply a little more metadata than we have in the " -"example. In particular your name, email address and a URL for the project " -"if appropriate (see section :ref:`packaging-setup-script` for an example)" -msgstr "" - -# 921abc60541c469c8225a36d07111d46 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:82 -msgid "" -"To create a source distribution for this module you would create a setup " -"script, :file:``, containing the above code and run::" -msgstr "このモジュールのソースコード配布物を作成するには、上記のコードが入 った setup スクリプト :file:`` を作成して、以下のコマンドを実行しま す。::" - -# fc7de5ae158041d8852f698b1a480818 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:87 -msgid "" -"which will create an archive file (e.g., tarball on Unix, ZIP file on " -"Windows) containing your setup script :file:``, and your module " -":file:``. The archive file will be named :file:`foo-1.0.tar.gz` (or " -":file:`.zip`), and will unpack into a directory :file:`foo-1.0`." -msgstr "この操作を行うと、アーカイブファイル (例えば Unixでは tarball、 Windows では ZIP ファイル) を作成します。アーカイブファイル には、setup スク リプト :file:`` と、配布したいモジュール :file:`` が入っていま す。アーカイブファイルの名前は :file:`foo-1.0.targ.gz` (また は :file:`.zip`) になり、展開すると ディレクトリ :file:`foo-1.0` を作成しま す。" - -# 6e91ea778a954958953478615da068fb -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:92 -msgid "" -"If an end-user wishes to install your :mod:`foo` module all he has to do is " -"download :file:`foo-1.0.tar.gz` (or :file:`.zip`), unpack it, and from the " -":file:`foo-1.0` directory run ::" -msgstr "エンドユーザが :mod:`foo` モジュールをインストールしたけれ ば、 :file:`foo-1.0.tar.gz` (または :file:`.zip`) をダウンロードし、パッケー ジを展開して、以下のスクリプトを :file:`foo-1.0` ディレクトリ中で実行しま す::" - -# 1fa2fac9d5cf474b9c155408c6a14f78 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:98 -msgid "" -"which will copy :file:`` to the appropriate directory for third-party " -"modules in their Python installation." -msgstr "この操作を行うと、インストールされている Python での適切なサード パーティ製モジュール置き場に :file:`` をコピーします." - -# 0f1ee1815fb24f7aa79a5fc23db97ccf -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:101 -msgid "" -"This simple example demonstrates some fundamental concepts of Distutils. " -"First, both developers and installers have the same basic user interface, " -"i.e. the setup script. The difference is which Distutils *commands* they " -"use: the :command:`sdist` command is almost exclusively for module " -"developers, while :command:`install` is more often used by installers " -"(although some developers will want to install their own code occasionally)." -msgstr "ここで述べた簡単な例では、 Distutils の基本的な概念のいくつかを示し ています。まず、開発者とインストール作業者は同じ基本インタフェース、すなわ ち setup スクリプトを使っています。二人の作業の違いは、使っている Distutils *コマンド (command)* にあります: :command:`sdist` コマンドは、ほぼ完全に開発 者だけが対象となる一方、 :command:`install` はどちらかというとインストール 作業者に使われます (とはいえ、ほとんどの開発者は自分のコードをインストールし たくなることがあるでしょう)。" - -# 627a0e247139493697e1da066611a9c0 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:108 -msgid "" -"If you want to make things really easy for your users, you can create more " -"than one built distributions for them. For instance, if you are running on " -"a Windows machine and want to make things easy for other Windows users, you " -"can create an executable installer (the most appropriate type of built " -"distribution for this platform) with the :command:`bdist_wininst` command. " -"For example::" -msgstr "ユーザにとって本当に簡単なものにしたいのなら、一つ以上のビルド済み 配布物を作ってあげられます。例えば、Windows マシン 上で作業をしていて、他の Windows ユーザにとって簡単な配布物を提供したいのなら、実行可能な形式の (この プラットフォーム向けのビルド済み配布物としては もっとも適切な) インストーラ を作成できます。これには :command:`bdist_wininst` を使います。例えば::" - -# 89660ccc851142188dc4049e571dcce1 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:116 -msgid "" -"will create an executable installer, :file:`foo-1.0.win32.exe`, in the " -"current directory. You can find out what distribution formats are available" -" at any time by running ::" -msgstr "" - -# d821e871276948e88967179e94fc8a57 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:126 -msgid "General Python terminology" -msgstr "Python 一般の用語" - -# 7a82f640597f4677ba07c1ab31e3b1e0 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:128 -msgid "" -"If you're reading this document, you probably have a good idea of what " -"Python modules, extensions and so forth are. Nevertheless, just to be sure " -"that everyone is on the same page, here's a quick overview of Python terms:" -msgstr "" - -# 8e3cfe0b4c2f438f8fe30e070b9174de -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:133 -msgid "" -"The basic unit of code reusability in Python: a block of code imported by " -"some other code. Three types of modules are important to us here: pure " -"Python modules, extension modules and packages." -msgstr "" - -# a79f7cc63c7d4e608d54f26824b74d68 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:138 -msgid "" -"A module written in Python and contained in a single :file:`.py` file (and " -"possibly associated :file:`.pyc` and/or :file:`.pyo` files). Sometimes " -"referred to as a \"pure module.\"" -msgstr "" - -# 56dca526decb41d38331f13617218653 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:143 -msgid "" -"A module written in the low-level language of the Python implementation: " -"C/C++ for Python, Java for Jython. Typically contained in a single " -"dynamically loaded pre-compiled file, e.g. a shared object (:file:`.so`) " -"file for Python extensions on Unix, a DLL (given the :file:`.pyd` extension)" -" for Python extensions on Windows, or a Java class file for Jython " -"extensions. Note that currently Distutils only handles C/C++ extensions for" -" Python." -msgstr "" - -# 82e0372cf0a5457a9df4ca1c282a1840 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:151 -msgid "" -"A module that contains other modules, typically contained in a directory of " -"the filesystem and distinguished from other directories by the presence of a" -" file :file:``." -msgstr "" - -# f45f2d463cc3445d99d2fe847d0c9ee0 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:156 -msgid "" -"The root of the hierarchy of packages. (This isn't really a package, since " -"it doesn't have an :file:`` file. But... we have to call it " -"something, right?) The vast majority of the standard library is in the root" -" package, as are many small standalone third-party modules that don't belong" -" to a larger module collection. Unlike regular packages, modules in the " -"root package can be found in many directories: in fact, every directory " -"listed in ``sys.path`` contributes modules to the root package." -msgstr "" - -# 9bc1e700f366498182e127c185f05c44 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:169 -msgid "Distutils-specific terminology" -msgstr "Distutils 固有の用語" - -# ea256e4487c44f199acce976695e6e0b -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:171 -msgid "" -"The following terms apply more specifically to the domain of distributing " -"Python modules using Distutils:" -msgstr "" - -# 91bb0448afe54123bbb450eedd5b87e6 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:175 -msgid "" -"A collection of Python modules distributed together as a single downloadable" -" resource and meant to be installed all as one. Examples of some well-known" -" module distributions are NumPy, SciPy, PIL (the Python Imaging Library) or " -"mxBase. (Module distributions would be called a *package*, except that term" -" is already taken in the Python context: a single module distribution may " -"contain zero, one, or many Python packages.)" -msgstr "" - -# aa5ce4e9712d40338072651e890a6acc -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:183 -msgid "" -"A module distribution that contains only pure Python modules and packages. " -"Sometimes referred to as a \"pure distribution.\"" -msgstr "" - -# bd75154c7b0a47dbbce714f5415043e6 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:187 -msgid "" -"A module distribution that contains at least one extension module. " -"Sometimes referred to as a \"non-pure distribution.\"" -msgstr "" - -# 32c411245eeb4342955d283a09fab503 -#: ../../packaging/introduction.rst:191 -msgid "" -"The top-level directory of your source tree (or source distribution). The " -"directory where :file:`` exists. Generally :file:`` will " -"be run from this directory." -msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/packageindex.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,143 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# 158f0e829c15467da4d55f6d89ac22b9 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:5 -msgid "Registering with the Package Index" -msgstr "パッケージインデクスに登録する" - -# 15d55a5031fa4491b78ca74cd41be5df -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:7 -msgid "" -"The Python Package Index (PyPI) holds metadata describing distributions " -"packaged with packaging. The packaging command :command:`register` is used " -"to submit your distribution's metadata to the index. It is invoked as " -"follows::" -msgstr "" - -# b72b384c15134206aec4d522c640d84f -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:13 -msgid "Distutils will respond with the following prompt::" -msgstr "Distutils は以下のようなプロンプトを出します::" - -# bc5dac0f96d647a9b036408cf19be2f6 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:23 -msgid "" -"Note: if your username and password are saved locally, you will not see this" -" menu." -msgstr "注意: ユーザ名とパスワードをローカルの計算機に保存しておくと、この メニューは表示されません。" - -# 80816ebb8b41443985ea97fc2750bfaa -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:26 -msgid "" -"If you have not registered with PyPI, then you will need to do so now. You " -"should choose option 2, and enter your details as required. Soon after " -"submitting your details, you will receive an email which will be used to " -"confirm your registration." -msgstr "まだ PyPI に登録したことがなければ、まず登録する必要があります。こ の場合選択肢 2 番を選び、リクエストされた詳細情報を入力して ゆきます。詳細情 報を提出し終えると、登録情報の承認を行うためのメールを受け取るはずです。" - -# 11fd0c49a01d4eefad377581744c45b6 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:31 -msgid "" -"Once you are registered, you may choose option 1 from the menu. You will be " -"prompted for your PyPI username and password, and :command:`register` will " -"then submit your metadata to the index." -msgstr "" - -# f6e5e2e0e0ba45919039a34694ac4841 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:35 -msgid "" -"You may submit any number of versions of your distribution to the index. If " -"you alter the metadata for a particular version, you may submit it again and" -" the index will be updated." -msgstr "" - -# be2afd4a2bf04770af39ab96c3c755c6 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:39 -msgid "" -"PyPI holds a record for each (name, version) combination submitted. The " -"first user to submit information for a given name is designated the Owner of" -" that name. They may submit changes through the :command:`register` command " -"or through the web interface. They may also designate other users as Owners " -"or Maintainers. Maintainers may edit the package information, but not " -"designate other Owners or Maintainers." -msgstr "PyPI は提出された配布物の (名前、バージョン) の各組み合わせについて 記録を保持しています。ある配布物名について最初に情報を提出したユーザが、 そ の配布物名のオーナ (owner) になります。オーナは :command:`register` コマンド か、web インタフェースを介して変更を提出できます。オーナは他のユーザをオーナ やメンテナとして指名できます。 メンテナはパッケージ情報を編集できますが、他 の人をオーナやメンテナに指名することはできません。" - -# f33ade98ceda49cb84691fc548c56a28 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:46 -msgid "" -"By default PyPI will list all versions of a given package. To hide certain " -"versions, the Hidden property should be set to yes. This must be edited " -"through the web interface." -msgstr "デフォルトでは、 PyPI はあるパッケージについて全てのバージョンを表 示します。特定のバージョンを非表示にしたければ、パッケージの Hidden プロパテ ィを yes に設定します。この値は web インタフェースで編集しなければなりませ ん。" - -# 30d30adb7f974126a79ddc0d96bbbc47 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:54 -msgid "The .pypirc file" -msgstr ".pypirc ファイル" - -# 6499fd7992a74a0e9971129c4a96176d -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:56 -msgid "The format of the :file:`.pypirc` file is as follows::" -msgstr ":file:`.pypirc` ファイルのフォーマットを示します。 ::" - -# f6b09cf23f7e432b8611982d39125862 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:67 -msgid "" -"The *packaging* section defines a *index-servers* variable that lists the " -"name of all sections describing a repository." -msgstr "" - -# 758450c8ff3b4d30985806b9f5fc15a4 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:70 -msgid "Each section describing a repository defines three variables:" -msgstr "リポジトリを表す各セクションは3つの変数を定義します:" - -# 94f17d2e493741a980e331b8ea02230f -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:73 -msgid "````." -msgstr "デフォルトでは ```` になります。" - -# 323c967874db4c75a3f90d2510560ddf -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:74 -msgid "*username*, which is the registered username on the PyPI server." -msgstr "*username* は PyPI サーバーに登録されたユーザー名です。" - -# 235bcaea28d0477fb09c75ca4ab8ef06 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:76 -msgid "will be prompt to type it when needed." -msgstr "*password* は認証に使われます。省略された場合、必要なときに入力を求 められます。" - -# ee317d6a176847e79f4f72c6ec79cd5a -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:78 -msgid "" -"If you want to define another server a new section can be created and listed" -" in the *index-servers* variable::" -msgstr "別のサーバーを定義した場合は、新しいセクションを作成し、 *index-servers* に追加します。 ::" - -# bb4f208111e742ce8f0440f6e0497339 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:96 -msgid "" -":command:`register` can then be called with the -r option to point the " -"repository to work with::" -msgstr ":command:`register` は -r オプションで対象となるリポジトリを指定し て実行することができます。 ::" - -# 5f6f3a02ecc24b61bca87c4a71788b48 -#: ../../packaging/packageindex.rst:101 -msgid "" -"For convenience, the name of the section that describes the repository may " -"also be used::" -msgstr "使いやすくするために、セクション名を使ってリポジトリを指定すること もできます。 ::" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/setupcfg.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1157 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# 29a6c55d34c641ff8b43a11bb1de63b1 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:7 -msgid "Specification of the :file:`setup.cfg` file" -msgstr "" - -# 22d108a97afb4bbabe6867facf4a3f27 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:9 -msgid "0.9" -msgstr "" - -# c0561f05fc9f4402aeb309e1293b075c -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:11 -msgid "" -"This document describes the :file:`setup.cfg`, an ini-style configuration " -"file used by Packaging to replace the :file:`` file used by " -"Distutils. This specification is language-agnostic, and will therefore " -"repeat some information that's already documented for Python in the " -":class:`configparser.RawConfigParser` documentation." -msgstr "" - -# e64450545ea34902a7f60982992df575 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:25 -msgid "Syntax" -msgstr "操作" - -# b463ae868b404347963c58eaf5386121 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:27 -msgid "" -"The ini-style format used in the configuration file is a simple collection " -"of sections that group sets of key-value fields separated by ``=`` or ``:`` " -"and optional whitespace. Lines starting with ``#`` or ``;`` are comments " -"and will be ignored. Empty lines are also ignored. Example::" -msgstr "" - -# c5d4505a94ee482a833d3ec9edf8502a -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:42 -msgid "Parsing values" -msgstr "" - -# eddf9c88ffb44b378392fa36402abaa2 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:44 -msgid "Here are a set of rules to parse values:" -msgstr "" - -# 35a70fea70cb4e38ab8dcc70ff7f6b80 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:46 -msgid "" -"If a value is quoted with ``\"`` chars, it's a string. If a quote character" -" is present in the quoted value, it can be escaped as ``\\\"`` or left as-" -"is." -msgstr "" - -# 2fa910440596413cb6c6aae1eb8344bd -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:49 -msgid "" -"If the value is ``true``, ``t``, ``yes``, ``y`` (case-insensitive) or ``1``," -" it's converted to the language equivalent of a ``True`` value; if it's " -"``false``, ``f``, ``no``, ``n`` (case-insensitive) or ``0``, it's converted " -"to the equivalent of ``False``." -msgstr "" - -# 572ff61ac8be4c7297c4e3d3dea81172 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:54 -msgid "" -"A value can contain multiple lines. When read, lines are converted into a " -"sequence of values. Each line after the first must start with a least one " -"space or tab character; this leading indentation will be stripped." -msgstr "" - -# 9898aa21ee784d169f41abdb39d02b06 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:58 -msgid "All other values are considered strings." -msgstr "" - -# 639c61622b834503a2c6fc8b302b350b -# 82ca2042ddab4ee8bd2316109caf917f -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:60 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:168 -msgid "Examples::" -msgstr "Examples::" - -# 2ce0bafc664f4039b830898cb57ce85f -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:74 -msgid "Extending files" -msgstr "" - -# 2619c394e1e04f71abbfa614fb8ae5ed -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:76 -msgid "" -"A configuration file can be extended (i.e. included) by other files. For " -"this, a ``DEFAULT`` section must contain an ``extends`` key whose value " -"points to one or more files which will be merged into the current files by " -"adding new sections and fields. If a file loaded by ``extends`` contains " -"sections or keys that already exist in the original file, they will not " -"override the previous values." -msgstr "" - -# 6125cd3b2dfd4047911a0e4fbcd7c355 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:82 -msgid "Contents of :file:`one.cfg`::" -msgstr "" - -# efb9843f8d0c4042aaf0a0c8ee63f5c6 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:90 -msgid "Contents of :file:`two.cfg`::" -msgstr "" - -# b7732841c55344578c196d5a99af7542 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:99 -msgid "The result of parsing :file:`two.cfg` is equivalent to this file::" -msgstr "" - -# 3ba52ccecf574145a8c8fd54f442aeef -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:108 -msgid "Example use of multi-line notation to include more than one file::" -msgstr "" - -# 31e845dfd00f425fa0755d0fb32ca860 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:114 -msgid "" -"When several files are provided, they are processed sequentially, following " -"the precedence rules explained above. This means that the list of files " -"should go from most specialized to most common." -msgstr "" - -# fb4a772a492b4ddeb198035c10322bc0 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:118 -msgid "" -"**Tools will need to provide a way to produce a merged version of the " -"file**. This will be useful to let users publish a single file." -msgstr "" - -# dfec0524b6614def98449a8dbbd7b625 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:125 -msgid "Description of sections and fields" -msgstr "" - -# 87bef7721f824bb98759d7a430dc96e7 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:127 -msgid "Each section contains a description of its options." -msgstr "" - -# f32de847e37b44209fb1367475a76b40 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:129 -msgid "" -"Options that are marked *multi* can have multiple values, one value per " -"line." -msgstr "" - -# 132baa3b8a2c4af88412886da175c763 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:131 -msgid "Options that are marked *optional* can be omitted." -msgstr "" - -# e2363db9c23c4842a64155fa90805c35 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:132 -msgid "" -"Options that are marked *environ* can use environment markers, as described " -"in :PEP:`345`." -msgstr "" - -# a46829120b0d491fb7f0aa32a5c79197 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:136 -msgid "The sections are:" -msgstr "" - -# 8432846cc5a64d568517db298393cdb7 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:139 -msgid "Global options not related to one command." -msgstr "" - -# 9cc17df0090d4a95835fde4ccdb5764a -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:142 -msgid "Name, version and other information defined by :PEP:`345`." -msgstr "" - -# 3fa43ed9b1a84b51b9b8983e68b77435 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:145 -msgid "" -"Modules, scripts, data, documentation and other files to include in the " -"distribution." -msgstr "" - -# c5aa6f48998042b181baa07bae6280fc -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:149 -msgid "Options used to build extension modules." -msgstr "" - -# d73ae705daa34c75a65b0e46b3992043 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:152 -msgid "" -"Options given for specific commands, identical to those that can be given on" -" the command line." -msgstr "" - -# b6e3a321c0b14de2b59ca72e08bb78cd -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:159 -msgid "Global options" -msgstr "" - -# 000b0fac71ca42a99d720e93ac286497 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:161 -msgid "" -"Contains global options for Packaging. This section is shared with " -"Distutils." -msgstr "" - -# 5345e45cbfd046eba02cfc3cfa3130b6 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:165 -msgid "" -"Defined Packaging command. A command is defined by its fully qualified name." -" *optional*, *multi*" -msgstr "" - -# ae6ed9dd65c24ebb9def08272375f077 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:176 -msgid "" -"Defined Packaging compiler. A compiler is defined by its fully qualified " -"name. *optional*, *multi*" -msgstr "" - -# 88e632b420c24b0ca36ec67b2ff51588 -# 303cda35455844c0b20c2cdf2e1f1cc9 -# e4364beba7a44ff49c8c8131daf8e4e2 -# 5e1c2182cf914a5495dffeff5f078ec6 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:179 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:197 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:309 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:355 -msgid "Example::" -msgstr "例::" - -# 25f580408fae44c59a721f103bde58e9 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:186 -msgid "" -"Defines a list of callables to be called right after the :file:`setup.cfg` " -"file is read, before any other processing. Each value is a Python dotted " -"name to an object, which has to be defined in a module present in the " -"project directory alonside :file:`setup.cfg` or on Python's :data:`sys.path`" -" (see :ref:`packaging-finding-hooks`). The callables are executed in the " -"order they're found in the file; if one of them cannot be found, tools " -"should not stop, but for example produce a warning and continue with the " -"next line. Each callable receives the configuration as a dictionary (keys " -"are :file:`setup.cfg` sections, values are dictionaries of fields) and can " -"make any change to it. *optional*, *multi*" -msgstr "" - -# 5076b412afa24901b3c3ae3377a44485 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:207 -msgid "Metadata" -msgstr "" - -# 1ca8dd7952ff4a71ac38131988bb69f9 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:209 -msgid "" -"The metadata section contains the metadata for the project as described in " -":PEP:`345`. Field names are case-insensitive." -msgstr "" - -# 91237055faf143ae9af638d00a248dae -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:212 -msgid "Fields:" -msgstr "" - -# 1eda0f9b7af348e1adecdada8fcf462e -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:215 -msgid "Name of the project." -msgstr "" - -# 9e01299be9414840b5fb4509786cc86e -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:218 -msgid "Version of the project. Must comply with :PEP:`386`." -msgstr "" - -# 78c85189630e458fabe6abc7412c31e1 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:221 -msgid "" -"Platform specification describing an operating system supported by the " -"distribution which is not listed in the \"Operating System\" Trove " -"classifiers (:PEP:`301`). *optional*, *multi*" -msgstr "" - -# 387280851510471e871c85fe5ee1a6b1 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:226 -msgid "" -"Binary distributions containing a PKG-INFO file will use the Supported-" -"Platform field in their metadata to specify the OS and CPU for which the " -"binary distribution was compiled. The semantics of the Supported-Platform " -"field are free form. *optional*, *multi*" -msgstr "" - -# dd20ffd272ac431580661e8d17972262 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:232 -msgid "" -"A one-line summary of what the distribution does. (Used to be called " -"*description* in Distutils1.)" -msgstr "" - -# 6f24219c579844838b007b79194d3995 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:236 -msgid "" -"A longer description. (Used to be called *long_description* in Distutils1.) " -"A file can be provided in the *description-file* field. *optional*" -msgstr "" - -# 131998dca78a4291ab4621bd7355a4a0 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:241 -msgid "" -"A list of additional keywords to be used to assist searching for the " -"distribution in a larger catalog. Comma or space-separated. *optional*" -msgstr "" - -# 4804ed1de7e54fcfab1466cd255a6a1f -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:246 -msgid "The URL for the distribution's home page." -msgstr "" - -# 39585aaa7db946a3bad216e3fd657e85 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:249 -msgid "" -"The URL from which this version of the distribution can be downloaded. " -"*optional*" -msgstr "" - -# 5deba96074614a369cdb8bdee9178768 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:253 -msgid "Author's name. *optional*" -msgstr "" - -# 018fc9b202c242acb555da2473ecf1d9 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:256 -msgid "Author's e-mail. *optional*" -msgstr "" - -# da37ff37f061457d989b248c6627d378 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:259 -msgid "Maintainer's name. *optional*" -msgstr "" - -# 80bbd7bd2b99419391c7e3c28886d3fb -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:262 -msgid "Maintainer's e-mail. *optional*" -msgstr "" - -# c938ce98452d47edbf2d8b2efa06d510 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:265 -msgid "" -"A text indicating the term of uses, when a trove classifier does not match. " -"*optional*." -msgstr "" - -# 7e9b2de0cf094a598959e5761206c1f6 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:269 -msgid "" -"Classification for the distribution, as described in PEP 301. *optional*, " -"*multi*, *environ*" -msgstr "" - -# 7e1e1c781b4847929c68ca188e469764 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:273 -msgid "" -"name of another packaging project required as a dependency. The format is " -"*name (version)* where version is an optional version declaration, as " -"described in PEP 345. *optional*, *multi*, *environ*" -msgstr "" - -# 909eca7a595248f789288bc84153204f -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:278 -msgid "" -"name of another packaging project contained within this distribution. Same " -"format than *requires-dist*. *optional*, *multi*, *environ*" -msgstr "" - -# ba129d1c20584cc49c6d396424ee1fcd -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:283 -msgid "" -"name of another packaging project this version obsoletes. Same format than " -"*requires-dist*. *optional*, *multi*, *environ*" -msgstr "" - -# fb41da035bd74e4a9f60465806bf57ae -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:287 -msgid "" -"Specifies the Python version the distribution requires. The value is a " -"comma-separated list of version predicates, as described in PEP 345. " -"*optional*, *environ*" -msgstr "" - -# 4100bec3887942f89da2698b0e901525 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:292 -msgid "" -"a dependency in the system. This field is free-form, and just a hint for " -"downstream maintainers. *optional*, *multi*, *environ*" -msgstr "" - -# c4e6529ada57428c8737d2abcd39a302 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:297 -msgid "" -"A label, followed by a browsable URL for the project. \"label, url\". The " -"label is limited to 32 signs. *optional*, *multi*" -msgstr "" - -# 75ea978d0d2a4e5b9c290deec8e712c8 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:300 -msgid "One extra field not present in PEP 345 is supported:" -msgstr "" - -# 6d54c6e48db24978a10731fb3683deeb -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:303 -msgid "" -"Path to a text file that will be used to fill the ``description`` field. " -"Multiple values are accepted; they must be separated by whitespace. " -"``description-file`` and ``description`` are mutually exclusive. *optional*" -msgstr "" - -# 0e628ee4499f42468eaf9e41c7aa3f41 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:326 -msgid "" -"You should not give any explicit value for metadata-version: it will be " -"guessed from the fields present in the file." -msgstr "" - -# e7ae0f61218b4addb33f07bc0e5cc54d -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:333 -msgid "Files" -msgstr "" - -# a9e752eb4c574107a867fbae00610060 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:335 -msgid "This section describes the files included in the project." -msgstr "" - -# ea2ce1e55a6f447284fd6493dd1b3bda -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:338 -msgid "" -"the root directory containing all packages and modules (default: current " -"directory, i.e. the project's top-level directory where :file:`setup.cfg` " -"lives). *optional*" -msgstr "" - -# 93bb132280c747d78fec5b658c5b0511 -# 59e8d94393ad41f4a19a02824f2356f4 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:343 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:346 -msgid "a list of packages the project includes *optional*, *multi*" -msgstr "" - -# eab27714ce624d1dba744cab6c387d43 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:349 -msgid "a list of scripts the project includes *optional*, *multi*" -msgstr "" - -# 10e181ce3838414993d86cfed90b101b -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:352 -msgid "" -"a list of patterns for additional files to include in source distributions " -"(see :ref:`packaging-manifest`) *optional*, *multi*" -msgstr "" - -# 910fc9620bd5469eb9176ae1a8bf9487 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:372 -msgid "" -"The :file:`setup.cfg` configuration file is included by default. Contrary " -"to Distutils, :file:`README` (or :file:`README.txt`) and :file:`` " -"are not included by default." -msgstr "" - -# ab8571b941554f8c93696c6d649e8b6e -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:378 -msgid "Resources" -msgstr "" - -# 8166b29fa09548098d3ddafdb583b145 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:380 -msgid "" -"This section describes the files used by the project which must not be " -"installed in the same place that python modules or libraries, they are " -"called **resources**. They are for example documentation files, script " -"files, databases, etc..." -msgstr "" - -# 4c98184d3ce34e409ea9bd05610f49a9 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:385 -msgid "For declaring resources, you must use this notation::" -msgstr "" - -# e6c8219884ce4deba9e2a851c1bbff9c -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:389 -msgid "" -"Data-files are declared in the **resources** field in the **file** section, " -"for example::" -msgstr "" - -# 872c6387d8a34ae1ab259c36cb6ad743 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:397 -msgid "" -"The **source** part of the declaration are relative paths of resources files" -" (using unix path separator **/**). For example, if you've this source " -"tree::" -msgstr "" - -# 523172683f9346c9ac049be91c2b8476 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:406 -msgid "Your setup.cfg will look like::" -msgstr "" - -# f7df378402cf450597ddd65fcf442ee9 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:413 -msgid "" -"The final paths where files will be placed are composed by : **source** + " -"**destination**. In the previous example, **doc/** will be placed in " -"**destination_doc/doc/** and **scripts/** will be placed in " -"**destination_scripts/scripts/**. (If you want more control on the " -"final path, take a look at :ref:`setupcfg-resources-base-prefix`)." -msgstr "" - -# 5fa88620b3254563910d52ba32014e0b -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:419 -msgid "" -"The **destination** part of resources declaration are paths with categories." -" Indeed, it's generally a bad idea to give absolute path as it will be cross" -" incompatible. So, you must use resources categories in your **destination**" -" declaration. Categories will be replaced by their real path at the " -"installation time. Using categories is all benefit, your declaration will be" -" simpler, cross platform and it will allow packager to place resources files" -" where they want without breaking your code." -msgstr "" - -# a708b6e745bf41ef9e24c61d15583022 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:427 -msgid "Categories can be specified by using this syntax::" -msgstr "" - -# 28e005306ebd484e85fcf4c1d0e12fb2 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:431 -msgid "Default categories are:" -msgstr "" - -# 686bb97843824b23a429a3e509956e8d -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:433 -msgid "config" -msgstr "" - -# f662797a1b6d484da4ee126ce48c5126 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:434 -msgid "appdata" -msgstr "" - -# ea07e2bfd971497ea6002338ee96e845 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:435 -msgid "appdata.arch" -msgstr "" - -# 8ced173345d44d78964e4e325b1bdf05 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:436 -msgid "appdata.persistent" -msgstr "" - -# 1c99feeff1de42119566f3ecb3025ba3 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:437 -msgid "appdata.disposable" -msgstr "" - -# 043e2c333baa4656b106432b60f081f0 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:438 -msgid "help" -msgstr "help" - -# fd90bff6733a4adbbf7003b6bbeb51bb -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:439 -msgid "icon" -msgstr "" - -# 93477e5008f544eeb695dbf326526689 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:440 -msgid "scripts" -msgstr "scripts" - -# c09a92b995984c6dbb267a304f09a9ff -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:441 -msgid "doc" -msgstr "" - -# 48565ab921e74adfbe2a2932cb73719d -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:442 -msgid "info" -msgstr "info" - -# 040b0d57713145d2b19f9c53ea8cee04 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:443 -msgid "man" -msgstr "" - -# 9ded969f2aef463089882878a2b55e55 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:445 -msgid "" -"A special category also exists **{}** that will be replaced" -" by the name of the distribution, but as most of the defaults categories use" -" them, so it's not necessary to add **{}** into your " -"destination." -msgstr "" - -# 42f045ad2a44425eb7b92c3fc26c5c98 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:449 -msgid "" -"If you use categories in your declarations, and you are encouraged to do, " -"final path will be::" -msgstr "" - -# 55a5a610218148c3a2fb9c49a56be192 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:456 -msgid "For example, if you have this setup.cfg::" -msgstr "" - -# 1718cb441b324ed0be37e549f195a352 -# 6f22421316f5430e928290db1046f1cd -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:465 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:596 -msgid "" -"And if **{doc}** is replaced by **{datadir}/doc/{}**, final" -" path will be::" -msgstr "" - -# 8286325baf7042549f39ecfd4d2dc6d8 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:470 -msgid "Where {datafir} category will be platform-dependent." -msgstr "" - -# 65ba2bb65344441e834172741804567f -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:474 -msgid "More control on source part" -msgstr "" - -# 405f431cb3ed4d96baafb0d4b781cdb2 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:477 -msgid "Glob syntax" -msgstr "" - -# a69a86362239434eba16721daa4e586c -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:479 -msgid "" -"When you declare source file, you can use a glob-like syntax to match " -"multiples file, for example::" -msgstr "" - -# a2c8df809bec4097a669de2261418ca2 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:483 -msgid "" -"Will match all the files in the scripts directory and placed them in the " -"script category." -msgstr "" - -# 9843640a5d8b4f57b02f85e0964ef916 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:485 -msgid "Glob tokens are:" -msgstr "" - -# 9911cb2e562f4b8898d03194abe5df8f -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:487 -msgid "``*``: match all files." -msgstr "" - -# 50bee05d4c1f4787801623fa094436e3 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:488 -msgid "``?``: match any character." -msgstr "" - -# ee77621a925e4286afe4e23c07235a18 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:489 -msgid "``**``: match any level of tree recursion (even 0)." -msgstr "" - -# fc2b4b09c9cb48e3bb6c28b3ada58e00 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:490 -msgid "" -"``{}``: will match any part separated by comma (example: ``{sh,bat}``)." -msgstr "" - -# cff394947464484bbe9b6b3d2788acfd -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:495 -msgid "Order of declaration" -msgstr "" - -# 3a05e49be958431a91ebe653bd888495 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:497 -msgid "" -"The order of declaration is important if one file match multiple rules. The " -"last rules matched by file is used, this is useful if you have this source " -"tree::" -msgstr "" - -# 3c08b8b3958440e9a456f297e70118a3 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:508 -msgid "" -"And you want all the files in the doc directory to be placed in {doc} " -"category, but README must be placed in {help} category, instead of listing " -"all the files one by one, you can declare them in this way::" -msgstr "" - -# e643d1c7e54e4f06821ea9e93330ad83 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:518 -msgid "Exclude" -msgstr "" - -# bd10f8dd7b2a4c52b354e042be252cda -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:520 -msgid "" -"You can exclude some files of resources declaration by giving no " -"destination, it can be useful if you have a non-resources file in the same " -"directory of resources files::" -msgstr "" - -# 163b01f1794d4b2cbb57680608f9caaf -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:531 -msgid "Your **files** section will be::" -msgstr "" - -# ad8c2c36a78c4692bce971da0ee570dd -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:539 -msgid "More control on destination part" -msgstr "" - -# 79baf7447e0b4259a5357e0629f91f73 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:544 -msgid "Defining a base prefix" -msgstr "" - -# a2fc03cceee1474683bc55e3f920a2ff -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:546 -msgid "" -"When you define your resources, you can have more control of how the final " -"path is computed." -msgstr "" - -# 0389d947dc2a408b8856c5e2ca738ab3 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:549 -msgid "By default, the final path is::" -msgstr "" - -# 39ba361a0659475e80c813c2c066d0e0 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:553 -msgid "This can generate long paths, for example (example_final_path_)::" -msgstr "" - -# 8e80a47fe6b04ac3b5cbee33559d24e0 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:557 -msgid "" -"When you declare your source, you can use whitespace to split the source in " -"**prefix** **suffix**. So, for example, if you have this source::" -msgstr "" - -# 608d645caafd446f92ad16a1f33f50cb -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:562 -msgid "The **prefix** is \"docs/\" and the **suffix** is \"doc.html\"." -msgstr "" - -# 810ec3b1620c4286b67baacabe36f361 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:566 -msgid "" -"Separator can be placed after a path separator or replace it. So these two " -"sources are equivalent::" -msgstr "" - -# dfafdd25082a4ff79bc7e8efcd5c6425 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:574 -msgid "" -"Glob syntax is working the same way with standard source and split source. " -"So these rules::" -msgstr "" - -# b5100fe3c6cd42dbaf466a6e4aad3734 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:581 -msgid "Will match all the files in the docs directory." -msgstr "" - -# 8bbb329402e1489c96a0f449df962687 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:583 -msgid "When you use split source, the final path is computed this way::" -msgstr "" - -# d8c01b68d88a4aff9c2198827df3cfbb -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:587 -msgid "So for example, if you have this setup.cfg::" -msgstr "" - -# 8cb1b32f6ac0466ba6605c626950acd6 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:603 -msgid "Overwriting paths for categories" -msgstr "" - -# dab8f008400d4d49be469d0156f31d22 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:605 -msgid "" -"This part is intended for system administrators or downstream OS packagers." -msgstr "" - -# 90ec7828ad8243a98951c3ca003064ae -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:607 -msgid "" -"The real paths of categories are registered in the *sysconfig.cfg* file " -"installed in your python installation. This file uses an ini format too. The" -" content of the file is organized into several sections:" -msgstr "" - -# 6bad1c46bbc54cc6a86cbc5aae90e3b1 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:611 -msgid "globals: Standard categories's paths." -msgstr "" - -# b5b9ec2efabf4d1cb4d644728c1fff0e -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:612 -msgid "" -"posix_prefix: Standard paths for categories and installation paths for posix" -" system." -msgstr "" - -# 29c21640f3b1455084f300d443291548 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:614 -msgid "other ones XXX" -msgstr "" - -# ae6c941807bf4ef9b15f25705f877c90 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:616 -msgid "" -"Standard categories paths are platform independent, they generally refers to" -" other categories, which are platform dependent. :mod:`sysconfig` will " -"choose these category from sections matching For example::" -msgstr "" - -# 1b295652c2794ff3a7f674e7189e16ab -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:622 -msgid "" -"It refers to datadir category, which can be different between platforms. In " -"posix system, it may be::" -msgstr "" - -# eecb8f737b0d40199296c20e4a7dc3e9 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:627 -msgid "So the final path will be::" -msgstr "" - -# 062eb3decbb84aa6ba4c9e739179459c -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:631 -msgid "The platform-dependent categories are:" -msgstr "" - -# c4a9ebf5f8e341ad8d80efd0454342c2 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:633 -msgid "confdir" -msgstr "" - -# 30fa2d4f1d194a3ea098a596ebfa2124 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:634 -msgid "datadir" -msgstr "" - -# 3c63abd6db2c487290e3487ea2e4fb44 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:635 -msgid "libdir" -msgstr "" - -# 1431ff32075d42aeb4fe04bfd8ab8785 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:636 -msgid "base" -msgstr "" - -# 3db462138fe54d8cb9b9b9e2148a894c -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:640 -msgid "Defining extra categories" -msgstr "" - -# ea76b46af26642d0bd5598a28e397556 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:648 -msgid "These examples are incremental but work unitarily." -msgstr "" - -# a1ed71a1cbb54c689a73498763e88d64 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:651 -msgid "Resources in root dir" -msgstr "" - -# 87348180763d4c228bdea46912d18a3d -# 321ccf96eabe492ab96ebcc969ed9437 -# 12dfc061efb146efaf1952ee107f83b7 -# b6dc712bd1ff47d4ad2752694236d97b -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:653 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:675 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:701 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:734 -msgid "Source tree::" -msgstr "" - -# 437b03a856c847208f1ba7c29f688911 -# e67118549809487e940e3dd4576a4f29 -# 650c5cb8d24a44fa85dc73a9fba61c7c -# 43c67016235746baa7f8d763c2e5f8d4 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:661 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:685 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:714 ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:748 -msgid ":file:`setup.cfg`::" -msgstr "" - -# edb134906d074557bb128d06fb460806 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:668 -msgid "So and will be placed in {scripts} directory." -msgstr "" - -# 7b08f2edf0894c3c95e5a3056d6bb67b -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:670 -msgid "Now let's move all the scripts into a scripts directory." -msgstr "" - -# b60b82d01ecb42b0beb784ae412d1edd -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:673 -msgid "Resources in sub-directory" -msgstr "" - -# ab137dcf9c0b4f5398f9357d7b539f35 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:693 -msgid "" -"It's important to use the separator after scripts/ to install all the shell " -"scripts into {scripts} instead of {scripts}/scripts." -msgstr "" - -# 8e212be2110d4f85ade52570db04f405 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:696 -msgid "Now let's add some docs." -msgstr "" - -# c0a5ce11cc604b04a7a1e9d83b0f6ca1 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:699 -msgid "Resources in multiple sub-directories" -msgstr "" - -# b42d2ad7b7764b5caec7adda3967ff4f -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:724 -msgid "" -"You want to place all the file in the docs script into {doc} category, " -"instead of man, which must be placed into {man} category, we will use the " -"order of declaration of globs to choose the destination, the last glob that " -"match the file is used." -msgstr "" - -# 792fcdc4a32b439a861ba32ce5713928 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:729 -msgid "Now let's add some scripts for windows users." -msgstr "" - -# 6441fbc1825740fd99ddc990b9861821 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:732 -msgid "Complete example" -msgstr "" - -# 29e27df816cc40fe8ce2071091262657 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:758 -msgid "" -"We use brace expansion syntax to place all the shell and batch scripts into " -"{scripts} category." -msgstr "" - -# 165d6a4f8c6f474ba6e092f0c69c4ff8 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:765 -msgid "Extension modules sections" -msgstr "" - -# f25fa4d7ee3a41808f687ca0d58980f8 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:767 -msgid "" -"If a project includes extension modules written in C or C++, each one of " -"them needs to have its options defined in a dedicated section. Here's an " -"example::" -msgstr "" - -# e4346cb54c124349ae437f97bad366f4 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:784 -msgid "" -"The section name must start with ``extension:``; the right-hand part is used" -" as the full name (including a parent package, if any) of the extension. " -"Whitespace around the extension name is allowed. If the extension module is" -" not standalone (e.g. ``_bisect``) but part of a package (e.g. " -"``thing._speedups``), the parent package must be listed in the ``packages`` " -"field. Valid fields and their values are listed in the documentation of the " -":class:`packaging.compiler.extension.Extension` class; values documented as " -"Python lists translate to multi-line values in the configuration file. In " -"addition, multi-line values accept environment markers on each line, after a" -" ``--``." -msgstr "" - -# e01cf15bd258447fb6ff014b5ed3d3b8 -#: ../../packaging/setupcfg.rst:799 ***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.*** ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/setupscript.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,1130 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# 46410cb1db3c452d90ccf907671eed9e -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:5 -msgid "Writing the Setup Script" -msgstr "setup スクリプトを書く" - -# 706e788562ec41b290bd44634c03b641 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:7 -msgid "" -"The setup script is the center of all activity in building, distributing, " -"and installing modules using Distutils. The main purpose of the setup " -"script is to describe your module distribution to Distutils, so that the " -"various commands that operate on your modules do the right thing. As we saw" -" in section :ref:`packaging-simple-example`, the setup script consists " -"mainly of a call to :func:`setup` where the most information is supplied as " -"keyword arguments to :func:`setup`." -msgstr "" - -# daba66ebd71f4008bff74d1005a1f645 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:15 -msgid "" -"Here's a slightly more involved example, which we'll follow for the next " -"couple of sections: a setup script that could be used for Packaging itself::" -msgstr "" - -# 2a11ad063e44436f8df38f6692e46725 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:33 -msgid "" -"There are only two differences between this and the trivial one-file " -"distribution presented in section :ref:`packaging-simple-example`: more " -"metadata and the specification of pure Python modules by package rather than" -" by module. This is important since Ristutils consist of a couple of dozen " -"modules split into (so far) two packages; an explicit list of every module " -"would be tedious to generate and difficult to maintain. For more " -"information on the additional metadata, see section :ref:`packaging-" -"metadata`." -msgstr "上の例と、 :ref:`packaging-simple-example` で示したファイル一つか らなる小さな配布物とは、違うところは二つしかありません: メタデータの追加 と、 モジュールではなくパッケージとして pure Python モジュール群を指定してい るという点です。この点は重要です。というのも、 Ristutils は 2 ダースものモジ ュールが (今のところ) 二つのパッケージに分かれて入っているからです; 各モジ ュールについていちいち明示的に記述したリストは、 作成するのが面倒だし、維持 するのも難しくなるでしょう。その他のメタデータについては、 :ref:`metadata` を参照してください。" - -# 4a170016c6fa44bfa036a98f04deb029 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:41 -msgid "" -"Note that any pathnames (files or directories) supplied in the setup script " -"should be written using the Unix convention, i.e. slash-separated. The " -"Distutils will take care of converting this platform-neutral representation " -"into whatever is appropriate on your current platform before actually using " -"the pathname. This makes your setup script portable across operating " -"systems, which of course is one of the major goals of the Distutils. In " -"this spirit, all pathnames in this document are slash-separated." -msgstr "setup スクリプトに与えるパス名 (ファイルまたはディレクトリ) は、 Unix におけるファイル名規約、つまりスラッシュ ('/') 区切りで 書かねばなりま せん。Distutils はこのプラットフォーム中立の表記を、実際にパス名として使う前 に、現在のプラットフォームに適した表記に 注意深く変換します。この機能のおか げで、setup スクリプトを異なるオペレーティングシステム間にわたって可搬性があ るものにできます。言うまでもなく、これは Distutils の大きな目標の一つです。 この精神に従って、このドキュメントでは全てのパス名をスラッシュ区切りにしてい ます。" - -# 1ceffa36d9d24664b9b11b87011774db -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:49 -msgid "" -"This, of course, only applies to pathnames given to Distutils functions. If" -" you, for example, use standard Python functions such as :func:`glob.glob` " -"or :func:`os.listdir` to specify files, you should be careful to write " -"portable code instead of hardcoding path separators::" -msgstr "もちろん、この取り決めは Distutils に渡すパス名だけに適用されます。 もし、例えば :func:`glob.glob` や :func:`os.listdir` のような、標準の Python 関数を使ってファイル群を指定するのなら、パス区切り文字 (path separator) をハードコーディングせず、以下のように可搬性のあるコードを書くよ う注意すべきです::" - -# 3cb189a09339444592ecc10fab60bf6a -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:61 -msgid "Listing whole packages" -msgstr "パッケージを全て列挙する" - -# e9e8b383511043c39d7f912107d9156d -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:63 -msgid "" -"The :option:`packages` option tells the Distutils to process (build, " -"distribute, install, etc.) all pure Python modules found in each package " -"mentioned in the :option:`packages` list. In order to do this, of course, " -"there has to be a correspondence between package names and directories in " -"the filesystem. The default correspondence is the most obvious one, i.e. " -"package :mod:`packaging` is found in the directory :file:`packaging` " -"relative to the distribution root. Thus, when you say ``packages = ['foo']``" -" in your setup script, you are promising that the Distutils will find a file" -" :file:`foo/` (which might be spelled differently on your system," -" but you get the idea) relative to the directory where your setup script " -"lives. If you break this promise, the Distutils will issue a warning but " -"still process the broken package anyway." -msgstr ":option:`packages` オプションは、 :option:`packages` リスト中で 指 定されている各々のパッケージについて、パッケージ内に見つかった全ての pure Python モジュールを処理 (ビルド、配布、インストール、等) するよう Distutils に指示します。このオプションを指定するためには、当然のことながら各パッケージ 名はファイルシステム上のディレクトリ名と 何らかの対応付けができなければなり ません。デフォルトで使われる対応関係はきわめてはっきりしたものです。すなわ ち、パッケージ :mod:`packaging` が配布物ルートディレクトリからの相対パ ス :file:`packaging` で表されるディレクトリ中にあるというものです。つまり、 setup スクリプト中で ``packages = ['foo']`` と指定したら、スクリプトの置かれ たディレクトリからの相対パスで :file:`foo/` を探し出せると Distutils に確約したことになります。この約束を裏切ると Distutils は警告を出 しますが、 そのまま壊れたパッケージの処理を継続します。" - -# 838ee160eadc4281a203b918c0a82860 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:75 -msgid "" -"If you use a different convention to lay out your source directory, that's " -"no problem: you just have to supply the :option:`package_dir` option to tell" -" the Distutils about your convention. For example, say you keep all Python " -"source under :file:`lib`, so that modules in the \"root package\" (i.e., not" -" in any package at all) are in :file:`lib`, modules in the :mod:`foo` " -"package are in :file:`lib/foo`, and so forth. Then you would put ::" -msgstr "ソースコードディレクトリの配置について違った規約を使っていても、ま ったく問題はありません: 単に :option:`package_dir` オプションを 指定して、 Distutils に自分の規約を教えればよいのです。例えば、全ての Python ソースコー ドを :file:`lib` 下に置いて、 \"ルートパッケージ\" 内のモジュール (つまり、 どのパッケージにも入っていないモジュール) を :file:`lib` 内に入 れ、 :mod:`foo` パッケージを :file:`lib/foo` に入れる、といった具合にしたい のなら、 ::" - -# 1c230c4906a74de2ba3337a691201501 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:84 -msgid "" -"in your setup script. The keys to this dictionary are package names, and an" -" empty package name stands for the root package. The values are directory " -"names relative to your distribution root. In this case, when you say " -"``packages = ['foo']``, you are promising that the file " -":file:`lib/foo/` exists." -msgstr "を setup スクリプト内に入れます。辞書内のキーはパッケージ名で、空の パッケージ名はルートパッケージを表します。キーに対応する値は ルートパッケー ジからの相対ディレクトリ名です、この場合、 ``packages = ['foo']`` を指定すれ ば、 :file:`lib/foo/` が存在すると Distutils に確約したことになり ます。" - -# 96a03d22a55b49b0be1dcb9e394115e2 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:89 -msgid "" -"Another possible convention is to put the :mod:`foo` package right in " -":file:`lib`, the :mod:`` package in :file:`lib/bar`, etc. This would" -" be written in the setup script as ::" -msgstr "もう一つの規約のあり方は :mod:`foo` パッケージを :file:`lib` に置き 換え、 :mod:`` パッケージが :file:`lib/bar` にある、などとするもので す。このような規約は、 setup スクリプトでは ::" - -# 36061cd733244744942a77fcdd2a4b6d -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:95 -msgid "" -"A ``package: dir`` entry in the :option:`package_dir` dictionary implicitly " -"applies to all packages below *package*, so the :mod:`` case is " -"automatically handled here. In this example, having ``packages = ['foo', " -"'']`` tells the Distutils to look for :file:`lib/` and " -":file:`lib/bar/`. (Keep in mind that although " -":option:`package_dir` applies recursively, you must explicitly list all " -"packages in :option:`packages`: the Distutils will *not* recursively scan " -"your source tree looking for any directory with an :file:`` " -"file.)" -msgstr "のように書きます。 :option:`package_dir` 辞書に ``package: dir`` の ようなエントリがあると、 *package* の下にある全てのパッケージに対してこの規 則が暗黙のうちに適用され、その結果 :mod:`` の場合が自動的に処理されま す。この例では、 ``packages = ['foo', '']`` は、 Distutils に :file:`lib/` と :file:`lib/bar/` を探すように指示し ます。 (:option:`package_dir` は再帰的に適用されますが、この場 合 :option:`packages` の下にある全てのパッケージを明示的に指定 しなければな らないことを心に留めておいてください: Distutils は :file:`` を持 つディレクトリを ソースツリーから再帰的にさがしたりは *しません* 。)" - -# cc57ef4e0e234ed6b2a13121a4d64e77 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:108 -msgid "Listing individual modules" -msgstr "個々のモジュールを列挙する" - -# 6e9802e7cf564b58a78e273e5320046e -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:110 -msgid "" -"For a small module distribution, you might prefer to list all modules rather" -" than listing packages---especially the case of a single module that goes in" -" the \"root package\" (i.e., no package at all). This simplest case was " -"shown in section :ref:`packaging-simple-example`; here is a slightly more " -"involved example::" -msgstr "小さなモジュール配布物の場合、パッケージを列挙するよりも、全てのモ ジュールを列挙するほうがよいと思うかもしれません --- 特に、単一のモジュール が \"ルートパッケージ\" にインストールされる (すなわち、パッケージは全くない ) ような場合がそうです。この最も単純なケース は :ref:`packaging-simple-example` で示しました; ここではもうちょっと入り組 んだ例を示します::" - -# 0bec6294c26f4d9393e2d6ddff34e117 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:118 -msgid "" -"This describes two modules, one of them in the \"root\" package, the other " -"in the :mod:`pkg` package. Again, the default package/directory layout " -"implies that these two modules can be found in :file:`` and " -":file:`pkg/`, and that :file:`pkg/` exists as well. And " -"again, you can override the package/directory correspondence using the " -":option:`package_dir` option." -msgstr "ここでは二つのモジュールについて述べていて、一方は \"ルート\" パッ ケージに入り、他方は :mod:`pkg` パッケージに入ります。 ここでも、デフォルト のパッケージ/ディレクトリのレイアウトは、二つのモジュールが :file:`` と :file:`pkg/` にあり、 :file:`pkg/` が存在することを暗示 しています。また、パッケージ/ディレクトリの対応関係は :option:`package_dir` オプションでも上書きできます。" - -# c1c57db130314853af5206dc5ad984f0 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:128 -msgid "Describing extension modules" -msgstr "拡張モジュールについて記述する" - -# 26a275c717624df29f9c10b5b91f2a73 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:130 -msgid "" -"Just as writing Python extension modules is a bit more complicated than " -"writing pure Python modules, describing them to the Distutils is a bit more " -"complicated. Unlike pure modules, it's not enough just to list modules or " -"packages and expect the Distutils to go out and find the right files; you " -"have to specify the extension name, source file(s), and any compile/link " -"requirements (include directories, libraries to link with, etc.)." -msgstr "pure Python モジュールを書くより Python 拡張モジュールを書く方がち ょっとだけ複雑なように、 Distutils での拡張モジュールに関する 記述もちょっと 複雑です。pure モジュールと違い、単にモジュールやパッケージを列挙して、 Distutils が正しいファイルを見つけてくれる と期待するだけでは十分ではありま せん; 拡張モジュールの名前、ソースコードファイル (群) 、そして何らかのコンパ イル/リンクに関する必要事項 (include ディレクトリ、リンクすべきライブラリ、 等) を指定しなければなりません。" - -# 6b45d9f90f014930a3c726244e1844da -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:139 -msgid "" -"All of this is done through another keyword argument to :func:`setup`, the " -":option:`ext_modules` option. :option:`ext_modules` is just a list of " -":class:`Extension` instances, each of which describes a single extension " -"module. Suppose your distribution includes a single extension, called " -":mod:`foo` and implemented by :file:`foo.c`. If no additional instructions " -"to the compiler/linker are needed, describing this extension is quite " -"simple::" -msgstr "こうした指定は全て、 :func:`setup` の別のキーワード引 数、 :option:`ext_modules` オプションを介して行えま す。 :option:`ext_modules` は、 :class:`Extension` インスタンスから なるただ のリストで、各インスタンスに一個の拡張モジュールを記述するようになっていま す。仮に、 :file:`foo.c` で実装された拡張モジュール :mod:`foo` が、配布物に 一つだけ入ってるとします。コンパイラ/リンカに他の情報を与える必要がない場 合、この拡張 モジュールのための記述はきわめて単純です::" - -# 094bac7027ed4c76890ed921bbc9b1a8 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:148 -msgid "" -"The :class:`Extension` class can be imported from :mod:`packaging.core` " -"along with :func:`setup`. Thus, the setup script for a module distribution " -"that contains only this one extension and nothing else might be::" -msgstr ":class:`Extension` クラスは、 :func:`setup` によっ て、 :mod:`packaging.core` から import されます。従って、拡張モジュールが一 つだけ入っていて、他には何も入っていないモジュール配布物を作成するための setup スクリプトは、以下のように なるでしょう::" - -# 0816bde3fc284fe490288d27f922875b -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:157 -msgid "" -"The :class:`Extension` class (actually, the underlying extension-building " -"machinery implemented by the :command:`build_ext` command) supports a great " -"deal of flexibility in describing Python extensions, which is explained in " -"the following sections." -msgstr ":class:`Explained` クラス (実質的には、 :class:`Explained` クラスの 根底にある :command:`build_ext` コマンドで実装されている、拡張モジュールをビ ルドする機構) は、Python 拡張モジュールをきわめて柔軟に記述できるようなサ ポートを提供しています。 これについては後の節で説明します。" - -# e4c6b428f98746899693b65b8dfc6e88 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:164 -msgid "Extension names and packages" -msgstr "拡張モジュールの名前とパッケージ" - -# 45e806aa94a64387b81231a1919991df -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:166 -msgid "" -"The first argument to the :class:`Extension` constructor is always the name " -"of the extension, including any package names. For example, ::" -msgstr ":class:`Extension` クラスのコンストラクタに与える最初の引数は、常に 拡張モジュールの名前にします。これにはパッケージ名も含めます。例えば、 ::" - -# 9c2ee50c236047359a9b965b0c8ccac8 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:171 -msgid "describes an extension that lives in the root package, while ::" -msgstr "とすると、拡張モジュールをルートパッケージに置くことになります。一 方、 ::" - -# aadbbc78e1d4420e8c448619ff298aac -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:175 -msgid "" -"describes the same extension in the :mod:`pkg` package. The source files " -"and resulting object code are identical in both cases; the only difference " -"is where in the filesystem (and therefore where in Python's namespace " -"hierarchy) the resulting extension lives." -msgstr "は、同じ拡張モジュールを :mod:`pkg` パッケージの下に置くよう記述し ています。ソースコードファイルと、作成されるオブジェクトコードは どちらの場 合でも同じです; 作成された拡張モジュールがファイルシステム上のどこに置かれる か (すなわち Python の名前空間上のどこに置かれるか) が違うにすぎません。" - -# 4d78a0640f024525be6315362ac00345 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:180 -msgid "" -"If your distribution contains only one or more extension modules in a " -"package, you need to create a :file:`{package}/` file anyway, " -"otherwise Python won't be able to import anything." -msgstr "" - -# dcc8f080f95343dc84a2e5d78972fcb6 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:184 -msgid "" -"If you have a number of extensions all in the same package (or all under the" -" same base package), use the :option:`ext_package` keyword argument to " -":func:`setup`. For example, ::" -msgstr "同じパッケージ内に (または、同じ基底パッケージ下に) いくつもの拡張 モジュールがある場合、 :option:`ext_package` キーワード引数を :func:`setup` に指定します。例えば、 ::" - -# 63e1c75f7afe4ec096ed937d6b417c71 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:193 -msgid "" -"will compile :file:`foo.c` to the extension :mod:``, and " -":file:`bar.c` to :mod:``." -msgstr "とすると、 :file:`foo.c` をコンパイルして :mod:`` に し、 :file:`bar.c` をコンパイルして :mod:`` にします。" - -# 367565bf2d114ed2adfc324530086257 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:198 -msgid "Extension source files" -msgstr "拡張モジュールのソースファイル" - -# 68a64c49f4ea4fd4b4052c5a47214297 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:200 -msgid "" -"The second argument to the :class:`Extension` constructor is a list of " -"source files. Since the Distutils currently only support C, C++, and " -"Objective-C extensions, these are normally C/C++/Objective-C source files. " -"(Be sure to use appropriate extensions to distinguish C++\\ source files: " -":file:`.cc` and :file:`.cpp` seem to be recognized by both Unix and Windows " -"compilers.)" -msgstr ":class:`Extension` コンストラクタの二番目の引数は、ソースファイルの リストです。 Distutils は現在のところ、C、C++、そして Objective-C の拡張しか サポートしていないので、引数は通常 C/C++/Objective-C ソースコードファイルに なります。 (C++ソースコードファイルを区別できるよう、正しいファイル拡張子を 使ってください: :file:`.cc` や :file:`.cpp` にすれば、 Unix と Windows 用の 双方のコンパイラで認識されるようです。)" - -# 6eb645db915d4843a94e3afada50632f -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:206 -msgid "" -"However, you can also include SWIG interface (:file:`.i`) files in the list;" -" the :command:`build_ext` command knows how to deal with SWIG extensions: it" -" will run SWIG on the interface file and compile the resulting C/C++ file " -"into your extension." -msgstr "ただし、 SWIG インタフェース (:file:`.i`) ファイルはリストに含めら れます; :command:`build_ext` コマンドは、 SWIG で書かれた拡張パッケージをど う扱えばよいか心得ています: :command:`build_ext` は、インタフェースファイル を SWIG にかけ、得られた C/C++ ファイルをコンパイルして拡張モジュールを生成 します。" - -# 70089c94ac934bd49b8e0925c3a1fa77 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:213 -msgid "" -"This warning notwithstanding, options to SWIG can be currently passed like " -"this::" -msgstr "この警告にかかわらず、現在次のようにしてSWIGに対してオプションを渡 すことができます。 ::" - -# a17979a782db4ad18bd64b9f16953c1d -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:221 -msgid "Or on the command line like this::" -msgstr "もしくは、次のようにコマンドラインからオプションを渡すこともできま す。 ::" - -# d3b726191b1e4bd0b40ed4c69cae8279 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:225 -msgid "" -"On some platforms, you can include non-source files that are processed by " -"the compiler and included in your extension. Currently, this just means " -"Windows message text (:file:`.mc`) files and resource definition " -"(:file:`.rc`) files for Visual C++. These will be compiled to binary " -"resource (:file:`.res`) files and linked into the executable." -msgstr "プラットフォームによっては、コンパイラで処理され、拡張モジュールに 取り込まれるような非ソースコードファイルを含められます。 非ソースコードファ イルとは、現状では Visual C++向けの Windows メッセージテキスト (:file:`.mc`) ファイルや、リソース定義 (:file:`.rc`) ファイルを指します。こ れらのファイルはバイナリリソース (:file:`.res`) ファイルにコンパイルされ、実 行ファイルにリンクされます。" - -# fff27dc612f74a83bba6765532b8d564 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:233 -msgid "Preprocessor options" -msgstr "プリプロセッサオプション" - -# 423c73f1f1644fcf8bd1af6bb6f7741b -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:235 -msgid "" -"Three optional arguments to :class:`Extension` will help if you need to " -"specify include directories to search or preprocessor macros to " -"define/undefine: ``include_dirs``, ``define_macros``, and ``undef_macros``." -msgstr ":class:`Extension` には三種類のオプション引数: ``include_dirs``, ``define_macros``, そして ``undef_macros`` があり、検索対象にするインクルー ドディレクトリを指定したり、プリプロセッサマクロを定義 (define)/定義解除 (undefine) したりする必要があるとき役立ちます。" - -# edfbdc8bddb94991b776a9fcb1708b4c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:239 -msgid "" -"For example, if your extension requires header files in the :file:`include` " -"directory under your distribution root, use the ``include_dirs`` option::" -msgstr "例えば、拡張モジュールが配布物ルート下の :file:`include` ディレク トリにあるヘッダファイルを必要とするときには、 ``include_dirs`` オプションを 使います::" - -# 4cb18b820d4940ad9ce98ab6a4d9b6e8 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:244 -msgid "" -"You can specify absolute directories there; if you know that your extension " -"will only be built on Unix systems with X11R6 installed to :file:`/usr`, you" -" can get away with ::" -msgstr "ここには絶対パスも指定できます; 例えば、自分の拡張モジュール が、 :file:`/usr` の下にX11R6 をインストールした Unix システムだけで ビルド されると知っていれば、このように書けます。 ::" - -# 7dd2377550334aa8bc855d73e5dbc1d7 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:250 -msgid "" -"You should avoid this sort of non-portable usage if you plan to distribute " -"your code: it's probably better to write C code like ::" -msgstr "自分のコードを配布する際には、このような可搬性のない使い方は避ける べきです: おそらく、 C のコードを次のように書いたほうがましでしょう。 ::" - -# 97d087e247f349eba3ddbab82f6e4bb1 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:255 -msgid "" -"If you need to include header files from some other Python extension, you " -"can take advantage of the fact that header files are installed in a " -"consistent way by the Distutils :command:`install_header` command. For " -"example, the Numerical Python header files are installed (on a standard Unix" -" installation) to :file:`/usr/local/include/python1.5/Numerical`. (The exact" -" location will differ according to your platform and Python installation.) " -"Since the Python include directory---\\ :file:`/usr/local/include/python1.5`" -" in this case---is always included in the search path when building Python " -"extensions, the best approach is to write C code like ::" -msgstr "他の Python 拡張モジュール由来のヘッダを include する必要があるな ら、 Distutils の :command:`install_header` コマンドが一貫した方法でヘッダフ ァイルをインストールするという事実を活用できます。例えば、 Numerical Python のヘッダファイルは、 (標準的な Unix がインストールされた環境では ) :file:`/usr/local/include/python1.5/Numerical` にインストールされます。 (実際の場所は、プラットフォームやどの Python をインストールしたかで異なりま す。) Python の include ディレクトリ --- 今の例で は :file:`/usr/local/include/python1.5` --- は、 Python 拡張モジュールを ビ ルドする際に常にヘッダファイル検索パスに取り込まれるので、 C コードを書く上 でもっともよいアプローチは、以下のようになります。 ::" - -# 0ac8a788736d4287afefb86a4b86cd5a -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:269 -msgid "" -"If you must put the :file:`Numerical` include directory right into your " -"header search path, though, you can find that directory using the Distutils " -":mod:`packaging.sysconfig` module::" -msgstr ":file:`Numerical` インクルードディレクトリ自体をヘッダ検索パスに置 きたいのなら、このディレクトリを Distutils の :mod:`packaging.sysconfig` モ ジュールを使って見つけさせられます::" - -# 466afc67516b46a0a241dd54130644b8 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:278 -msgid "" -"Even though this is quite portable---it will work on any Python " -"installation, regardless of platform---it's probably easier to just write " -"your C code in the sensible way." -msgstr "この書き方も可搬性はあります --- プラットフォームに関わらず、どん な Python がインストールされていても動作します --- が、 単に実践的な書き方 で C コードを書く方が簡単でしょう。" - -# 96b994b4b9ef42d0bbd21f0d6ed62796 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:282 -msgid "" -"You can define and undefine preprocessor macros with the ``define_macros`` " -"and ``undef_macros`` options. ``define_macros`` takes a list of ``(name, " -"value)`` tuples, where ``name`` is the name of the macro to define (a " -"string) and ``value`` is its value: either a string or ``None``. (Defining " -"a macro ``FOO`` to ``None`` is the equivalent of a bare ``#define FOO`` in " -"your C source: with most compilers, this sets ``FOO`` to the string ``1``.)" -" ``undef_macros`` is just a list of macros to undefine." -msgstr "``define_macros`` および ``undef_macros`` オプションを使って、プリ プロセッサマクロを定義 (define) したり、定義解除 (undefine) したりもできま す。 ``define_macros`` はタプル ``(name, value)`` からなるリストを 引数にと ります。 ``name`` は定義したいマクロの名前 (文字列) で、 ``value`` はその値 です: ``value`` は文字列か ``None`` になります。(マクロ ``FOO`` を ``None`` にすると、C ソースコード内で ``#define FOO`` と書いたのと同じになります: こ う書くと、ほとんどのコンパイラは ``FOO`` を文字列 ``1`` に設定します。) ``undef_macros`` には、定義解除したいマクロ名からなるリストを指定します。" - -# c039634ce7df46048a7c7e20f9a4aa2c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:290 -msgid "For example::" -msgstr "です。例えば、以下のように設定します。" - -# 461dc2d7c189450c9bfe9948860f30ae -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:297 -msgid "is the equivalent of having this at the top of every C source file::" -msgstr "は、全ての C ソースコードファイルの先頭に、以下のマクロがあるのと同 じになります。:: " - -# b81beb2420224df89775cee18ba9ac86 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:306 -msgid "Library options" -msgstr "ライブラリオプション" - -# 00e425766b4541c8b3549f5ab0a1855c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:308 -msgid "" -"You can also specify the libraries to link against when building your " -"extension, and the directories to search for those libraries. The " -"``libraries`` option is a list of libraries to link against, " -"``library_dirs`` is a list of directories to search for libraries at link-" -"time, and ``runtime_library_dirs`` is a list of directories to search for " -"shared (dynamically loaded) libraries at run-time." -msgstr "拡張モジュールをビルドする際にリンクするライブラリや、ライブラリを 検索するディレクトリも指定できます。 ``libraries`` はリンクするライブラリの リストで、 ``library_dirs`` はリンク時にライブラリを検索するディレクトリの リストです。また、 ``runtime_library_dirs`` は、実行時に共有ライブラリ (動的 にロードされるライブラリ) を検索するディレクトリの リストです。" - -# 66547a6c3dd54e34abb74ea8f6137b8d -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:314 -msgid "" -"For example, if you need to link against libraries known to be in the " -"standard library search path on target systems ::" -msgstr "例えば、ビルド対象システムの標準ライブラリ検索パスにあることが分か っているライブラリをリンクする時には、以下のようにします。 ::" - -# 1abae0268074462580183ccc7d3c6c4f -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:320 -msgid "" -"If you need to link with libraries in a non-standard location, you'll have " -"to include the location in ``library_dirs``::" -msgstr "非標準のパス上にあるライブラリをリンクしたいなら、その場所を ``library_dirs`` に入れておかなければなりません::" - -# bb52a3fbcbb44989aaef881fda1e00ad -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:327 -msgid "" -"(Again, this sort of non-portable construct should be avoided if you intend " -"to distribute your code.)" -msgstr "(繰り返しになりますが、この手の可搬性のない書き方は、コードを配布す るのが目的なら避けるべきです。)" - -# 4c45a0de33b541fea542003acc014060 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:334 -msgid "Other options" -msgstr "その他のオプション" - -# cf5cdebc4a984233a159c1cdafd7bcc7 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:336 -msgid "" -"There are still some other options which can be used to handle special " -"cases." -msgstr "他にもいくつかオプションがあり、特殊な状況を扱うために使います。" - -# ac2b77348f624b13af1d0db749838c71 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:338 -msgid "" -"The :option:`optional` option is a boolean; if it is true, a build failure " -"in the extension will not abort the build process, but instead simply not " -"install the failing extension." -msgstr ":option:`optional` オプションはブール型で、真の場合は拡張モジュール のビルドに失敗したときに ビルドプロセス自体を停止せず、単にその拡張モジュー ルのインストールをしません。" - -# ca8641cd5bbd4bfd8b1480994d7913f1 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:342 -msgid "" -"The :option:`extra_objects` option is a list of object files to be passed to" -" the linker. These files must not have extensions, as the default extension " -"for the compiler is used." -msgstr ":option:`extra_objects` オプションには、リンカに渡すオブジェクトフ ァイル のリストを指定します。ファイル名には拡張子をつけてはならず、コンパイ ラで使われているデフォルトの拡張子が使われます。" - -# 3387bc5e4f5c4c58abe7d7d763449353 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:346 -msgid "" -":option:`extra_compile_args` and :option:`extra_link_args` can be used to " -"specify additional command-line options for the respective compiler and " -"linker command lines." -msgstr ":option:`extra_compile_args` および :option:`extra_link_args` に は、 それぞれコンパイラとリンカに渡す追加のコマンドライン引数を指定します。" - -# af397ad837a342028cc374615186af08 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:350 -msgid "" -":option:`export_symbols` is only useful on Windows. It can contain a list " -"of symbols (functions or variables) to be exported. This option is not " -"needed when building compiled extensions: Distutils will automatically add " -"``initmodule`` to the list of exported symbols." -msgstr ":option:`export_symbols` は Windows でのみ意味があります。このオプ ションには、公開 (export) する (関数や変数の) シンボルのリストを入れられま す。コンパイルして拡張モジュールをビルドする際には、このオプションは不要で す: Distutils は公開するシンボルを自動的に ``initmodule`` に渡すからです。" - -# 03c597f2a6e34b629463188cee94432f -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:355 -msgid "" -"The :option:`depends` option is a list of files that the extension depends " -"on (for example header files). The build command will call the compiler on " -"the sources to rebuild extension if any on this files has been modified " -"since the previous build." -msgstr ":option:`depends` オプションは、拡張モジュールが依存している(例: ヘ ッダーファイルなどの) ファイルのリストです。 このファイルのいずれかが前回の ビルドから変更された時、ビルドコマンドはこのソース ファイルをコンパイルして リビルドします。" - -# 8886c0eab0394c85a1454b22aa542b98 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:361 -msgid "Relationships between Distributions and Packages" -msgstr "パッケージと配布物の関係" - -# c7fdae0012d34de6bb41ea5645d242a7 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:365 -msgid "A distribution may relate to packages in three specific ways:" -msgstr "配布物はパッケージと3種類の方法で関係します:" - -# adbca897e8c14fa1bf0501e03cdfd493 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:367 -msgid "It can require packages or modules." -msgstr "パッケージかモジュールを要求する。" - -# 1882c88ba3ce40838535f7898f125a09 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:369 -msgid "It can provide packages or modules." -msgstr "パッケージかモジュールを提供する。" - -# 678127c408ce47d8bc0ebd9101fb991a -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:371 -msgid "It can obsolete packages or modules." -msgstr "パッケージかモジュールを廃止する。" - -# c7f14855b4344f1680b5e81f49c84823 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:373 -msgid "" -"These relationships can be specified using keyword arguments to the " -":func:`packaging.core.setup` function." -msgstr "これらの関係は、 :func:`packaging.core.setup` 関数のキーワード引数 を利用して指定することができます。" - -# 683455a39f4d403498979b9c49a53e12 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:376 -msgid "" -"Dependencies on other Python modules and packages can be specified by " -"supplying the *requires* keyword argument to :func:`setup`. The value must " -"be a list of strings. Each string specifies a package that is required, and" -" optionally what versions are sufficient." -msgstr "他のPythonモジュールやパッケージに対する依存は、 :func:`setup` の *requires* キーワード引数で指定できます。 引数の値は文字列のリストでなければ なりません。各文字列は、必要とするパッケージと、オプションとしてパッケージの バージョンを指定します。" - -# b6f5f407632f4a78b307ba39f8db1a1e -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:381 -msgid "" -"To specify that any version of a module or package is required, the string " -"should consist entirely of the module or package name. Examples include " -"``'mymodule'`` and ``'xml.parsers.expat'``." -msgstr "あるモジュールかパッケージの任意のバージョンが必要な場合、指定する 文字列はモジュール名かパッケージ名になります。例えば、 ``'mymodule'`` や ``'xml.parsers.expat'`` を含みます。" - -# 5914e21759eb46af8e543a56f77225e6 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:385 -msgid "" -"If specific versions are required, a sequence of qualifiers can be supplied " -"in parentheses. Each qualifier may consist of a comparison operator and a " -"version number. The accepted comparison operators are::" -msgstr "特定のバージョンが必要な場合、修飾子(qualifier)の列を加えることがで きます。 各修飾子は、比較演算子とバージョン番号からなります。利用できる比較 演算子は::" - -# ede77f584ee04b82a1f8135b6fea881f -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:392 -msgid "" -"These can be combined by using multiple qualifiers separated by commas (and " -"optional whitespace). In this case, all of the qualifiers must be matched; " -"a logical AND is used to combine the evaluations." -msgstr "これらの修飾子はカンマ(空白文字を入れても良いです)で区切って複数並 べることができます。その場合、全ての修飾子が適合する必要があります; 評価する 時に論理ANDでつなげられます。" - -# 5f626efdfd4b432e9eb6c5577aa0b7e6 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:396 -msgid "Let's look at a bunch of examples:" -msgstr "いくつかの例を見てみましょう:" - -# 86615707b83e4405b88317eb310eb2f6 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:399 -msgid "Requires Expression" -msgstr "require式" - -# b77557b35e0a4696b7e229065977919b -# 44ffa074121c4575ad47a644a617aaa9 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:399 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:417 -msgid "Explanation" -msgstr "Explanation" - -# 410a11ee69e743659e3f0b120a1ddd15 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:401 -msgid "``==1.0``" -msgstr "``==1.0``" - -# bbd53e015b74442d923f222b7a47cc34 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:401 -msgid "Only version ``1.0`` is compatible" -msgstr "version ``1.0`` のみが適合します" - -# 50cfd513821540788d4f07362bc272fa -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:403 -msgid "``>1.0, !=1.5.1, <2.0``" -msgstr "``>1.0, !=1.5.1, <2.0``" - -# 3351e291085c4bf28440c2b22730b82c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:403 -msgid "" -"Any version after ``1.0`` and before ``2.0`` is compatible, except ``1.5.1``" -msgstr "``1.5.1`` を除いて、 ``1.0`` より後ろで ``2.0`` より前の全てのバー ジョンに適合します。" - -# ec19d2ac54104725a3f57d761728498f -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:407 -msgid "" -"Now that we can specify dependencies, we also need to be able to specify " -"what we provide that other distributions can require. This is done using " -"the *provides* keyword argument to :func:`setup`. The value for this keyword" -" is a list of strings, each of which names a Python module or package, and " -"optionally identifies the version. If the version is not specified, it is " -"assumed to match that of the distribution." -msgstr "これで、依存を指定することができました。同じように、この配布物が他 の配布物に必要とされる何を提供するのかを指定する必要があります。 これ は、 :func:`setup` の *provide* キーワード引数によって指定できます。 この引 数の値は文字列のリストで、各要素はPythonモジュールかパッケージの名前です。 バージョンを指定することもできます。 もしバージョンが指定されなかった場合、 配布物のバージョン番号が利用されます。" - -# ab4ba7ed882841d68cb3367db3178949 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:414 -msgid "Some examples:" -msgstr "いくつかの例です:" - -# 469996a2977342e0b18d062aa927e981 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:417 -msgid "Provides Expression" -msgstr "provide 式" - -# 488b969a3bcd45ffba12a9d49351aa48 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:419 -msgid "``mypkg``" -msgstr "``mypkg``" - -# b888b1f63aec41c8a37dd5111e7b7cb6 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:419 -msgid "Provide ``mypkg``, using the distribution version" -msgstr "``mypkg`` を提供します。バージョンは配布物のものを使います。" - -# 1469a04864744b8596601cd08e6acfb5 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:422 -msgid "``mypkg (1.1)``" -msgstr "``mypkg (1.1)``" - -# 61dc6fb0de4a4ebbac996e04f704d0e4 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:422 -msgid "Provide ``mypkg`` version 1.1, regardless of the distribution version" -msgstr "``mypkg`` version 1.1 を提供します。配布物のバージョン番号は 気にし ません" - -# 7aae734c12c147679f462eb4b4703567 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:426 -msgid "" -"A package can declare that it obsoletes other packages using the *obsoletes*" -" keyword argument. The value for this is similar to that of the *requires* " -"keyword: a list of strings giving module or package specifiers. Each " -"specifier consists of a module or package name optionally followed by one or" -" more version qualifiers. Version qualifiers are given in parentheses after" -" the module or package name." -msgstr "パッケージは *obsoletes* キーワードを利用することで、他のパッケージ を廃止することを宣言することもできます。 この値は *requires* キーワードと似 ています: モジュールやパッケージを指定する文字列の リストです。各文字列は、 モジュールかパッケージの名前と、オプションとして一つ以上のバージョン 指定か ら構成されています。バージョン指定は、モジュールやパッケージの名前のうしろ に、丸括(parentheses)でかこわれています。" - -# ad5908c2a1bf40f49ce03277d3f75f12 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:433 -msgid "" -"The versions identified by the qualifiers are those that are obsoleted by " -"the distribution being described. If no qualifiers are given, all versions " -"of the named module or package are understood to be obsoleted." -msgstr "指定されたバージョンは、その配布物によって廃止されるバージョンを示 しています。バージョン指定が存在しない場合は、指定された名前のモジュールまた はパッケージの 全てが廃止されたと解釈されます。" - -# 398846f11500429ba729162b85ef72f2 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:440 -msgid "Installing Scripts" -msgstr "スクリプトをインストールする" - -# 77c355214cdc442699697b5426a02247 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:442 -msgid "" -"So far we have been dealing with pure and non-pure Python modules, which are" -" usually not run by themselves but imported by scripts." -msgstr "ここまでは、スクリプトから import され、それ自体では実行されないよ うな pure Python モジュールおよび非 pure Python モジュール について扱ってき ました。" - -# 4e96c15a90c54db99d0a1c6695aa0b39 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:445 -msgid "" -"Scripts are files containing Python source code, intended to be started from" -" the command line. Scripts don't require Distutils to do anything very " -"complicated. The only clever feature is that if the first line of the script" -" starts with ``#!`` and contains the word \"python\", the Distutils will " -"adjust the first line to refer to the current interpreter location. By " -"default, it is replaced with the current interpreter location. The " -":option:`--executable` (or :option:`-e`) option will allow the interpreter " -"path to be explicitly overridden." -msgstr "スクリプトとは、Python ソースコードを含むファイルで、コマンドライン から実行できるよう作られているものです。スクリプトは Distutils に 複雑なこと を一切させません。唯一の気の利いた機能は、スクリプトの最初の行が ``#!`` で始 まっていて、 \"python\" という単語が 入っていた場合、Distutils は最初の行を 現在使っているインタプリタを参照するよう置き換えます。デフォルトでは現在使っ ているインタプリタと 置換しますが、オプション :option:`--executable` (また は :option:`-e`) を指定することで、明示的にインタプリタのパスを指定して上書 きすることができます。" - -# b217ae9f2f9c41e9a91932c5a6f95b54 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:453 -msgid "" -"The :option:`scripts` option simply is a list of files to be handled in this" -" way. From the PyXML setup script::" -msgstr ":option:`scripts` オプションには、単に上で述べた方法で取り扱うべき ファイルのリストを指定するだけです。PyXML の setup スクリプトを例に示しま す::" - -# 8a9038d8cfbc417ea433ea67dcc92780 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:459 -msgid "" -"All the scripts will also be added to the ``MANIFEST`` file if no template " -"is provided. See :ref:`packaging-manifest`." -msgstr "" - -# 8c95dcfe43f042c5badb142f403c6867 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:465 -msgid "Installing Package Data" -msgstr "パッケージデータをインストールする" - -# 36a2fe4fd8634b6d9e0bc541b259184a -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:467 -msgid "" -"Often, additional files need to be installed into a package. These files " -"are often data that's closely related to the package's implementation, or " -"text files containing documentation that might be of interest to programmers" -" using the package. These files are called :dfn:`package data`." -msgstr "しばしばパッケージに追加のファイルをインストールする必要がありま す。このファイルは、パッケージの実装に強く関連したデータや、そのパッケー ジ を使うプログラマーが必要とするドキュメントなどです。これらのファイル を :dfn:`パッケージデータ` と呼びます。" - -# bacf6c9046a04dcd9c4503fc40c87432 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:472 -msgid "" -"Package data can be added to packages using the ``package_data`` keyword " -"argument to the :func:`setup` function. The value must be a mapping from " -"package name to a list of relative path names that should be copied into the" -" package. The paths are interpreted as relative to the directory containing" -" the package (information from the ``package_dir`` mapping is used if " -"appropriate); that is, the files are expected to be part of the package in " -"the source directories. They may contain glob patterns as well." -msgstr "パッケージデータは関数 :func:`setup` にキーワード引数 ``package_data`` を与えることで追加できます。 この値はパッケージ名から、パッ ケージへコピーされる相対パス名リストへのマップである必要があります。それぞれ のパスは対応するパッケージが含まれ るディレクトリ(もし適切なら ``package_dir`` のマッピングが利用されます)からの相対パスとして扱われます。 つまり、ファイルはソースディレクト リ中にパッケージの一部として存在すると仮 定されています。この値にはグロブパターンを含むことができます。" - -# 0173406e08f14186953fa455f5b7e210 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:480 -msgid "" -"The path names may contain directory portions; any necessary directories " -"will be created in the installation." -msgstr "パス名にはディレクトリ部分を含むことができます。必要なディレクトリ はインストール時に作成されます。" - -# 94dda3b266ef4348b35fd272e1332cff -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:483 -msgid "" -"For example, if a package should contain a subdirectory with several data " -"files, the files can be arranged like this in the source tree::" -msgstr "たとえば、パッケージがいくつかのデータファイルを含むサブディレクト リを含んでいる場合、ソースツリーでは以下のように配置できます::" - -# 9fd698ac1a2c4607b2add8c11995b64c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:496 -msgid "The corresponding call to :func:`setup` might be::" -msgstr "対応する :func:`setup` 呼び出しは以下のようになります::" - -# 13795ad5799b4a40b7d9582d803403db -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:504 -msgid "" -"All the files that match ``package_data`` will be added to the ``MANIFEST`` " -"file if no template is provided. See :ref:`packaging-manifest`." -msgstr "" - -# 2f6212d8afec459e9eaee09ff668bccb -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:511 -msgid "Installing Additional Files" -msgstr "追加のファイルをインストールする" - -# 768559ac231f4a109ea7cae638dbe0aa -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:513 -msgid "" -"The :option:`data_files` option can be used to specify additional files " -"needed by the module distribution: configuration files, message catalogs, " -"data files, anything which doesn't fit in the previous categories." -msgstr ":option:`data_files` オプションを使うと、モジュール配布物で必要な追 加のファイル: 設定ファイル、メッセージカタログ、データファイル、 その他これ まで述べてきたカテゴリに収まらない全てのファイルを指定できます。" - -# 32ae7a9113014dda9ac2417ddc9ae0d4 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:517 -msgid "" -":option:`data_files` specifies a sequence of (*directory*, *files*) pairs in" -" the following way::" -msgstr ":option:`data_files` には、(*directory*, *files*) のペアを以下のよ うに指定します::" - -# 72f7330e83574648ad0c421ad4e080ff -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:525 -msgid "" -"Note that you can specify the directory names where the data files will be " -"installed, but you cannot rename the data files themselves." -msgstr "データファイルのインストール先ディレクトリ名は指定できますが、デー タファイル自体の名前の変更はできないので注意してください。" - -# 584ee43fba014381a440b8d94deb3231 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:528 -msgid "" -"Each (*directory*, *files*) pair in the sequence specifies the installation " -"directory and the files to install there. If *directory* is a relative " -"path, it is interpreted relative to the installation prefix (Python's " -"``sys.prefix`` for pure-Python packages, ``sys.exec_prefix`` for packages " -"that contain extension modules). Each file name in *files* is interpreted " -"relative to the :file:`` script at the top of the package source " -"distribution. No directory information from *files* is used to determine " -"the final location of the installed file; only the name of the file is used." -msgstr "各々の (*directory*, *files*) ペアには、インストール先のディレクト リ名と、そのディレクトリにインストールしたいファイルを 指定します。 *directory* が相対パスの場合、インストールプレフィクス (installation prefix、 pure Python パッケージなら ``sys.prefix`` 、拡張モジュールの入った パッケージなら ``sys.exec_prefix``) からの相対パスと解釈されます。 *files* 内の各ファイル名は、パッケージソースコード配布物の最上階層 の、 :file:`` のあるディレクトリからの相対パスと 解釈されます。 *files* に書かれたディレクトリ情報は、ファイルを最終的にどこにインストールす るかを決めるときには使われません; ファイルの名前だけが使われます。" - -# 01261356f0184f508d510b93130ea193 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:537 -msgid "" -"You can specify the :option:`data_files` options as a simple sequence of " -"files without specifying a target directory, but this is not recommended, " -"and the :command:`install_dist` command will print a warning in this case. " -"To install data files directly in the target directory, an empty string " -"should be given as the directory." -msgstr ":option:`data_files` オプションは、ターゲットディレクトリを指定せず に、 単にファイルの列を指定できます。しかし、このやり方は推奨されておらず、 指定すると :command:`install_dist` コマンドが警告を出力します。 ターゲットデ ィレクトリにデータファイルを直接インストールしたいなら、ディレクトリ名として 空文字列を指定してください。" - -# 52f3e6dbad1048b7b4d3684de04bfd8f -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:543 -msgid "" -"All the files that match ``data_files`` will be added to the ``MANIFEST`` " -"file if no template is provided. See :ref:`packaging-manifest`." -msgstr "" - -# 014a354e1d5747268eaf26d30629ff44 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:551 -msgid "Metadata reference" -msgstr "" - -# 2078d22e8ced46bb83391bfda1e86c8f -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:553 -msgid "" -"The setup script may include additional metadata beyond the name and " -"version. This table describes required and additional information:" -msgstr "" - -# 83a924ef0b3c4577b3edd00ceb748371 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:560 -msgid "Meta-Data" -msgstr "" - -# d2ed17eec5f74ba782fdf46613d9d87f -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:560 -msgid "Value" -msgstr "``値``" - -# 08f001912794469493ff31d79cc84cf7 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:562 -msgid "``name``" -msgstr "``name``" - -# a8ae06ee60b942509dfb161088fd7b74 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:562 -msgid "name of the project" -msgstr "プロジェクト名" - -# dd6ebfa8ccae448294f73126763d273e -# 7df34d5a5a444f498c960bba82a26618 -# 7f8986133fef48ea97f8c447175f6582 -# a736cb3f1e6841b9be0cd19bcbc73079 -# d8205373a1eb431fb8f77d03178b1735 -# 52774d79f340453993bf8ee4488c0d53 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:562 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:564 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:566 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:571 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:578 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:591 -msgid "short string" -msgstr "短い文字列" - -# e2e69ac5c64a4711bdeaeea94aceed4f -# 4fabf5ee0c714492bc5922abdff4b7ea -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:562 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:576 -msgid "\\(1)" -msgstr "\\(1)" - -# 867bd1317f9c498a8b38f86b8a5a6c36 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:564 -msgid "``version``" -msgstr "``version``" - -# c1f87ef80cba4ef4a6e467204950d3a3 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:564 -msgid "version of this release" -msgstr "リリースのバージョン" - -# f7c184372db64afda9851e6f767e3154 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:564 -msgid "(1)(2)" -msgstr "" - -# 1863ae172d4c4cc1948c37abbe5a328c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:566 -msgid "``author``" -msgstr "``author``" - -# 3e9ad996c32f435ca3e2c1b3cee79962 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:566 -msgid "project author's name" -msgstr "プロジェクト作者名" - -# 38135059bd2641d88651bbfa0e2cbb60 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:568 -msgid "``author_email``" -msgstr "``author_email``" - -# 4cd0997fc0ca4714b46fc61910af5e49 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:568 -msgid "email address of the project author" -msgstr "プロジェクト作者の電子メールアドレス" - -# 120654bcdacb4f61a53bba5933bd3d21 -# b2e718d1243545c680f2a97d78860a63 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:568 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:573 -msgid "email address" -msgstr "電子メールアドレス" - -# bdf12a4ad6f04d3e89e47e14eff9e275 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:571 -msgid "``maintainer``" -msgstr "``maintainer``" - -# 4134c681da074d1186e8fd4c7e0c6586 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:571 -msgid "project maintainer's name" -msgstr "プロジェクトメンテナンス担当者の名前" - -# 64a66308acdf4ca1b08f9144360e6cdf -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:573 -msgid "``maintainer_email``" -msgstr "``maintainer_email``" - -# 606351f69ff44022b6fbf4b819ccf30c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:573 -msgid "email address of the project maintainer" -msgstr "プロジェクトメンテナンス担当者の電子メールアドレス" - -# bbf645846b6e40999f5e9738a6fc9017 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:576 -msgid "``home_page``" -msgstr "``home_page``" - -# e32e7fa39cd44dbc87393b80d6db6ebe -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:576 -msgid "home page for the project" -msgstr "プロジェクトのホームページ" - -# 13e7b7f8961f4100825f3f93dca08d7c -# f9da84ca3846404e95248b823c55be6c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:576 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:584 -msgid "URL" -msgstr "URL" - -# e529cab743dd4bd48cb06c81d1a03e5c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:578 -msgid "``summary``" -msgstr "``summary``" - -# 94d726e4e784427ba513276c257252d0 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:578 -msgid "short description of the project" -msgstr "プロジェクトについての簡潔な概要説明" - -# 620aeb31495d4dc8b243b0e4c3827d67 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:581 -msgid "``description``" -msgstr "``description``" - -# 2172db096f174995a46c6eafa8211805 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:581 -msgid "longer description of the project" -msgstr "プロジェクトについての詳細な説明" - -# 4f307da9c88e49e8b2ce9a6ab87995e9 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:581 -msgid "long string" -msgstr "長い文字列" - -# dbf9919736d445f19beefc88e4d648a3 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:581 -msgid "\\(5)" -msgstr "\\(5)" - -# 5a3feaa3806f40c48496539acd4da0e6 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:584 -msgid "``download_url``" -msgstr "``download_url``" - -# 4d463231060e4876b46e85741bb8a7a0 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:584 -msgid "location where the project may be downloaded" -msgstr "プロジェクトをダウンロードできる場所" - -# e23b0c022df24446b3dc1dac5f5225c2 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:587 -msgid "``classifiers``" -msgstr "``classifiers``" - -# 165ba2268c6f475980aae7866a816ccb -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:587 -msgid "a list of classifiers" -msgstr "分類語のリスト" - -# fe7d3870eb414df694916a64d47f3e8f -# 1f4b55c83cb94bdf88c4588141542a1d -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:587 ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:589 -msgid "list of strings" -msgstr "文字列からなるリスト" - -# a103d80593ca44e7a488b0694ebc56d7 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:589 -msgid "``platforms``" -msgstr "``platforms``" - -# cbf2f330432742bca5eb7358bd06563c -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:589 -msgid "a list of platforms" -msgstr "プラットフォームのリスト" - -# 55484382919f48ea8ba2363c09cca592 -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:591 -msgid "``license``" -msgstr "``license``" - -# f9474bb4b2134907b57107b25b2f329b -#: ../../packaging/setupscript.rst:591 -msgid "license for the release" -msgstr "リリースのライセンス" - -# 115ac36eda9c4c4492952c7f5298b859 ***The diff for this file has been truncated for email.*** ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/sourcedist.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,513 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# e4f17250e6e24d719d32054eeddfcc14 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:5 -msgid "Creating a Source Distribution" -msgstr "Creating a Source Distribution" - -# 73a94b1c2ccb4b30b8da4eb00d1b64e3 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:7 -msgid "" -"As shown in section :ref:`packaging-simple-example`, you use the " -":command:`sdist` command to create a source distribution. In the simplest " -"case, ::" -msgstr ":ref:`packaging-simple-example` 節で示したように、ソースコード配布 物を作成するには :command:`sdist` コマンドを使います。最も単純な例では、 ::" - -# b23fd319d1324976be62446bf4fa0605 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:12 -msgid "" -"(assuming you haven't specified any :command:`sdist` options in the setup " -"script or config file), :command:`sdist` creates the archive of the default " -"format for the current platform. The default format is a gzip'ed tar file " -"(:file:`.tar.gz`) on Unix, and ZIP file on Windows." -msgstr "のようにします (ここでは、 :command:`sdist` に関するオプションを setup スクリプトや設定ファイル中で行っていないものと仮定します )。 :command:`sdist` は、現在のプラットフォームでのデフォルトのアーカイブ形 式でアーカイブを生成します。デフォルトの形式は Unixでは gzip で圧縮された tar ファイル形式 (:file:`.tar.gz`) で、Windows では ZIP 形式です。" - -# 64203066e55e4602a470a0621dcace9e -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:17 -msgid "" -"You can specify as many formats as you like using the :option:`--formats` " -"option, for example::" -msgstr ":option:`--formats` オプションを使えば、好きなだけ圧縮形式を指定で きます。例えば::" - -# 4517db916ae44895a8359ae57f7223f4 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:22 -msgid "" -"to create a gzipped tarball and a zip file. The available formats are:" -msgstr "は、gzip された tarball と zip ファイルを作成します。利用可能な形式 は以下の通りです:" - -# 4f02f2fcf3ec40da8f157acb005f5813 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:29 -msgid "gzip'ed tar file (:file:`.tar.gz`)" -msgstr "gzip 圧縮された tar ファイル (:file:`.tar.gz`)" - -# 7c43aba4217048f9a8380957470fe09e -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:29 -msgid "\\(2)" -msgstr "\\(2)" - -# 4d45f99c4fa74039ad103bad5f9b6c0b -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:32 -msgid "``bztar``" -msgstr "``bztar``" - -# 1fd71d4f08d642b0a2abd99ed661a1c6 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:32 -msgid "bzip2'ed tar file (:file:`.tar.bz2`)" -msgstr "bzip2 圧縮された tar ファイル (:file:`.tar.bz2`)" - -# c45f9a322bd44735bd6b93639e41184e -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:50 -msgid "" -"When using any ``tar`` format (``gztar``, ``bztar`` or ``tar``) under Unix, " -"you can specify the ``owner`` and ``group`` names that will be set for each " -"member of the archive." -msgstr "``tar`` フォーマットのどれか (``gztar``, ``bztar``, ``tar``) を Unix で利用する時、 アーカイブ内の各メンバに設定される ``owner`` と ``group`` 名を指定することができます。" - -# 532031a56dbb4694a1951dfc84eee8fd -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:54 -msgid "" -"For example, if you want all files of the archive to be owned by root::" -msgstr "例えば、アーカイブ内の全てのファイルの所有者を root にするには、次 のようにします。 ::" - -# 4b34a1c2191d4feb82e1f51190fc52c6 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:62 -msgid "Specifying the files to distribute" -msgstr "配布するファイルを指定する" - -# fde9121c1a1a476d871b22df81d1c1d5 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:64 -msgid "" -"If you don't supply an explicit list of files (or instructions on how to " -"generate one), the :command:`sdist` command puts a minimal default set into " -"the source distribution:" -msgstr "明確なファイルのリスト (またはファイルリストを生成する方法) を明示 的に与えなかった場合、 :command:`sdist` コマンドはソース配布物に以下のような 最小のデフォルトのセットを含めます:" - -# 6bbe46a6f7d24971ad1fcd4ff16afdc1 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:68 -msgid "" -"all Python source files implied by the :option:`py_modules` and " -":option:`packages` options" -msgstr ":option:`py_modules` と :option:`packages` オプションに指定された Python ソースファイル全て" - -# 6029ee55dc0146a496b89c3bd69fa123 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:71 -msgid "" -"all C source files mentioned in the :option:`ext_modules` or " -":option:`libraries` options" -msgstr ":option:`ext_modules` や :option:`libraries` オプションに記載され た C ソースファイル" - -# 0a4c5a0bc3864421b9c98c4c4769e2c2 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:74 -msgid "" -"scripts identified by the :option:`scripts` option See :ref:`packaging-" -"installing-scripts`." -msgstr ":option:`scripts` オプションで指定されたスクリプ ト。 :ref:`packaging-installing-scripts` を参照してください。" - -# 3c8373e7cf0743fdbf249531cc675f80 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:77 -msgid "" -"anything that looks like a test script: :file:`test/test\\*.py` (currently, " -"the Packaging don't do anything with test scripts except include them in " -"source distributions, but in the future there will be a standard for testing" -" Python module distributions)" -msgstr "テストスクリプトと思しきファイル全て: :file:`test/test\\*.py` (現状 では、Packaging はテストスクリプトをただソース配布物に含めるだけですが、将来 は Python モジュール配布物に対するテスト標準ができるかもしれません)" - -# 575ff56c5f8c4ddb837ffb386d505681 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:82 -msgid "the configuration file :file:`setup.cfg`" -msgstr "" - -# 7369b64daac44bfeab71835c028b9a1b -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:84 -msgid "" -"all files that matches the ``package_data`` metadata. See :ref:`packaging-" -"installing-package-data`." -msgstr "``package_data`` メタデータにマッチする全てのファイ ル。 :ref:`packaging-installing-package-data` を参照してください。" - -# f2a0fa3f1f7848a2893d1c015cf92ebe -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:87 -msgid "" -"all files that matches the ``data_files`` metadata. See :ref:`packaging-" -"additional-files`." -msgstr "``data_files`` メタデータにマッチする全てのファイ ル。 :ref:`packaging-additional-files` を参照してください。" - -# 562b1d79220d47cd8038d84bec4258fd -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:90 -msgid "" -"Contrary to Distutils, :file:`README` (or :file:`README.txt`) and " -":file:`` are not included by default." -msgstr "" - -# 7b3e5d5428e94b6aa5a48906e9d7c20b -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:93 -msgid "" -"Sometimes this is enough, but usually you will want to specify additional " -"files to distribute. The typical way to do this is to write a *manifest " -"template*, called :file:`` by default. The manifest template is " -"just a list of instructions for how to generate your manifest file, " -":file:`MANIFEST`, which is the exact list of files to include in your source" -" distribution. The :command:`sdist` command processes this template and " -"generates a manifest based on its instructions and what it finds in the " -"filesystem." -msgstr "上記のセットで十分なこともありますが、大抵他のファイルを配布物に含 めたいと思うでしょう。普通は、 :file:`` と呼ばれる *マニフェスト テンプレート (manifest template)* を使ってこれを行います。マニフェストテンプ レートは、ソース配布物に 含めるファイルの正確なリストであるマニフェストファ イル :file:`MANIFEST` をどうやって作成するか指示しているリストで す。 :command:`sdist` コマンドはこのテンプレートを処理し、書かれた指示とファ イルシステム上に見つかったファイルに基づいて マニフェストファイルを作成しま す。" - -# 2cb5ab37bf614d06a470cdd5d9d94f8b -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:101 -msgid "" -"If you prefer to roll your own manifest file, the format is simple: one " -"filename per line, regular files (or symlinks to them) only. If you do " -"supply your own :file:`MANIFEST`, you must specify everything: the default " -"set of files described above does not apply in this case." -msgstr "自分用のマニフェストファイルを書きたいなら、その形式は簡単です: 一 行あたり一つの通常ファイル (または通常ファイルに対するシンボリックリンク) だ けを書きます。自分で :file:`MANIFEST` を提供する場合、全てを自分で指定しなけ ればなりません: ただし、上で説明したデフォルトのファイルセットは、この中には 含まれません。" - -# 02ebe79a13f74a0c8965a2dcc45a9a36 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:106 -msgid "" -":file:`MANIFEST` files start with a comment indicating they are generated. " -"Files without this comment are not overwritten or removed." -msgstr "" - -# c4bbea2f52714fb8a9831f92be4d92f5 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:109 -msgid "See :ref:`packaging-manifest-template` section for a syntax reference." -msgstr "シンタックスリファレンスは :ref:`packaging-manifest-template` を参 照してください。" - -# 70fcefba9e96462893166a5728f54918 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:115 -msgid "Manifest-related options" -msgstr "" - -# 4904c96bc639475789f60ac0f0599407 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:117 -msgid "" -"The normal course of operations for the :command:`sdist` command is as " -"follows:" -msgstr ":command:`sdist` コマンドが通常行う処理の流れは、以下のようになって います:" - -# b87daee728694352ac32c62fd3771586 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:119 -msgid "" -"if the manifest file, :file:`MANIFEST` doesn't exist, read " -":file:`` and create the manifest" -msgstr "マニフェストファイル :file:`MANIFEST` が存在しなけれ ば、 :file:`` を読み込んでマニフェストファイルを作成します" - -# f50edef8b8344f1896e58c6122355f19 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:122 -msgid "" -"if neither :file:`MANIFEST` nor :file:`` exist, create a manifest" -" with just the default file set" -msgstr ":file:`MANIFEST` も :file:`` もなければ、デフォルトのフ ァイルセット だけでできたマニフェストファイルを作成します" - -# 1f4690fe4a3d4379be09d1cf62a7c915 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:125 -msgid "" -"if either :file:`` or the setup script (:file:``) are " -"more recent than :file:`MANIFEST`, recreate :file:`MANIFEST` by reading " -":file:``" -msgstr ":file:`` か :file:`` が :file:`MANIFEST` より新 しければ、 :file:`` を読み込んで :file:`MANIFEST` を再生成しま す。" - -# 01aeb2144e214a4db8ad0b8d4c83e3e5 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:129 -msgid "" -"use the list of files now in :file:`MANIFEST` (either just generated or read" -" in) to create the source distribution archive(s)" -msgstr "(生成されたか、読み出された) :file:`MANIFEST` 内にあるファイルのリ ストを使って ソース配布物アーカイブを作成します" - -# 3bda5050b7b8487fbe556b7687b3e92d -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:132 -msgid "" -"There are a couple of options that modify this behaviour. First, use the " -":option:`--no-defaults` and :option:`--no-prune` to disable the standard " -"\"include\" and \"exclude\" sets." -msgstr "上の動作は二種類のオプションを使って変更できます。 まず、標準の \"include\" および \"exclude\" セットを無効化するに は :option:`--no-defaults` および :option:`--no-prune` を使います。" - -# ce980d5f56854f9bb0e876fd8c14e1fe -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:136 -msgid "" -"Second, you might just want to (re)generate the manifest, but not create a " -"source distribution::" -msgstr "第2に、単にマニフェストを (再)生成したいだけで、ソース配布物は作成 したくない 場合があるかもしれません::" - -# 0e4a3335541d4f769f3224db634daf2d -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:141 -msgid ":option:`-o` is a shortcut for :option:`--manifest-only`." -msgstr ":option:`-o` は :option:`--manifest-only` のショートカットです。" - -# b76bd02504f94410bd72cddb9b425547 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:147 -msgid "The template" -msgstr " テンプレート" - -# 5c7ad93583fb473cbfedeeb30df16ec9 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:149 -msgid "" -"A :file:`` file can be added in a project to define the list of " -"files to include in the distribution built by the :command:`sdist` command." -msgstr ":command:`sdist` コマンドがビルドする配布物に含めるファイルのリスト を定義するために、 プロジェクトに :file:`` ファイルを追加すること ができます。" - -# 95a3497039704fb4b22cfef21246513d -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:152 -msgid "" -"When :command:`sdist` is run, it will look for the :file:`` file " -"and interpret it to generate the :file:`MANIFEST` file that contains the " -"list of files that will be included in the package." -msgstr ":command:`sdist` が実行された時、 :file:`` ファイルを探 して、 それを解釈して、パッケージに含めるファイルのリストを含ん だ :file:`MANIFEST` ファイルを生成します。" - -# 191fdf4ab7fc452480c186a46d26e263 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:156 -msgid "" -"This mechanism can be used when the default list of files is not enough. " -"(See :ref:`packaging-manifest`)." -msgstr "This mechanism can be used when the default list of files is not enough. (See :ref:`packaging-manifest`). この機構は、デフォルトのファイルリ ストが十分でないときに利用できます。 (:ref:`manifest` を参照)" - -# e366c03f0ca244f99b6e78f29707ff82 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:160 -msgid "Principle" -msgstr "原則" - -# a13f93c4acf14e9382d892d013b4bab8 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:162 -msgid "" -"The manifest template has one command per line, where each command specifies" -" a set of files to include or exclude from the source distribution. For an " -"example, let's look at the Packaging' own manifest template::" -msgstr "マニフェストテンプレートには一行あたり一つのコマンドがあります。 各 コマンドはソース配布物に入れたり配布物から除外したりするファイルのセットを指 定します。 例えば、Packaging 自体のマニフェストテンプレートを見てみましょ う::" - -# 206e29302c5b47b098d3e93c0b3a6250 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:170 -msgid "" -"The meanings should be fairly clear: include all files in the distribution " -"root matching :file:`\\*.txt`, all files anywhere under the :file:`examples`" -" directory matching :file:`\\*.txt` or :file:`\\*.py`, and exclude all " -"directories matching :file:`examples/sample?/build`. All of this is done " -"*after* the standard include set, so you can exclude files from the standard" -" set with explicit instructions in the manifest template. (Or, you can use " -"the :option:`--no-defaults` option to disable the standard set entirely.)" -msgstr "各行はかなり明確に意味を取れるはずです: 上の指定では、 ``*.txt`` に マッチする配布物ルート下の全てのファイル、 :file:`examples` ディレクトリ下に ある ``*.txt`` か ``*.py`` にマッチする全てのファイルを含め、 ``examples/sample?/build`` にマッチする全てのファイルを除外します。これらの 処理はすべて、標準的に含められるファイルセットの評価よりも *後に* 行われるの で、マニフェストテンプレートに明示的に指示をしておけば、標準セット中のファイ ルも除外できます。 (:option:`--no-defaults` オプションを設定して、標準セット 自体を無効にもできます。)" - -# ac674a8a0b7746f7a28aca028b5864ac -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:178 -msgid "" -"The order of commands in the manifest template matters: initially, we have " -"the list of default files as described above, and each command in the " -"template adds to or removes from that list of files. Once we have fully " -"processed the manifest template, we remove files that should not be included" -" in the source distribution:" -msgstr "マニフェストテンプレート中のコマンドの順番には意味があります; 初期 状態では、上で述べたようなデフォルトのファイルがあり、 テンプレート中の各コ マンドによって、逐次ファイルを追加したり除去したりしていいます。マニフェスト テンプレートを完全に 処理し終えたら、ソース配布物中に含めるべきでない以下の ファイルをリストから除去します:" - -# 40e3469119fe401a83fe069b802fac5d -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:184 -msgid "all files in the Packaging \"build\" tree (default :file:`build/`)" -msgstr "Packaging の \"build\" (デフォルトの名前は :file:`build`) ツリー下 にある全てのファイル" - -# 8a1b2a6444b2410d8ca46988cde7b4aa -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:186 -msgid "" -"all files in directories named :file:`RCS`, :file:`CVS`, :file:`.svn`, " -":file:`.hg`, :file:`.git`, :file:`.bzr` or :file:`_darcs`" -msgstr ":file:`RCS`, :file:`CVS`, :file:`.svn`, :file:`.hg`, :file:`.git`, :file:`.bzr`, :file:`_darcs` と いった名前のディレクトリ下にある全てのファイル" - -# 16121c58a47c4810a091d40d53376528 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:189 -msgid "" -"Now we have our complete list of files, which is written to the manifest for" -" future reference, and then used to build the source distribution " -"archive(s)." -msgstr "こうして完全なファイルのリストができ、後で参照するためにマニフェス トに書き込まれます。この内容は、ソース配布物のアーカイブを作成する際に使われ ます。" - -# 62163b42075143cd8f9a483b51e4a8a3 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:192 -msgid "" -"You can disable the default set of included files with the :option:`--no-" -"defaults` option, and you can disable the standard exclude set with :option" -":`--no-prune`." -msgstr "含めるファイルのデフォルトセットは :option:`--no-defaults` で無効化 でき、標準で除外するセットは :option:`--no-prune` で無効化できます。" - -# d9fece8c351641d381e93933014dc39a -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:196 -msgid "" -"Following the Packaging' own manifest template, let's trace how the " -":command:`sdist` command builds the list of files to include in the " -"Packaging source distribution:" -msgstr "Packaging 自体のマニフェストテンプレートから、 :command:`sdist` コ マンドがどのようにして Packaging ソース配布物に含めるファイルのリストを作成 するか見てみましょう:" - -# 5929be9f6ac740228f4f625e741462ad -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:200 -msgid "" -"include all Python source files in the :file:`packaging` and " -":file:`packaging/command` subdirectories (because packages corresponding to " -"those two directories were mentioned in the :option:`packages` option in the" -" setup script---see section :ref:`packaging-setup-script`)" -msgstr ":file:`packaging` ディレクトリ、および :file:`packaging/command` サ ブディレクトリの下にある全ての Python ソースファイルを含めます (これらの二つ のディレクトリが、setup スクリプト下の :option:`packages` オプションに記載さ れているからです --- :ref:`packaging-setup-script` を参照してください)" - -# 3a2bab9003524ffaa555c7a3874a5ffe -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:205 -msgid "" -"include :file:`README.txt`, :file:``, and :file:`setup.cfg` " -"(standard files)" -msgstr ":file:`README.txt`, :file:``, および :file:`setup.cfg` (標 準のファイルセット) を含めます" - -# 4a9a32c15d324c17826e26c5eb5552fd -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:208 -msgid "include :file:`test/test\\*.py` (standard files)" -msgstr ":file:`test/test\\*.py` (標準のファイルセット) を含めます" - -# 05b4a628462649768825fafffb16a5a1 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:210 -msgid "" -"include :file:`\\*.txt` in the distribution root (this will find " -":file:`README.txt` a second time, but such redundancies are weeded out " -"later)" -msgstr "配布物ルート下の :file:`\\*.txt` を含めます (この処理 で、 :file:`README.txt` がもう一度見つかりますが、こうした冗長性は後で刈り取 られます)" - -# b18fc3fd53e2453baf59cda617c53149 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:213 -msgid "" -"include anything matching :file:`\\*.txt` or :file:`\\*.py` in the sub-tree " -"under :file:`examples`," -msgstr ":file:`examples` 下にあるサブツリー内で :file:`\\*.txt` また は :file:`\\*.py` にマッチする全てのファイルを含めます" - -# 8aa3ba11b02c441b9394ba50d319c949 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:216 -msgid "" -"exclude all files in the sub-trees starting at directories matching " -":file:`examples/sample?/build`\\ ---this may exclude files included by the " -"previous two steps, so it's important that the ``prune`` command in the " -"manifest template comes after the ``recursive-include`` command" -msgstr "ディレクトリ名が :file:`examples/sample?/build` にマッチする ディレ クトリ以下のサブツリー内にあるファイル全てを除外します--- この操作によって、 上の二つのステップでリストに含められたファイルが 除外されることがあるので、 マニフェストテンプレート内では ``recursive-include`` コマンドの後に ``prune`` コマンドを 持ってくることが重要です" - -# a72c8c62d67541f0b6aaf9f79987c8c5 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:221 -msgid "" -"exclude the entire :file:`build` tree, and any :file:`RCS`, :file:`CVS`, " -":file:`.svn`, :file:`.hg`, :file:`.git`, :file:`.bzr` and :file:`_darcs` " -"directories" -msgstr ":file:`build` ツリー全体、およ び :file:`RCS`, :file:`CVS`, :file:`.svn`, :file:`.hg`, :file:`.git`, :file:`.bzr`, :file:`_darcs` ディレクトリ全てを除外します。" - -# 9ffd3026c22448898bae88ab955c4ca7 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:225 -msgid "" -"Just like in the setup script, file and directory names in the manifest " -"template should always be slash-separated; the Packaging will take care of " -"converting them to the standard representation on your platform. That way, " -"the manifest template is portable across operating systems." -msgstr "setup スクリプトと同様、マニフェストテンプレート中のディレクトリ名 は常にスラッシュ区切りで表記します; Packaging は、こうしたディレクトリ 名を 注意深くプラットフォームでの標準的な表現に変換します。このため、マニフェスト テンプレートは複数のオペレーティングシステムにわたって可搬性を持ちます。" - -# 93fafe60f07d431ba4b0d06249a43999 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:231 -msgid "Commands" -msgstr "コマンド" - -# 53c880691f1548428ecd1d605c793650 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:233 -msgid "The manifest template commands are:" -msgstr "マニフェストテンプレートコマンド一覧:" - -# 2af7638b0c8147aea6de854d8e3fd2a1 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:238 -msgid ":command:`include pat1 pat2 ...`" -msgstr ":command:`include pat1 pat2 ...`" - -# 7c35eca1da8f47d89730ec72452a7e4a -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:238 -msgid "include all files matching any of the listed patterns" -msgstr "リストされたパターンのどれかにマッチする全て のファイルを含める" - -# 2e3689b7a8a541cd85e2bf82ac80dc0a -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:241 -msgid ":command:`exclude pat1 pat2 ...`" -msgstr ":command:`exclude pat1 pat2 ...`" - -# 3ceb203e230947748c450af617eb21b4 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:241 -msgid "exclude all files matching any of the listed patterns" -msgstr "リストされたパターンのどれかにマッチする全て のファイルを除外する" - -# 561835966f69466db1b63b7536b47673 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:244 -msgid ":command:`recursive-include dir pat1 pat2 ...`" -msgstr ":command:`recursive-include dir pat1 pat2 ...`" - -# cc608da9b15f4c0abb63d689058eec1a -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:244 -msgid "include all files under *dir* matching any of the listed patterns" -msgstr "*dir* 配下の、リストされたパターンのどれかに マッチする全てのファイ ルを含める" - -# 5837a9e817ea464c96d3a45548f66b9f -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:247 -msgid ":command:`recursive-exclude dir pat1 pat2 ...`" -msgstr ":command:`recursive-exclude dir pat1 pat2 ...`" - -# 2eac168e59c544c4824f72736e4ffdc0 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:247 -msgid "exclude all files under *dir* matching any of the listed patterns" -msgstr "*dir* 配下の、リストされたパターンのどれかに マッチする全てのファイ ルを除外する" - -# 492107c5d8a44ab3abfcac5e48e561ad -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:250 -msgid ":command:`global-include pat1 pat2 ...`" -msgstr "" - -# eb62dec7976a4afcabecc23cb24bc983 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:250 -msgid "" -"include all files anywhere in the source tree matching --- & any of the " -"listed patterns" -msgstr "ソースツリー内にある、リストされたパターンの どれかにマッチする全て のファイルを含める" - -# f9cbd40e96b54475b54462ace750e4c7 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:253 -msgid ":command:`global-exclude pat1 pat2 ...`" -msgstr "" - -# 0738e79cf1a94d9fa955152706801b34 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:253 -msgid "" -"exclude all files anywhere in the source tree matching --- & any of the " -"listed patterns" -msgstr "ソースツリー内にある、リストされたパターンの どれかにマッチする全て のファイルを除外する" - -# 2228d1edcd66407eb86ba4e6d0ebbf69 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:256 -msgid ":command:`prune dir`" -msgstr ":command:`prune dir`" - -# 3d56cfba50fb4ae3949e322046907cd2 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:256 -msgid "exclude all files under *dir*" -msgstr "*dir* 配下の全てのファイルを除外する" - -# f5be9908d0f0496ba151240bb55ca6bf -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:258 -msgid ":command:`graft dir`" -msgstr ":command:`graft dir`" - -# ef46d27794ff4d66ad9cf7cc8aab4fd7 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:258 -msgid "include all files under *dir*" -msgstr "*dir* 配下の全てのファイルを含める" - -# b9eb2b7e32fc45e882f7a5daf387ce75 -#: ../../packaging/sourcedist.rst:261 -msgid "" -"The patterns here are Unix-style \"glob\" patterns: ``*`` matches any " -"sequence of regular filename characters, ``?`` matches any single regular " -"filename character, and ``[range]`` matches any of the characters in *range*" -" (e.g., ``a-z``, ``a-zA-Z``, ``a-f0-9_.``). The definition of \"regular " -"filename character\" is platform-specific: on Unix it is anything except " -"slash; on Windows anything except backslash or colon." -msgstr "ここで使うパターンは、 Unix スタイルの \"glob\" パターンです。 ``*`` は通常のファイル名文字の任意のシーケンスにマッチします。 ``?`` は通常 のファイル名文字の1文字にマッチします。 ``[range]`` は *range* に含まれる全 ての文字にマッチします (例: ``a-z``, ``a-zA-Z``, ``a-f0-9_.``) 通常のファイ ル名文字は、プラットフォーム依存になります。 Unix ではスラッシュ以外の全ての 文字で、 Windows ではコロンとバックスラッシュ以外の全ての文字です。" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/tutorial.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,118 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# c54228d654f74aa6a32b2a6c25c295c0 -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:3 -msgid "Packaging tutorial" -msgstr "" - -# ca457a432f2a45108ee2cd07f2d5c8d6 -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:5 -msgid "" -"Welcome to the Packaging tutorial! We will learn how to use Packaging to " -"package your project." -msgstr "" - -# 517e5a3168f5446c8af492a3dd2b893e -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:12 -msgid "Getting started" -msgstr "" - -# 903ed4390bf448e29aee2cea0910003d -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:14 -msgid "" -"Packaging works with the *setup.cfg* file. It contains all the metadata for " -"your project, as defined in PEP 345, but also declare what your project " -"contains." -msgstr "" - -# 6b9e12d293234d9fb2581e5a8486b4df -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:18 -msgid "" -"Let's say you have a project called *CLVault* containing one package called " -"*clvault*, and a few scripts inside. You can use the *pysetup* script to " -"create a *setup.cfg* file for the project. The script will ask you a few " -"questions::" -msgstr "" - -# d1c18cf080cb4874b76bd058e09fd034 -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:58 -msgid "" -"A setup.cfg file is created, containing the metadata of your project and the" -" list of the packages it contains::" -msgstr "" - -# e2bb8dcf87b446d28903d88d65af8638 -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:77 -msgid "" -"Our project will depend on the *keyring* project. Let's add it in the " -"[metadata] section::" -msgstr "" - -# c972ff2a6cfa4fc4804b33ee115068ba -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:87 -msgid "Running commands" -msgstr "" - -# 5f47711055194275b91f871904808a0f -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:89 -msgid "" -"You can run useful commands on your project once the setup.cfg file is " -"ready:" -msgstr "" - -# cce82f599e6042dea8dfe14fd1aee6c3 -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:91 -msgid "sdist: creates a source distribution" -msgstr "" - -# 53e4798a280549fcba81b7723b8dac2d -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:92 -msgid "register: register your project to PyPI" -msgstr "" - -# ebf2afd04dfe4d4eb863e8d779ceb03e -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:93 -msgid "upload: upload the distribution to PyPI" -msgstr "" - -# d7f26f3034024bbe88389f1b20ce3eec -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:94 -msgid "install_dist: install it" -msgstr "" - -# 1ab70fbb9fce411a95f1e388e43ae8d3 -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:96 -msgid "All commands are run using the run script::" -msgstr "" - -# 3bee207292f647f28c34e93bbe3fb9c0 -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:102 -msgid "" -"If you want to push a source distribution of your project to PyPI, do::" -msgstr "" - -# ce19e659df9348698672c2141313aa9b -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:108 -msgid "Installing the project" -msgstr "" - -# df799a11a37749fbba9fb432a249c5b9 -#: ../../packaging/tutorial.rst:110 -msgid "" -"The project can be installed by manually running the packaging install " -"command::" -msgstr "" ======================================= --- /locale/ja/LC_MESSAGES/packaging/uploading.po Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /dev/null @@ -1,138 +0,0 @@ -# -# Translators: -msgid "" -msgstr "" -"Project-Id-Version: Python Document Japanese\n" -"Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: \n" -"POT-Creation-Date: 2012-07-02 18:40\n" -"PO-Revision-Date: 2012-07-02 14:48+0000\n" -"Last-Translator: Automatically generated\n" -"Language-Team: Japanese (\n" -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n" -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" -"Language: ja\n" -"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0\n" - -# b9ecf30d201243b585c5f0ffa4f80bf1 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:5 -msgid "Uploading Packages to the Package Index" -msgstr "パッケージを Package Index にアップロードする" - -# 48511f6bfce64092aa96c7d25d1322c7 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:7 -msgid "" -"The Python Package Index (PyPI) not only stores the package info, but also " -"the package data if the author of the package wishes to. The packaging " -"command :command:`upload` pushes the distribution files to PyPI." -msgstr "Python Package Index (PyPI) は、パッケージ情報に加えて、作者が望む のであればパッケージデータを置くこともできます。 packaging の :command:`upload` コマンドは配布物をPyPIにアップロードします。" - -# 5034a13e027d49439278078f7cee9a36 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:11 -msgid "" -"The command is invoked immediately after building one or more distribution " -"files. For example, the command ::" -msgstr "このコマンドは一つ以上の配布物ファイルをビルドした直後に呼び出され ます。例えば、次のコマンド ::" - -# 51e482df77f84bdc899fc4095a306e54 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:16 -msgid "" -"will cause the source distribution and the Windows installer to be uploaded " -"to PyPI. Note that these will be uploaded even if they are built using an " -"earlier invocation of :file:``, but that only distributions named on" -" the command line for the invocation including the :command:`upload` command" -" are uploaded." -msgstr "は、ソース配布物とWindowsのインストーラをPyPIにアップロードします。 以前に :file:`` を実行してビルドした配布物もアップロード対象になるけ れども、アップロードされるのは :command:`upload` コマンドと同時に 指定された 配布物だけだということに注意してください。" - -# 5f69aafc06ad4ab19fe0cf65ad22a317 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:21 -msgid "" -"The :command:`upload` command uses the username, password, and repository " -"URL from the :file:`$HOME/.pypirc` file (see section :ref:`packaging-pypirc`" -" for more on this file). If a :command:`register` command was previously " -"called in the same command, and if the password was entered in the prompt, " -":command:`upload` will reuse the entered password. This is useful if you do " -"not want to store a clear text password in the :file:`$HOME/.pypirc` file." -msgstr ":command:`upload` コマンドは、 :file:`$HOME/.pypirc` ファイル (詳し くは :ref:`packaging-pypirc` セクションを ご覧下さい) の、ユーザー名、パス ワードとリポジトリURLを利用します。 同じコマンド内で :command:`register` コ マンドが呼ばれていて、そこでプロンプトから パスワードを入力した場 合、 :command:`upload` は入力されたパスワードを再利用しま す。 :file:`$HOME/.pypirc` ファイルにプレインテキストでパスワードを保存した くない場合は この方法を利用できます。" - -# 9eafd02eca774143b25655e11e899e82 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:28 -msgid "" -"You can specify another PyPI server with the :option:`--repository=*url*` " -"option::" -msgstr ":option:`--repository=*url*` オプションを使って別のPyPIサーバーを指 定することができます。 ::" - -# 6d639c0d27e148749a89344d817957a5 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:33 -msgid "" -"See section :ref:`packaging-pypirc` for more on defining several servers." -msgstr "複数のサーバーを定義することについて、より詳しい情報 は :ref:`packaging-pypirc` を参照してください。" - -# 7be0dbf3db3b4109996f9d6a9fa264ab -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:35 -msgid "" -"You can use the :option:`--sign` option to tell :command:`upload` to sign " -"each uploaded file using GPG (GNU Privacy Guard). The :program:`gpg` " -"program must be available for execution on the system :envvar:`PATH`. You " -"can also specify which key to use for signing using the " -":option:`--identity=*name*` option." -msgstr ":option:`--sign` オプションで、アップロードする各ファイルにGPG (GNU Privacy Guard) を使うことができます。 :program:`gpg` プログラムが環境変 数 :envvar:`PATH` から実行可能である必要があります。 署名にどの鍵を使うか を、 :option:`--identity=*name*` で指定することもできます。" - -# 635b4e2f9e0f4d378ad8ea8310bf800c -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:40 -msgid "" -"Other :command:`upload` options include :option:`--repository=<url>` or " -":option:`--repository=<section>` where *url* is the url of the server and " -"*section* the name of the section in :file:`$HOME/.pypirc`, and :option" -":`--show-response` (which displays the full response text from the PyPI " -"server for help in debugging upload problems)." -msgstr "他の :command:`upload` のオプションに は、 :option:`--repository=<url>` (*url* はサーバーの URL), :option:`--repository=<section>` (*section* は :file:`$HOME/.pypirc` のセクション名), :option:`--show-response` (アップロードの問題をデバッグする ために、PyPI サーバーからの全てのレスポンスを表示する)があります。" - -# ed7adb28b54f4ca9a318998c65a9b2ef -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:47 -msgid "PyPI package display" -msgstr "PyPI パッケージ表示" - -# 0e4a7da722dd4e8595e7131b82216947 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:49 -msgid "" -"The ``description`` field plays a special role at PyPI. It is used by the " -"server to display a home page for the registered package." -msgstr "``description`` フィールドは PyPI において特別な役目を持ちます。 サーバーは登録されたパッケージのホームページを表示するためにこれを利用しま す。" - -# e86ef9e1139f4b34bbf73586a49465f3 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:52 -msgid "" -"If you use the `reStructuredText " -"<>`_ syntax for this field, PyPI " -"will parse it and display an HTML output for the package home page." -msgstr "このフィールドに `reStructuredText <>`_ 記法を利用した場合、 PyPI はこ れをパースして、パッケージのホームページにHTML 出力を表示します。" - -# 416dd8c0b2a84518bc6ce12bcf9296d8 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:56 -msgid "" -"The ``description`` field can be filled from a text file located in the " -"project::" -msgstr "``description`` フィールドにプロジェクト内のファイルの内容を利用す ることもできます。 ::" - -# b2c7355f9df64ad0990ef5d78c568c10 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:70 -msgid "" -"In that case, :file:`README.txt` is a regular reStructuredText text file " -"located in the root of the package besides :file:``." -msgstr "この例では、 :file:`README.txt` は通常の reStructuredText テキスト ファイルで、 :file:`` と同じパッケージのルートディレクトリに置かれて います。" - -# b1efaaceace3462ab30529edb0a8bb12 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:73 -msgid "" -"To prevent registering broken reStructuredText content, you can use the " -":program:`rst2html` program that is provided by the :mod:`docutils` package " -"and check the ``description`` from the command line::" -msgstr "壊れた reStructuredText を登録してしまうのを防ぐために、コマンドラ インから :mod:`docutils` パッケージが提供している :program:`rst2html` プログ ラムを 利用して ``description`` をチェックすることができます。 ::" - -# 28f9bd59bc59401d8df8f7e32a30e4d9 -#: ../../packaging/uploading.rst:79 -msgid "" -":mod:`docutils` will display a warning if there's something wrong with your " -"syntax." -msgstr ":mod:`docutils` will display a warning if there's something wrong with your syntax." ======================================= --- /ACKS.txt Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /ACKS.txt Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -121,6 +121,7 @@ * Thomas Lamb * Detlef Lannert * Piers Lauder + * Julia Lawall * Glyph Lefkowitz * Robert Lehmann * Marc-André Lemburg ======================================= --- /c-api/import.rst Mon Jul 16 20:08:10 2012 +++ /c-api/import.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -44,8 +44,7 @@ .. index:: builtin: __import__ Import a module. This is best described by referring to the built-in Python - function :func:`__import__`, as the standard :func:`__import__` function calls - this function directly. + function :func:`__import__`. The return value is a new reference to the imported module or top-level package, or *NULL* with an exception set on failure. Like for @@ -76,6 +75,9 @@ Similar to :c:func:`PyImport_ImportModuleLevelObject`, but the name is an UTF-8 encoded string instead of a Unicode object. + .. versionchanged:: 3.3 + Negative values for **level** are no longer accepted. + .. c:function:: PyObject* PyImport_Import(PyObject *name) This is a higher-level interface that calls the current "import hook ======================================= --- /c-api/memory.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /c-api/memory.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ Allocates *n* bytes and returns a pointer of type :c:type:`void\*` to the allocated memory, or *NULL* if the request fails. Requesting zero bytes returns - a distinct non-*NULL* pointer if possible, as if :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc(1)` had + a distinct non-*NULL* pointer if possible, as if ``PyMem_Malloc(1)`` had been called instead. The memory will not have been initialized in any way. @@ -106,7 +106,7 @@ Resizes the memory block pointed to by *p* to *n* bytes. The contents will be unchanged to the minimum of the old and the new sizes. If *p* is *NULL*, the - call is equivalent to :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc(n)`; else if *n* is equal to zero, + call is equivalent to ``PyMem_Malloc(n)``; else if *n* is equal to zero, the memory block is resized but is not freed, and the returned pointer is non-*NULL*. Unless *p* is *NULL*, it must have been returned by a previous call to :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc` or :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc`. If the request fails, @@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ Frees the memory block pointed to by *p*, which must have been returned by a previous call to :c:func:`PyMem_Malloc` or :c:func:`PyMem_Realloc`. Otherwise, or - if :c:func:`PyMem_Free(p)` has been called before, undefined behavior occurs. If + if ``PyMem_Free(p)`` has been called before, undefined behavior occurs. If *p* is *NULL*, no operation is performed. The following type-oriented macros are provided for convenience. Note that ======================================= --- /c-api/unicode.rst Mon Jul 16 20:08:10 2012 +++ /c-api/unicode.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Unicode Objects and Codecs -------------------------- -.. sectionauthor:: Marc-Andre Lemburg <mal****@lembu*****> +.. sectionauthor:: Marc-André Lemburg <mal****@lembu*****> .. sectionauthor:: Georg Brandl <georg****@pytho*****> Unicode Objects ======================================= --- / Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ / Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ # We look for the Include/patchlevel.h file in the current Python source tree # and replace the values accordingly. # import patchlevel -version, release = '3.3', '3.3.0b1' +version, release = '3.3', '3.3.0' # There are two options for replacing |today|: either, you set today to some # non-false value, then it is used: ======================================= --- /distutils/uploading.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /distutils/uploading.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -73,4 +73,8 @@ $ python --long-description | > output.html :mod:`docutils` will display a warning if there's something wrong with your -syntax. +syntax. Because PyPI applies additional checks (e.g. by passing ``--no-raw`` +to ```` in the command above), being able to run the command above +without warnings does not guarantee that PyPI will convert the content +successfully. + ======================================= --- /extending/extending.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /extending/extending.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -732,13 +732,18 @@ {NULL, NULL, 0, NULL} /* sentinel */ }; -:: + static struct PyModuleDef keywdargmodule = { + PyModuleDef_HEAD_INIT, + "keywdarg", + NULL, + -1, + keywdarg_methods + }; - void - initkeywdarg(void) + PyMODINIT_FUNC + PyInit_keywdarg(void) { - /* Create the module and add the functions */ - Py_InitModule("keywdarg", keywdarg_methods); + return PyModule_Create(&keywdargmodule); } ======================================= --- /glossary.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /glossary.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -209,9 +209,9 @@ finder An object that tries to find the :term:`loader` for a module. It must - implement a method named :meth:`find_module`. See :pep:`302` for - details and :class:`` for an - :term:`abstract base class`. + implement either a method named :meth:`find_loader` or a method named + :meth:`find_module`. See :pep:`302` and :pep:`420` for details and + :class:`` for an :term:`abstract base class`. floor division Mathematical division that rounds down to nearest integer. The floor @@ -315,6 +315,17 @@ role in places where a constant hash value is needed, for example as a key in a dictionary. + import path + A list of locations (or :term:`path entries <path entry>`) that are + searched by the :term:`path based finder` for modules to import. During + import, this list of locations usually comes from :data:`sys.path`, but + for subpackages it may also come from the parent package's ``__path__`` + attribute. + + importing + The process by which Python code in one module is made available to + Python code in another module. + importer An object that both finds and loads a module; both a :term:`finder` and :term:`loader` object. @@ -440,6 +451,11 @@ include :class:`dict`, :class:`collections.defaultdict`, :class:`collections.OrderedDict` and :class:`collections.Counter`. + meta path finder + A finder returned by a search of :data:`sys.meta_path`. Meta path + finders are related to, but different from :term:`path entry finders + <path entry finder>`. + metaclass The class of a class. Class definitions create a class name, a class dictionary, and a list of base classes. The metaclass is responsible for @@ -464,6 +480,11 @@ for a member during lookup. See `The Python 2.3 Method Resolution Order <>`_. + module + An object that serves as an organizational unit of Python code. Modules + have a namespace containing arbitrary Python objects. Modules are loaded + into Python by the process of :term:`importing`. + MRO See :term:`method resolution order`. @@ -496,6 +517,12 @@ functions are implemented by the :mod:`random` and :mod:`itertools` modules, respectively. + namespace package + A :pep:`420` :term:`package` which serves only as a container for + subpackages. Namespace packages may have no physical representation, + and specifically are not like a :term:`regular package` because they + have no ```` file. + nested scope The ability to refer to a variable in an enclosing definition. For instance, a function defined inside another function can refer to @@ -516,6 +543,33 @@ (methods). Also the ultimate base class of any :term:`new-style class`. + package + A Python module which can contain submodules or recursively, + subpackages. Technically, a package is a Python module with an + ``__path__`` attribute. + + path entry + A single location on the :term:`import path` which the :term:`path + based finder` consults to find modules for importing. + + path entry finder + A :term:`finder` returned by a callable on :data:`sys.path_hooks` + (i.e. a :term:`path entry hook`) which knows how to locate modules given + a :term:`path entry`. + + path entry hook + A callable on the :data:`sys.path_hook` list which returns a :term:`path + entry finder` if it knows how to find modules on a specific :term:`path + entry`. + + path based finder + One of the default :term:`meta path finders <meta path finder>` which + searches an :term:`import path` for modules. + + portion + A set of files in a single directory (possibly stored in a zip file) + that contribute to a namespace package, as defined in :pep:`420`. + positional argument The arguments assigned to local names inside a function or method, determined by the order in which they were given in the call. ``*`` is @@ -524,8 +578,8 @@ :term:`argument`. provisional package - A provisional package is one which has been deliberately excluded from the - standard library's backwards compatibility guarantees. While major + A provisional package is one which has been deliberately excluded from + the standard library's backwards compatibility guarantees. While major changes to such packages are not expected, as long as they are marked provisional, backwards incompatible changes (up to and including removal of the package) may occur if deemed necessary by core developers. Such @@ -533,13 +587,13 @@ flaws are uncovered that were missed prior to the inclusion of the package. - This process allows the standard library to continue to evolve over time, - without locking in problematic design errors for extended periods of time. - See :pep:`411` for more details. + This process allows the standard library to continue to evolve over + time, without locking in problematic design errors for extended periods + of time. See :pep:`411` for more details. Python 3000 - Nickname for the Python 3.x release line (coined long ago when the release - of version 3 was something in the distant future.) This is also + Nickname for the Python 3.x release line (coined long ago when the + release of version 3 was something in the distant future.) This is also abbreviated "Py3k". Pythonic @@ -576,6 +630,14 @@ >>> C.D.meth.__qualname__ 'C.D.meth' + When used to refer to modules, the *fully qualified name* means the + entire dotted path to the module, including any parent packages, + e.g. ``email.mime.text``:: + + >>> import email.mime.text + >>> email.mime.text.__name__ + 'email.mime.text' + reference count The number of references to an object. When the reference count of an object drops to zero, it is deallocated. Reference counting is @@ -584,6 +646,10 @@ :func:`~sys.getrefcount` function that programmers can call to return the reference count for a particular object. + regular package + A traditional :term:`package`, such as a directory containing an + ```` file. + __slots__ A declaration inside a class that saves memory by pre-declaring space for instance attributes and eliminating instance dictionaries. Though @@ -640,6 +706,13 @@ object has a type. An object's type is accessible as its :attr:`__class__` attribute or can be retrieved with ``type(obj)``. + universal newlines + A manner of interpreting text streams in which all of the following are + recognized as ending a line: the Unix end-of-line convention ``'\n'``, + the Windows convention ``'\r\n'``, and the old Macintosh convention + ``'\r'``. See :pep:`278` and :pep:`3116`, as well as + :func:`str.splitlines` for an additional use. + view The objects returned from :meth:`dict.keys`, :meth:`dict.values`, and :meth:`dict.items` are called dictionary views. They are lazy sequences ======================================= --- /howto/functional.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /howto/functional.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ iterator argument and will return the largest or smallest element. The ``"in"`` and ``"not in"`` operators also support iterators: ``X in iterator`` is true if X is found in the stream returned by the iterator. You'll run into obvious -problems if the iterator is infinite; ``max()``, ``min()``, and ``"not in"`` +problems if the iterator is infinite; ``max()``, ``min()`` will never return, and if the element X never appears in the stream, the -``"in"`` operator won't return either. +``"in"`` and ``"not in"`` operators won't return either. Note that you can only go forward in an iterator; there's no way to get the previous element, reset the iterator, or make a copy of it. Iterator objects ======================================= --- /howto/ipaddress.rst Mon Jul 16 20:08:10 2012 +++ /howto/ipaddress.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ Creating Address/Network/Interface objects ========================================== -Since :mod:`ipaddress` is a module for inspecting and manipulating IP address, +Since :mod:`ipaddress` is a module for inspecting and manipulating IP addresses, the first thing you'll want to do is create some objects. You can use :mod:`ipaddress` to create objects from strings and integers. @@ -183,10 +183,10 @@ >>> net6.numhosts 4294967296 -Iterating through the 'usable' addresses on a network:: +Iterating through the "usable" addresses on a network:: >>> net4 = ipaddress.ip_network('') - >>> for x in net4.iterhosts(): + >>> for x in net4.hosts(): print(x) @@ -294,7 +294,7 @@ When creating address/network/interface objects using the version-agnostic factory functions, any errors will be reported as :exc:`ValueError` with a generic error message that simply says the passed in value was not -recognised as an object of that type. The lack of a specific error is +recognized as an object of that type. The lack of a specific error is because it's necessary to know whether the value is *supposed* to be IPv4 or IPv6 in order to provide more detail on why it has been rejected. ======================================= --- /howto/logging-cookbook.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /howto/logging-cookbook.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -1589,7 +1589,7 @@ As this behaviour is broken, the incorrect BOM insertion code is being removed from Python 3.2.4 and later. However, it is not being replaced, and if you -want to produce RFC 5424-compliant messages which includes a BOM, an optional +want to produce RFC 5424-compliant messages which include a BOM, an optional pure-ASCII sequence before it and arbitrary Unicode after it, encoded using UTF-8, then you need to do the following: @@ -1607,8 +1607,8 @@ way, it will remain unchanged after UTF-8 encoding). #. Replace the Unicode section with whatever placeholders you like; if the data - which appears there after substitution is Unicode, that's fine -- it will be - encoded using UTF-8. + which appears there after substitution contains characters outside the ASCII + range, that's fine -- it will be encoded using UTF-8. The formatted message *will* be encoded using UTF-8 encoding by ``SysLogHandler``. If you follow the above rules, you should be able to produce ======================================= --- /library/argparse.rst Mon Jul 16 20:08:10 2012 +++ /library/argparse.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ * ``values`` - The associated command-line arguments, with any type conversions applied. (Type conversions are specified with the type_ keyword argument to - :meth:`~ArgumentParser.add_argument`. + :meth:`~ArgumentParser.add_argument`.) * ``option_string`` - The option string that was used to invoke this action. The ``option_string`` argument is optional, and will be absent if the action ======================================= --- /library/array.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /library/array.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ +-----------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------+ | ``'B'`` | unsigned char | int | 1 | | +-----------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------+ -| ``'u'`` | Py_UCS4 | Unicode character | 4 | | +| ``'u'`` | Py_UNICODE | Unicode character | 2 | \(1) | +-----------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------+ | ``'h'`` | signed short | int | 2 | | +-----------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------+ @@ -35,9 +35,9 @@ +-----------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------+ | ``'L'`` | unsigned long | int | 4 | | +-----------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------+ -| ``'q'`` | signed long long | int | 8 | \(1) | +| ``'q'`` | signed long long | int | 8 | \(2) | +-----------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------+ -| ``'Q'`` | unsigned long long | int | 8 | \(1) | +| ``'Q'`` | unsigned long long | int | 8 | \(2) | +-----------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------+ | ``'f'`` | float | float | 4 | | +-----------+--------------------+-------------------+-----------------------+-------+ @@ -47,6 +47,16 @@ Notes: (1) + The ``'u'`` type code corresponds to Python's obsolete unicode character + (:c:type:`Py_UNICODE` which is :c:type:`wchar_t`). Depending on the + platform, it can be 16 bits or 32 bits. + + ``'u'`` will be removed together with the rest of the :c:type:`Py_UNICODE` + API. + + .. deprecated-removed:: 3.3 4.0 + +(2) The ``'q'`` and ``'Q'`` type codes are available only if the platform C compiler used to build Python supports C :c:type:`long long`, or, on Windows, :c:type:`__int64`. ======================================= --- /library/base64.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /library/base64.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -145,6 +145,8 @@ encoded data, and return a byte string containing the resulting binary data. ``decodestring`` is a deprecated alias. + .. versionadded:: 3.1 + .. function:: encode(input, output) ======================================= --- /library/codecs.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /library/codecs.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -3,8 +3,8 @@ .. module:: codecs :synopsis: Encode and decode data and streams. -.. moduleauthor:: Marc-Andre Lemburg <mal****@lembu*****> -.. sectionauthor:: Marc-Andre Lemburg <mal****@lembu*****> +.. moduleauthor:: Marc-André Lemburg <mal****@lembu*****> +.. sectionauthor:: Marc-André Lemburg <mal****@lembu*****> .. sectionauthor:: Martin v. Löwis <marti****@v*****> ======================================= --- /library/collections.rst Mon Jul 16 20:08:10 2012 +++ /library/collections.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -84,20 +84,21 @@ creating subcontexts that can be updated without altering values in any of the parent mappings. - .. method:: parents() + .. attribute:: parents - Returns a new :class:`ChainMap` containing all of the maps in the current - instance except the first one. This is useful for skipping the first map - in the search. The use-cases are similar to those for the - :keyword:`nonlocal` keyword used in :term:`nested scopes <nested scope>`. - The use-cases also parallel those for the builtin :func:`super` function. - A reference to ``d.parents`` is equivalent to: ``ChainMap(*d.maps[1:])``. + Property returning a new :class:`ChainMap` containing all of the maps in + the current instance except the first one. This is useful for skipping + the first map in the search. Use cases are similar to those for the + :keyword:`nonlocal` keyword used in :term:`nested scopes <nested + scope>`. The use cases also parallel those for the built-in + :func:`super` function. A reference to ``d.parents`` is equivalent to: + ``ChainMap(*d.maps[1:])``. .. seealso:: * The `MultiContext class - <>`_ + <>`_ in the Enthought `CodeTools package <>`_ has options to support writing to any mapping in the chain. @@ -129,16 +130,22 @@ import builtins pylookup = ChainMap(locals(), globals(), vars(builtins)) -Example of letting user specified values take precedence over environment -variables which in turn take precedence over default values:: +Example of letting user specified command-line arguments take precedence over +environment variables which in turn take precedence over default values:: import os, argparse - defaults = {'color': 'red', 'user': guest} + + defaults = {'color': 'red', 'user': 'guest'} + parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('-u', '--user') parser.add_argument('-c', '--color') - user_specified = vars(parser.parse_args()) - combined = ChainMap(user_specified, os.environ, defaults) + namespace = parser.parse_args() + command_line_args = {k:v for k, v in vars(namespace).items() if v} + + combined = ChainMap(command_line_args, os.environ, defaults) + print(combined['color']) + print(combined['user']) Example patterns for using the :class:`ChainMap` class to simulate nested contexts:: ======================================= --- /library/constants.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /library/constants.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -19,7 +19,7 @@ .. data:: None - The sole value of :attr:`types.NoneType`. ``None`` is frequently used to + The sole value of the type ``NoneType``. ``None`` is frequently used to represent the absence of a value, as when default arguments are not passed to a function. Assignments to ``None`` are illegal and raise a :exc:`SyntaxError`. ======================================= --- /library/csv.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /library/csv.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -46,6 +46,9 @@ The :mod:`csv` module defines the following functions: +.. index:: + single: universal newlines; csv.reader function + .. function:: reader(csvfile, dialect='excel', **fmtparams) Return a reader object which will iterate over lines in the given *csvfile*. @@ -486,4 +489,5 @@ .. [1] If ``newline=''`` is not specified, newlines embedded inside quoted fields will not be interpreted correctly, and on platforms that use ``\r\n`` linendings on write an extra ``\r`` will be added. It should always be safe to specify - ``newline=''``, since the csv module does its own (universal) newline handling. + ``newline=''``, since the csv module does its own + (:term:`universal <universal newlines>`) newline handling. ======================================= --- /library/curses.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /library/curses.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -869,8 +869,8 @@ .. method:: window.get_wch([y, x]) - Get a wide character. Like :meth:`getch`, but the integer returned is the - Unicode code point for the key pressed, so it can be passed to :func:`chr`. + Get a wide character. Return a character for most keys, or an integer for + function keys, keypad keys, and other special keys. .. versionadded:: 3.3 @@ -878,8 +878,9 @@ .. method:: window.getkey([y, x]) Get a character, returning a string instead of an integer, as :meth:`getch` - does. Function keys, keypad keys and so on return a multibyte string containing - the key name. In no-delay mode, an exception is raised if there is no input. + does. Function keys, keypad keys and other special keys return a multibyte + string containing the key name. In no-delay mode, an exception is raised if + there is no input. .. method:: window.getmaxyx() ======================================= --- /library/datatypes.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /library/datatypes.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -25,8 +25,6 @@ heapq.rst bisect.rst array.rst - sched.rst - queue.rst weakref.rst types.rst copy.rst ======================================= --- /library/decimal.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /library/decimal.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -737,6 +737,11 @@ resulting exponent is greater than :attr:`Emax` or less than :attr:`Etiny`. + .. deprecated:: 3.3 + *watchexp* is an implementation detail from the pure Python version + and is not present in the C version. It will be removed in version + 3.4, where it defaults to ``True``. + .. method:: radix() Return ``Decimal(10)``, the radix (base) in which the :class:`Decimal` ======================================= --- /library/email.header.rst Mon Jul 16 20:08:10 2012 +++ /library/email.header.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ >>> msg = Message() >>> h = Header('p\xf6stal', 'iso-8859-1') >>> msg['Subject'] = h - >>> print(msg.as_string()) - Subject: =?iso-8859-1?q?p=F6stal?= + >>> msg.as_string() + 'Subject: =?iso-8859-1?q?p=F6stal?=\n\n' @@ -176,7 +176,7 @@ >>> from email.header import decode_header >>> decode_header('=?iso-8859-1?q?p=F6stal?=') - [('p\xf6stal', 'iso-8859-1')] + [(b'p\xf6stal', 'iso-8859-1')] .. function:: make_header(decoded_seq, maxlinelen=None, header_name=None, continuation_ws=' ') ======================================= --- /library/email.parser.rst Mon Jul 16 20:08:10 2012 +++ /library/email.parser.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -251,7 +251,7 @@ Here's an example of how you might use this at an interactive Python prompt:: >>> import email - >>> msg = email.message_from_string(myString) + >>> msg = email.message_from_string(myString) # doctest: +SKIP Additional notes ======================================= --- /library/faulthandler.rst Tue Jul 3 08:02:12 2012 +++ /library/faulthandler.rst Fri Oct 12 19:45:31 2012 @@ -23,7 +23,7 @@ * Only ASCII is supported. The ``backslashreplace`` error handler is used on encoding. -* Each string is limited to 100 characters. +* Each string is limited to 500 characters. * Only the filename, the function name and the line number are displayed. (no source code) * It is limited to 100 frames and 100 threads. @@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Dump the tracebacks after a timeout ----------------------------------- -.. function:: dump_tracebacks_later(timeout, repeat=False, file=sys.stderr, exit=False) +.. function:: dump_traceback_later(timeout, repeat=False, file=sys.stderr, exit=False) Dump the tracebacks of all threads, after a timeout of *timeout* seconds, or every *timeout* seconds if *repeat* is ``True``. If *exit* is ``True``, call @@ -84,9 +84,9 @@ This function is implemented using a watchdog thread and therefore is not available if Python is compiled with threads disabled. -.. function:: cancel_dump_tracebacks_later() +.. function:: cancel_dump_traceback_later() - Cancel the last call to :func:`dump_tracebacks_later`. + Cancel the last call to :func:`dump_traceback_later`. Dump the traceback on a user signal @@ -112,7 +112,7 @@ File descriptor issue --------------------- -:func:`enable`, :func:`dump_tracebacks_later` and :func:`register` keep the +:func:`enable`, :func:`dump_traceback_later` and :func:`register` keep the file descriptor of their *file* argument. If the file is closed and its file descriptor is reused by a new file, or if :func:`os.dup2` is used to replace the file descriptor, the traceback will be written into a different file. Call ======================================= ***Additional files exist in this changeset.***