Hiroyuki Komatsu
2004年 1月 29日 (木) 02:24:05 JST
At Thu, 29 Jan 2004 01:40:45 +0900, akira yamada wrote: > > たとえば「沼」は「2.」とタイプしますが、この時 > > > > [2.] > > (沼)(沼田)(… > > > > のような表示になります。 > > PrimeTypeConv::convertに > 数値への対応などが加わったことの副作用のようです。 みたいですね。お手数おかけしてすみません。 修正したファイルを添付します。(src/prime.src, lib/prime-japanese.rb) また、この修正ファイルを適用すると --typing-method オプションを扱える ようになります。 % prime --no-save --typing-method kana デバッグ目的のオプションです。 -- 小松弘幸 ----------------------- http://taiyaki.org/ -------------- next part -------------- #!/usr/bin/env ruby # # PRIME: PRedictive Input Method Editor # $Id: prime.src,v 2004/01/28 08:34:57 komatsu Exp $ # # Copyright (C) 2001 Satoru Takabayashi <sator****@namaz*****> # Copyright (C) 2002, 2003 Hiroyuki Komatsu <komat****@taiya*****> # All rights reserved. # This is free software with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. # # You can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of # the GNU General Public License version 2. # PRIME_LIBDIR = '%rubydir%' $LOAD_PATH.unshift(PRIME_LIBDIR) unless $LOAD_PATH.member?(PRIME_LIBDIR) require 'getoptlong' require 'prime/prime' require 'prime/session' require "jcode" include PogemoServer PRIME_VERSION = '%PACKAGE_VERSION%' class Session < SessionCore def initialize (pogemo, inport, outport) super @name = "prime" @version = PRIME_VERSION @id = "" add_command(:l, [:PATTERN], "look up PATTERN", 0) add_command(:lookup, [:PATTERN], "look up PATTERN", 0) add_command(:lookup_direct, [:PATTERN], "look up PATTERN for direct typing method", 0) add_command(:lookup_hybrid, [:PATTERN], "look up PATTERN with hybrid matching", 0) add_command(:lookup_prefix, [:PATTERN], "look up PATTERN with prefix matching", 0) add_command(:lookup_exact, [:PATTERN], "look up PATTERN with exact matching", 0) add_command(:lookup_expansion, [:PATTERN], "look up PATTERN from literal dictionaries", 0) add_command(:lookup_mixed, [:PATTERN], "look up PATTERN. PATTERN can be mixed with pron and literal", 0) add_command(:learn_word, [:KEY, :VALUE, :PART, :CONTEXT, :SUFFIX, :REST], "learn and record a word to the user dictionary", 2) add_command(:reset_context, [], "reset context") add_command(:set_context, [:CONTEXT], "set context to CONTEXT") add_command(:get_env, [:KEY], "get a variable associated with KEY") add_command(:get_label, [:PATTERN], "get a label string (e.g. hiragana) from a user input.") add_command(:preedit_convert_input, [:PATTERN], "convert a PATTERN and return a pair of a converted and a pending string.") add_command(:refresh, [], "refresh the statuses of the conversion engines.") end def learn_word (key, value, part = nil, context = nil, suffix = nil, rest = nil) reply_successful { @pogemo.learn_word(key, value, part, context, suffix, rest) } end def l (pattern = "") reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****(pattern).to_text } end def lookup (pattern = "") reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****(pattern).to_text } end def lookup_direct (pattern = "") reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****_direct(pattern).to_text } end def get_env (key) reply_successful { env =****@pogem*****_env(key) if env.kind_of?(String) then output = format("string\t%s", env) elsif env.kind_of?(Array) then output = format("array\t%s", env.join("\t")) elsif env.kind_of?(TrueClass) or env.kind_of?(FalseClass) then output = format("boolean\t%s", env ? "true" : "false") elsif env == nil then output = 'nil' else output = 'unknown' end @out.puts output } end def get_label (pattern) reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****_label(pattern) } end def preedit_convert_input (pattern) reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****_convert_input(pattern) } end def set_context (context) reply_successful { @pogemo.set_context(context) } end def reset_context () reply_successful { @pogemo.set_context(nil) } end def lookup_hybrid (pattern = "") reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****_hybrid(pattern).to_text } end def lookup_prefix (pattern = "") reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****_prefix(pattern).to_text } end def lookup_exact (pattern = "") reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****_exact(pattern).to_text } end def lookup_expansion (pattern = "") reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****_expansion(pattern).to_text } end def lookup_mixed (pattern = "") reply_successful { @out.p****@pogem*****_mixed(pattern).to_text } end def refresh () reply_successful { @pogemo.refresh() } end end def show_usage puts "\ Usage: #{command_name} <options> -u, --unix-socket=PATH run as Unix socket server with socket PATH -s, --tcp-server=PORT run as TCP server with port PORT -v, --version show the version and exit -h, --help show this help and exit --no-save do not save learning records --typing-method=METHOD run with the specified typing method. -d, --debug run under debug mode HomePage: http://taiyaki.org/prime/ (in Japanese) " end def command_name $0.split('/').last end def parse_options options = Hash.new parser = GetoptLong.new parser.set_options(['--help', '-h', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--version','-v', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--unix-socket', '-u', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--tcp-server', '-s', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--typing-method', GetoptLong::REQUIRED_ARGUMENT], ['--no-save', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT], ['--debug', '-d', GetoptLong::NO_ARGUMENT]) parser.each_option {|option, arg| options[option.sub(/^--/, '')] = arg } if options['version'] then puts "#{command_name} #{PRIME_VERSION}" exit 1 end if options['no-save'] then $PRIME_NO_SAVE = true else $PRIME_NO_SAVE = false end if options['help'] then show_usage exit 1 end return options end def init () @options = parse_options() if @options['typing-method'] then PrimeTypeConv::destroy_cache() PRIME_ENV['typing_method'] = @options['typing-method'] end @prime = Prime.new() if @options['typing-method'] then PrimeTypeConv::destroy_cache() end end def main () unless $PRIME_NO_SAVE then Thread.new do system('prime-userdict-update --auto --quiet') @prime.refresh() end end if @options['unix-socket'] socket_path = @options['unix-socket'] server = UnixSocketServer.new(@prime, socket_path) elsif @options['tcp-server'] tcp_port = @options['tcp-server'] server = TaiyakiTCPServer.new(@prime, tcp_port) else server = StdioServer.new(@prime) end if @options['debug'] or ENV['PRIME_DEBUG'] then Dir::ensure(PRIME_USER_DIR + "/logs") logfile = PRIME_USER_DIR + "/logs/debug_" + Time::new.strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M") + "_" + $$.to_s + ".log" server.set_debug(logfile) end server.accept() @prime.close() end init() trap ("HUP") { @prime.refresh() } main() -------------- next part -------------- テキスト形式以外の添付ファイルを保管しました... ファイル名: prime-japanese.rb 型: application/octet-stream サイズ: 12691 バイト 説明: 無し 下載