[PRb-list] Ed his progress. The nurse had started back in alarm at

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Courson Boluda detri****@dhwz*****
2009年 8月 31日 (月) 22:20:40 JST

 out. A carelessly nailed slat gave away under the impact. The dog
scrambled through the gap and proceeded to gallop homeward through the
snow. Ten seconds later, Lass, drawn by the lights and by the scent of
the other dog, came to the crate. She looked in. There, made to order
for her, was a nice bed. There, too, were food and drink to appease the
ever-present appetite of a puppy. Lass writhed her way in through the
gap as easily as the former occupant had crawled out. After doing due
justice to the broken puppy biscuits in the inset-trough, she curled
herself up for a nap. The clangor and glare of the oncoming express
awakened her. She cowered in one corner of the crate. Just then two
station-hands began to move the express packages out to the edge of the
platform. One of them noticed the displaced board of the crate. He drove
home its loosened nails with two sharp taps from a monkey-wrench,
glanced inside to make certain the dog had not gotten out, and presently
hoisted the crate aboard the express-car. Two hours later the crate was
unloaded at a waystation. At seven in the morning an expressman drove
two miles with it to a country-home, a mile or so from the village where
Lass had been disembarked from the train. An eager knot of people--the
Mistress, the Master and two gardeners--crowded expectantly around the
crate as it was set down on the lawn in front of The Place's veranda.
The latch was unfastened, and the crate's top was lifted back on its
hinges. Out stepped Lass,--tired, confused, a little frightened, but
eagerly willing to make friends with a world which she still insisted on
believing was friendly. It is hard to shake a collie pup's inborn faith
in the friendliness of mankind, but once shaken, it is more than shaken.
It is shattered beyond hope of complete mending. For an instant she
stood thus, looking in timid appeal from one to another of the faces
about her. These faces were blank enough as they returned her gaze. The
glad expectancy was wiped from them as with a sponge. It was the Master
who first found voice. "And THAT'S Rothsay Princess!" he snorted
indignantly. "That's the pup worth two hundred dollars at eight months,
'because she has every single good point of Champion Rothsay Chief and
not a flaw from nost
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