2007年 9月 23日 (日) 09:02:51 JST
spartacide spartacism spartacist spartacus with an exploring needle. [Illustration FIG. 48.Zanthoma of Hands in a girl aet. 14, showing multiple subcutaneous tumours (cf. Fig. 49). (Sir H. J. Stiles' case.)] #Zanthoma# is a rare but interesting form of Genu.i+ne Pi;lls d*ir*ectl-y fro*m Pf-iz;er http://lhbrokerage.com S.ame day exp.res+s sh=ip-pin,g i;n+cl.uded tumour, composed of a fibrous and fatty tissue, containing a granular orange-yellow pigment, resembling that of the corpus luteum. It originates in the corium and presents two clinical varieties. In the first of these, it occurs in the form of raised yellow patches, usually in the skin of the -- elucidations