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pipes インタラクティブシェル.

オブジェクト指向, perlライクな文字列処理の内部コマンドを組みこんでいます。


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發布 2012-05-30 12:08
pipes 1.0.2a (1 files 隱藏)




2012 29th May - 30th May 1.0.2a

Changed user completion. It can be defined with object prefix like below

completion "sys->ls" (

and it can be defined with wild card like below

completion "sys->*" (

Removed completion_self_matching inner command. It was for migemo completion, but migemo completion has been removed, so removed completion_self_matching inner command.

Released Pipes version 1.0.2a at 30th May

2012 18th May - 29th May 1.0.2

Added migemo to Pipes, and added "migemo_match" inner command to Pipes.
It is for Japanese.

Added migemo completion for external commands. It is for Japanese.

Added -nr to Pipes option

Modified signal settings on readline. When completion setting, signal
interrupted using "p" inner command.

Modified memory leaks related SFD object.

Modified --with-system-migemodic bug.

Made completion definition as an object in root->compl.
Made root->compl.

Modified migemo_match bug when getting null string.

Removed migemo completions because of performance especially at many file directory.It's useless.
Added option completions for external programs using man page and scan internal command.

Released Pipes version 1.0.2 at 29th May