[Phoby-users] Ch; in the root by her agrarian, and in bran

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Hedtke fleap****@mpste*****
2009年 9月 5日 (土) 01:06:32 JST

 and look up (as was taught the other day when we were better instructed
in this lesson) to the hills with our gratitude. Nevertheless, seeing we
read how God upon the neglect of his prophets has been provoked to
wrath, it must needs follow that he expects honor should be given to
them by whom he has chosen to work as his instruments. For which cause,
nothing doubting of my warrant, I shall proceed to that which more
particularly concerns the present occasion, the discovery of my Lord
Archon's virtues and merit, to be ever placed by this nation in their
true meridian. "My lords, I am not upon a subject which persuades me to
balk, but necessitates me to seek out the greatest examples. To begin
with Alexander, erecting trophies common to his sword and the
pestilence: to what good of mankind did he infect the air
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