Hi All,
Recently, you all might have upgraded to a new kernel, which usually is awesome. Timeshift, however, stopped working and the reason being that the format of lsblk has changed in the new util-linux. This has been fixed.
Follow the steps below:
- sudo pacman -Rddns timeshift
- If you have yay/paru or any other AUR helper installed, then simply install Timeshift using that helper.
- Skip 2, if you have Pamac-Manager/Bauh ( with AUR enabled ), install Timeshift from within the Pamac/Bauh (if AUR is enabled).
- Skip 2 and 3, go to : https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/timeshift/ and download the snapshot.
- extract the snapshot zip file
- open terminal in the extracted folde
- makepkg -si to clone, build and install the Timeshift
- Run system update and you should be good to go.