[perldocjp-cvs 1416] CVS update: docs/perl/5.12.1

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2012年 3月 17日 (土) 01:12:34 JST

Index: docs/perl/5.12.1/perlpodspec.pod
diff -u docs/perl/5.12.1/perlpodspec.pod:1.9 docs/perl/5.12.1/perlpodspec.pod:1.10
--- docs/perl/5.12.1/perlpodspec.pod:1.9	Fri Feb 17 05:51:18 2012
+++ docs/perl/5.12.1/perlpodspec.pod	Sat Mar 17 01:12:33 2012
@@ -525,10 +525,9 @@
 =end original
-It is an error to try to I<start> a Pod block with a "=cut" command.  In
-that case, the Pod processor must halt parsing of the input file, and
-must by default emit a warning.
+Pod ブロックを "=cut" コマンドで I<開始> しようとするとエラーになります。
+この場合、Pod プロセッサは入力ファイルのパースを中止しなければならず(must)、
 =item "=over"
@@ -543,11 +542,12 @@
 =end original
-If there is any text following the "=over", it must consist
-of only a nonzero positive numeral.  The semantics of this numeral is
-explained in the L</"About =over...=back Regions"> section, further
-below.  Formatting codes are not expanded.  Examples:
+"=over" に引き続いてなんらかのテキストがある場合は、それは非ゼロの
+この数値の意味論はかなり後ろの L</"About =over...=back Regions"> の節に
   =over 3
@@ -568,12 +568,10 @@
 =end original
-codes are processed.  The semantics of the (optional) text in the
-remainder of this paragraph are
-explained in the L</"About =over...=back Regions"> section, further
-below.  Examples:
+L</"About =over...=back Regions"> の節にあります。
@@ -606,10 +604,9 @@
 =end original
-This command indicates that this is the end of the region begun
-by the most recent "=over" command.  It permits no text after the
-"=back" command.
+このコマンドは、ここがもっとも近い位置の "=over" コマンドで始まった領域の
+"=back" コマンドの後にテキストを置くことは許されません。
 =item "=begin formatname"
@@ -751,8 +748,8 @@
 =end original
-A document having more than one "=encoding" line should be
-considered an error.  Pod processors may silently tolerate this if
+複数の "=encoding" 行を持つ文書はエラーとして扱われるべきです(should)。
+Pod processors may silently tolerate this if
 the not-first "=encoding" lines are just duplicates of the
 first one (e.g., if there's a "=encoding utf8" line, and later on
 another "=encoding utf8" line).  But Pod processors should complain if
@@ -780,12 +777,13 @@
 =end original
-If a Pod processor sees any command other than the ones listed
-above (like "=head", or "=haed1", or "=stuff", or "=cuttlefish",
-or "=w123"), that processor must by default treat this as an
-error.  It must not process the paragraph beginning with that
-command, must by default warn of this as an error, and may
-abort the parse.  A Pod parser may allow a way for particular
+Pod プロセッサが上に示した以外のコマンド ("=head", "=haed1", "=stuff",
+"=cuttlefish", "=w123" など)に遭遇した場合、プロセッサはデフォルトでは
+このようなコマンドで始まる段落を処理してはならず(must not)、デフォルトでは
+A Pod parser may allow a way for particular
 applications to add to the above list of known commands, and to
 stipulate, for each additional command, whether formatting
 codes should be processed.
@@ -1152,9 +1150,8 @@
 =end original
-Future versions of this specification may add additional
-formatting codes.
 =begin original
@@ -1256,10 +1253,9 @@
 =end original
-(In SGMLish jargon, all Pod commands are like block-level
-elements, whereas all Pod formatting codes are like inline-level
+(SGML 的な jargon で言うなら、全ての Pod コマンドはブロックレベル要素の
+ようなもので、一方全ての Pod フォーマッティングコードはインライン要素の
 =head1 Notes on Implementing Pod Processors
@@ -1289,13 +1285,12 @@
 =end original
-Pod formatters should tolerate lines in verbatim blocks that are of
-any length, even if that means having to break them (possibly several
-times, for very long lines) to avoid text running off the side of the
-page.  Pod formatters may warn of such line-breaking.  Such warnings
-are particularly appropriate for lines are over 100 characters long, which
-are usually not intentional.
+Pod フォーマッタは、たとえテキストがページからはみ出すのを避けるために
+Pod フォーマッタはそのような行分割に対して警告を出すかもしれません(may)。
+この警告は特に、(普通は意図したものではない) 100 文字以上の行に対して
 =item *
@@ -1351,12 +1346,11 @@
 =end original
-Future versions of this specification may specify
-how Pod can accept other encodings.  Presumably treatment of other
-encodings in Pod parsing would be as in XML parsing: whatever the
-encoding declared by a particular Pod file, content is to be
-stored in memory as Unicode characters.
+この仕様の将来のバージョンでは Pod がその他のエンコーディングをどのように
+おそらく Pod パース中のその他のエンコーディングの扱いは XML のパースと
+同じようになるでしょう: 特定の Pod ファイルでどのエンコーディングが
+宣言されたとしても、内容は Unicode 文字としてメモリに補完されます。
 =item *

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