[perldocjp-cvs 634] CVS update: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP

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argra****@users***** argra****@users*****
2010年 7月 4日 (日) 19:36:21 JST

Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Cookies.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Cookies.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Jul  4 19:36:21 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Cookies.pod	Sun Jul  4 19:36:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,379 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+HTTP::Cookies - HTTP cookie jars
+=end original
+HTTP::Cookies - クッキー容器
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use HTTP::Cookies;
+  $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new(
+    file => "$ENV{'HOME'}/lwp_cookies.dat',
+    autosave => 1,
+  );
+  use LWP;
+  my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+  $browser->cookie_jar($cookie_jar);
+=begin original
+Or for an empty and temporary cookie jar:
+=end original
+Or for an empty and temporary cookie jar:
+  use LWP;
+  my $browser = LWP::UserAgent->new;
+  $browser->cookie_jar( {} );
+=begin original
+This class is for objects that represent a "cookie jar" -- that is, a
+database of all the HTTP cookies that a given LWP::UserAgent object
+knows about.
+=end original
+This class is for objects that represent a "cookie jar" -- that is, a
+database of all the HTTP cookies that a given LWP::UserAgent object
+knows about.
+=begin original
+Cookies are a general mechanism which server side connections can use
+to both store and retrieve information on the client side of the
+connection.  For more information about cookies refer to
+<URL:http://wp.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html> and
+<URL:http://www.cookiecentral.com/>.  This module also implements the
+new style cookies described in I<RFC 2965>.
+The two variants of cookies are supposed to be able to coexist happily.
+=end original
+クッキー (Cookie) は、サーバー側の接続が接続のクライアント側に情報を格納し、
+<URL:http://wp.netscape.com/newsref/std/cookie_spec.html> と
+<URL:http://www.cookiecentral.com/> をご覧下さい。
+I<RFC 2965> で記述されている新しい形式のクッキーも実装します。
+=begin original
+Instances of the class I<HTTP::Cookies> are able to store a collection
+of Set-Cookie2: and Set-Cookie: headers and are able to use this
+information to initialize Cookie-headers in I<HTTP::Request> objects.
+The state of a I<HTTP::Cookies> object can be saved in and restored from
+=end original
+I<HTTP::Cookies> クラスのインスタンスは Set-Cookie2: と
+Set-Cookie: ヘッダの集まりを格納することができ、この情報を
+I<HTTP::Request> オブジェクトの Cookie ヘッダを初期化するために
+I<HTTP::Cookies> オブジェクトの状態はファイルに格納でき、ファイルから
+=head1 METHODS
+=begin original
+The following methods are provided:
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item $cookie_jar = HTTP::Cookies->new
+=begin original
+The constructor takes hash style parameters.  The following
+parameters are recognized:
+=end original
+=begin original
+  file:            name of the file to restore cookies from and save cookies to
+  autosave:        save during destruction (bool)
+  ignore_discard:  save even cookies that are requested to be discarded (bool)
+  hide_cookie2:    do not add Cookie2 header to requests
+=end original
+  file:            クッキーが取り出され、保存されるファイルの名前
+  autosave:        破壊の間に保存される (bool) 
+  ignore_discard:  捨てるように要求されてもクッキーを保存する (bool) 
+  hide_cookie2:    リクエストに Cookie2 ヘッダを追加しない
+=begin original
+Future parameters might include (not yet implemented):
+=end original
+将来以下のパラメータが入ります (まだ実装されていません):
+  max_cookies               300
+  max_cookies_per_domain    20
+  max_cookie_size           4096
+  no_cookies   list of domain names that we never return cookies to
+=item $cookie_jar->add_cookie_header( $request )
+=begin original
+The add_cookie_header() method will set the appropriate Cookie:-header
+for the I<HTTP::Request> object given as argument.  The $request must
+have a valid url attribute before this method is called.
+=end original
+add_cookie_header() メソッドは適切な Cookie:-ヘッダ を引数として
+与えられた I<HTTP::Request> オブジェクトに設定します。
+このメソッドが呼ばれる前に、$request は適切な url 属性を
+=item $cookie_jar->extract_cookies( $response )
+=begin original
+The extract_cookies() method will look for Set-Cookie: and
+Set-Cookie2: headers in the I<HTTP::Response> object passed as
+argument.  Any of these headers that are found are used to update
+the state of the $cookie_jar.
+=end original
+extract_cookies() メソッドは Set-Cookie: と Set-Cookie2: を引数として
+渡された I<HTTP::Response> から探します。
+見つかったこれらのヘッダはすべて、$cookie_jar の状態を更新するために
+=item $cookie_jar->set_cookie( $version, $key, $val, $path, $domain, $port, $path_spec, $secure, $maxage, $discard, \%rest )
+=begin original
+The set_cookie() method updates the state of the $cookie_jar.  The
+$key, $val, $domain, $port and $path arguments are strings.  The
+$path_spec, $secure, $discard arguments are boolean values. The $maxage
+value is a number indicating number of seconds that this cookie will
+live.  A value <= 0 will delete this cookie.  %rest defines
+various other attributes like "Comment" and "CommentURL".
+=end original
+set_cookie() メソッドは $cookie_jar の状態を更新します。
+$key, $val, $domain, $port, $path 引数は文字列です。
+$path_spec, $secure, $discard 引数はブール値です。
+$maxage はこのクッキーが生きている秒数を示します。
+値が <=0 はこのクッキーを削除します。
+%rest は "Comment" や "CommentURL" のような他の様々な属性を定義します。
+=item $cookie_jar->save
+=item $cookie_jar->save( $file )
+=begin original
+This method file saves the state of the $cookie_jar to a file.
+The state can then be restored later using the load() method.  If a
+filename is not specified we will use the name specified during
+construction.  If the attribute I<ignore_discard> is set, then we
+will even save cookies that are marked to be discarded.
+=end original
+このメソッドは $cookie_jar の状態をファイルに保存します。
+この状態は load() メソッドを使って取り出すことが出来ます。
+属性 I<ignore_discared> が設定されれば、廃棄するように印のついた
+=begin original
+The default is to save a sequence of "Set-Cookie3" lines.
+"Set-Cookie3" is a proprietary LWP format, not known to be compatible
+with any browser.  The I<HTTP::Cookies::Netscape> sub-class can
+be used to save in a format compatible with Netscape.
+=end original
+デフォルトは "Set-Cookie3" の行の並びを保存します。
+"Set-Cookie3" は LWP 専用のフォーマットです、他のブラウザとの互換性は
+I<HTTP::Cookies::Netscape> サブクラスは Netscape と互換性のある
+=item $cookie_jar->load
+=item $cookie_jar->load( $file )
+=begin original
+This method reads the cookies from the file and adds them to the
+$cookie_jar.  The file must be in the format written by the save()
+=end original
+このメソッドはファイルからクッキーを読みこみ、$cookie_jar に追加します。
+ファイルは save() メソッドにより書かれたフォーマットでなければなりません。
+=item $cookie_jar->revert
+=begin original
+This method empties the $cookie_jar and re-loads the $cookie_jar
+from the last save file.
+=end original
+このメソッドは $cookie_jar を空とし、最後に保存したファイルから
+$cookie_jar をリロードします。
+=item $cookie_jar->clear
+=item $cookie_jar->clear( $domain )
+=item $cookie_jar->clear( $domain, $path )
+=item $cookie_jar->clear( $domain, $path, $key )
+=begin original
+Invoking this method without arguments will empty the whole
+$cookie_jar.  If given a single argument only cookies belonging to
+that domain will be removed.  If given two arguments, cookies
+belonging to the specified path within that domain are removed.  If
+given three arguments, then the cookie with the specified key, path
+and domain is removed.
+=end original
+引数無しでこのメソッドを呼び出すと $cookie_jar 全体を空にします。
+=item $cookie_jar->clear_temporary_cookies
+=begin original
+Discard all temporary cookies. Scans for all cookies in the jar
+with either no expire field or a true C<discard> flag. To be
+called when the user agent shuts down according to RFC 2965.
+=end original
+Discard all temporary cookies. Scans for all cookies in the jar
+with either no expire field or a true C<discard> flag. To be
+called when the user agent shuts down according to RFC 2965.
+=item $cookie_jar->scan( \&callback )
+=begin original
+The argument is a subroutine that will be invoked for each cookie
+stored in the $cookie_jar.  The subroutine will be invoked with
+the following arguments:
+=end original
+引数はクッキーが $cookie_jar に格納されるたびに呼び出される
+=begin original
+  0  version
+  1  key
+  2  val
+  3  path
+  4  domain
+  5  port
+  6  path_spec
+  7  secure
+  8  expires
+  9  discard
+ 10  hash
+=end original
+  0  バージョン (version)
+  1  キー (key) 
+  2  値 (val) 
+  3  パス (path) 
+  4  ドメイン (domain) 
+  5  ポート (port) 
+  6  パス指定 (path_spec) 
+  7  セキュリティ (secure) 
+  8  終了 (expires) 
+  9  廃棄 (discard) 
+ 10  ハッシュ (hash) 
+=item $cookie_jar->as_string
+=item $cookie_jar->as_string( $skip_discardables )
+=begin original
+The as_string() method will return the state of the $cookie_jar
+represented as a sequence of "Set-Cookie3" header lines separated by
+"\n".  If $skip_discardables is TRUE, it will not return lines for
+cookies with the I<Discard> attribute.
+=end original
+as_string() メソッドは "\n" で区切られた "Set-Cookie3" ヘッダ行の並びで
+表された $cookie_jar の状態を返します。
+$skip_discard が TRUE であれば、I<Discard> 属性を持ったクッキーのための行は
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+L<HTTP::Cookies::Netscape>, L<HTTP::Cookies::Microsoft>
+Copyright 1997-2002 Gisle Aas
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta
Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Daemon.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Daemon.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Jul  4 19:36:21 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Daemon.pod	Sun Jul  4 19:36:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,617 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+HTTP::Daemon - a simple http server class
+=end original
+HTTP::Daemon - 簡単な http サーバクラス
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+  use HTTP::Daemon;
+  use HTTP::Status;
+  my $d = HTTP::Daemon->new || die;
+  print "Please contact me at: <URL:", $d->url, ">\n";
+  while (my $c = $d->accept) {
+      while (my $r = $c->get_request) {
+	  if ($r->method eq 'GET' and $r->url->path eq "/xyzzy") {
+              # remember, this is *not* recommended practice :-)
+	      $c->send_file_response("/etc/passwd");
+	  }
+	  else {
+	      $c->send_error(RC_FORBIDDEN)
+	  }
+      }
+      $c->close;
+      undef($c);
+  }
+=begin original
+Instances of the C<HTTP::Daemon> class are HTTP/1.1 servers that
+listen on a socket for incoming requests. The C<HTTP::Daemon> is a
+subclass of C<IO::Socket::INET>, so you can perform socket operations
+directly on it too.
+=end original
+C<HTTP::Daemon> のインスタンスは、リクエストがやってくるソケットを
+listen する HTTP/1.1 サーバです。
+C<HTTP::Daemon> は C<IO::Socket::INET> クラスのサブクラスなので、
+=begin original
+The accept() method will return when a connection from a client is
+available.  The returned value will be an C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn>
+object which is another C<IO::Socket::INET> subclass.  Calling the
+get_request() method on this object will read data from the client and
+return an C<HTTP::Request> object.  The ClientConn object also provide
+methods to send back various responses.
+=end original
+accept() メソッドはクライアントからの接続が利用可能になると返ります。
+返された値は C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn> クラスのオブジェクトで、
+それはもう一つの C<IO::Socket::INET> のサブクラスです。
+このオブジェクトに get_request() メソッドを呼ぶと、クライアントから
+データを読み込み、C<HTTP::Request> オブジェクトを返します。
+The ClientConn object also provide
+methods to send back various responses.
+=begin original
+This HTTP daemon does not fork(2) for you.  Your application, i.e. the
+user of the C<HTTP::Daemon> is responsible for forking if that is
+desirable.  Also note that the user is responsible for generating
+responses that conform to the HTTP/1.1 protocol.
+=end original
+この HTTP デーモンはあなたの代わりに fork(2) をしません。
+あなたのアプリケーション、つまり C<HTTP::Daemon> のユーザは、必要なら
+またユーザは HTTP/1.1 プロトコルに従ったレスポンスを作成することに責任を
+=begin original
+The following methods of C<HTTP::Daemon> are new (or enhanced) relative
+to the C<IO::Socket::INET> base class:
+=end original
+以下 の C<HTTP::Daemon> メソッドは C<IO::Socket::INET> 基底クラスとの
+比較で、新しい (もしくは拡張された) ものです:
+=over 4
+=item $d = HTTP::Daemon->new
+=item $d = HTTP::Daemon->new( %opts )
+=begin original
+The constructor method takes the same arguments as the
+C<IO::Socket::INET> constructor, but unlike its base class it can also
+be called without any arguments.  The daemon will then set up a listen
+queue of 5 connections and allocate some random port number.
+=end original
+コンストラクタメソッドは C<IO::Socket::INET> コンストラクタと同じ
+デーモンは五つの接続の listen キューを設定し、いくつかのランダムな
+=begin original
+A server that wants to bind to some specific address on the standard
+HTTP port will be constructed like this:
+=end original
+ある特定のアドレスの標準の HTTP ポートでバインドしたいサーバは
+  $d = HTTP::Daemon->new(
+           LocalAddr => 'www.thisplace.com',
+           LocalPort => 80,
+       );
+=begin original
+See L<IO::Socket::INET> for a description of other arguments that can
+be used configure the daemon during construction.
+=end original
+See L<IO::Socket::INET> for a description of other arguments that can
+be used configure the daemon during construction.
+=item $c = $d->accept
+=item $c = $d->accept( $pkg )
+=item ($c, $peer_addr) = $d->accept
+=begin original
+This method works the same the one provided by the base class, but it
+returns an C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn> reference by default.  If a
+package name is provided as argument, then the returned object will be
+blessed into the given class.  It is probably a good idea to make that
+class a subclass of C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn>.
+=end original
+C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn> リファレンスを返します。
+If a
+package name is provided as argument, then the returned object will be
+blessed into the given class.  It is probably a good idea to make that
+class a subclass of C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn>.
+=begin original
+The accept method will return C<undef> if timeouts have been enabled
+and no connection is made within the given time.  The timeout() method
+is described in L<IO::Socket>.
+=end original
+The accept method will return C<undef> if timeouts have been enabled
+and no connection is made within the given time.  The timeout() method
+is described in L<IO::Socket>.
+=begin original
+In list context both the client object and the peer address will be
+returned; see the description of the accept method L<IO::Socket> for
+=end original
+In list context both the client object and the peer address will be
+returned; see the description of the accept method L<IO::Socket> for
+=item $d->url
+=begin original
+Returns a URL string that can be used to access the server root.
+=end original
+サーバルートにアクセスするために使われる URL 文字列を返します。
+=item $d->product_tokens
+=begin original
+Returns the name that this server will use to identify itself.  This
+is the string that is sent with the C<Server> response header.  The
+main reason to have this method is that subclasses can override it if
+they want to use another product name.
+=end original
+これは C<Server> レスポンスヘッダで送信される文字列です。
+=begin original
+The default is the string "libwww-perl-daemon/#.##" where "#.##" is
+replaced with the version number of this module.
+=end original
+The default is the string "libwww-perl-daemon/#.##" where "#.##" is
+replaced with the version number of this module.
+=begin original
+The C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn> is a C<IO::Socket::INET>
+subclass. Instances of this class are returned by the accept() method
+of C<HTTP::Daemon>.  The following methods are provided:
+=end original
+C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn> は C<IO::Socket::INET> のサブクラスです。
+このクラスのインスタンスは C<HTTP::Daemon> の accept() メソッドにより
+=over 4
+=item $c->get_request
+=item $c->get_request( $headers_only )
+=begin original
+This method read data from the client and turns it into an
+C<HTTP::Request> object which is returned.  It returns C<undef>
+if reading fails.  If it fails, then the C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn>
+object ($c) should be discarded, and you should not try call this
+method again on it.  The $c->reason method might give you some
+information about why $c->get_request failed.
+=end original
+C<HTTP::Request> オブジェクトに変換します。
+読み込みに失敗すれば、C<undef> を返します。
+もし失敗すれば、C<HTTP::Daemon::ClientConn> オブジェクト ($c) は
+$c->reason メソッドは、なぜ $c->get_request が失敗したかについての情報を
+=begin original
+The get_request() method will normally not return until the whole
+request has been received from the client.  This might not be what you
+want if the request is an upload of a large file (and with chunked
+transfer encoding HTTP can even support infinite request messages -
+uploading live audio for instance).  If you pass a TRUE value as the
+$headers_only argument, then get_request() will return immediately
+after parsing the request headers and you are responsible for reading
+the rest of the request content.  If you are going to call
+$c->get_request again on the same connection you better read the
+correct number of bytes.
+=end original
+get_request() メソッドは通常はすべてのリクエストがクライアントから
+もしリクエストが大きいファイルをアップロードする (そしてチャンクされた
+転送エンコーディングで HTTP が無限のリクエストメッセージをサポートすること
+- 例えばライブな音声のアップロード - が出来たとしても) のであれば、
+$headers_only 引数として TRUE を渡すと、get_request() は、
+もし同じ接続に $c->get_request を再び呼び出せば、正しいバイト数を
+=item $c->read_buffer
+=item $c->read_buffer( $new_value )
+=begin original
+Bytes read by $c->get_request, but not used are placed in the I<read
+buffer>.  The next time $c->get_request is called it will consume the
+bytes in this buffer before reading more data from the network
+connection itself.  The read buffer is invalid after $c->get_request
+has failed.
+=end original
+$c->get_request により読み込まれたけれども I<read buffer> に置かれたバイト列。
+次に $c->get_request が呼ばれると、ネットワーク接続自身からより多くのデータを
+=begin original
+If you handle the reading of the request content yourself you need to
+empty this buffer before you read more and you need to place
+unconsumed bytes here.  You also need this buffer if you implement
+services like I<101 Switching Protocols>.
+=end original
+I<101 Switching Protocols> のようなサービスを実装するのであっても、この
+=begin original
+This method always return the old buffer content and can optionally
+replace the buffer content if you pass it an argument.
+=end original
+=item $c->reason
+=begin original
+When $c->get_request returns C<undef> you can obtain a short string
+describing why it happened by calling $c->reason.
+=end original
+$c->get_request が C<undef> を返すとき、$c->reason を呼び出すことにより、
+=item $c->proto_ge( $proto )
+=begin original
+Return TRUE if the client announced a protocol with version number
+greater or equal to the given argument.  The $proto argument can be a
+string like "HTTP/1.1" or just "1.1".
+=end original
+同じだといっている場合、TRUE を返します。
+$proto 引数は "HTTP/1.1" や単に "1.1" のような文字列にすることが出来ます。
+=item $c->antique_client
+=begin original
+Return TRUE if the client speaks the HTTP/0.9 protocol.  No status
+code and no headers should be returned to such a client.  This should
+be the same as !$c->proto_ge("HTTP/1.0").
+=end original
+クライアントが HTTP/0.9 プロトコルを話していれば TRUE を返します。
+これは !$c->proto_ge("HTTP/1.0") と同じです。
+=item $c->head_request
+=begin original
+Return TRUE if the last request was a C<HEAD> request.  No content
+body must be generated for these requests.
+=end original
+Return TRUE if the last request was a C<HEAD> request.  No content
+body must be generated for these requests.
+=item $c->force_last_request
+=begin original
+Make sure that $c->get_request will not try to read more requests off
+this connection.  If you generate a response that is not self
+delimiting, then you should signal this fact by calling this method.
+=end original
+$c->get_request がこの接続にさらにリクエストをしないことを保証します。
+=begin original
+This attribute is turned on automatically if the client announces
+protocol HTTP/1.0 or worse and does not include a "Connection:
+Keep-Alive" header.  It is also turned on automatically when HTTP/1.1
+or better clients send the "Connection: close" request header.
+=end original
+属性はクライアントプロトコルが HTTP/1.0 またはそれより悪く、
+"Connection;", "Keep-Alive" ヘッダを含まないといっていれば、
+また HTTP/1.1 またはそれよりもよいクライアントが
+"Connection:close" リクエストヘッダを送信するときにも自動的にオンに
+=item $c->send_status_line
+=item $c->send_status_line( $code )
+=item $c->send_status_line( $code, $mess )
+=item $c->send_status_line( $code, $mess, $proto )
+=begin original
+Send the status line back to the client.  If $code is omitted 200 is
+assumed.  If $mess is omitted, then a message corresponding to $code
+is inserted.  If $proto is missing the content of the
+$HTTP::Daemon::PROTO variable is used.
+=end original
+$code が省略されると、200 が仮定されます。
+$mess が省略されると、$code に対応するメッセージが挿入されます。
+$proto が省略されると、$HTTP::Daemon::PROTO 変数の内容が使われます。
+=item $c->send_crlf
+=begin original
+Send the CRLF sequence to the client.
+=end original
+クライアントに CRLF の並びを送信します。
+=item $c->send_basic_header
+=item $c->send_basic_header( $code )
+=item $c->send_basic_header( $code, $mess )
+=item $c->send_basic_header( $code, $mess, $proto )
+=begin original
+Send the status line and the "Date:" and "Server:" headers back to
+the client.  This header is assumed to be continued and does not end
+with an empty CRLF line.
+=end original
+ステータス行と "Date:" と" Server:" ヘッダをクライアントに送信します。
+このヘッダは続いていて、空の CRLF 行で終わらないことを仮定しています。
+=begin original
+See the description of send_status_line() for the description of the
+accepted arguments.
+=end original
+See the description of send_status_line() for the description of the
+accepted arguments.
+=item $c->send_response( $res )
+=begin original
+Write a C<HTTP::Response> object to the
+client as a response.  We try hard to make sure that the response is
+self delimiting so that the connection can stay persistent for further
+request/response exchanges.
+=end original
+クライアントにレスポンスとして C<HTTP::Response> オブジェクトを書きます。
+=begin original
+The content attribute of the C<HTTP::Response> object can be a normal
+string or a subroutine reference.  If it is a subroutine, then
+whatever this callback routine returns is written back to the
+client as the response content.  The routine will be called until it
+return an undefined or empty value.  If the client is HTTP/1.1 aware
+then we will use chunked transfer encoding for the response.
+=end original
+C<HTTP::Response> オブジェクトの content 属性は通常の文字列または
+もしクライアントが HTTP/1.1 がわかれば、レスポンスにチャンクされた
+=item $c->send_redirect( $loc )
+=item $c->send_redirect( $loc, $code )
+=item $c->send_redirect( $loc, $code, $entity_body )
+=begin original
+Send a redirect response back to the client.  The location ($loc) can
+be an absolute or relative URL. The $code must be one the redirect
+status codes, and defaults to "301 Moved Permanently"
+=end original
+ロケーション ($loc) は絶対あるいは相対 URL を指定することが出来ます。
+$code はリダイレクトステータスコードの一つでなければなりません。
+そしてデフォルトは "301 Moved Permanently" です。
+=item $c->send_error
+=item $c->send_error( $code )
+=item $c->send_error( $code, $error_message )
+=begin original
+Send an error response back to the client.  If the $code is missing a
+"Bad Request" error is reported.  The $error_message is a string that
+is incorporated in the body of the HTML entity body.
+=end original
+$code がなければ "Bad Request" エラーが報告されます。
+$error_message は HTML エンティティボディのボディに結合さた文字列です。
+=item $c->send_file_response( $filename )
+=begin original
+Send back a response with the specified $filename as content.  If the
+file is a directory we try to generate an HTML index of it.
+=end original
+指定された $filename をコンテンツとしたレスポンスを返します。
+もし file がディレクトリであれば、その HTML インデックスを作ろうとします。
+=item $c->send_file( $filename )
+=item $c->send_file( $fd )
+=begin original
+Copy the file to the client.  The file can be a string (which
+will be interpreted as a filename) or a reference to an C<IO::Handle>
+or glob.
+=end original
+ファイルは文字列 (ファイル名として解釈されます) または C<IO::Handle> への
+リファレンスまたは glob のいずれかを指定することが出来ます。
+=item $c->daemon
+=begin original
+Return a reference to the corresponding C<HTTP::Daemon> object.
+=end original
+対応する C<HTTP::Daemon> オブジェクトへのリファレンスを返します。
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+RFC 2616
+L<IO::Socket::INET>, L<IO::Socket>
+Copyright 1996-2003, Gisle Aas
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta
Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Negotiate.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Negotiate.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Jul  4 19:36:21 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Negotiate.pod	Sun Jul  4 19:36:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,471 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+HTTP::Negotiate - choose a variant to serve
+=end original
+HTTP::Negotiate - サービスするドキュメントの変数を選択する
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use HTTP::Negotiate qw(choose);
+ #  ID       QS     Content-Type   Encoding Char-Set        Lang   Size
+ $variants =
+  [['var1',  1.000, 'text/html',   undef,   'iso-8859-1',   'en',   3000],
+   ['var2',  0.950, 'text/plain',  'gzip',  'us-ascii',     'no',    400],
+   ['var3',  0.3,   'image/gif',   undef,   undef,          undef, 43555],
+  ];
+ @preferred = choose($variants, $request_headers);
+ $the_one   = choose($variants);
+=begin original
+This module provides a complete implementation of the HTTP content
+negotiation algorithm specified in F<draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.ps>
+chapter 12.  Content negotiation allows for the selection of a
+preferred content representation based upon attributes of the
+negotiable variants and the value of the various Accept* header fields
+in the request.
+=end original
+このモジュールは F<draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.ps> chapter 12 で
+指定された HTTP コンテントネゴシエーションの完全な実装を提供します。
+Accept* ヘッダフィールドの値の属性に基づいた、優先された内容表記の選択を
+=begin original
+The variants are ordered by preference by calling the function
+=end original
+変数は関数 choose() の呼び出しにより、優先順序が並べられます。
+=begin original
+The first parameter is reference to an array of the variants to
+choose among.
+Each element in this array is an array with the values [$id, $qs,
+$content_type, $content_encoding, $charset, $content_language,
+$content_length] whose meanings are described
+below. The $content_encoding and $content_language can be either a
+single scalar value or an array reference if there are several values.
+=end original
+この配列の各要素は [$id, $qs, $content_type, $content_encoding, $charset,
+$content_language, $content_length] という値をもった配列です。
+$content_encoding と $content_language は一つのスカラ値または複数の値が
+=begin original
+The second optional parameter is either a HTTP::Headers or a HTTP::Request
+object which is searched for "Accept*" headers.  If this
+parameter is missing, then the accept specification is initialized
+from the CGI environment variables HTTP_ACCEPT, HTTP_ACCEPT_CHARSET,
+=end original
+2 番目のオプションのパラメータは HTTP::Header または
+HTTP::Request オブジェクトのどちらで、"Accept*" ヘッダが探されます。
+このパラメータがなければ、accept の指定は CGI
+=begin original
+In an array context, choose() returns a list of [variant
+identifier, calculated quality, size] tuples.  The values are sorted by
+quality, highest quality first.  If the calculated quality is the same
+for two variants, then they are sorted by size (smallest first). I<E.g.>:
+=end original
+配列コンテキストでは、choose() は
+[variant identifier, calculated quality, size]
+  (['var1', 1, 2000], ['var2', 0.3, 512], ['var3', 0.3, 1024]);
+=begin original
+Note that also zero quality variants are included in the return list
+even if these should never be served to the client.
+=end original
+=begin original
+In a scalar context, it returns the identifier of the variant with the
+highest score or C<undef> if none have non-zero quality.
+=end original
+ゼロでなければ、C<undef> を返します。
+=begin original
+If the $HTTP::Negotiate::DEBUG variable is set to TRUE, then a lot of
+noise is generated on STDOUT during evaluation of choose().
+=end original
+$HTTP::Negotiate::DEBUG 変数が TRUE に設定されれば、choose() の評価の間、
+多くのノイズが STDOUT に生成されます。
+=head1 VARIANTS
+=begin original
+A variant is described by a list of the following values.  If the
+attribute does not make sense or is unknown for a variant, then use
+C<undef> instead.
+=end original
+属性がおかしいか、その変数には当てはまらなければ変わりに C<undef> を
+=over 3
+=item identifier
+=begin original
+This is a string that you use as the name for the variant.  This
+identifier for the preferred variants returned by choose().
+=end original
+この選択された変数への識別子は choose() により返されます。
+=item qs
+=begin original
+This is a number between 0.000 and 1.000 that describes the "source
+quality".  This is what F<draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.ps> says about this
+=end original
+これは 0.000 から 1.000 までの数値で、"source quality" を記述します。
+これは F<draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.ps> がこの値について記述しています:
+=begin original
+Source quality is measured by the content provider as representing the
+amount of degradation from the original source.  For example, a
+picture in JPEG form would have a lower qs when translated to the XBM
+format, and much lower qs when translated to an ASCII-art
+representation.  Note, however, that this is a function of the source
+- an original piece of ASCII-art may degrade in quality if it is
+captured in JPEG form.  The qs values should be assigned to each
+variant by the content provider; if no qs value has been assigned, the
+default is generally "qs=1".
+=end original
+source quality は、コンテントプロバイダによって図られ、オリジナルの
+例えば JPEG 形式の絵は XBM 形式に変換されるとより低い qs を持ちます。
+アスキーアート表現に変換されるとさらに低い qs になります。
+しかしながらこれはソースの関数であることに注意してください -
+アスキーアート が JPEG 形式でキャプチャされたら、そのほうが品質として
+qs の値はコンテントプロバイダにより各変数が設定されなければなりません。
+qs に値が代入されなければ、デフォルトは一般的に "qs=1" です。
+=item content-type
+=begin original
+This is the media type of the variant.  The media type does not
+include a charset attribute, but might contain other parameters.
+Examples are:
+=end original
+  text/html
+  text/html;version=2.0
+  text/plain
+  image/gif
+  image/jpg
+=item content-encoding
+=begin original
+This is one or more content encodings that has been applied to the
+variant.  The content encoding is generally used as a modifier to the
+content media type.  The most common content encodings are:
+=end original
+  gzip
+  compress
+=item content-charset
+=begin original
+This is the character set used when the variant contains text.
+The charset value should generally be C<undef> or one of these:
+=end original
+文字セット値は一般的に C<undef> であるか、いかのいずれかでなければなりません:
+  us-ascii
+  iso-8859-1 ... iso-8859-9
+  iso-2022-jp
+  iso-2022-jp-2
+  iso-2022-kr
+  unicode-1-1
+  unicode-1-1-utf-7
+  unicode-1-1-utf-8
+=item content-language
+=begin original
+This describes one or more languages that are used in the variant.
+Language is described like this in F<draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.ps>: A
+language is in this context a natural language spoken, written, or
+otherwise conveyed by human beings for communication of information to
+other human beings.  Computer languages are explicitly excluded.
+=end original
+言語は F<draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.ps> で記述されているようなものです:
+=begin original
+The language tags are defined by RFC 3066.  Examples
+=end original
+language タグは RFC-3066 で定義されています。
+  no               Norwegian
+  en               International English
+  en-US            US English
+  en-cockney
+=item content-length
+=begin original
+This is the number of bytes used to represent the content.
+=end original
+=begin original
+The following Accept* headers can be used for describing content
+preferences in a request (This description is an edited extract from
+=end original
+以下の Accept* ヘッダはリクエストの中でコンテント優先順位を記述するために
+使われます (この説明は F<draft-ietf-http-v11-spec-00.ps> から取り出し
+=over 3
+=item Accept
+=begin original
+This header can be used to indicate a list of media ranges which are
+acceptable as a response to the request.  The "*" character is used to
+group media types into ranges, with "*/*" indicating all media types
+and "type/*" indicating all subtypes of that type.
+=end original
+"*" 文字はメディアタイプのまとめて範囲に入れるために使われます。
+"*/*" はすべてのメディアタイプを示し、"type/*" はその type の
+=begin original
+The parameter q is used to indicate the quality factor, which
+represents the user's preference for that range of media types.  The
+parameter mbx gives the maximum acceptable size of the response
+content. The default values are: q=1 and mbx=infinity. If no Accept
+header is present, then the client accepts all media types with q=1.
+=end original
+パラメータ q はクオリティ要素を示すために使われます。
+パラメータ mbx はレスポンスコンテントの受信可能な最大サイズを与えます。
+デフォルトの値は q=1 で mbx は無限大です。
+Accept がなければ、クライアントはすべてのメディアタイプを q=1 で受取ります。
+=begin original
+For example:
+=end original
+  Accept: audio/*;q=0.2;mbx=200000, audio/basic
+=begin original
+would mean: "I prefer audio/basic (of any size), but send me any audio
+type if it is the best available after an 80% mark-down in quality and
+its size is less than 200000 bytes"
+=end original
+これは 「私は (すべての大きさの) audio/basic を好みますが、もし利用できる
+一番よいものから 80% クオリティが落ち、2000000 バイトよりも小さいければ、
+すべての audio タイプを送信しなさい」という意味です。
+=item Accept-Charset
+=begin original
+Used to indicate what character sets are acceptable for the response.
+The "us-ascii" character set is assumed to be acceptable for all user
+agents.  If no Accept-Charset field is given, the default is that any
+charset is acceptable.  Example:
+=end original
+"us-ascii" 文字セットはすべてのユーザエージェントに受け入れられると
+Accept-Charset フィールドがなければ、デフォルトはすべての文字セットが
+  Accept-Charset: iso-8859-1, unicode-1-1
+=item Accept-Encoding
+=begin original
+Restricts the Content-Encoding values which are acceptable in the
+response.  If no Accept-Encoding field is present, the server may
+assume that the client will accept any content encoding.  An empty
+Accept-Encoding means that no content encoding is acceptable.  Example:
+=end original
+レスポンスで受取ることが出来る Content-Encoding の値を制限します。
+Accept-Encoding フィールドがなければ、サーバはクライアントがすべての
+content encoding を受取ると想定することが出来ます。
+Accept-Encoding が空であれば、content encoding は何も受取ることが
+  Accept-Encoding: compress, gzip
+=item Accept-Language
+=begin original
+This field is similar to Accept, but restricts the set of natural
+languages that are preferred in a response.  Each language may be
+given an associated quality value which represents an estimate of the
+user's comprehension of that language.  For example:
+=end original
+このフィールドは Accept に似ています。
+  Accept-Language: no, en-gb;q=0.8, de;q=0.55
+=begin original
+would mean: "I prefer Norwegian, but will accept British English (with
+80% comprehension) or German (with 55% comprehension).
+=end original
+これは「私はノルウェー語を好みますが、しかし英国英語(British English)を
+(80% の理解度で)やドイツ語(55% の理解度で)も受け取ります」ということを
+Copyright 1996,2001 Gisle Aas.
+This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
+modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Gisle Aas <gisle****@aas*****>
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta
Index: docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Status.pod
diff -u /dev/null docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Status.pod:1.1
--- /dev/null	Sun Jul  4 19:36:21 2010
+++ docs/modules/libwww-perl-5.813/HTTP/Status.pod	Sun Jul  4 19:36:21 2010
@@ -0,0 +1,257 @@
+=encoding euc-jp
+=head1 NAME
+=begin original
+HTTP::Status - HTTP Status code processing
+=end original
+HTTP::Status - HTTP ステータスコード処理
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+ use HTTP::Status;
+ if ($rc != RC_OK) {
+     print status_message($rc), "\n";
+ }
+ if (is_success($rc)) { ... }
+ if (is_error($rc)) { ... }
+ if (is_redirect($rc)) { ... }
+=begin original
+I<HTTP::Status> is a library of routines for defining and
+classifying HTTP status codes for libwww-perl.  Status codes are
+used to encode the overall outcome of a HTTP response message.  Codes
+correspond to those defined in RFC 2616 and RFC 2518.
+=end original
+I<HTTP::Status> は libwww-perl のための HTTP ステータスコードの定義と
+ステータスコードは HTTP レスポンスメッセージの全体の結果をコードにするために
+コードは RFC2616 と RFC2518 で定義されたものに対応します。
+=begin original
+The following constant functions can be used as mnemonic status code
+=end original
+   RC_CONTINUE				(100)
+   RC_PROCESSING                        (102)
+   RC_OK				(200)
+   RC_CREATED				(201)
+   RC_ACCEPTED				(202)
+   RC_NO_CONTENT			(204)
+   RC_RESET_CONTENT			(205)
+   RC_MULTI_STATUS                      (207)
+   RC_FOUND				(302)
+   RC_SEE_OTHER				(303)
+   RC_NOT_MODIFIED			(304)
+   RC_USE_PROXY				(305)
+   RC_BAD_REQUEST			(400)
+   RC_FORBIDDEN				(403)
+   RC_NOT_FOUND				(404)
+   RC_CONFLICT				(409)
+   RC_GONE				(410)
+   RC_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY              (422)
+   RC_LOCKED                            (423)
+   RC_FAILED_DEPENDENCY                 (424)
+   RC_NO_CODE                           (425)
+   RC_UPGRADE_REQUIRED                  (426)
+   RC_RETRY_WITH                        (449)
+   RC_BAD_GATEWAY			(502)
+   RC_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES           (506)
+   RC_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE              (507)
+   RC_NOT_EXTENDED                      (510)
+=begin original
+The following additional functions are provided.  Most of them are
+exported by default.
+=end original
+=over 4
+=item status_message( $code )
+=begin original
+The status_message() function will translate status codes to human
+readable strings. The string is the same as found in the constant
+names above.  If the $code is unknown, then C<undef> is returned.
+=end original
+status_message() 関数はステータスコードを人間にも読める文字列に変換します。
+$code がわからないと、C<undef> が返されます。
+=item is_info( $code )
+=begin original
+Return TRUE if C<$code> is an I<Informational> status code (1xx).  This
+class of status code indicates a provisional response which can't have
+any content.
+=end original
+C<$code> が I<情報的> なステータスコード (1xx) であれば TRUE を返します。
+=item is_success( $code )
+=begin original
+Return TRUE if C<$code> is a I<Successful> status code (2xx).
+=end original
+C<$code> が I<正常> なステータスコード (2xx) であれば TRUE を返します。
+=item is_redirect( $code )
+=begin original
+Return TRUE if C<$code> is a I<Redirection> status code (3xx). This class of
+status code indicates that further action needs to be taken by the
+user agent in order to fulfill the request.
+=end original
+C<$code> が I<リダイレクト> のステータスコード (3xx) であれば
+TRUE を返します。
+=item is_error( $code )
+=begin original
+Return TRUE if C<$code> is an I<Error> status code (4xx or 5xx).  The function
+return TRUE for both client error or a server error status codes.
+=end original
+C<$code> が I<エラー> のステータスコード (4xx か 5xx) であれば TRUE を返します。
+TRUE を返します。
+=item is_client_error( $code )
+=begin original
+Return TRUE if C<$code> is an I<Client Error> status code (4xx). This class
+of status code is intended for cases in which the client seems to have
+=end original
+C<$code> が I<クライアントエラー> のステータスコード (4xx) であれば
+=begin original
+This function is B<not> exported by default.
+=end original
+=item is_server_error( $code )
+=begin original
+Return TRUE if C<$code> is an I<Server Error> status code (5xx). This class
+of status codes is intended for cases in which the server is aware
+that it has erred or is incapable of performing the request.
+=end original
+C<$code> が I<サーバーエラー> のステータスコード (5xx) であれば
+TRUE を返します。
+=begin original
+This function is B<not> exported by default.
+=end original
+=head1 BUGS
+=begin original
+Wished @EXPORT_OK had been used instead of @EXPORT in the beginning.
+Now too much is exported by default.
+=end original
+始めに @EXPORT の代りに期待された @EXPORT_OK が使われています。
+=begin meta
+Translated: Hippo2000 <GCD00****@nifty*****> (5.48)
+Updated: Kentaro SHIRAKATA <argra****@ub32*****> (5.813)
+=end meta

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