We are developing and introducing general-purpose portal applications based on the standard of JSR-168 Java Portlet API. To realize you can build homepages using many useful applications with portal server, and to popularize that is the mission of us.
PAL WCMポートレットは、Webコンテンツ管理機能を提供します。PALポータルまたはJetspeed2で利用可能です。
1) pal-wcm.warをダウンロード
2) ポータルサーバーの指示に従い、pal-wcm.war を配備
PAL WCM Portlet provides a feature of Web Content Management. This portlet is available on PAL Portal and Jetspeed2.
Step to run this portlet:
1) Get pal-wcm.war
2) Deploy pal-wcm.war(for the detail,
see portal server's document)
That's it!
First release.