待辦事項 #48968

Vartika OLM to PST Converter (From Forum Message #88280)

啟用日期: 2024-01-25 02:34 最後更新: 2024-01-25 02:35

5 - 中
5 - 中


You can use Yota OLM to PST Converter Tool on your Windows PC to securely convert OLM file to PST format. It helps you to export OLM file with all email messages, calendars, contacts and other data elements to PST file format. The software is powerful enough to convert large and any version of Mac Outlook OLM files without losing a single piece of information. Moreover, it does not need the installation of MS Outlook to begin the conversion.

Steps to Convert OLM file to PST are: 1. Run Yota OLM to PST Converter. 2. Select Mac Outlook OLM file. 3. Click Export and select PST format. 4. Hit the Save button.

Visit here: https://yotasoftware.com/olm-converter/pst.html

Ticket History (2/2 Histories)

2024-01-25 02:34 Updated by: None
  • New Ticket "Vartika OLM to PST Converter (From Forum Message #88280)" created
2024-01-25 02:35 Updated by: None

You can use Yota OLM to PST Converter Tool on your Windows PC to securely convert OLM file to PST format. It helps you to export OLM file with all email messages, calendars, contacts and other data elements to PST file format. The software is powerful enough to convert large and any version of Mac Outlook OLM files without losing a single piece of information. Moreover, it does not need the installation of MS Outlook to begin the conversion.

Steps to Convert OLM file to PST are: 1. Run Yota OLM to PST Converter. 2. Select Mac Outlook OLM file. 3. Click Export and select PST format. 4. Hit the Save button.

Visit here: https://yotasoftware.com/olm-converter/pst.html

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