討論區: 公開討論 (Thread #48314)

Why you need Microsoft Cloud PC? (2023-02-16 17:13 by peter_groft #93911)

Microsoft recently announced a new addition to their software portfolio which can allow workers of the user organizations to experience a version of Windows 10 in the cloud platform. The application has the capability of mirroring the data, settings, and applications from the other Microsoft devices so that the user can experience the complete Windows environment on a corporate or personal device. This is the reason why this application is termed the Microsoft Cloud PC.

ADVANTAGES OF SHIFTING TO WINDOWS 365 PC: A revolutionary application such as the Cloud PC Azure is expected to have quite a few advantages that can be derived by the user companies. These benefits can be categorized in the following manner:-

Remote Access The concept of cloud computing is based on the theory of remote access. This implies that a user company would be able to operate its business through a device from any remote location. The same concept applies to the Cloud PC of Windows 365 but in fact, it is way better. One of the basic advantages of having a virtual PC implies that although the user needs a physical device to log in and use the PC, the device could be anything from a workstation in the office, a laptop, or a tablet while traveling. This makes access to the cloud simple and hassle-free.

Easy for Hybrid workers Within an organization, certain employees work in a hybrid pattern which implies that they sometimes work from home and other times work at the office. An on-premise PC would not be able to allow such workers the required advantage to pick up work right from where they left before. But one of the advantages of the Virtual PC Online lies in the fact that such team members can easily leave a certain file open on the workplace PC and login and finish the work later on the virtual PC.

Lowered costing in Hardware While purchasing computers for on-premise organizational setup, the concerns of performance, memory, and storage need to be kept in mind. But, in the context of the Cloud PC, the users need a physical device only to log in to their virtual PC which saves a lot of hardware cost. In addition to this, the cloud environment of the Windows 365 cloud PC can be scaled according to the needs of the employer and the user pays for whatever is used and not more than that.

Improved security In the process of working with a team situated at a remote location, the organizations might face tricky issues related to Windows 365 devise security. In addition to this, the type of antivirus used by the members cannot be known for sure. While working with a virtual PC, the user organization stays in control of the device environment. Along with this, the process of automating updates and enforcing security policies becomes hassle-free for the organization even when the employees work in remote locations. This security feature enables the user company to allow their employees to work from their devices as the risk of data leakage minimizes to a great extent.

To know more visit: https://www.clouddesktoponline.com/cloud-pc/