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MHash-384 is a fast, portable and secure header-only hash library, released under the MIT license. It provides a very simple "stream processing" API and produces hash values with a length of 384 bits (48 bytes).

The MHash-384 library has originally been written for C and C++. It provides a "plain C" API as well as an object-oriented C++ wrapper. It also supports many compilers (MSVC, GCC, MinGW, etc.) on various platforms (Windows, Linux, etc).

Furthermore, the MHash-384 library has already been ported to various other programming languages. This currently includes the Microsoft.NET platform (C#, VB.NET, etc.), Java, Delphi (Pascal) as well as Python.

System Requirements

System requirement is not defined

MHash-384 (2 items 隱藏)

發布 2020-04-27 03:49
v2.0.0 [2020-04-26] (24 files 隱藏)

發布 2018-04-28 20:59
v1.2.1 [2018-02-07] (11 files 顯示)