[macemacsjp-english 977] Re: switch

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Peter Dyballa Peter_Dybal****@Web*****
Sat Mar 17 06:08:06 JST 2007

Am 16.03.2007 um 05:08 schrieb Seiji Zenitani:

> Shall I add your address by using administrator privilege?
> The title will be [carbon-emacs:%d].

Seiji, I think you'll need to! I tried to write a message as response  
to your recommendations how to build Carbon Emacs (mailto:carbon- 
emacs****@googl*****) and my posting was rejected: no permission!

How can we read the messages? Only in a web browser? If that's the  
only choice, then I'd prefer to be left out.

BTW, I found a bug in google groups: it does *not* cooperate with  
WebKit driven browsers, i.e. no Safari, no Shiira, no OmniWeb can be  
used to achieve everything possible in google groups.

The question I tried to ask in my rejected eMail was:

> * no fink
>      If you have installed fink in /sw,
>      temporally rename /sw to /sw.tmp or something like that.

Why do you exclude Fink? It can't be due to the ELisp code you once  
used to setup paths to TeX executables. Are there Fink packages that  
are not up-to-date enough? Or are Fink Emacs packages and settings  



   Basic, n.:
A programming language.  Related to certain social diseases in
that those who have it will not admit it in polite company.

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