[macemacsjp-english 666] Re: CJK fonts

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Seiji Zenitani zenit****@mac*****
Sat Sep 23 04:15:28 JST 2006

Dear Xah Lee-san,

On 2006/09/22, at 20:53, xah lee wrote:

> «  (require 'carbon-font) »
> Thanks!
> also learned (setq line-spacing 1) from your home page!
> http://homepage.mac.com/zenitani/elisp-j.html

Grad to hear that :-)

By the way, I believe your native language is Simplified or  
Traditional Chinese language. You will see two subsections on Chinese  
languages in the following wiki page. At a glance, these subsections  
are somehow complicated and I don't know whether they are up-to-date  
or not. If you are an expert on Chinese emacs, could you examine and  
reorganize them? (In my opinion, tips for 2005 versions are no longer  

* How do I input and display Traditional Chinese characters?
* How do I input and display Simplified Chinese characters?

best wishes,

-- Seiji

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