[macemacsjp-english 216] Re: Problem with keybindings

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Walter Smits smits****@gmail*****
Sun Sep 18 01:01:46 JST 2005

Thanks. The M-x latex-math-mode did the trick.  But for one session  
only. I don't understand why this mode is automagically loaded upon  
Carbon Emac's startup.  I checked my .emacs file, nothing's been  
added there.  I did notice though that after starting Emacs the  
status bar is showing the message:

Loading texmathp... done

And when typing M-x latex-math-mode I'm getting the message:

Latex-Math mode enabled

Shouldn't that be `disabled'? Executing the command again does say  
that it's being disabled, and it indeed remains disabled.

How do I turn it off permanently?



Op 17-sep-2005, om 17:21 heeft Jose Figueroa-O'Farrill het volgende  

>>>>>> "Walter" == Walter Smits <smits****@gmail*****> writes:
> Walter> Hi,
> Walter> I've been using Carbon Emacs + Auctex for a while now  
> without any
> Walter> problems.  But for a reason unkown to me my keybindings  
> suddenly seem
> Walter> to have become `corrupted'.  E.g typing C-c results in `\cos 
> {}' being
> Walter> inserted in my text.  What's happening?  When running Emacs  
> from the
> Walter> terminal it behaves correctly.
> This is odd.  It seems, on the face of it, as if you've accidentally
> gotten yourself into Auctex's Latex Math Mode; although in the usual
> bindings to get \cos{} you usually have to type ` C-c.  Should this be
> what has happened, make sure that this mode is off.  You can toggle
> this mode either by
> M-x latex-math-mode
> or
> C-c ~  (in the usual bindings)
> or in the menubar  LaTeX -> Math Mode (C-c ~)
> HTH,
> José
> -- 
> Prof José M Figueroa-O'Farrill  | Phone: +44 (0) 131 6505066
> School of Mathematics           | Fax: +44 (0) 131 6506553
> University of Edinburgh         | Mobile: +44 (0) 7870 239186
> Edinburgh EH9 3JZ, Scotland, UK | URL: http://www.maths.ed.ac.uk/~jmf
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