[macemacsjp-english 274] Re: how to set up command-line installs

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John Owens john_owens****@yahoo*****
Sun Oct 9 10:16:08 JST 2005

> > If I build and install the CVS version of GNU emacs, I can just do "make"
> > and it will find the proper place for the installation. It would be great
> > if Carbon Emacs would do the same.
> Perhaps setting these as environment variables once and for all will
> help.  I too would like to be able to get the Right Thing to happen
> with simply "make"; enormous commands in a shell are ugly, especially
> when there's a long string that
> ("/Applications/Emacs.app/Contents/Resources") repeats throughout.
> I'm not sure, though, whether doing so will affect things in a
> peculiar way (perhaps emacs uses these variables already and changing
> them will break something), but it's worth a try.

Seems to me the right thing to do here is that once it identifies the emacs
binary, it should also pick up the path to it and then pick up the associated
paths (info, lisp, etc.). We shouldn't have to set any environment variables
for that to happen. The cvs version of emacs appears to do this fairly well.

I do understand that the actual emacs binary in /Application/Emacs.app/ ...
is probably not in the paths of most users; the cvs build appears to symlink
/usr/local/bin/emacs to it, and we might need to do that link manually.


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